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      2. 英語地球日手抄報資料

        時間:2024-04-30 19:35:12 曉麗 手抄報 我要投稿
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          Now the earth is in bad condition. For example, in some places, the air and water pollution is so serious that it causes many deaths. At the same time, many animals and plants are in danger because of the destruction of their habitats.

          Luckily, we human beings have realized the problem.

          On April 22nd, millions of people across the world do something good for the earth. Some clean up beaches and water, some pick up rubbish, others give speeches to call on more people to take action.

          But can we save the earth only by one day‘s work? The future of our planet depends on our efforts. What we should do is to make every day Earth Day.

          Only by taking good care of it every day can we hope to live in harmony with nature.


          Festival Introduction

          世界地球日(World Earth Day)即每年的4月22日,是一項(xiàng)世界性的環(huán)境保護(hù)活動。2009年第63屆聯(lián)合國大會決議將每年的4月22日定為“世界地球日”。該活動最初在1970年的美國由蓋洛德·尼爾森和丹尼斯·海斯發(fā)起,隨后影響越來越大。活動旨在喚起人類愛護(hù)地球、保護(hù)家園的意識,促進(jìn)資源開發(fā)與環(huán)境保護(hù)的協(xié)調(diào)發(fā)展,進(jìn)而改善地球的整體環(huán)境。中國從20世紀(jì)90年代起,每年都會在4月22日舉辦世界地球日活動。

          World Earth Day, also known as April 22nd each year, is a global environmental protection event. The 63rd United Nations General Assembly resolution in 2009 designated April 22nd as World Earth Day. This activity was initially initiated in the United States in 1970 by Gallot Nielsen and Dennis Hayes, and its impact has since grown. The activity aims to awaken human awareness of caring for the Earth and protecting our homeland, promote the coordinated development of resource development and environmental protection, and thereby improve the overall environment of the Earth. Since the 1990s, China has held World Earth Day events every year on April 22nd.


          The original Earth Day of World Earth Day was chosen during the spring equinox solar term, which means that the day and night are equal in any corner of the world, and sunlight can shine on both the South Pole and North Pole simultaneously. This represents equality in the world and also symbolizes the need for humanity to let go of disputes and differences and coexist harmoniously. Traditionally, there is a tradition in many countries to celebrate the Spring Equinox solar term. In the early days, the United Nations also held World Earth Day events every spring equinox.


          In 1970 in the United States The Earth Day movement is the first large-scale mass environmental protection movement in human history. It has successfully made organizing environmental activities on April 22nd a convention. In the United States, the name Earth Day has also moved from the Spring Equinox to April 22nd, and the theme of Earth Day has shifted more towards environmental protection. Afterwards, the impact of Earth Day became increasingly significant. On April 22, 1990, over 100 countries around the world held various environmental protection propaganda activities, with hundreds of millions of participants. From then on, Earth Day became international and became World Earth Day.


          Since the 1990s, China has held promotional activities for World Earth Day on April 22nd every year, and the theme of the activities has been determined based on the situation of that year.


          Origin of activities


          In 1969, Democratic Senator Gerald Nielsen held a speech at various universities in the United States, planning to organize a campus movement against the Vietnam War on April 22 of the following year. However, at a preparatory meeting held in Seattle in 1969, one of the organizers of the event, Harvard Law School student Dennis Hayes, proposed positioning the movement as a grassroots movement with an environmental protection theme throughout the United States.


          In 1969, Gallo Nielsen proposed holding environmental lectures on university campuses across the country. Upon hearing this suggestion, Hayes envisioned holding an environmental lecture in Cambridge. So he went to the capital Washington to meet Nielsen. Young Hayes talked about his ideas, and Nielsen was overjoyed. He immediately expressed his willingness to hire Hayes and even encouraged him to temporarily stop his studies and focus on the environmental movement. So Hayes resolutely processed the suspension procedures. Soon, he expanded Nielsens vision and launched a large-scale community event across the United States. The idea of hosting Earth Day came into being.

