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      2. 微信簡短的英語個性簽名

        時間:2024-04-10 16:39:54 林強 簽名 我要投稿
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          1、you are my dream of dead.你是我已死去的夢。

          2、start to do new yourself.重新開始做全新的自己。

          3、I miss you but I miss you. 我想你但我卻錯過了你

          4、As a god ,you must see this. 我是守著千瘡百孔的心的膽小鬼。

          5、Far from eyes,far from heart. 眼不見,心不念。

          6、I m just a prisoner of love.我只是做了愛情的奴隸

          7、I am on your side, never leave.我在你身旁,未曾離開。

          8、A we missed the time, France.時間一點點被我們錯過,擦肩而過。

          9、You let me put dont open hand. 你放開了手,我放不開手。

          10、Because love you, so never mind.因為愛你所以沒關系。

          11、Want perfect, always not perfect.想要的完美,始終不完美。

          12、Be profound, be funny, or be quiet. 要么有深度,要么有趣,要么安靜。

          13、You are I wait less than passers-by.你是我等不到的路人。

          14、In a city, the city lived in pain. 心中有座城,城里住著疼。

          15、I never told you, I wanna hold you.我從未告訴你,我想擁抱你

          16、There is no love queen of the world.女王的世界里沒有愛情。

          17、save your heart for someone who cares.為了某個在乎你的人,請節(jié)約你的真心。

          18、The more you get the more you will pay.你得到的越多就要付出越多代價

          19、Not all people will be sincerely to you.不是所有人都會真心對你

          20、If I can be pure all the way to the end.如果我可以一路單純到底。

          21、Not all people understand you sad tears.不是所有人都懂你心酸眼淚。

          22、What kind of sunlight can warm my heart. 什么樣的陽光能溫暖我的心。

          23、sometimes,I just need someone to talk to.有時候,我只是需要一個可以說話的人。

          24、Reality tells me, everybody is not simple.現(xiàn)實告訴我 每個人都不簡單。

          25、I need someone who won’t give up on me. 我只是需要一個不會放棄我的人。

          26、However long the night, the dawn will break.不管黑夜有多長,天亮總會到來。

          27、But I tolerate all the last nothing hold me.我容忍了所有最后反倒什么都容不下我。

          28、The heart like sea you call I how to let go.人心像海你叫我怎么釋懷。

          29、To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. 去奮斗,去追求,去發(fā)現(xiàn),但不要放棄。

          30、Thank you for giving me Beckoning and heartache.謝謝你曾給我心動和心痛。

          31、Loneliness is before two people meet the agreed. 孤單是兩個人相遇之前的約定。

          32、Finally you miss the most earnest and I love you.你終于錯過最認真最愛你的我了。

          33、I can do am not many, but you need time, I always.我能做的不多,但你需要的時候,我總是在的。

          34、Im just a sunflower ,waiting for my only sunshine.我只是一朵向日葵,等待著屬于我的唯一的陽光。

          35、Reserve one meter sunshine and tap my heart window. 預訂一米陽光,輕敲我的心窗。

          36、Hey idiot, I think I just fell in love with you. Hey,傻瓜,我想我愛上你了。

          37、Take the luggage for you but dont know the direction.帶上行李尋你 卻不知方向。

          38、Who are not who, after all, we will only be our own.誰都不是誰的,我們終究只會,屬于我們自己。

          39、If youre nice to me,Ill be nice to you,simple as that.你對我好,我自然也會對你好。就是這么簡單。

          40、If you dont travel around, youd think this is the world. 如果你不走出去,你就會認為這就是世界。

          41、A hug distance is exactly right for me when thoughts freeze.一個擁抱的距離,恰恰是我對的思念凍結之時。

          42、sometimes words cannot express the burden of our heart.——有時候,心中所承受之重是無法用言語來表達的。

          43、some memories of the to it keep is cumbersome.有的回憶該刪了就刪了吧留著也是累贅。

          44、If you can get happiness in this lifetime, who may displaced.此生若能得幸福安穩(wěn),誰又愿顛沛流。

          45、How do injustice to want to cry suddenly finally only I a person.突然委屈到想要哭怎么最后只剩我一個人。

          46、I aimless goes by fits and starts, you cant walk out of the world.我漫無目的的走走停停,卻始終走不出你的世界

