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      2. hollywood課文翻譯

        時間:2020-11-15 09:43:25 課文大全 我要投稿



          Hollywood suggests glamour, a place where the young star-struck teenagers could, with a bit of luck, fulfill their dreams. Hollywood suggests luxurious houses with vast palm-fringed swimming pools. Cocktail bars and furnishings fit for a millionaire. And the big movie stars were millionaires. Many spent their fortunes on yachts, Rolls Royces and diamonds. A few of them lost their glamour quite suddenly and were left with nothing but emptiness and colossal debts. Movies were first made in Hollywood before World War Ⅰ. The constant sunshine and mild climate of southern California made it an ideal site for shooting motion pictures. Hollywood's fame and fortune reached its peak in the 1930s and 1940s, the golden days of the black and white movies. Most of the famous motion picture corporations of those days, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Columbia and Warner Brothers are still very much in business and great stars like Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Charlie Chaplin, Gary Cooper, and many others besides, have become immortal. In those days Hollywood was like a magnet, drawing ambitious young men and women from all over the world. Most of them had only their good looks to recommend them and had no acting experience―or ability―whatsoever. Occasionally they got jobs, if they were lucky enough to be noticed. Gray Cooper was one of the few who was noticed. He started as a stunt rider, and from there rose to be one of the great stars of the early Westerns.

          Many of the girls got jobs in cafes or gas stations, and as they served their customers they tossed their heads and swung their hips, hoping to attract the attention of some important person connected with the movies. Most of them hoped in vain. As for the stars themselves, they were held on a tight rein by the studio chiefs who could make or break all but the stars with really big appeal. The stars were "persuaded" to sign seven-year contracts, during which time the studios built up their images. Under their contracts the stars did not have their right to choose their parts. Their studios decided everything. No country in the world has developed so expertly the skill of advertising as the Americans. They advertise everything, from ice cream to candidates for the Presidency. The Hollywood studios, by means of advertising, turned starlets into superstars. Many studio chiefs were tyrants, determined to get their own way at all costs, no matter how unscrupulous the means. Stars were often typecast and if he or she appealed to the public as a lover, then he or she always played the part of a lover. A star who was a hit as a cowboy or a bad guy, got the same kind of role again and again. There was little arguing, "you're the perfect dumb blond, baby, and that's how you're going to stay," they would say. They even tried to interfere in their stars' private lives: "No, sugar! You just can't marry Mel Billigan. He's too intellectual. He'd destroy your image."

          Only when they ceased to be stars did some of them discover that they were also good actors! Movie stars like Bette Davis, Katherine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy and James Mason gave distinguished performances in character parts as well as leading roles. Hollywood is no longer the heart of the world's motion picture industry. Most movies today are filmed on location, that is to say, in the cities, in the countryside and in any part of the world that the script demands. The Hollywood studios are still standing, but most of them have been leased to television networks. About 80% of all American TV entertainment comes from Hollywood. Yet Hollywood has not lost all its glamour. Movie stars still live there, or in neighboring Beverley Hills, and so do many of the famous and wealthy people who have made their homes in southern California. There is also the attractive Hollywood Bowl, The huge outdoor amphitheater where every summer since 1922 "Symphonies under the Stars" are played by America's best orchestras before packed audiences. Hollywood, above all, has the glamour of the past. It is a name which will always be associated with motion-picture making, and for many years to come the old Hollywood movies will be shown again and again in movie houses and television screens all over the world.


