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      2. 小學(xué)六年級(jí)的上冊(cè)英語期中試卷和聽力材料

        時(shí)間:2021-07-15 16:53:28 試題 我要投稿


          聽力部分 筆試部分 總分


          題次 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一

          占分 5 5 5 10 5 10 10 10 10 15 15 100



          一. 聽音,選出你聽到的單詞。(5分)

          ( ) 1. A. taxi B. ship C. train D. bike

          ( ) 2. A. stop B. wait C. go D. by

          ( ) 3. A. hospitalB. libraryC. post officeD. cinema

          ( ) 4. A. west B. north C. east D. south

          ( ) 5. A. ZhaoqingB. DeqingC. DuanZhouD. GuangZhou

          二. 聽音,標(biāo)號(hào)。(5分)

          ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

          三. 聽音,連線。(5分)

          四. 聽音,補(bǔ)充下面對(duì)話中缺少的單詞。(10分)

          Amy: How do we go to the ?

          Chen: We can go ! Go straight from here. Then .

          It’s next to the . Come on! Let’s go!

          Amy: No! Wait a minute. It’s a !

          五. 聽音,根據(jù)聽到的內(nèi)容把Mike 行走的路線用箭頭畫出來并把到達(dá)的地點(diǎn)(小方框)用紅色涂出來。(5分)

          六. 聽音,根據(jù)聽到的對(duì)話給下面各句選擇正確的答案。(10分)

          ( ) 1. Zhang Peng is going to visit .

          A. his grandparents B. his aunt C. classmates

          ( ) 2. Zhang Peng is going by .

          A. bus B. bike C. subway

          ( ) 3. Mike is going to buy a in the Science Bookstore.

          A. story-book B. dictionary C. post card

          ( ) 4. Zhang Peng’s grandparents live next to .

          A. the Science MuseumB. the subway stationC. the post office

          ( ) 5. Mike and Zhang Peng are going after .

          A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner


          七. 選出下面各組單詞中劃線部分讀音與給出的音標(biāo)不同的'一個(gè)。(10分)

          ( ) 1. / i: / A. tree B.beat C. tea D. red

          ( ) 2. / I /A. pig B. bike C. dish D. pin

          ( ) 3. / e /A. get B. me C. zest D. seven

          ( ) 4. / /A. plane B. cat C. fan D. apple

          ( ) 5. / ɑ: / A. fatherB. car C. bank D. mask

          八. 看圖,寫單詞。(10分)

          1 2 3 4 5.

          九. 看圖,判斷下面的說法是否正確,正確的打“√”,否則打“×”。(10分)



          ( ) 1. The post office is east of the cinema.

          ( ) 2. The park is in front of the cinema.

          ( ) 3. The hospital is near the park on the right.

          ( ) 4. The bookstore is near the cinema on the right.

          ( ) 5. The school is west of the park.

          十. 按要求完成下面的句子。(15分)

          1. next, to, going, what, Sunday, do, you, are (?).(連詞成句)

          2. My dress is on the sofa.(就劃線部分提問)

          3. Can you go to Beijing by train?(肯定回答)

          4. Mr White and Miss Black is going to have a picnic.(改錯(cuò)句)

          5. Tomorrow evening we are going to have a big dinner. (英譯中)

          十一. 閱讀下面的對(duì)話,判斷對(duì)話后面句子的正(T)誤(F)并在圖中標(biāo)出各人的座位。(15分)

          This is a classroom. You can see some boys and girls in it. Do you know the boy in a black and white T-shirt? His name is Jim. He sits beside the window. The boy behind Jim is Liu Lin. He is a Chinese boy. He likes stamps. He has many Chinese stamps. The girl next to him is Lucy. She is English. Her twin sister is Lily. They are in the same row but they are in different groups(組). Look at the girl in red dress. She is Li Ying. She sits between Jim and Helen. She is Helen’s good friend.

          ( ) 1. Jim sits beside the window.

          ( ) 2. Liu Lin sits behind Jim.

          ( ) 3. Lily sits next to Liu Lin.

          ( ) 4. Lucy and Lily are in the same row.

          ( ) 5. Li Ying sits between Jim and Helen.











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