          47、I thought I was strong enough to recover for illness without medical help.我一直以為自己強大到不藥而愈。

          48、strength shows, not only in the ability to persist, but the ability to start over.堅持需要勇氣,重新來過更是如此。

          49、You are my lifelong lover. 你是我終身愛人。

          50、Memory is a wonderful thing if you dont have to deal with the past.回憶本來是十分完美的,只要你能讓過去的都過去。

          51、There are billion people in this world, yet my heart chose you.世界上有七十億人口,但我的心選擇了你。

          52、To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.愛自我,是一段延續(xù)終身的羅曼史。

          53、The happiness you gave me before has been there for me when I am sad.以前你給過的歡樂,此刻都陪著我難過。

          54、Love this stuff, living not bring, bring death.愛情這種東西,生不帶來,死不帶去的。

          55、No need to abandon their own people more than tears desperate not born.沒必要為了拋棄自我的人就流淚不止心死不生。

          56、Live like sunflower whom forever follow sun.像向日葵一樣向著太陽生活

          57、Crouch down,hold your knees when you are depressed.Forgive others and yourself.郁悶的時候蹲下來抱抱自我,原諒別人也原諒自我。

          58、Ce nest pas jamais, jamais oublier que, une fois.到不了的就是永遠,忘不了的就是以往。

          59、I hate that you’re just a memory now.我恨此刻你僅僅是回憶而已。

          60、You’re my Achilles heel .你是我無法抗拒的弱點。

          61、Once you start to dislike someone. Everything they do begins to annoy you.一旦開始厭惡某人,無論TA做什么都會讓你厭煩。

          62、I always looked at him in here,but he never noticed me.我時常在那里看著他,他卻從來沒有注意到我。

          63、From now on,love yourself,enjoy living then smile.從此刻開始,愛自我,享受生活并且微笑。

          64、Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.生活不是等著暴風雨過去,而是學會在風雨中跳舞。

          65、I only hope you are my eternal lover.我只期望你是我永恒的愛人。

          66、Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.你笑,全世界陪你笑;你哭,惟獨你一個人哭。

          67、A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.做別人告訴你別做的事情,也是人生一大樂事。

          68、I am ordinary yet unique.我很平凡,可是我獨一無二.

          69、Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.勇敢說出你的想法,哪怕聲音會顫抖。

          70、Nothing can ever replace you.沒有任何東西能代替你。

          71、Time cures all things時間是醫(yī)治一切創(chuàng)傷的良藥

          72、Trust is like an eraser. It gets smaller and smaller after every mistake.信任如同一塊橡皮擦,每犯一次錯,就會變小一點。

          73、Simply to silence, do not leave free and easy.索性就沉默,別再假灑脫。

          74、The time that you are my most fatal.時光深知你是我最致命的愛

          75、Time cut scar is called growth.時間劃破的傷疤叫做成長

          76、Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow.勇氣就是雖感恐懼,但仍會前行。

          77、At least in my show time, I try my best to love you.至少在屬于我出場的時間里,曾拼盡全力愛過你。

          78、You make my haert smile.我的心境因你而完美

          79、You are the reason why I became stronger. But still,you are my weakness.因為你,我學會了堅強,而你,依舊是我的傷。

          80、One life one love.一生一愛

          81、I didnt stop loving you.I just decided not to show my love.我沒有停止愛你,我只是決定不再表現(xiàn)出來。

          82、I just don‘t like you anymore我只是不再那么喜歡你

          83、if you are missing someone.如果你在想念某一個人。

          84、True love never gets old.真正的愛情永遠不會變老。

          85、If you still talk about it, you still care about it.如果你依然在談論,那你依舊在意。

          86、Maybe for those that have been missed,they are fated to be this way.也許那些錯過的,是因為注定就要錯過。

          87、Time cut scar is called growth.時間劃破的傷疤叫做成長

          88、I never stopped waiting.我從未放下過等待。

          89、There’s nothing wrong其實它們并沒有錯

          90、I do not change, because I have adapted to the changes in others.我不改變是因為我適應了別人的改變

          91、Each youth will be old, but I hope that your memories have been good.每段青春都會蒼老,但我期望記憶里的你一向都好。

