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        時間:2022-02-10 09:21:47 博士自薦信英文 我要投稿



          1.自我介紹和寫自薦信的理由 信的首段要抓住招聘經理的注意力。說明你為何寄履歷表:你對公司有興趣并想擔任他們空缺的職位?梢酝ㄟ^暗示你與公司雇員的親屬關系來表達你對公司的興趣。要說明你干的是同一行業,有著同樣的工作興趣,或者你一直通過新聞了解公司或者這個行業。 如果你由一位朋友或著同事介紹給公司,就在信中提起他們;因為招聘經理會感到有責任回復你的信(但是不要夸大其實,如果你對公司或者這行業敘述不正確,招聘者會一眼就看穿的。)當你要求擔任公司空缺時,要說得越具體越好。不要只說起工作職位,還應談談這個職位的要求。

          2.自我推薦 信的第二部分要簡短地敘述自己的才能,特別是這些才能將滿足公司的`需要。沒有必要具體陳述,因為履歷表將負責這些。 這部分你應強調你的才能和經驗將會有益于公司的發展。不要在信中表示你會因聘用而收益多少,面對桌上一大堆履歷表和許多空缺職位,招聘經理關心的不會是你的個人的成就。盡可能地少用人稱代詞"我",要讓人感到你想表達的是"我怎樣才能幫你。

          3.制訂計劃 信的結尾要表明你的下一步計劃。不要讓招聘者來決定,要自己采取行動。告訴招聘者怎樣才能與你聯絡,打電話或者發email,但不要坐等電話。要表明如果幾天內等不到他們的電話,你會自己打電話確認招聘者已收到履歷表和自薦信并安排面試。語氣肯定但要禮貌。(一些應聘者會用一段話來解釋履歷表中不清楚的地方,比如就業經歷中沒有工作的階段)




          Leaders of the Organization Department of the Party committee:


          My name is xx. I am a postdoctoral from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. I hope to work in Guangxi after leaving the mobile station.

          When I graduated from the doctor's degree, I was confused about the choice of career. My relatives and friends thought it was ideal to stay in school as a teacher or work in the Academy of Sciences, but I expected to find a job that could give full play to my own advantages, so I chose postdoctoral as the transition, and then seriously thought about how to go in my future.

          The decision to leave Beijing was well thought out. From Harbin to Beijing and get a doctorate degree, I became a family during my doctorate, bought a house in Beijing and had a stable job in Beijing. This is a dream that countless students from other provinces can't complete, but these are not what I pursue. Lofty ideals, life expectations, the call of the times, historical opportunities and future aspirations. Combined with these factors, I found that I needed a broader stage. Living conditions and treatment are not the most important factors to determine whether I can play a role in the capital, the coast or the middle. The key depends on my personal development environment. Therefore, I made a choice without hesitation - the West.

          Although it is not difficult to find a well paid and leisure job in Beijing, I prefer to work where I need to. In the acknowledgment behind the doctoral thesis, I thanked my wife and parents for their support for my studies over the years. They have been paying silently. So far, I have not given any return. When I told them my idea of joining the west, unexpectedly, everyone in my family agreed with my decision, and their support gave me confidence and hope.

          After inquiring about the situation of western provinces, I chose Guangxi for the following reasons:

          First, on January 1, xx, the China ASEAN free trade area was fully launched, which brought Guangxi international historical opportunities;

          Second: on December 7, xx, the State Council promulgated and implemented several opinions of the State Council on further promoting the economic and social development of Guangxi, making the regional economic construction of Beibu Gulf achieve a milestone leap;

          Third: Chen xiangqun, member of the Standing Committee of the Party committee and director of the Organization Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, said that at present, the number of young cadres in Guangxi's cadre team is far from meeting the needs of the change of office in xx. In xx, we will focus on the introduction and development of talents and strive to make substantive progress in talent gathering; Fourth: my doctoral supervisor was the dean of Guangxi Beihai College of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He once told me that Guangxi is a good place. If you want to do business, you can choose Guangxi.

          Since I went to college, in addition to studying, I have been actively participating in student activities and serving as student cadres in different positions, which has exercised my ability of organization and coordination. In the process of pursuing my doctoral degree, I took part in two temporary jobs, one as the assistant to the director of the logistics management office of Beihang and the other as the assistant to the general manager of Beijing No. 2 construction engineering company, so that I have not only working experience in government organs, but also working experience in state-owned enterprises. On these basis, I think I can give full play to my advantages when I work in Guangxi.

