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      2. 格林童話故事第:籬笆國王The willow-wren

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        格林童話故事第165篇:籬笆國王The willow-wren


        格林童話故事第165篇:籬笆國王The willow-wren

          古時候,每一種聲音都有它的意義或含義。 鐵匠的錘子敲響時,是在叫:"捶吧!捶吧!"木匠的刨子響,是說:"往這里刨!往這里刨!"磨坊輪子響,是說:"天啊,幫幫忙!天啊,幫幫忙!"要是磨坊主是騙子,磨機轉動,它會操著標準的德語,先慢慢地問:"誰在那里?誰在那里?"然后迅速回答:"磨坊主!磨坊主!"最后很快地說:"大膽地偷!大膽地偷!一擔偷三斗!"

          這時候,鳥類也有它們自己的語言,人人都能聽懂。 如今只剩下啾啾聲、唧唧聲、吹哨聲,有些就像沒有詞的曲兒。 盡管這樣,鳥類們想,它們不能長久沒有個領頭。 大伙兒決定從它們當中選一位來做它們的王,唯獨淡水鳥反對。 它自由自在地生活慣了,也想自由地了此一生,于是它焦急地飛來飛去,口里叫道:"我往何處?我往何處?"它飛到了一個偏僻的,人跡罕至的沼澤地,從此不再在鳥類中露面。

          如今鳥類都在討論這件事。 五月的一個上午,天氣晴朗,它們從森林里和田野里紛紛飛到一起。 來的有老鷹和蒼頭鷹、貓頭鷹和烏鴉,還有百靈和麻雀,……我哪能一一說出它的名字呢? 就連布谷鳥也來了,還有它的司事戴勝。 戴勝所以叫做司事,因為它總在布谷前幾天叫。 還有十分小的、還沒有名字的鳥混在鳥群中。 大母雞不了解這全部事情,看見大集會就驚訝起來,嘟嘟地叫道:"干嘛?干嘛?這究竟是干嘛?"公雞卻安慰它親愛的母雞說:"很多有錢的人。"便向它講它們所要做的事。 最終它們決定了,誰能夠飛得最高,誰就做王。 叢林里住著青蛙,聽到這個,警告地叫道:"不,不,不!不,不,不!"因為他認為,這樣會惹出很多眼淚。 可烏鴉回答:"沒問題!"它認為一切都會很順利。

          現在決定了,它們要趁晴朗的早上一起飛到天上,免得后面有誰說:"我本來還可以飛得高些,但是到了晚上,我就不能了。"信號一發 ,鳥兒全都飛向了藍天,田野揚起灰塵,鳥們大聲喊叫,喧嘩,鼓翼,好像一陣黑云掠過似的。 小鳥們很快就落后了,再也飛不動了,只好重新回到地面;大一點的堅持得久些,但沒有一個能同雄鷹比,它飛得那樣高,幾乎把太陽的眼睛都啄下來了。 當它看見其它的鳥都沒自己飛得高時,就想:"你不用飛得更高,你已經是鳥中之王了。"于是往下降。 在它下面的鳥兒齊聲喊道:"鳥王只能是你,沒有誰比你飛得更高了。""除我之外,"那只沒有名字的小鳥大聲叫道,原來它剛才藏在了鷹的胸毛里,便不感到累,這時飛向了空中,飛得比鷹還要高,以至它能看見坐在椅子上的上帝了。 當它飛得那樣高了,就合起翅膀沉了下來,在下面打著尖銳的聲音叫道:"我當王!我當王!"

          鳥兒們都怒氣沖沖地喊道:"你用了陰謀詭計才飛得那么高,你配當我們的王嗎?"它們又重新規定,誰能到地上落得最深,誰就當王。 于是,鵝用它的寬胸啪地撲到了地上;公雞一落地就很快地啄洞;鴨子最倒霉,它跳進一個坑里扭傷了腳,只好搖搖晃晃朝近旁的池塘走去,一邊走一邊叫:"瞎扯蛋!瞎扯蛋!"那只無名鳥卻找了個老鼠洞鉆了進去,又操著尖銳的聲音向外喊道:"我當王!我當王!"

          "什么,你是我們的王?"鳥兒們更憤怒了,"你以為你的陰謀會得逞?"它們決定把小鳥關在它呆的洞里,讓它餓死。 貓頭鷹被派在洞前當守衛,要不它就休想活命。 到了晚上,鳥們因為飛得使勁,感到很疲倦了,便帶著它們的老婆孩子上床去了。 貓頭鷹獨自在老鼠洞口立著,用它的大眼睛一眨不眨地盯著地面。 可是它很快也疲倦了,它想:"我可以閉著這一只眼,用另一只眼看守著,不叫那小壞蛋溜出來。"于是他閉上了一只眼,用另一只眼斜盯著老鼠洞口。 那小東西探出頭來瞅了瞅,企圖溜掉,貓頭鷹立刻走了過去,小東西便縮回了頭。 不一會兒,貓頭鷹又睜開了另一只眼,閉上這一只,想這樣換一整夜。 但是當它又閉上那一只時,忘記睜開這一只了,不久兩只眼睛都閉著,睡著了,那小鳥一見就溜之大吉。

          從此以后,貓頭鷹不敢再在白天露面,否則別的鳥會追趕它,拔光它身上的羽毛。 它只是在夜里飛出來,但是它痛恨并且追捕老鼠 ,因為它們做這種壞洞。 那小鳥也不愿意出現,因為它怕被捉住就沒命。 它在籬笆間鉆來鉆去,感到絕對安全了,才時不時地叫兩聲,"我當王!"所以別的鳥都笑它叫"籬笆王"。 沒有誰比云雀更高興了,因為它不用聽"籬笆王"的使喚。 太陽一出來,它就飛到空中高唱:"啊,多么美好!真是美好呀!真美好!真美好!啊,哪有這般美好!"