          92、A Boy Can Do Evering For Girl .一個男孩能夠為女孩做任何事情

          93、The older I get, the less people I trust.越長大,我發(fā)現(xiàn)能信任的人越少。

          94、Luck is when opportunity knocks and you answer所謂的幸運就是,機會叩響了你的門,你也給它開了門。

          95、In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.在夢境和愛情里,沒有事情是不可能的。

          96、The most painful but one person was a man.最痛可是一人始一人終。

          97、The person you want to be me, you are my only one.舍不得你的人是我,牽掛你的人是我

          98、What kind of sunlight can warm my heart.什么樣的陽光能溫暖我的心。

          99、I want to say I really miss you.我想說,我真的想你了

          100、Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine.無論去哪兒,什么天氣,記得帶上自我的陽光。

          101、Are you afraid to test the heart, because I was afraid I was still in disgrace.不敢去試探你心里是否還有我,因為我怕是在自取其辱。

          102、Love is not the strong vow but the simple accompany.愛情不是轟轟烈烈的誓言,而是平平淡淡的陪伴。

          103、Got to lose, is always better than never gets no more cuts.得到了再失去,總是比從來就沒有得到更傷人。

          104、If I say leave me alone,actually I need you more than at any time.如果我說我想一個人靜一靜。

          105、Just this I finally gave up the chase for you, I decided to let you free.就在剛剛我最終放下了對你的追逐,我決定放你自由。

          106、You are the apple of my eye.你是我眼里最珍貴的人。

          107、Only miss the sun when it starts to snow .僅有在開始下雪時才會想念陽光。

          108、In life, couples meet because of fateTo go through life together is happiness.走在一齊是緣分,一齊在走是幸福。

          109、To you unexpected persistence.對你出乎意料的執(zhí)著。

          110、Time is the fault of fatalistic testimony people.時光的宿命就是見證人們的過錯。

          111、The same can not withstand the ravages of time, emotion, to the time it will cool.感情一樣經不起時間的摧殘,到時間就會涼。

          112、The world is not so much a fairy tale.世界上沒那么多的童話。

          113、Heart gets cold and love gets tired,its inevitable when you experience love.心會冷愛會累,這都是愛情必經的過程。

          114、Someday you will understand,were the first to love yourself.總有一天你會明白,人首先要愛自我。

          115、Some people, strong memories, faded relationships.有些人,濃了回憶,淡了關系。

          116、While there is life there is hope.一息若存,期望不滅。

          117、Stepping forward cant finish the distance while going backwards cant get rid of the memory.前進走不完距離,后退走不出回憶。

          118、I pretended to be indifferent to it我假裝無所謂才看不到心被擰碎

          119、Ill be here for you all the time.我會在這兒,一向為你。

          120、The only to commandeer a man can be violent memories, is the live better.唯一能夠強橫地霸占一個男人的回憶的,就是活得更好。

          121、It is kind of fun to do the impossible.去做不可能的事是一種樂趣。

          122、Down enough to let go失望攢夠了就放手吧

          123、There is no love queen of the world.女王的世界里沒有愛情。

          124、I am your traveler, you are my heart.我是你的過客,你卻是我的心。

          125、If two people are meant to be together, eventually theyll find their way back.如果兩個人注定在一齊,最終他們總會找到重溫舊夢的路。

          126、Lonely are the free.孤獨是免費的

          127、you are my everyday.我想你最初的容貌。

          128、Is missing you in the dream.在夢里想著你。

          129、I never back.我永遠不會回來

          130、Love me little, love me long.愛不貴感情好,而貴永久。

          131、People need some temper to lead an ambitious life.人需要點脾氣,才能活出志氣。

          132、Finally, you opened its mouth before I put a hand.最終是你開了口,我才放了手。

          133、I want to forget you, forget about any of your memory.我想忘掉你了,忘掉關于你的任何記憶。

          134、If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave.總在乎其他人怎樣看你,那你會一向是他人的奴隸。

          135、Out of all your lies, "I love you" was my favorite.在你所有的謊言里面,“我愛你”是我最喜歡的一個。

          136、love me love my dog.愛屋及烏

          137、Even if the future situat I will always be at your.總是未來風云萬變,我始終會在你身邊。

          138、Go most urgent, is the most beautiful scenery; hurt the most are always the most real emotions.走得最急的,都是最美的風景;傷得最深的,也總是那些最真的感情。

          139、Faking a smile is so much easier than explaining why you are sad.假裝微笑比解釋為何悲痛簡單多了。