          他選定1970年4月22日(星期三)為第一個“地球日”。就在那年的4月22日,美國各地大約有2000萬人參加了游行 示威和演講會。美國的1970年正是個多事之秋,光纖織物被發(fā)明了出來,“阿波羅13號”的悲劇導(dǎo)致登月計劃的失敗,在南卡羅來納州薩瓦那河附近一家核工廠發(fā)生泄露事故,當(dāng)時的美國人,終日呼吸著豪華轎車的含鉛尾氣。工廠肆無忌憚地排放著濃煙和污水,卻從不擔(dān)心會被起訴或者是受到輿論的譴責(zé)。“環(huán)保人士”鳳毛麟角,他們只是列在字典里的單詞,卻很少能夠被人所重視。正是在這樣的背景下,首次“地球日”取得了極大的成功。鑒于公眾對環(huán)境保護(hù)的關(guān)心,美國國會在“地球日”這一天休會,近40名參眾議員分別在當(dāng)?shù)丶瘯现v話。倫特·杜貝斯、保羅·埃利希以及拉爾夫·納德等美國的名流發(fā)表了演講,闡明集會的重要意義。25萬人聚集在華盛頓特區(qū),10萬人向紐約市第五大街進(jìn)軍,支持這次活動。

          He selected April 22, 1970 (Wednesday) as the first Earth Day. On April 22 of that year, approximately 20 million people from all over the United States participated in demonstrations and speeches. In 1970, it was a tumultuous year in the United States when fiber optic fabrics were invented. The tragedy of Apollo 13 led to the failure of the lunar landing program, and a leak occurred at a nuclear factory near the Savannah River in South Carolina. At that time, Americans were breathing in the leaded exhaust of luxury cars all day long. The factory emits thick smoke and sewage recklessly, but never worries about being sued or condemned by public opinion. Environmentalists are rare and rare, they are just words listed in the dictionary but rarely valued by people. Against this backdrop, the first Earth Day achieved great success. Due to public concern for environmental protection, the US Congress adjourned on Earth Day, and nearly 40 members of the House of Representatives spoke at local rallies. American celebrities such as Lent Dubes, Paul Elich, and Ralph Nader gave speeches clarifying the significance of the rally. 250000 people gathered in Washington D.C., while 100000 marched towards Fifth Street in New York City to support the event.


          According to statistics, more than 20 million people, 10000 primary and secondary schools, 2000 higher education institutions, 2000 communities, and various organizations in the United States participated in the Earth Day event on this day. People hold rallies, marches, and various other forms of propaganda activities, holding up polluted earth models, giant paintings and charts, shouting slogans, and demanding that the government take measures to protect the environment. The first Earth Day event in 1970 was a grand event, hailed as the largest social event in the United States since World War II. This event marks the rise of the environmental movement in the United States and has prompted the US government to take some measures to control environmental pollution.


          Activity significance


          The Earth Day event on April 22, 1970 was the first large-scale mass environmental protection movement in human history. As the beginning of modern human environmental protection movement, it promoted the establishment of environmental regulations in Western countries. The United States has successively introduced regulations such as the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Protection Act; The Earth Day of 1970 also led to the establishment of the National Environmental Protection Agency in the United States and to some extent, the convening of the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972, effectively promoting the development of global environmental protection. The establishment of the United Nations Environment Programme in 1973, the creation of the international environmental organization Greenpeace, and the increasing number of government agencies and organizations protecting the environment worldwide have all played an important role in Earth Day. Therefore, Earth Day has become a global event. It is now widely believed that the first Earth Day event, which took place in the United States on April 22, 1970, was the worlds earliest large-scale mass environmental protection movement. This movement catalyzed the development of modern human environmental protection movements, promoted the progress of environmental protection legislation in developed countries, and directly gave birth to the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in 1972. And the organizer of the 1970 event, Dennis Hayes, is also known as the father of Earth Day.