          Today's Guangxi is full of unlimited development potential. For me as a postdoctoral, it will be a hot land full of hope. Personal wishes, historical opportunities and national needs have prompted me to be more eager to devote myself to the economic and social construction of Guangxi. The choice of going to the West and the grass-roots level does not need heroic words. What needs to be convinced is only yourself. What needs to be overcome is only the spirit of pursuing flashiness and ease, and what needs to be pursued is to make some achievements worthy of your pride.

          I hope to be a person who is beneficial to Guangxi, Guangxi people and Guangxi society.

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          Dear company leaders


          Having heard that your company is looking for talents and talents, I recommend myself to join your company.

          My name is xx. I will graduate from the Business School of Nanjing University in xx.

          After graduating from xx University in Central China in xx, I worked as a translator in Fujian ante Semiconductor Co., Ltd. for nearly one year, and then I was admitted to Jiangxi Normal University to study for a master's degree in economics.

          During the three-year study at the master's stage, I worked hard to specialize in the knowledge of my major, published nearly 10 articles and engaged in a number of subject research. In addition, I also paid attention to the cultivation and exercise of my own ability and won the honorary title of "three good graduate students".

          In xx, I successfully passed the coveted Nanjing University and studied for a doctorate in Economics under the famous professor Shen Kunrong.

          In the three-year doctoral period, I worked hard to improve my level of economic theory and engaged in scientific research activities with enthusiasm.

          Up to now, he has published many articles in authoritative and core journals such as economic science, participated in the compilation of many books, participated in a number of topics, and actively participated in national academic conferences.

          I know that the past has become history, and the future depends on myself.

          "There is Bole in the world, and then there is a thousand mile horse". Maybe I am not an unparalleled thousand mile horse, but I have the mind to learn new knowledge quickly, the quality of tenacious optimism and self-confidence, the concept of sincere and enthusiastic cooperation, a sound personality and a healthy physique. I believe I will bring you a surprise.

          I also believe that your company can provide me with another sky to display my talents. I am willing to integrate my creativity and coordination ability into my career, and I also hope to make your company's career a higher level through joint efforts with other colleagues.

          At present, the study in Nanjing University has entered the stage of dissertation writing, and the doctor's career will be in the past. I request to join your company.

          Thank you again for reading this resume in your busy schedule.

          Wish: the performance of your company is like sesame blossom and high day by day!

          full name:



          Dear leaders


          First of all, thank you for reading my self recommendation materials in your busy schedule!

          I am a xx graduate doctoral student majoring in xx engineering of xx University. On the occasion of choosing a job, I recommend myself with full enthusiasm and positive attitude.

          My name is xx, male. I was born in xx, xx, Guangxi. I am a doctoral student majoring in xx grade structural engineering in xxxx school of engineering, xx University. I have graduated in December xx.

          During the study of undergraduate, master and doctoral students, he studied hard and achieved excellent results in various examinations. During his doctoral study, the average academic score reached 82. 1 point, better grasp the basic theory and professional knowledge in the professional field of water conservancy engineering and construction engineering. Actively participated in various teaching and scientific research activities, participated in the research of five topics such as the key scientific and technological research projects of the Ministry of education, published 18 professional papers during doctoral study, of which 8 were employed by SCI, and had strong scientific research ability and scientific innovation ability.

          In more than 20 years of study and work, he has participated in the design and management of a number of water conservancy projects and construction projects, accumulated rich practical experience, and can independently carry out engineering design and management. At the same time, through the systematic research of master's degree and doctor's degree, we have comprehensively and systematically studied the knowledge of civil engineering, which has a broader range of knowledge.

          As a doctoral student, while understanding and giving full play to my advantages, I also constantly recognize and correct my shortcomings. I have a cheerful and lively personality and broad interests. In my study and practical work, I can be down-to-earth, hard-working, think independently, complete all work according to quality and quantity, and communicate and cooperate with teachers, classmates and colleagues, Team work spirit. I have confidence to face the coming opportunities and challenges.

          I sincerely recommend myself to your company with a sincere heart of persistent pursuit of my career. Finally, I wish your company a prosperous career and vigorous development!

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          Dear Professor


          Thank you very much for reading my letter in your busy schedule.