          140、Life is short, so smile while you still have teeth.人生太短,所以笑吧,趁你此刻還有牙齒時。

          141、Every little kindness you show me would shake my determination.你對我的一點點好,都會動搖我的決心。

          142、Sometimes it is better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you.有時候,孤單一個人反而更好,沒人傷害得了你。

          143、When it has is lost, brave to give up.當擁有已經是失去,就勇敢的放下。

          144、A lifetime we walk together.一輩子我們一齊走。

          145、Empty promises will wear空洞的承諾總會磨損殆盡

          146、If we give enough, if we learn to trust.如果我們真心付出,如果學著去信任

          147、You give me Stop.你給我站住。

          148、You let me have a long war你讓我有種久違了的暖暖幸福

          149、Do it for your never do。做你從未做過的事

          150、The man I loved has all the warmth.我喜歡的人啊,他有一身的溫暖。

          151、I never told you, I wanna hold you。(我從未告訴你,我想擁抱你)

          152、Never give up your dreams. Miracles happen everyday.永遠別放下夢想,奇跡每一天都在發(fā)生。

          153、Be crazy if you love.If you dont.then be strong.愛就瘋狂,不愛就堅強。

          154、I am just a ordinary people.我只是個普通人。

          155、If not so much silence, so why would we go to such a point.如果沒有那么多的沉默,我們何必又會走到這樣的地步。

          156、If you want something, dont wish for it. Life is too short to wait.你若想要得到,就別只是期望。人生短暫,經不起等待。

          157、Know that you are ten thousand person of light which dare to expect you just shine for me.深知你是萬人之光哪敢奢望你只為我發(fā)光。

          158、The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.過去的沒辦法改變,但未來還在你的掌握之中。

          159、If I can be pure all the way to the end.如果我能夠一路單純到底。

          160、Is not in the lonely time will think of me.是不是在寂寞的時候才會想起我。

          161、The time that you are my most fatal.時光深知你是我最致命的愛。

          162、A careless word, can cause an irreversible results.一句無意的話,可造成一個不可挽回的結果

          163、I am not greed but I envy。我沒有貪婪但我羨慕海枯石爛。

          164、You do not know I am missing you.我在想你,你卻不知道。

          165、Sometimes there is no way out exlep.有時候,除了說再見,別無選擇。

          166、The longer the explanation, the bigger the lie.解釋的越長,謊言就越大。

          167、I miss you but i miss you (我想你,可是我錯過了你)

          168、What you see reflects what your heart is like.你看到什么樣的世界,你就擁有什么樣的內心。

          169、No matter how long. I love you are still so.不管多久,我愛你都依舊如此。

          170、I am your irrelevant, you are one of my beginning and end.我是你的無關痛癢你是我的一始而終。

          171、Most want is you, the most do not want to bother is also you.最想的是你,最不想打擾的也是你。

          172、My young frivolous, is you give pain.我的年少輕狂,是你給予的傷

          173、Love is a carefully designed lie愛情是一個精心設計的謊言。

          174、I want to strong, is not what you said strengthened themselves.我要的堅強,不是你所說的逞強。

          175、Cruel is the beginning of growth狠心是成長的開始

          176、Like I never ever loved no one before you。在你之前從沒這樣喜歡過一個人.

          177、even now there is still hope left.甚至到此刻我還仍存期望。

          178、I think I miss you less and less as every day goes by.我想隨著一天天過去,我對你的思念也在一天天淡去。

          179、The wind blows away the thoughts, rolled up unruly time.被風吹散的思念,卷起不羈的時間。

          180、I always put you seriously as a kind of joke. Because I was afraid of losing nothing.我總是把你們的認真當成一種玩笑。因為我害怕失去罷了。

          181、If you do not ask, the answer will always be no.如果你不去問,那結果永遠都是不。

          182、I want to love you all the time.我要的愛無非你們一向都在。

          183、Almost could not help but shed tears several times, but do not know what to feel.好幾次差點忍不住的落淚,卻不知道感觸些什么。

          184、Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因為結束而哭泣,微笑吧,為你的以往擁有。

          185、Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.有時候問題很復雜,而答案卻很簡單。

          186、Even to the end of the dream, please let me happy.就算是到了夢的盡頭,也請讓我感到幸福。

          187、Smiling, not because happiness too long, is too long time forgot to sorrow.面帶微笑,不是因為歡樂太長,是太長的時間忘了悲傷。

