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      2. 格林童話故事第:霍勒大媽Mother Hulda

        時(shí)間:2020-10-15 09:44:37 童話 我要投稿

        格林童話故事第24篇:霍勒大媽Mother Hulda


        格林童話故事第24篇:霍勒大媽Mother Hulda

          從前,有一個(gè)寡婦,膝下有兩個(gè)女兒,一個(gè)既漂亮又勤勞,而另一個(gè)則又丑又懶。 寡婦卻格外疼愛又丑又懶的那一個(gè),因?yàn)槭撬挠H生女兒;另一個(gè)呢,不得不什么活兒都干,成了家里名副其實(shí)的灰姑娘。 可憐的姑娘每天必須坐到大路旁的水井邊紡線,不停地紡啊紡,一直紡到手指磨破了血。

          有一天,紡錘全讓血給染紅了,姑娘打算用井水把它洗干凈,不料紡錘脫了手,掉進(jìn)井里。 姑娘一路哭著跑到繼母跟前,對她說了這件不幸的事。 繼母聽了,把姑娘臭罵了一頓,還威逼她說,除非她把紡錘從井里撈出來,不然就饒不了她。 姑娘回到井邊,不知如何是好。 后來,她害怕再遭繼母的斥罵,就跳進(jìn)了井里。 在井里,她失去了知覺,等蘇醒過來時(shí),發(fā)現(xiàn)自己躺在一片美麗的草地上,草地沐浴著燦爛的陽光,四周環(huán)繞著萬紫千紅的花朵,各自爭妍斗艷。 她站起身來,向草地的前方走去,在一座烤爐旁停下了腳步,發(fā)現(xiàn)烤爐里裝滿了面包。


          姑娘走上前去,拿起面包鏟,把面包一個(gè)接一個(gè)地全取了出來。 隨后,她繼續(xù)往前走,來到一棵果實(shí)累累的蘋果樹下 ,果樹沖她大喊大叫:"搖一搖我啊,搖一搖我啊,滿樹的蘋果全都熟透啦。"


          最后,姑娘來到一幢小房子前,只見一個(gè)老太太在窗前望著她。 老太太青面獠牙,姑娘一見心驚膽戰(zhàn),打算趕快逃走。 誰知老太太大聲嚷嚷起來:"親愛的,你干嘛害怕呢?就留在我這兒吧!要是你愿意在這兒好好干家務(wù)活兒,我保你過得舒舒服服的。你千萬要當(dāng)心,一定要整理好我的床鋪,使勁兒抖我的床墊,要抖得羽絨四處飄飛,這樣世界上就下雪了。我是霍勒大媽。"

          老太太說這番話時(shí),和顏悅色,姑娘于是鼓起勇氣,答應(yīng)留下來替她做家務(wù)事。 她盡力做好每件事情,使老太太心滿意足。 抖床墊時(shí) ,她使出全身力氣,抖得羽絨像雪花兒似的四處飄飛。 因此,老太太對她也很好,使她生活得挺舒適,每天盤中有肉,要么是燉的,要么是燒的。

          就這樣過了一段時(shí)間之后,姑娘漸漸變得憂心忡忡起來,一開始她自己也不明白是怎么回事,后來終于明白了,原來是想家啦。 在霍勒大媽家里的生活比起在繼母家里的生活,真是一個(gè)天上,一個(gè)地下,可盡管這樣,她依然歸心似箭。 最后,她對霍勒大媽吐露了自己的心事:"我現(xiàn)在很想家。在這下面,我事事稱心如意,可我再也呆不下去了,我得回到上面的親人身邊。"


          說罷,霍勒大媽牽著姑娘的手,領(lǐng)著她來到一扇大門前。 大門洞開,姑娘剛剛站到門下,一粒粒的金子就像雨點(diǎn)般落在她身上 ,而且都牢牢地粘附在她衣服上,結(jié)果她渾身上下全是金子。


          忽然,大門砰的'一聲就關(guān)上了,姑娘又回到了上面的世界,她就站在她繼母家的附近。 她走進(jìn)院子的時(shí)候,蹲在轆轤上的大公雞咯咯地叫了起來:


          咱們的金姑娘回來啰! "


          姑娘跟他們講述了自己驚心動(dòng)魄的經(jīng)歷。 繼母聽完了她獲得這么多金子的過程,就打算讓她那個(gè)又丑又懶的女兒也享有這么多的金子,于是她把這個(gè)女兒打發(fā)到井邊去紡線。 為了使紡錘染上血污,這個(gè)姑娘就把手伸進(jìn)刺籬笆里,將自己的手指扎破。 然后,她把紡錘投入井里,自己也隨即跳了進(jìn)去。

          在井里,她像姐姐一樣,先是來到一片美麗的草地,然后順著同一條小路往前走去。 她走到烤爐前時(shí),面包沖著她大聲叫喊:"快把我取出來,快把我取出來,不然我就要被烤焦啦。"可這個(gè)懶惰的姑娘聽了卻回答說:"謝謝,我才不想弄臟我的手。"說完繼續(xù)往前趕路。



          來到霍勒大媽的小房子前時(shí),因?yàn)樗牻憬阏f過老太太青面獠牙,所以見了面一點(diǎn)兒也不感到害怕。 第一天,丑姑娘心里始終惦記著作為獎(jiǎng)賞的金子,所以強(qiáng)打起精神,裝成很勤快的樣子,而且事事都照著老太太的意愿來做。 可到了第二天,她就懶起來了;第三天呢,她懶得更加不像話,早上甚至賴在床上不想起來,連整理好霍勒大媽的床鋪這件事也給忘記了,更不用說抖床墊,抖得羽絨四處飄飛了。 幾天下來,老太太已經(jīng)受夠了,就預(yù)先告訴她,她被解雇了。 懶姑娘一聽,滿心歡喜,心里想道:"該下金雨啦!"