          The success of this movement has made it a tradition to organize environmental activities on April 22nd every year, and the name Earth Day in the United States has moved from the vernal equinox to April 22nd. The theme of Earth Day has also shifted towards environmental protection.


          Event promotion


          Live event promotion


          Due to the rise of environmental protection movements worldwide, the organizers of the 20th Earth Day event in 1990 hoped to expand this domestic movement in the United States to the world. To this end, they wrote letters to the leaders of China, the United States, and the United Kingdom, as well as the Secretary General of the United Nations, calling on them to take measures, hold meetings, and sign multilateral agreements on environmental protection issues, and work together to reverse the trend of environmental degradation; At the same time, the organizers of Earth Day also called on governments around the world willing to devote themselves to environmental protection to mobilize their citizens to carry out environmental protection movements on April 22, 1990.


          The initiative of the organizers of Earth Day activities received responses from many countries in Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe, and numerous international organizations. Finally, on April 22, 1990, over 200 million people from over 140 countries participated in Earth Day activities worldwide. From then on, Earth Day became a global environmental protection movement.


          Establishing civil organizations


          After the successful holding of the first Earth Day, government environmental departments and civil environmental organizations from various countries have been established, making Earth Day a common environmental commemoration day for multiple countries. On April 22, 1990, Earth Day became the first International Earth Day, with 141 countries and 200 million people participating, and thousands of activities taking place around the world. Participate in group events such as symposiums, parades, cultural performances, and clean environments to promote the spirit of Earth Day and further pressure the government, hoping to attract more attention and policy formulation.


          According to McGrathan, the international coordinator of Earth Day, groups from 140 countries have developed activities related to Earth Day. The scale of this event is much larger than the first Earth Day event held 20 years ago, and many countries have designated Sunday (April 22, 1990) as the climax of a weeks activities.


          Earth Day Network


          In the 1990s, the initiators of Earth Day founded the Earth Day Network, which united environmentalists from around the world to promote Earth Day activities. The Earth is the common home of humanity, but human activities have caused serious damage to the Earth. Forests, lakes, wetlands, and other areas on which organisms rely for survival are disappearing at an astonishing rate; Non renewable energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas are facing depletion due to excessive exploitation; The large amount of greenhouse gases emitted from energy combustion leads to global warming, which in turn poses a threat to human survival and development, such as the melting of polar ice sheets and rising sea levels. It is urgent to protect the Earths resources and environment, and seek sustainable development models.


          Advocate for the transformation of human socio-economic development towards sustainable models. The plan calls on the public to uphold three core principles: eliminate human dependence on fossil fuels, commit to the development and utilization of renewable energy, and create a "carbon free" future; Promise that personal consumption habits are in line with sustainable development requirements; Establish a "green economy" by creating "green jobs" for the impoverished population to lift them out of poverty, and transform the global education system into an environmentally friendly one.


          Date confirmation


          On April 22, 2009, the 63rd United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution to designate April 22 as World Earth Day every year in the future.


          This resolution was drafted by Bolivia and received joint support from over 50 countries. The resolution states that the Earth and its ecosystem are the home of humanity, and in the future, humanity must achieve a balance between economic, social, and environmental needs, and must coexist harmoniously with nature and the Earth.


          The resolution calls on governments, international and regional organizations, social groups, non-governmental organizations and other relevant parties to celebrate World Earth Day in an appropriate manner, and to raise human awareness of protecting the Earth and its ecological environment.


          Bolivian President Morales delivered a speech at the conference, stating that 60 years after the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the rights of Mother Earth have finally been recognized. He called on United Nations member states to consider formulating a Declaration on the Rights of the Earth to ensure harmonious coexistence between the Earth and all living beings.


          UN President Brockman said that humanity does not own the Earth, but belongs to it. He said that by establishing World Earth Day, the United Nations calls on all countries to pay attention to the well-being of humanity and the planet, and to make caring for the planet and protecting increasingly scarce natural resources a common responsibility.