          188、Sorry,I forgot.You don’t need me anymore.對不起,我忘了,你已經不再需要我了。

          189、I am just folk.I have mood swings.我只是個平凡人,我也有我的小情緒。

          190、You dont laugh tears away.你別笑了眼淚都掉了

          191、We were just kids in love.我們以往只是陷入愛的孩子。

          192、Whether you did not see, I miss you, love you too.不管你看到沒看到,我很想你,也很愛你。

          193、I know I am not flattering, so I did not who is cumbersome.我深知我不討人喜歡,所以我不曾是誰的累贅。

          194、A girl doesnt need anyone who doesnt need her.不需要我的人,我也不需要他。

          195、The hot water will be cold, and the wrong people will be scattered.再燙的水也會涼,不適宜的人終會散場。

          196、Maybe people have always lost look very pale in fact also sad when you lose.或許擁有的人總是把失去看得很淡其實你失去時也會心痛的。

          197、All lives end,all hearts are broken.生命都會終結,徒留一顆破碎的心。

          198、Smile can be given to anyone.But your heart is for only one.笑容能夠給任何人,但你的心,只須給一個人就好。

          199、Never stop believing in yourself.永遠不要停止相信自我

          200、Although the relationship is no longer as concerned about it, but how can you say broken off.關系雖然不再一樣,關心卻怎樣能說斷就斷。

          201、Im just actors, always in someone elses story, his tears flow.我只是個戲子,永遠在別人的故事里,流著自我的眼淚。

          202、Life is not a script.生活并不是劇本。

          203、Love is not the strong vow but the simple accompany.愛情不是轟轟烈烈的誓言,而是平平淡淡的陪伴

          204、I created you concede the fact that I do not have to love again perfunctory explanation.我的退讓造就了你們相愛的事實我不必再敷衍再解釋。

          205、The past can be unforgettable but it must be let go.過去的事情能夠不忘記,但必須要放下。

          206、Weve never forgotten about the truth.We are just becoming skillful liars.我們從沒有忘記真相,只是我們越來越會說謊。

          207、Something is a knot when you reserve it,a scar when its opened.有些事情,不談是個結,談開了是個疤。

          208、I regret to see you again become a starting point discrete.我后悔去見了你一面成了離散的起點。

          209、I did not catch you when you pass you do not stop.擦肩而過時我沒有拉住你你也沒有停留。

          210、Bold cry, tears the heart drug.大膽哭出來,眼淚是心毒。

          211、If I forget you, you will not feel hard to breathe.如果我就此忘了你,你會不會覺得難呼吸。

          212、Every Moment We Stay Together Stay In My Mind,Still Fantasy.每時每刻,在我的腦海里仍然幻想我們待在一齊。

          213、Votre retour n’a pas été respecté你沒有如期歸來

          214、If love is just passing through, why should a visit.如果愛情只是走過,又何必到此一游。

          215、Mistake is temporary regret but missing is the forever one.過錯是暫時的遺憾,而錯過則是永遠的遺憾。

          216、I decided that I did not love you.我決定不愛你了。

          217、Some people will never be forgotten while some are always substitutes.有些人永遠不會被遺忘,有些人永遠只是代替品。

          218、I always say yes and mean no that you think that I was strong.我總是口是心非以至于你認為我很堅強。

          219、Have we loved so very reskless.以往我們那么放肆的愛過。

          220、Rev. Maclean: you can love completely without completely understanding.你能夠不完全了解一個人,但你仍能全心全意地去愛他。

          221、Risking it all in a giance毫不猶豫堵上所有感情

          222、Nobody could ever replace you從來沒有人能夠代替你

          223、I will be with you till the end...我會陪你走到最終。

          224、So close, you so far.那么近又那么遠。

          225、You will never understand my pretended saying ,It does not matter.你永遠不會明白我那些假裝的無所謂

          226、You let me lose a lot.你讓我失去了好多

          227、I used to detour, because would like to see you at a glance.我習慣繞路走,就是因為想多看你一眼。

          228、Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress.選擇讓你歡樂的那個人來共度余生,而不是你必須努力取悅的那一個。

