《楚門的世界》(the Truman Show)這是部好電影,然而我卻錯過了它好多年,直到最近才抽空得以觀賞。下面是瑞文小編收集整理的楚門的世界經典臺詞,歡迎閱讀參考!
《楚門的世界》經典中英臺詞:你即使一拐一拐,也得爬上山頂。You're going to the top Of this mountain, Broken legs and all.
《楚門的世界》經典中英臺詞:我的生活不分公私,"真人表演"就是我全部的生活。Well, for me, There is no difference between a private life And a public life. My life...is my life, is the truman show.
《楚門的世界》經典中英臺詞:假如再碰不見你們,祝你們早安、午安、晚安。Good morning, and in case I don't see you, Good afternoon, Good evening, And good night.
《楚門的世界》經典中英臺詞:——你不現實得像個少年。You're talking Like a teenager.——也許我的心境像少年。Well, maybe i feel Like a teenager.
《楚門的世界》經典中英臺詞:我可能受到別人操縱。你有沒有這種感覺,好像一生都身不由己。Truman: Maybe i'm being Set up for something. You ever think About that, marlon? Like your whole life has been building Towards something?
《楚門的世界》經典中英臺詞:為什么至今楚門還不知道自己活在一個什么樣的世界?Why do you think truman Has never come close To discovering the true nature Of his world until now? 我們都接受現實,就是那么簡單。We accept the reality Of the world With which we are Presented. It's as simple as that.
《楚門的`世界》經典中英臺詞:謹此把本星球命名為畢星系楚門星。I hereby Proclaim this planet Trumania Of the burbank galaxy.
《楚門的世界》經典中英臺詞:你還有什么法寶?你想阻止我只有殺我。Is that the best You can do? You're gonna have To kill me!
《楚門的世界》經典中英臺詞:外面的世界跟我給你的世界一樣的虛假,有一樣的謊言一樣的欺詐。There's no more truth Out there. Than there is in the world I created for you. The same lies. The same deceit.