          My name is xx, xx people. In 20xx, he was admitted to the major of xxxx. 20xx recommended the university to continue to study for the master's degree, studied under the professor, and the research direction is xxxxxx. (brief introduction to personal situation) the current topic is xxxxxxxx, which has been submitted to xx and conference paper xx. In my spare time, I am also responsible for xxxxxx, learning knowledge from all aspects and improving my understanding. (introduce my scientific research achievements) more than two years of study has made me more and more interested in polymer research, especially in

          xxxxxx research, but I also know that this is a very cutting-edge discipline, and my understanding is also very superficial. Therefore, I hope I can further understand and understand things in this field. (it's better to be related to the research direction of the tutor. Of course, there are exceptions. At that time, I was favored by the tutor mainly because of the direction of the master)

          On the occasion of graduation, I very much hope to continue to study in famous universities and study for a doctorate. Because the tense and full graduate life not only enriches my professional knowledge, but also cultivates my strong desire for knowledge, rigorous scientific research attitude, indomitable spirit of hardship and innovation. I believe I can become an excellent doctoral student.

          xxxx is one of the famous universities in China. In particular, xxxx has developed rapidly and gathered famous teachers. It has become a place for cultivating excellent xx professionals in China. From the past examinees, I know that xx you are a good tutor who is knowledgeable, rigorous, kind and caring for students. You also admire xx's academic achievements (touting the tutor, ha ha), so I want to apply for your 200 year doctoral student and continue to engage in the research of xxxx specialty.

          I hope you can agree with me to apply for your doctoral candidate in xx and give me some suggestions, for which I will be very grateful!

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          Dear Professor

          In September 20xx, I entered the school of foreign languages of Hunan University and began my doctoral study. I studied language testing under the guidance of professors from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Hunan University. The main courses of study include introduction to general linguistics, essentials of language testing, cross-cultural communication, second language acquisition, principles of pedagogy, SPSS statistical analysis, etc. During this period, I participated in Mr. xiao's research project "exploration and practice of computer testing in College English Grading Teaching Examination", and made Chinese and English recordings for the operation guide of the grading test software. Through the in-depth study of graduate courses and a series of scientific research activities, I have a new understanding of language research, further improved my research ability and academic cultivation, and laid an important foundation for my future work and study. In September 20xx, I graduated as a graduate student and successfully entered the school of foreign languages of Zhengzhou Institute of aeronautical industry management. In addition to teaching and educating people, I actively participated in various scientific research activities of the school, published more than 10 papers in various academic journals, presided over or participated in three provincial and municipal projects, and strive to integrate scientific research experience with teaching activities and achieve good results. In 20xx, he stood out and won the special prize in the teaching skills competition for young teachers from other hospitals.

          However, there is no end to learning. At least one of a person's body and soul should always be on the road. As a proverb says, if you rest, you trust. Since entering the post, although the teaching skills have made great progress, in terms of scientific research, there is always the confusion of walking at night with lanterns and never finding the brightest star in the sky to guide me forward that night. I increasingly feel that my own view of knowledge and research ideas are quite narrow and need to be opened from a new perspective. Frankly speaking, I can only know a little about the research field of cognitive linguistics, but I am by no means familiar with it and have never been deeply explored as the research focus. However, after reading your article, although I can't fully understand its essence with my current knowledge structure, I have benefited a lot. In one word of your article, each article is eye opener. For a long time, I agree that many rhetoric or language phenomena, including metaphor, are not only a way of language expression, but also a way of cognitive thinking based on individual experience, which makes me have a further consensus in your article. Some comparative analysis and research in the process of Chinese-English translation have always interested me. I remember that I love to play with my writing in my spare time, and sprinkle several emotions in the form of poetry. Occasionally, I publish documents, and various rhetoric are common forms. But from a cognitive perspective

          However, the research has not touched much. I think for me, cognitive linguistics, especially cognitive semantics, is very attractive and is an appropriate breakthrough to explore the research perspective. High mountains rise to the top and the scenery flows to the top; Although I can't reach it, I'm passionate about it. People always want to have something in mind, so that they can constantly meet one better self after another. Long life, long life. What my heart wants, only knowledge and faith can resist and overcome the greed, anger and ignorance in my heart. As my heart wishes, I will go forward with you on the journey of soul. I firmly believe that reading, in addition to words, also has life and distance. Sincerely look forward to good news! Wish you all the best in your work and life!

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