          229、It just happens and we should live with it.世事無常,我們要隨遇而安。

          230、If you love someone, set them free.愛一個人,就是讓他自由自在的做他自我。

          231、tears are naivete.眼淚是天真

          232、Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows.朋友的作用:使你的歡樂加倍,痛苦減半。

          233、I love the young like a song.我愛的少年如歌。

          234、I can conquer the world with one hand as long as you are holding the other.只要你能牽著我另一只手,我能夠一只手征服世界。

          235、When you love someone you have to learn to let them go.一但你愛上一個人,你同時需要學會如何放手。

          236、Grasp all, lose all.什么都想要,什么都失掉。

          237、There is grave There is grave心里有座墳葬著未亡人

          238、To commemorate the first memories moved.讓回憶紀念最初的感動。

          239、life is a game of inches .人生是一場游戲的英寸。

          240、Once the love dead多謝你光臨我的夢

          241、Deep love person hide the heart does not hang mouth.深愛的人藏心不掛嘴。

          242、A friend in need is a friend indeed.患難見真情

          243、You know you are my best love.你可知道你是我的最愛。

          244、You will always be my only .這句話我永遠都不可能對你說了。

          245、Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.無論你身在何處,無論你為何忙碌,我都會在此守候。

          246、I didnt want to leave you that just love the backseat force.我沒想離開你,那只是愛的后座力。

          247、Let the time tell the truth.任由時間說真話

          248、I love you already tired.愛你的我已經累了。

          249、The wind blows like flowers of the time.風吹著如花般破碎的流年。

          250、And you will not retain my chosen one go.我最不會挽留而你們一個個偏要走。

          251、Time always save the best for last.時間總是把最好的人留到最終

          252、The fragmentation of the separation, this is you want to end.支離破碎的分離,這是不是你要的結局。

          253、Miss as miss, miss read as offering, the chief read do not read.想念不如懷念,懷念不如祭念,祭念不如不念

          254、When I started has become a kind of cautious person.我是什么時候開始也變成了那種細心翼翼的人。

          255、Lifes like a play: Its not the length,but the excellence of the acting that matters.生命如同一個劇本:重要的不是它有多長而是演出是否精彩。

          256、Admit it, we all love listening to the LIES when we already knew the TRUTH不得不承認,我們都更喜歡聽謊言,即使已經知道真相。

          257、Who gives us meet but not concurrently give us forever.是誰賜我們遇見卻不一并贈我們永遠。

          258、You and I separatend is inevilable你我的走散是必然的

          259、I understand. I just do not care.我明白,只是,我不在乎。

          260、When you have nothing to lose,its time to gain.當你再也沒有什么能夠失去的時候,就是你開始得到的時候。

          261、I really hate you do not really love me.我是真的很恨你不是真的愛我。

          262、Prison birds do not know the sea囚鳥不知海

          263、Please give me a reason to forget you,who loves me so much.給我一個理由忘記,那么愛我的你。

          264、So many men.so many mind.人心各不一樣

          265、If there is no separation growth also does not have belongs to.如果沒有別離,成長也就無所附麗。

          266、However, you are the one I love.What can I complain about。畢竟是我愛的人,我能夠怪你什么。

          267、Some people will never be forgotten while some are always substitutes.有些人永遠不會被遺忘,有些人永遠只是代替品。

          268、Just like the sunflower proud alive .像向日葵一樣驕傲地活著

          269、Eternity is not a distance but a d永遠不是一種距離,而是一種決定。

          270、If life is like a journey, it must go through the whole.如果生命如同一段旅程,總要走過后才完整。

          271、I love you not because I need you cjx。我愛你并不是我需要你

          272、No one will care about you too much unless youre pretty or dying.沒有人會太關心你除非你很漂亮或瀕臨死亡。

          273、The time that you are my most fatal.時光深知你是我最致命的愛人

          274、Sunshine and you is what I want in the future.陽光和你同在,就是我想要的未來。

          275、To make each day count.要讓每一天都有所值。

          276、If you remember me, then I dont care if everyone else forgets.只要你記得我,我不介意整個世界都把我遺忘了。

          277、Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing.沒有痛苦,沒有犧牲,我們將一無所有。

          278、Since you unintentionally I should let it go.你既然無心我也該放手。

          279、Since know, why so sensational.既然心知肚明,又何必句句煽情。

          280、Keep your feet on the ground, but let your heart soar as high as a kite!腳踏實地,可是,心要像風箏一樣飛得高!

