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      2. 母親的英語手抄報圖片

        時間:2022-05-11 19:30:35 板報大全 我要投稿




          母愛是偉大的,也是無私的,它沉浸于萬物之中,充盈于天地之間。 Motherly love is great, but also selfless, which are immersed in all things, filling in between heaven and earth.

          Motherly love, a time immemorial human beings the same theme.

          我們賦予它太多的詮釋,也賦予它太多的內(nèi)涵。 We give it too much interpretation, but also give it too many connotations.

          沒有歷史史詩的撼人心魄,沒有風卷大海的驚波逆轉(zhuǎn),母愛就象一場春雨,一首清歌,潤物無聲,綿長悠遠。 No historical epic awesome stunning, there is no shock wave of the sea風卷downturn, motherly love is like a spring rain, a Qing Song, soundless lubrication, long distant.

          當代散文家余秋雨在一篇文章中寫道:“一切遠行者的出發(fā)點總是與媽媽告別……而他們的終點則是衰老……暮年的老者呼喊媽媽是不能不讓人動容的, 一聲呼喊道盡了回歸也道盡了漂泊”。 Contemporary essayist Yu wrote in an article: "Everything travels from the starting point is always with the mother ... ... and they bid farewell to the end of it is aging ... old age ... the old man can not help but cry mother is moving, say shout Road to make a return of all the drifting Road. "

          母愛是天涯游子的最終歸宿,是潤澤兒女心靈的一眼清泉,它伴隨兒女的一飲一啜,絲絲縷縷,綿綿不絕,于是,在兒女的笑聲淚影中便融入了母愛的纏 綿。 Motherly love is the ultimate destination of the End of the World home is Runze Qingquan a spiritual sons and daughters, sons and daughters it is accompanied by a drink one sip, fishes continuously, memories we do not, therefore, in the children's laughter in the film will tear into the motherly love .

          母愛就象一首田園詩,幽遠純凈,和雅清淡; Motherly love as an idyllic,幽遠pure, and AGB light;

          母愛就是一幅山水畫,洗去鉛華雕飾,留下清新自然; Motherly love is a landscape painting, carving鉛華washed away, leaving the fresh and clean;

          母愛就象一首深情的歌,婉轉(zhuǎn)悠揚,輕吟淺唱; Motherly love as a deep feeling of the song, mildly tuneful, sing輕吟shallow;

          母愛就是一陣和煦的風,吹去朔雪紛飛,帶來春光無限。 Motherly love is a warm wind, the snow falling吹去Schomburg, bringing Chunguang unlimited.

          母愛就是一生相伴的盈盈笑語,母愛就是漂泊天涯的縷縷思念,母愛就是兒女病榻前的關(guān)切焦灼,母愛就是兒女成長的殷殷期盼。 Motherly love is accompanied by a lifetime of Yingying laughing, motherly love is drifting continuously miss the earth, motherly love is concerned about their children before bed anxious, motherly love is the sons and daughters grow up殷殷期盼.

          想起了母親,志向消沉就會化為意氣風發(fā);想起了母親,虛度年華就會化為豪情萬丈;想起了母親,羈旅漂泊的游子就會萌發(fā)起回家的心愿;想起了母 親,彷徨無依的心靈就找到了棲息的家園。 Reminds me of the mother, depressed aspirations will be translated into high-spirited; reminds mothers, wasted years would translate into lofty; reminds mothers, drifting羈旅will germinate from the wandering of the desire to go home; thought of a mother, a loss no one to depend on found a soul on the habitat homes.

          時光如水,年華易逝,似水流年淡去我們多少回憶,卻始終不改我們對母親的綿綿思念。 Time, such as water, Nianhua Perishable, Homecoming faded memories we have, but always do not change our memories of the mother's thoughts. 鶯歸燕去,春去秋來,容顏漸老,白發(fā)似雪。 Ying Yan went to the spring to autumn, the face of growing old, snowy white hair. 兒女在一天天長大,母親卻在一天天衰老。 Sons and daughters grow up in one day, his mother one day in senescence. 當兒女望見高堂之上的白發(fā)親娘,他們都會投入母親懷抱,熱淚漣漣! When the children saw the white hair above Gao親娘, they would put mothers embrace, tears tears!

          母愛也是文學和音樂的永恒主題。 Motherly love of literature and music is the eternal theme. 文人以母愛為題,寫出的文章便滋潤蘊籍;樂師以母愛為題,彈奏的曲調(diào)便清柔幽美,余韻綿綿。 Motherly love for the writers to write the article then moisten蘊籍; musicians to love the title of the tune they play清柔beautiful, continuous finish.

          “慈母手中線,游子身上衣。臨行密密縫,意恐遲遲歸。誰言寸草心,報得三春暉”。 "The hands of a loving mother line, wandering onto clothing. Departure thick seam, Italy may delay return. Who made the heart-inch grass, reported a three Chunhui." 唐代詩人孟郊,歷經(jīng)坎坷,窮困愁苦,而母親的笑容卻時刻令他夢縈魂牽。 Tang Dynasty poet, Meng Jiao, after frustrations, suffering poverty, while the mother's smile has always made him dream of the soul led rayon. 在他得知母親將來的時候,掩不住臉上的笑容,按不住心中的喜悅,抖落衣冠上層累的風霜,拂去心頭積淀的風塵,攜妻將雛,到溧陽城外迎接母親。 In the future, he learned that his mother, when not conceal his face a smile, according to the hearts of pleasure can not, shake off the upper dressed tired of the wind, flick the dust accumulated in my heart, his wife will be young, to meet the mother of Liyang City . 芳草萋萋,花香陣陣,白云舒卷,碧野晴川,處處洋溢著兒子不盡的思念。 Fangcao lush, floral smell, Baiyun舒卷, Bi Ye Qingchuan, always filled with thousands of missing son. 母子相依,熱淚盈眶,握著媽媽溫暖的雙手,望著母親蒼老的容顏,不禁愴然飲泣,感慨萬千,提筆賦詩,情思涌動,在孟郊筆下,就熔鑄了這首飽含母愛的《游子 吟》,誠摯深切,傳誦千年。 Dependent mother, tears, the warmth of mother holding hands, looking at old mother looks, one can not help飲泣sorrowful, filled with emotion, write賦詩, surging emotion, described in Meng Jiao, on the casting of the first full of motherly love "You zi yin" deeply sincere, read the Millennium.

          東漢末年,蔡文姬被亂兵擄至匈奴,作別家國,萬里投荒。 Eastern Han Dynasty, Cai Wenji was pillager Abduction to the Huns, unless home country, thousands of miles to vote Arakawa. 在被漢使贖回時,母子訣別,含悲引淚,親朋相送,凄涼感傷。 So that the redemption in the Han, the mother Farewell, cited含悲tears, friends and relatives相送, desolate pathos. 她在所作《悲憤詩》中寫道:“已得自解免,當復棄兒子。天屬綴人心,念別無會期……號泣手撫摩,當發(fā)復回疑”。 She made "grief poem" wrote: "has a self-free, when the resumption of abandoned son. Days are made up of people's minds, there is no study session ... ... boohoo hand stroke, when the complex back to the suspect." 凄怨哀傷,聲節(jié)悲涼,讀之使人落淚。 凄怨sad, sad and dreary acoustic section, reading the people to tears. 唐人曾以此為題,作胡笳之曲,如泣如訴,欲歌欲哭,一種醇烈的母子之情充溢于曲調(diào)之間。 Tong Yan San have used this as its theme song for the胡笳,如泣如訴, Song For欲哭, a strong alcohol母子之情overflowing in between tunes.











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