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      2. 格林童話故事第:月亮The moon

        時(shí)間:2020-10-19 14:48:04 童話 我要投稿

        格林童話故事第169篇:月亮The moon


        格林童話故事第169篇:月亮The moon

          古時(shí)候,有個(gè)地方夜晚總是漆黑一片,天空就像籠罩著一塊黑布。 因?yàn)樵谶@里,月亮從來(lái)沒(méi)有升起過(guò),星星也不閃爍。 其實(shí)在上帝創(chuàng)造世界時(shí),晚上還是很明亮的。 有一次,有四個(gè)年輕人離開(kāi)了這片國(guó)土,來(lái)到了另一個(gè)國(guó)度。 在那兒,當(dāng)傍晚太陽(yáng)消失在山后時(shí),樹(shù)梢上總會(huì)掛著一個(gè)光球,灑下一片柔和的光華,它雖然不如太陽(yáng)那樣光彩明亮,但一切還是清晰可見(jiàn)。 那些旅客停下來(lái)問(wèn)一個(gè)趕車(chē)經(jīng)過(guò)的村夫那是什么光。 "這是月亮,"他回答說(shuō),"我們市長(zhǎng)花了三塊錢(qián)賣(mài)下它,并把它拴在橡樹(shù)梢頭。他每天都得去上油,保持它的清潔,使它能保持明亮。這樣他就每周從我們身上收取一塊錢(qián)。"村夫推著車(chē)走了。 他們當(dāng)中的一個(gè)人說(shuō):"我們也可以用這盞燈,我們家鄉(xiāng)也有棵和這一樣大的橡樹(shù),我們可以把他掛在上面。夜晚不用在黑暗中摸索將有多痛快呀!"第二個(gè)說(shuō):"我來(lái)告訴你該怎么辦。我們?nèi)ヅ荞R車(chē)來(lái),把月亮運(yùn)走。這里的人會(huì)再買(mǎi)一個(gè)的。"第三個(gè)人說(shuō):"我很會(huì)爬樹(shù),我來(lái)取下它。"第四個(gè)買(mǎi)了輛馬車(chē)。 第三個(gè)人爬上樹(shù),在月亮上鉆了個(gè)洞,穿上一根繩子,然后把月亮放了下來(lái)。 這個(gè)閃閃發(fā)光的圓球于是被放在了馬車(chē)上,他們用一塊布蓋在上面,以免別人發(fā)現(xiàn)是他們偷的.。 他們順利地把月亮運(yùn)到了自己的國(guó)家,把它掛在了一棵高高的橡樹(shù)上。 這盞新燈立刻光芒四射,照耀著整個(gè)大地,所有的房間都充滿了光亮,老老少少都喜笑顏開(kāi)。 矮子走出了石洞,小孩們也穿著小紅褂在草地上圍著圈子跳起舞來(lái)。

          那四個(gè)人負(fù)責(zé)給月亮添油、凈身,并每周收取一塊錢(qián)。 但他們慢慢地老了,其中的一個(gè)生了病,眼看著不久于人世了,他要求把四分之一的月亮作為他的財(cái)產(chǎn),埋進(jìn)他的墳?zāi)估铩?等他死后,市長(zhǎng)爬上了大樹(shù),用籬笆剪子剪下了四分之一的燈,放進(jìn)了他的棺材。 月亮的光芒減弱了,但仍然發(fā)光。 第二個(gè)人死時(shí),又有四分之一陪了葬,月光又減弱了。 第三個(gè)人死后,他也帶走了他那一份,月亮更暗了。 當(dāng)?shù)谒膫(gè)走進(jìn)墳?zāi)箷r(shí),原來(lái)的黑暗又回來(lái)了。 但是月亮的各部分,在陰間又重新拼合在一起,使得那些黑暗中的死人不得安寧,一個(gè)個(gè)又醒來(lái)了。 他們又能睜眼看世界了,覺(jué)得非常驚異。 淡淡的月光對(duì)他們已是綽綽有余,因?yàn)樗麄兊难劬σ炎兊媚菢铀ト,?jīng)不起太陽(yáng)的強(qiáng)光。 他們興奮地爬起來(lái),又開(kāi)始了從前的生活方式:一些人去看戲跳舞,一些人去客棧要酒喝,醉了就爭(zhēng)吵,最后拳腳相加。 吵鬧聲越來(lái)越大,最后傳到了天堂。