          281、Sorry, you are not in my mind.對不起,你不在我心里。

          282、I tired you can not see my broken heart you can not hear.我的累你看不見,我心碎你聽不見。

          283、There is always a sad dream,in the dream, he loves me very much.總是做一個很悲傷的夢,在夢里他很愛我。

          284、I just want a warm embrace and nothing more.我只是想要一個溫暖的懷抱僅此而已。

          285、Give me a future of you and me給我一個未來有你有我

          286、The lazier a person is, the more things he needs to do tomorrow.一個人越懶,明天要做的事越多。

          287、Sometimes our hearts just need time to accept what our heads already know.有時候,雖然能想明白,但心里就是理解不了。

          288、I know it seems that only love what you are trained to live up to what extent.似乎僅有我自我知道愛你到什么程度受過什么辜負。

          289、Suddenly remembered word but not you accompany me to the last.突然想起了一句話可惜不是你陪我到最終。

          290、Unless the loess buried my bones, I will keep with you forever.除非黃土白骨,我守你歲月無憂。

          291、One word then,one smile,is enough.彼時,一個字,一個微笑,已經足夠。

          292、It is never too late to be who you might have been.做回你自我,永遠都不嫌晚。

          293、Love makes you hold on to things you wouldn’t have been able to.愛讓你堅持住了那些你本堅持不下去的事情

          294、Please dont pretend to be good to me. Im so naive that I will take it seriously.請不要假裝對我好,我很傻,會當真。

          295、Lost to marry me, marry you win.輸了嫁給我,贏了娶你。

          296、If through time, through love倘若看透時光看透愛

          297、Even if you bad i also love you.即使你不好我也愛你。

          298、I have a stubborn will be siring我有多倔強就有多堅強

          299、Life is a kind of pressure. We should learn to prop up ourselves.人生是一種承受,我們要學會支撐自我。

          300、No rose without a thorn.沒有不帶刺的玫瑰。

          301、I want to be your bride .我想成為你的新娘

          302、I love not love you one minute only?seconds.我愛的不多一分鐘只愛了你六十秒。

          303、Emancipate urself from ur past. The only way to move forward is to stop looking back!把自我從過去解放出來,前進的唯一方法是別往后看。

          304、Lopsided, and eventually became seen.漸行漸遠,終成不見。

          305、All the deep love is secret.所有的深愛都是秘密。

          306、We now state, is the last before the break reserved.我們此刻的狀態(tài),是分手前的最終的矜持。

          307、God says angelc eyedrop is once.上帝說天使的眼淚是以往。

          308、The heart is mine.But it is full of you.心是我的,可里面裝的全是你。

          309、Love is an unknown place that no saying from all around the worldcan explain.愛情是用全世界所有的名言都無法解釋的未知世界。

          310、Happiness is the precipitation of time,smile is the lonely sorrow.幸福是年華的沉淀,微笑是寂寞的悲傷。

          311、Though the sunset fell, love eternity.夕陽雖落,愛永不朽

          312、syousya niwa syourei,haisya niwa tyoukai.給勝者以獎勵,給敗者以懲戒。

          313、To be or not to be that is a question.生存還是毀滅

          314、Please dont pretend to be good to me. Im so naive that I will take it seriously.請不要假裝對我好,我很傻,會當真。

          315、If you feel sad for buring it in your heart, then just smile and let it go.如果放在心里會覺得難過,那么就請微笑著放手吧。

          316、As a god ,you must see this我是守著千瘡百孔的心的膽小鬼

          317、I have no sense of security,because I love you too.我沒有安全感,是因為我太愛你。

          318、l had a dream that you love me.我做了個夢是你愛上我。

          319、I find it suddenly,sometimes itd be precious happiness if nothing is changing.突然發(fā)現(xiàn),能夠不變,有時候就是一種最難得的幸福。

          320、Be strong, also hurt再堅強也會傷

          321、Braver are those who have hurt cuz they know nothing would be more painful than ever.一些受過傷的人會更加勇敢,因為他們知道,最痛可是如此。

          322、Love has you only then to be perfect.愛要有你才完美。

          323、People did not love has no one loves you.人不愛己沒人愛你。

          324、Remember to look back at your mistakes from time to time, but never regret them.記得回頭看看以前犯的錯誤,但絕不要后悔。