          霍勒大媽領(lǐng)著她來到那扇大門前,可當(dāng)她站到門下時(shí),非但沒有金子落下來,劈頭蓋臉地潑了她一身的卻是一大鍋瀝青。 "這就是你應(yīng)得的回報(bào)。"霍勒大媽對她說,說完便關(guān)上了大門。

          懶姑娘就這樣回到了家里,渾身上下糊滿了瀝青。 蹲在轆轤上的大公雞看見了她就咯咯地叫了起來:


          咱們的臟姑娘回來啰! "




          Mother Hulda

          A widow had two daughters; one was pretty and industrious, the other was ugly and lazy. And as the ugly one was her own daughter, she loved her much the best, and the pretty one was made to do all the work, and be the drudge of the house. Every day the poor girl had to sit by a well on the high road and spin until her fingers bled. Now it happened once that as the spindle was bloody, she dipped it into the well to wash it; but it slipped out of her hand and fell in. Then she began to cry, and ran to her step-mother, and told her of her misfortune; and her stepmother scolded her without mercy, and said in her rage: "As you have let the spindle fall in, you must go and fetch it out again!" Then the girl went back again to the well, not knowing what to do, and in the despair of her heart she jumped down into the well the same way the spindle had gone. After that she knew nothing; and when she came to herself she was in a beautiful meadow, and the sun was shining on the flowers that grew round her. And she walked on through the meadow until she came to a baker's oven that was full of bread; and the bread called out to her: "Oh, take me out, take me out, or I shall burn; I am baked enough already!" Then she drew near, and with the baker's peel she took out all the loaves one after the other. And she went farther on till she came to a tree weighed down with apples, and it called out to her: "Oh, shake me, shake me, we apples are all of us ripe!" Then she shook the tree until the apples fell like rain, and she shook until there were no more to fall; and when she had gathered them together in a heap, she went on farther. At last she came to a little house, and an old woman was peeping out of it, but she had such great teeth that the girl was terrified and about to run away, only the old woman called her back. "What are you afraid of, my dear child? Come and live with me, and if you do the house-work well and orderly, things shall go well with you. You must take great pains to make my bed well, and shake it up thoroughly, so that the feathers fly about, and then in the world it snows, for I am Mother Hulda." As the old woman spoke so kindly, the girl took courage, consented, and went to her work. She did everything to the old woman's satisfaction, and shook the bed with such a will that the feathers flew about like snow-flakes: and so she led a good life, had never a cross word, but boiled and roast meat every day. When she had lived a long time with Mother Hulda, she began to feel sad, not knowing herself what ailed her; at last she began to think she must be home-sick; and although she was a thousand times better off than at home where she was, yet she had a great longing to go home. At last she said to her mistress: "I am homesick, and although I am very well off here, I cannot stay any longer; I must go back to my own home." Mother Hulda answered: "It pleases me well that you should wish to go home, and, as you have served me faithfully, I will undertake to send you there!" She took her by the hand and led her to a large door standing open, and as she was passing through it there fell upon her a heavy shower of gold, and the gold hung all about her, so that she was covered with it. "All this is yours, because you have been so industrious," said Mother Hulda; and, besides that, she returned to her her spindle, the very same that she had dropped in the well. And then the door was shut again, and the girl found herself back again in the world, not far from her mother's house; and as she passed through the yard the cock stood on the top of the well and cried:

          "Cock-a-doodle doo!

          Our golden girl has come home too!"

          Then she went in to her mother, and as she had returned covered with gold she was well received.

          So the girl related all her history, and what had happened to her, and when the mother heard how she came to have such great riches she began to wish that her ugly and idle daughter might have the same good fortune. So she sent her to sit by the well and spin; and in order to make her spindle bloody she put her hand into the thorn hedge. Then she threw the spindle into the well, and jumped in herself. She found herself, like her sister, in the beautiful meadow, and followed the same path, and when she came to the baker's oven, the bread cried out: "Oh, take me out, take me out, or I shall burn; I am quite done already!" But the lazy-bones answered: "I have no desire to black my hands," and went on farther. Soon she came to the apple-tree, who called out: "Oh, shake me, shake me, we apples are all of us ripe!" But she answered: "That is all very fine; suppose one of you should fall on my head," and went on farther. When she came to Mother Hulda's house she did not feel afraid, as she knew beforehand of her great teeth, and entered into her service at once. The first day she put her hand well to the work, and was industrious, and did everything Mother Hulda bade her, because of the gold she expected; but the second day she began to be idle, and the third day still more so, so that she would not get up in the morning. Neither did she make Mother Hulda's bed as it ought to have been made, and did not shake it for the feathers to fly about. So that Mother Hulda soon grew tired of her, and gave her warning, at which the lazy thing was well pleased, and thought that now the shower of gold was coming; so Mother Hulda led her to the door, and as she stood in the doorway, instead of the shower of gold a great kettle full of pitch was emptied over her. "That is the reward for your service," said Mother Hulda, and shut the door. So the lazy girl came home all covered with pitch, and the cock on the top of the well seeing her, cried:

          "Cock-a-doodle doo!

          Our dirty girl has come home too!"

          And the pitch remained sticking to her fast, and never, as long as she lived, could it be got off.

        【格林童話故事第24篇:霍勒大媽Mother Hulda】相關(guān)文章:











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