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      2. 格林童話故事第:死神的使者Death's messengers

        時(shí)間:2020-10-19 14:49:01 童話 我要投稿

        格林童話故事第171篇:死神的使者Death's messengers


        格林童話故事第171篇:死神的使者Death's messengers

          古時(shí)后,有個(gè)巨人漫步在鄉(xiāng)間的大道上,突然一個(gè)陌生人跳到他跟前說:"站住,不許再往前走一步!""什么?"巨人叫道,"你這小東西,我兩根指頭就能把你捏死,你敢擋我的路?你是什么人,敢口吐狂言?""我是死神,"他回答說,"沒有人能反抗我,你也必須服從我的命令。"但巨人拒絕了,和死神打斗起來,這是一場(chǎng)持久而激烈的戰(zhàn)斗,最后巨人占了上風(fēng),一拳擊倒了死神,使他癱倒在一塊石頭旁。 巨人凱旋而去,死神倒在那兒屈服了,他太虛弱了,竟爬不起來了。 "現(xiàn)在我該怎么辦呢?"他說,"如果就縮在這個(gè)角落里,世上就沒人會(huì)死,那么必定會(huì)擠滿人而無處容身了。"這時(shí)來了位年輕人,朝氣蓬勃,一路高歌,并且在舉目四顧。 一看見這個(gè)半死半活的人,馬上關(guān)切地走了上來,扶起他,從自己的瓶中倒了口水給他,看著他恢復(fù)了幾分力氣。 那陌生人邊爬起邊說:"你可知道我是誰嗎?你知道你幫了誰嗎?""不,"年輕人說,"我不認(rèn)識(shí)你。""我是死神,我從不放過任何人,你也不例外。但為了表示我的感激之情,我向你保證我絕不出其不意地降臨于你,我會(huì)在來取你性命之前派我的.報(bào)信使者通知你。""好的,"年輕人說,"能知道自己的死期就足夠了,至少在這以前我不用提心吊膽的。"然后他愉快地走了,無憂無慮地生活著。 但青春和健康不會(huì)長(zhǎng)久,很快病痛與悲哀都來了,它們開始一天天地折磨他。 他自言自語道:"我不會(huì)死的,因?yàn)樗郎襁沒來,我真希望這病痛纏身的痛苦日子趕快結(jié)束。"后來他的病好了,他又過上了開心的日子。 有一天,有人拍了拍他的肩膀,他扭頭一看,發(fā)現(xiàn)死神就站在他身后。 "跟我來,你和這個(gè)世界告別的時(shí)刻已經(jīng)到了。""什么?"這人問道,"你怎能食言?你不是保證說你本人來之前會(huì)派信使來嗎?""別作聲!"死神說,"我不是接二連三地差信使到這里了嗎?寒熱不是來打你、推你、摔倒你了嗎?暈眩不是弄得你頭昏腦脹嗎?痛風(fēng)病不是折磨你四肢嗎?耳鳴有過嗎?牙痛時(shí)不曾使面頰發(fā)腫嗎?而且,我的兄弟'睡神'不是每晚向你提起我嗎?夜里,你難道不是像死人那樣地躺在那嗎?"




          Death's messengers

          In ancient times a giant was once travelling on a great highway, when suddenly an unknown man sprang up before him, and said, "Halt, not one step farther!" - "What!" cried the giant, "a creature whom I can crush between my fingers, wants to block my way? Who art thou that thou darest to speak so boldly?" - "I am Death," answered the other. "No one resists me, and thou also must obey my commands. But the giant refused, and began to struggle with Death. It was a long, violent battle, at last the giant got the upper hand, and struck Death down with his fist, so that he dropped by a stone. The giant went his way, and Death lay there conquered, and so weak that he could not get up again. "What will be done now," said he, "if I stay lying here in a corner? No one will die in the world, and it will get so full of people that they won't have room to stand beside each other." In the meantime a young man came along the road, who was strong and healthy, singing a song, and glancing around on every side. When he saw the half-fainting one, he went compassionately to him, raised him up, poured a strengthening draught out of his flask for him, and waited till he came round. "Dost thou know," said the stranger, whilst he was getting up, "who I am, and who it is whom thou hast helped on his legs again?" - "No," answered the youth, "I do not know thee." - "I am Death," said he. "I spare no one, and can make no exception with thee, but that thou mayst see that I am grateful, I promise thee that I will not fall on thee unexpectedly, but will send my messengers to thee before I come and take thee away." - "Well," said the youth, "it is something gained that I shall know when thou comest, and at any rate be safe from thee for so long." Then he went on his way, and was light-hearted, and enjoyed himself, and lived without thought. But youth and health did not last long, soon came sicknesses and sorrows, which tormented him by day, and took away his rest by night. "Die, I shall not," said he to himself, "for Death will send his messengers before that, but I do wish these wretched days of sickness were over." As soon as he felt himself well again he began once more to live merrily. Then one day some one tapped him on the shoulder. He looked round, and Death stood behind him, and said, "Follow me, the hour of thy departure from this world has come." - "What," replied the man, "wilt thou break thy word? Didst thou not promise me that thou wouldst send thy messengers to me before coming thyself? I have seen none!" - "Silence!" answered Death. "Have I not sent one messenger to thee after another? Did not fever come and smite thee, and shake thee, and cast thee down? Has dizziness not bewildered thy head? Has not gout twitched thee in all thy limbs? Did not thine ears sing? Did not tooth-ache bite into thy cheeks? Was it not dark before thine eyes? And besides all that, has not my own brother Sleep reminded thee every night of me? Didst thou not lie by night as if thou wert already dead? The man could make no answer; he yielded to his fate, and went away with Death.

        【格林童話故事第171篇:死神的使者Death's messengers】相關(guān)文章:











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