          325、Smile while you still have teeth.微笑吧趁此刻還有牙齒

          326、There is no love queen of the world.女王的世界里沒有愛情。

          327、Will we at last forget ourselves result from the continuous affectation.我們會不會終有一天在不斷地假裝里,忘記自我。

          328、Happiness is just on my hands, and even lost sense of direction, but still not afraid.幸福就是只要牽對了手,就算失去了方向感,但仍然不會害怕

          329、Things do not change,we change.世界沒變,是我們變了。

          330、We are afraid of losing but never did learn to cherish.我們害怕失去卻始終沒學會珍惜。

          331、The fragmentation of the separation, this is you want to end.支離破碎的分離,這是不是你要的結局。

          332、One day I will shine elegant.終有一天我將綻放優(yōu)雅。

          333、For in all adversity of fortune the worst sort of misery is to have been happy.在所有不幸中,最不幸的事是曾經幸福過。

          334、Sometimes words cannot express the burden of our heart——有時候,心中所承受之重是無法用言語來表達的。

          335、The stupid seek happiness far away,and the clever plough it under feet——愚笨的人到遠處去尋找幸福,聰明的人就在自己腳底下耕耘幸福。

          336、Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. 生活一直都很簡單,但是我們也一直都忍不住要把它變得很復雜。

          337、Everything happens for a reason.這個世界,沒有偶然

          338、I want to be different in your heart.我想成為你心中的特別

          339、Nothing can be more beauitful than the smile free from tears!

          340、Morgen, die Zukunft, die sich zuerst?明天 、未來 ,哪一個會先到。

          341、you not feel consumes me how many tears. 你一句沒感覺 消耗了我多少眼淚。

          342、I like a lot of people.But I only love you .我可以喜歡很多人,但我只愛你一個。

          343、No one indebted for others, while many people don’t know how to cherish others.沒有誰對不起誰,只要誰不明白愛惜誰。

          344、never frown,even when you are sad.縱然傷心,也不要愁眉苦展

          345、Live your life and forget your age.過你的日子,別去想你過了的日子

          346、Time cut scar is called growth.時間劃破的傷疤叫做成長。

          347、I just want to be free in my world. 我只想在我的世界里,自由自在

          348、Making love out of nothing at all 讓愛一切成空

          349、Hello, March, please be good to me.你好,四月,請對我好點。

          350、all or nothing, now or never 。要么沒有,要么全部。要么現(xiàn)在,要么永不。

          351、Love does not require you to be perfect, but it does require you to be forgiving——愛情并不需要你處處完美,但需要你變得寬恕。

          352、Victory wonot come to me unless I go to it——勝利是不會向我們走來的,我必須自己走向勝利。

          353、You will never understand why I have that mighty proud 你們永遠不懂,我為何擁有不可一世的驕傲

          354、Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship.比起談著充滿欺騙的戀愛,單身反而更好

          355、Is it possible you still love me?———有沒有能夠,你還愛我?

          356、if I could make days last forever 如果我能把時間化作永恒

          357、Thank you for standing behind me感謝你一直支持著我

          358、We share so much together我們分享生命中的每一天

          359、I want to kiss you my baby我要親吻你我的愛人

          360、is to save every day until eternity passes away把每一天都存下來直到永恒

          361、I am not rejecting you, I am protecting me.我不是在拒絕你,我是在保護我自己。

          362、If you feel sad for buring it in your heart, then just smile and let it go. 如果放在心里會覺得難過,那么就請微笑著放手吧。

          363、I am on my way to future, where you are there. 我要去有你的未來。

          364、Believe is one kind of love. For loving you, so I believe you ------ 信任也是一種愛。愛你,所以相信

          365、For you, I came into this world. 為了你,我來到了這個世界上。

          366、Don’t be easy to get, or you’ll be easy to forget. 不要輕易讓人得到你,不然你會很容易被忘記。

          367、You made my life ,Holly,but i‘m just one chapter in yours 你完整了我的人生,但我卻只是你人生中的過客。

          368、For every love there is a heart to receive it.每一份愛,總會有一顆心會感受到。

          369、I just need someone who never lets me down-我只是需要一個永遠不會放棄我的人

          370、If love, time and distance, will not hinder.若愛,時間和距離,都不會是阻礙。



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