          好萊塢意味著魅力,是那些懷揣明星夢的少男少女們有點兒運氣就能實現(xiàn)他們夢想的地方。好萊塢使人聯(lián)想到棕櫚樹環(huán)繞的大游泳池的豪宅。雞尾酒吧及其室內(nèi)陳設(shè)是適合百萬富翁的,而大腕電影明星們都是百萬富翁。許多電影明星在游艇、勞斯萊斯豪華轎車和鉆石飾 品上一擲千金。但他們其中也不乏曇花一現(xiàn)者,只落得空虛失意和債臺高筑。最初的電影是在一戰(zhàn)前的好萊塢制成的。南加利福尼亞一年四季的陽光與溫和宜人的氣 候,使好萊塢成為拍攝電影的理想場所。好萊塢的盛名與財富在20世紀(jì)三四十年代達(dá)到了頂峰,那時也正是黑白電影的黃金時代。當(dāng)年就已出名的.電影公司,如米高梅、哥倫比亞、華納兄弟等今天仍然叱咤風(fēng)云,還有如葛麗泰? 嘉寶、瑪蓮? 德烈奇、查理? 卓別林、賈利? 庫 珀和其他許多明星已永垂青史。那時候的好萊塢像塊磁鐵.吸引著世界各地滿懷抱負(fù)的少男少女來到這里。他們當(dāng)中的 大多數(shù)唯一的資本便是漂亮的外表,并無任何表演經(jīng)驗或才能。如果他們足夠幸運被人注意 到了,那么偶爾也會有點事干了。賈利?庫珀就是那幾個被注意到的人之一。他開始的時候 是做馬術(shù)表演替身,此后一躍成為出演早期美國西部片的著名影星之一。

          許多在咖啡店和加油站工作的女孩為客人服務(wù)時搔首弄姿,期望以此引起某位影界要人的注意。但她們大多數(shù) 的期望都是徒勞的。至于那些明星們則被制片商牢牢控制在手心里。這些制片商既可以造就也可以毀滅那些 明星,除非他們是真正的大明星。明星們被“說服”去簽訂長達(dá)7年的合同,在此期間,由制片廠塑造他們的銀幕形象。由于合同的約束,明星們無權(quán)選擇自己的角色,一切皆由制片廠決定。世界上沒有國家像美國的廣告技巧一樣發(fā)展到了如此嫻熟的地步。他們可以為任何東西 做廣告,從冰激凌到總統(tǒng)候選人。好萊塢的制片廠通過廣告的方式,將小明星變成超級明星。許多制片商就是暴君,肆無忌憚,我行我素,不擇手段。 明星常常被定型,如果他們扮演的情人角色受觀眾喜愛,他們就總是扮演情人。一個因 扮演牛仔或壞蛋而走紅的明星會多次扮演那種角色。角色的選定幾乎不容爭辯!皩氊悾闶莻完美的花瓶,而且你將繼續(xù)保持這一形象,”他們會這樣說。他們甚至還干涉影星們的 私人生活:“不行,甜心,你不能和梅爾?比利甘結(jié)婚。他太聰明博學(xué)了,會毀了你的形象 的!

          直到他們退出影壇之后,他們其中的一些人才發(fā)現(xiàn)自己也是一流的演員!像貝蒂?戴 維斯、凱瑟琳?赫本、斯賓塞?屈塞和詹姆斯?梅森這些電影明星,除了擔(dān)任主角外還成功 地扮演了性格鮮明的其他角色。好萊塢不再是世界影視業(yè)的中心,F(xiàn)在大多數(shù)電影都是在劇本要求下的各地拍攝的―― 在城市、鄉(xiāng)村或世界的任何地方。好萊塢的攝影棚仍高高矗立,但大多數(shù)已出租給了電視網(wǎng) 絡(luò)。全美 80%的電視節(jié)目都來自好萊塢。但好萊塢的魅力并未喪失殆盡。電影明星們?nèi)跃幼≡谀抢,或住在相鄰的貝弗利山;還 有許多名人和富人也在南加利福尼亞安了家。這里還有迷人的好萊塢大型室外圓形劇場。自1922 年以來,美國最著名的交響樂團(tuán)每年夏天都為群聚在這里的觀眾演奏著名的“星光交 響曲”。最重要的是,好萊塢過去輝煌過。它的名字會永遠(yuǎn)和電影制作聯(lián)系在一起。今后的許多年里,好萊塢的老電影仍將反反復(fù)復(fù)在世界各地的銀幕和電視熒屏上演。












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