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      2. 寫(xiě)夏天的英文詩(shī)句

        時(shí)間:2024-08-07 18:26:30 詩(shī)句 我要投稿
        • 相關(guān)推薦




          1、Summer days are here again, bringing joy and light.

          2、The heat of summer fills the air, making lazy days so fair.

          3、Summers warmth, a gentle kiss, natures beauty we do miss.

          4、In summers glow, we find our way, through sunny days and warmest play.

          5、The sun is high in summers sky, casting shadows as we fly.

          6、Summer breezes, soft and mild, touch our hearts and soothe our child.

          7、The sound of cicadas in the heat, marks the time of summers treat.

          8、Summer flowers, bright and bold, paint the world in colors untold.

          9、Under the summer stars at night, dreams take flight with all their might.

          10、The pool is cool in summers heat, a refuge from the burning street.

          11、Summer fruits, sweet and ripe, a taste of natures delight.

          12、The long days of summer pass, memories that will always last.

          13、Summer storms, wild and free, bring relief and mystery.

          14、In summers embrace, we find peace, away from all the worlds disease.

          15、The beach calls in summers time, sandy shores and ocean chime.

          16、Summer sunsets, a blaze of hue, a sight to make our hearts anew.

          17、The scent of grass in summers air, a reminder of lifes beauty rare.

          18、Summer nights, filled with fireflies, a magical sight to our eyes.

          19、The garden blooms in summers rays, a symphony of colors and praise.

          20、Summer love, a gentle flame, burning bright in hearts the same.

          21、The forest alive in summers heat, a haven for all creatures sweet.

          22、Summer songs, carried by the wind, stories of joy and love to send.

          23、The lake reflects the summer sky, a mirror of beauty passing by.

          24、Summer picnics, under the tree, moments of joy and unity.

          25、The mountains stand tall in summers view, a challenge for adventurers true.

          26、Summer dreams, like shooting stars, guiding us through the darkest bars.

          27、The meadow dances in summers light, a celebration of natures might.

          28、Summer festivals, full of cheer, bringing people near and dear.

          29、The river flows with summers pace, a journey of wonder and grace.

          30、Summer memories, etched in mind, a treasure to always find.

          31、The orchard yields in summers care, fruits of labor, rich and fair.

          32、Summer adventures, waiting to be had, exploring the world, feeling glad.

          33、The fields are golden in summers sun, a harvest soon to be undone.

          34、Summer smiles, bright and true, sharing happiness with me and you.

          35、The city buzzes in summers heat, a vibrant scene, hard to beat.

          36、Summer secrets, whispered in the shade, tales of love and friendship made.

          37、The countryside sleeps in summers calm, a peaceful sight to overcome.

          38、Summer hopes, rising high, reaching for the summer sky.

          39、The vineyard ripens in summers touch, a taste of wine, oh so much.

          40、Summer stories, told and heard, filling hearts with warmth and word.

          41、The garden path leads in summers way, to hidden joys and beauty gay.

          42、Summer magic, in the air, making hearts and souls aware.

          43、The ocean roars in summers might, a power to behold, a sight so bright.

          44、Summer wishes, carried on the wind, dreams of joy and love to send.

          45、The mountainside greens in summers hue, a view to make our spirits new.

          46、Summer joy, a melody, playing in our hearts, constantly.

          47、The forest sings in summers voice, a harmony of natures choice.

          48、Summer kindness, shared with all, making the world a better ball.

          49、The park is alive in summers fun, laughter and games, under the sun.

          50、Summer beauty, everywhere, a sight to make us truly care.

          51、Summer whispers in the breeze.

          52、Sun-kissed days of endless light.

          53、Lazy afternoons beneath a blazing sky.

          54、Fields of gold shimmering in the heat.

          55、Waves dancing to the rhythm of the sea.

          56、Popsicles dripping in the afternoon sun.

          57、Crickets serenading the starlit nights.

          58、Sweltering heat waves blur the horizon.

          59、Ice cream cones and sandy toes.

          60、Fireflies painting the twilight with magic.

          61、Lemonade stands and childhood dreams.

          62、Sunkissed skin and freckled faces.

          63、Flowers blooming in vibrant hues.

          64、Picnic blankets on lush green lawns.

          65、Canopies of leaves shading the path.

          66、Flip-flops clicking on hot pavement.

          67、Long evenings filled with laughter.

          68、Swimming pools sparkling like gems.

          69、Coconut scents on tropical breezes.

          70、Sunsets painting the sky in pastels.

          71、Hammocks swaying under the shade.

          72、Freshly cut grass and morning dew.

          73、Seashells collected with sandy fingers.

          74、Sailboats gliding on azure waters.

          75、Straw hats and sunglasses chic.

          76、Beach towels spread under umbrellas.

          77、BBQ smoke wafting through the air.

          78、Sandcastles built with buckets and spades.

          79、Garden parties under twinkling lights.

          80、Watermelon slices juicy and sweet.

          81、Canoe paddles cutting through the lake.

          82、Hazy days where time seems to slow.

          83、A symphony of cicadas at dusk.

          84、Sunflowers turning their faces to the sun.

          85、Fireworks painting the night sky.

          86、Barefoot walks on cool evening grass.

          87、Sundresses fluttering in the breeze.

          88、Thunderstorms rumbling in the distance.

          89、Cornfields rustling in the gentle wind.

          90、A book enjoyed in a shady nook.

          91、Iced tea dripping with condensation.

          92、Hot air balloons soaring above.

          93、Daylight stretching into the evening.

          94、Sand dunes sculpted by wind and time.

          95、Bonfires crackling under a starry canopy.

          96、Dewdrops glistening on petals at dawn.

          97、Smiles brighter under the summer sun.

          98、Frogs croaking in a hidden pond.

          99、Glowing embers after a day well-spent.

          100、Memories made in the warmth of summer.












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