          Event impact


          Ecological environment


          On April 22, 1990, hundreds of millions of people around the world wore blue and green clothing to participate in the Earth Day event. They carried out activities to collect waste paper and plastic bags and strictly prohibit littering in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Earth Day. The purpose of these activities is to remind people to pay attention to protecting the Earths environment, stopping ecological degradation, and making every resident of the Earth contribute to the protection and improvement of the Earths environment. Wearing blue and green clothing represents a determination to act in defense of the Earths environment.


          Activity effect


          On Earth Day, approximately 100 million people in the United States leave their cars unused at home to prevent the emission of exhaust gases and other harmful substances into the air. In China, then Premier Li Peng delivered a speech on environmental issues on April 21 through television, and CCTV also broadcasted a special report on "There is Only One Earth". Since then, China has held annual commemorative and promotional activities for Earth Day.


          At the end of February 2000, Hayes accepted Chinas invitation and came to China to participate in the launch ceremony of the "China Earth Day 2000 China Action".


          In the late 1990s, Galo Nielsen and Bruce Anderson (solar architect, writer, and organizer of Earth Day in New Hampshire) jointly founded the American Earth Day organization to make Earth Day an annual, high-level event. The Earth Day webpage was launched in 1995. In 1999, Earth Day in the United States was renamed the Earth Day Network, becoming an organization that promotes annual Earth Day international events worldwide. The Earth Day of 2000 was led by Gallo Nielsen and Dennis Hayes, but this time they joined the global public movement on the basis of the 1970 Earth Day and fully utilized the emerging information technology of the internet, bringing together the wisdom and enthusiasm of people from all countries. With the efforts of Gallo Nielsen, Dennis Hayes, and his comrades, Earth Day has truly become a holiday for the entire Earth, reminding humanity to protect and treat the Earth well.




          Dennis Hayes, the father of Earth Day, grew up in the beautiful Columbia River Canyon in Washington, USA. He developed a love for nature from a young age. In his college years, although he studied law, he never gave up his concern for environmental issues. After the first Earth Day event, Hayes, known as the "Father of Earth Day," served at the Smithsonian Institution and the Illinois government, researching and formulating policies related to energy. Later, he received praise from James Rodney Schlesinger, the then Secretary of Energy of the United States, and served as the director of the Solar Energy Research Institute operated by the Department of Energy. Hayes has been engaged in environmental activities, and in 1990, he discussed with friends the preparation of an event to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Earth Day. His initiative quickly gained the support of most countries in the world and the United Nations.

          鑒于丹尼斯·海斯在環(huán)保事業(yè)中所做出的重大貢獻(xiàn),他曾榮獲Sierra Club、聯(lián)邦野生動物協(xié)會、美國慈善協(xié)會、美國太陽能協(xié)會、遠(yuǎn)離戰(zhàn)爭組織和Interfaith Centerfor Corporate Responsibility的最高榮譽(yù)獎項(xiàng)。丹尼斯·海斯還榮獲了1978年度,35歲以下杰弗遜最佳社會服務(wù)獎,還曾被形象雜志(Look Magazine)評為20世紀(jì)100個最具影響力的美國人之一,并被國家奧杜邦協(xié)會評為100個最杰出的環(huán)保人士之一。在2000年又被著名 的時代周刊(Time Magazine)提名為100個“地球英雄”之一。

          Given Dennis Hayess significant contributions to the environmental cause, he has received the highest honors from Sierra Club, the Federal Wildlife Association, the American Charity Association, the American Solar Association, Far Away from War, and the Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility. Dennis Hayes also won the Jefferson Award for Best Social Service under 35 in 1978, was named one of the 100 most influential Americans of the 20th century by Look Magazine, and was named one of the 100 most outstanding environmentalists by the National Audubon Society. In 2000, he was nominated by the famous Time Magazine as one of the 100 "Earth Heroes".











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