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      2. 用英語(yǔ)翻譯《鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的》的簡(jiǎn)介

        時(shí)間:2023-06-14 13:06:14 羨儀 鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的 我要投稿
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          " How to make steel" is a Soviet writer Nicola Ostrovsky has written a novel,written in 1933.Tells the story of Paul Korchagin from a naive youth to become a loyal to the revolutionary Bolshevik soldiers,then to the blind but be firm and inflexible novels,became a strong steel ( refers to his spirit of the story ).The author is a former Soviet writer Nicola Ostrovsky,which is of an autobiographical novel taste,it praises the desperate fate still be firm and inflexible,challenge the fate of the spirit,thrash the only tyrannically abuse one's power of capitalists and capitalist society's ugly,showed the authors represent the then of the oppressed fate fighting spirit.


          保爾·柯察金出生于貧困的鐵路工人家庭,早年喪父,憑母親替人洗衣做飯維持生計(jì)。他因痛恨神父平時(shí)瞧不起他,往神父家用來(lái)做復(fù)活節(jié)蛋糕的面團(tuán)上撒煙灰而被學(xué)校開(kāi)除。12歲時(shí),母親把他送到車站食堂當(dāng)雜役,在那兒他受盡了凌辱,所以他憎恨那些欺壓窮人的店老板,厭惡那些花天酒地的有錢人!笆赂锩北l(fā)后,帝國(guó)主義和反動(dòng)派妄圖扼殺新生的蘇維埃政權(quán)。保爾的家鄉(xiāng)烏克蘭謝佩托夫卡鎮(zhèn)也經(jīng)歷了外國(guó)武裝干涉和內(nèi)戰(zhàn)的歲月。紅軍解放了謝佩托夫卡鎮(zhèn),但很快就撤走了。只留下老布爾什維克朱赫來(lái)在鎮(zhèn)上做地下工作。 朱赫來(lái)很友好,教保爾學(xué)會(huì)了英式拳擊,還培養(yǎng)了保爾樸素的革命熱情。一次,因?yàn)榻饩戎旌諄?lái),保爾自己被關(guān)進(jìn)了監(jiān)獄。而后敵人因疏忽把他錯(cuò)放了,保爾怕重新落入魔掌,不敢回家,遂不由自主地來(lái)到了冬妮婭的花園門前,縱身跳進(jìn)了花園。由于上次釣魚時(shí),保爾解救過(guò)冬妮婭,加上她又喜歡他“熱情和倔強(qiáng)”的性格,他的到來(lái)讓她很高興。保爾也覺(jué)得冬妮婭跟別的富家女孩不一樣,他們都感受到了朦朧的愛(ài)情。為了避難,他答應(yīng)了冬妮婭的請(qǐng)求,住了下來(lái)。幾天后,冬妮婭找到了保爾的哥哥阿爾焦姆,他把弟弟柯察金送到喀查丁參加了紅軍。





          Paul Kochagin was born into a poor railway worker's family.In his early years,he lost his father and made a living by washing and cooking for others with his mother.He was expelled from school because he hated the priest who looked down on him and threw ash on the dough used to make Easter cakes at the priest's house.When he was 12 years old,his mother sent him to the station canteen to work as a factotum.He was humiliated there,so he hated the shopkeepers who bullied the poor and the rich who indulged in extravagance.After the October Revolution broke out,imperialism and reactionaries tried to strangle the new Soviet regime.Paul's hometown,Shepetovka,Ukraine,also experienced years of foreign armed intervention and civil war.The Red Army liberated the town of Shepetovka,but soon withdrew.Only the old Bolshevik Juhe was left to do underground work in the town.Zhu Helai was very friendly.He taught Paul English boxing and cultivated Paul's simple revolutionary enthusiasm.Once,Paul himself was put into prison for rescuing Zhuhelai.Then the enemy inadvertently misplaced him.Paul was afraid of falling back into the devil's grip and dared not go home.He involuntarily came to Dounia's garden door and jumped into the garden.Because Paul saved Dongya when he was fishing last time,and she liked his "warm and stubborn" character,his arrival made her very happy.Paul also felt that Dounia was different from other rich girls.They all felt a vague love.In order to take refuge,he agreed to Dounia's request and stayed.A few days later,Dounia found Paul's brother,Arjom.He sent his brother,Kochagin,to join the Red Army in Kachading.

          After joining the army,Paul became a scout and later a cavalry.He is not only a soldier who dares to fight in the battlefield,but also an excellent political propagandist.He especially likes reading Gadfly,Spartacus and other works,and often reads or tells stories to his comrades in arms.In a fierce battle,his head was seriously injured,but he defeated the god of death with tenacious perseverance.His physical condition prevented him from returning to the front line,so he immediately put into the work of restoring and building the country.He did the work of the Communist Youth League and the elimination of counter revolutionaries,and devoted himself to hard physical work.In particular,the construction of railways is particularly difficult; In autumn rain,mud,heavy snow and frozen soil,people are short of food and clothing,live in the open air,and are harassed by armed bandits and threatened by diseases.When Paul took Dounia,who was dressed beautifully and neatly,to a party with fellow workers,he was ridiculed and ridiculed by them.Paul realized that Dounia and he were not of the same class,and hoped that she could stand on the same front with him,but she refused.Their feelings had to be split,so Paul left Dounia.By the time I saw her again while building the railway,she had married a rich engineer.

          When Paul was the secretary of the Youth League Committee in the railway factory,he often contacted Lida,a member of the Youth League Committee,at work.But Paul resisted his feelings for Lida with the spirit of "Gadfly".Later,he mistook Lida's brother for her lover,and finally decided to break off their feelings,thus losing the opportunity to love her.At the end of the road construction work,Paul got typhoid fever and caused pneumonia,so the organization had to send Paul back to his hometown to recuperate.On the way,the news that Paul had died was spread by mistake,but Paul defeated death for the fourth time and returned to the world.After his illness,he returned to his post and joined the Party.Due to various injuries and selfless work and labor,Paul's physique became worse and worse,and he lost his ability to work.The Party organization had to remove him from his job and let him be hospitalized for a long time.

          While convalescing at the seaside,he accidentally met Daya,a female migrant worker,and fell in love.Paul continued to help Daya make progress,while he began to study tenaciously to enhance his writing skills.In 1927,Paul was paralyzed,and then he became blind.The rampant disease finally tied the soldier full of fighting passion to his bed.Paul once had the idea of suicide,but he soon came out of the valley.The man who was paralyzed,blind and had no writing experience began his heroic career - literary creation.Paul endured great physical and mental pain,first of all,he wrote in cardboard frames.Six months later,the manuscript was lost when a friend sent it back.Paul was once frustrated.Later,he pulled himself together and asked someone to record it.With the help of his mother and the girl next door,Galia,the novel Born of the Storm,which he wrote with his life,was finally published.The iron ring of life has been completely shattered.Paul takes up a new weapon and starts a new life.











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