          The willow-wren

          In former days every sound still had its meaning and application. When the smith's hammer resounded, it cried, "Strike away! strike away." When the carpenter's plane grated, it said, "Here goes! here goes." If the mill wheel began to clack, it said, "Help, Lord God! help, Lord God!" And if the miller was a cheat and happened to leave the mill, it spoke high German, and first asked slowly, "Who is there? Who is there?" and then answered quickly, "The miller! the miller!" and at last quite in a hurry, "He steals bravely! he steals bravely! three pecks in a bushel."

          At this time the birds also had their own language which every one understood; now it only sounds like chirping, screeching, and whistling, and to some like music without words. It came into the bird's mind, however, that they would no longer be without a ruler, and would choose one of themselves to be their King. One alone amongst them, the green plover, was opposed to this. He had lived free, and would die free, and anxiously flying hither and thither, he cried, "Where shall I go? where shall I go?" He retired into a solitary and unfrequented marsh, and showed himself no more among his fellows.

          The birds now wished to discuss the matter, and on a fine May morning they all gathered together from the woods and fields: eagles and chaffinches, owls and crows, larks and sparrows, how can I name them all? Even the cuckoo came, and the hoopoe, his clerk, who is so called because he is always heard a few days before him, and a very small bird which as yet had no name, mingled with the band. The hen, which by some accident had heard nothing of the whole matter, was astonished at the great assemblage. "What, what, what is going to be done?" she cackled; but the cock calmed his beloved hen, and said, "Only rich people," and told her what they had on hand. It was decided, however, that the one who could fly the highest should be King. A tree-frog which was sitting among the bushes, when he heard that, cried a warning, "No, no, no! no!" because he thought that many tears would be shed because of this; but the crow said, "Caw, caw," and that all would pass off peaceably. It was now determined that on this fine morning they should at once begin to ascend, so that hereafter no one should be able to say, "I could easily have flown much higher, but the evening came on, and I could do no more." On a given signal, therefore, the whole troop rose up in the air. The dust ascended from the land, and there was tremendous fluttering and whirring and beating of wings, and it looked as if a black cloud was rising up. The little birds were, however, soon left behind. They could go no farther, and fell back to the ground. The larger birds held out longer, but none could equal the eagle, who mounted so high that he could have picked the eyes out of the sun. And when he saw that the others could not get up to him, he thought, "Why shouldst thou fly still higher, thou art the King?" and began to let himself down again. The birds beneath him at once cried to him. "Thou must be our King, no one has flown so high as thou." - "Except me," screamed the little fellow without a name, who had crept into the breast-feathers of the eagle. And as he was not at all tired, he rose up and mounted so high that he reached heaven itself. When, however, he had gone as far as this, he folded his wings together, and called down with clear and penetrating voice, "I am King! I am King."

          "Thou, our King?" cried the birds angrily. "Thou hast compassed it by trick and cunning!" So they made another condition. He should be King who could go down lowest in the ground. How the goose did flap about with its broad breast when it was once more on the land! How quickly the cock scratched a hole! The duck came off the worst of all, for she leapt into a ditch, but sprained her legs, and waddled away to a neighboring pond, crying, "Cheating, cheating!" The little bird without a name, however, sought out a mouse- hole, slipped down into it, and cried out of it with his small voice, "I am King! I am King!"

          "Thou our King!" cried the birds still more angrily. "Dost thou think thy cunning shall prevail?" They determined to keep him a prisoner in the hole and starve him out. The owl was placed as sentinel in front of it, and was not to let the rascal out if she had any value for her life. When evening was come all the birds were feeling very tired after exerting their wings so much, so they went to bed with their wives and children. The owl alone remained standing by the mouse-hole, gazing steadfastly into it with her great eyes. In the meantime she, too, had grown tired and thought to herself, "You might certainly shut one eye, you will still watch with the other, and the little miscreant shall not come out of his hole." So she shut one eye, and with the other looked straight at the mouse-hole. The little fellow put his head out and peeped, and wanted to slip away, but the owl came forward immediately, and he drew his head back again. Then the owl opened the one eye again, and shut the other, intending to shut them in turn all through the night.

          But when she next shut the one eye, she forgot to open the other, and as soon as both her eyes were shut she fell asleep. The little fellow soon observed that, and slipped away.

          From that day forth, the owl has never dared to show herself by daylight, for if she does the other birds chase her and pluck her feathers out. She only flies out by night, but hates and pursues mice because they make such ugly holes. The little bird, too, is very unwilling to let himself be seen, because he is afraid it will cost him his life if he is caught. He steals about in the hedges, and when he is quite safe, he sometimes cries, "I am King," and for this reason, the other birds call him in mockery, 'King of the hedges' (Zaunkönig). No one, however, was so happy as the lark at not having to obey the little King. As soon as the sun appears, she ascends high in the air and cries, "Ah, how beautiful that is! beautiful that is! beautiful, beautiful! ah, how beautiful that is!"

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