          守衛(wèi)天堂大門(mén)的圣彼得以為下界在造反,就招集了天兵天將,叫他們?nèi)魯耗В绻麄儊?lái)侵犯天庭的話。 但是沒(méi)有惡魔來(lái),于是他便騎上馬穿過(guò)天門(mén),下到凡間。 在凡間,他叫死者安靜下來(lái),讓他們重新回到墳?zāi),從他們手中拿走了月亮,把它掛在了天上?/p>



          The moon

          In days gone by there was a land where the nights were always dark, and the sky spread over it like a black cloth, for there the moon never rose, and no star shone in the obscurity. At the creation of the world, the light at night had been sufficient. Three young fellows once went out of this country on a travelling expedition, and arrived in another kingdom, where, in the evening when the sun had disappeared behind the mountains, a shining globe was placed on an oak-tree, which shed a soft light far and wide. By means of this, everything could very well be seen and distinguished, even though it was not so brilliant as the sun. The travellers stopped and asked a countryman who was driving past with his cart, what kind of a light that was. "That is the moon," answered he; our mayor bought it for three thalers, and fastened it to the oak-tree. He has to pour oil into it daily, and to keep it clean, so that it may always burn clearly. He receives a thaler a week from us for doing it."

          When the countryman had driven away, one of them said, "We could make some use of this lamp, we have an oak-tree at home, which is just as big as this, and we could hang it on that. What a pleasure it would be not to have to feel about at night in the darkness!" - "I'll tell you what we'll do," said the second; "we will fetch a cart and horses and carry away the moon. The people here may buy themselves another." - "I'm a good climber," said the third, "I will bring it down." The fourth brought a cart and horses, and the third climbed the tree, bored a hole in the moon, passed a rope through it, and let it down. When the shining ball lay in the cart, they covered it over with a cloth, that no one might observe the theft. They conveyed it safely into their own country, and placed it on a high oak. Old and young rejoiced, when the new lamp let its light shine over the whole land, and bed-rooms and sitting-rooms were filled with it. The dwarfs came forth from their caves in the rocks, and the tiny elves in their little red coats danced in rings on the meadows.

          The four took care that the moon was provided with oil, cleaned the wick, and received their weekly thaler, but they became old men, and when one of them grew ill, and saw that he was about to die, he appointed that one quarter of the moon, should, as his property, be laid in the grave with him. When he died, the mayor climbed up the tree, and cut off a quarter with the hedge-shears, and this was placed in his coffin. The light of the moon decreased, but still not visibly. When the second died, the second quarter was buried with him, and the light diminished. It grew weaker still after the death of the third, who likewise took his part of it away with him; and when the fourth was borne to his grave, the old state of darkness recommenced, and whenever the people went out at night without their lanterns they knocked their heads together.

          When, however, the pieces of the moon had united themselves together again in the world below, where darkness had always prevailed, it came to pass that the dead became restless and awoke from their sleep. They were astonished when they were able to see again; the moonlight was quite sufficient for them, for their eyes had become so weak that they could not have borne the brilliance of the sun. They rose up and were merry, and fell into their former ways of living. Some of them went to the play and to dance, others hastened to the public-houses, where they asked for wine, got drunk, brawled, quarreled, and at last took up cudgels, and belabored each other. The noise became greater and greater, and at last reached even to heaven.

          Saint Peter who guards the gate of heaven thought the lower world had broken out in revolt and gathered together the heavenly troops, which are to drive back the Evil One when he and his associates storm the abode of the blessed. As these, however, did not come, he got on his horse and rode through the gate of heaven, down into the world below. There he reduced the dead to subjection, bade them lie down in their graves again, took the moon away with him, and hung it up in heaven.

        【格林童話故事第169篇:月亮The moon】相關(guān)文章:











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