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      2. Unit 9—Unit 12練習(xí)題

        時(shí)間:2024-02-26 08:25:12 煒玲 試題 我要投稿
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        Unit 9—Unit 12練習(xí)題

          在學(xué)習(xí)、工作中,我們很多時(shí)候都會(huì)有考試,接觸到練習(xí)題,只有認(rèn)真完成作業(yè),積極地發(fā)揮每一道習(xí)題特殊的功能和作用,才能有效地提高我們的思維能力,深化我們對(duì)知識(shí)的理解。你知道什么樣的習(xí)題才算得上好習(xí)題嗎?以下是小編為大家整理的Unit 9—Unit 12練習(xí)題,希望對(duì)大家有所幫助。

          Unit 9—Unit 12練習(xí)題1

          一、語音,Unit 9—Unit 12練習(xí)。


          [ ]1.who ruler broom afternoon

          [ ]2.bedroom classroom good book

          [ ]3.mother brother son colour

          [ ]4.brother they their mother

          [ ]5.ring think thank English

          [ ]6.behind light nine white

          [ ]7.morning ball wall or

          [ ]8.twin miss sister hill

          [ ]9.over coat those window

          [ ]10.have black dad family


          1.duty[ ] 2.under[ ] 3.door[ ] 4.there[ ]

          5.class[ ] 6.table[ ] 7.find[ ] 8.meet[ ]

          9.some[ ] 10.down[ ] 11.can[ ] 12.chair[ ]


          1.在那邊______________ 2.在樹下_____________

          3.一位新學(xué)生__________ 4.坐下_______________

          5.進(jìn)來_______________ 6.讓我們______________

          7.在門后面____________ 8.看____________

          9.look the same________ 10.look after________________

          11.on duty_____________ 12.This way, please.______________


          1.My father is____________English teacher.__________English boy is in his class.

          __________boy’ s name is Jack.

          2.This is__________desk.____________desk is behind door.

          3.—What’ s this on____________table?

          —It’ s____________hat.

          4.Are___________twins American?

          5.—Where are__________cups?

          —They are in__________box.

          6.That’ s__________apple. It’ s__________red apple.


          1.or oo ow oa

          _ _ ange, b _ _ t, c _ _ t, d _ _ r, sch _ _ 1, kn _ _, m _ _ ning, wind _ _

          2.ee ea ir er

          t _ _ cher, b _ _ d, pl _ _ se, thr _ _, und _ _, s _ _, aft _ _ noon, g _ _ l

          3.th sh ch

          _ _ ey, Engli air, fa _ _ er, _ _ oe, tea _ _ er


          1.I can see a bed in the picture.


          2.He can find his pencil.


          3.This is the twins’ bedroom.


          4.I am in Row5.


          5.He is Li Lei’ s good friend.


          6.These are Wei Fang’ s skirts.



          ( )1.這張圖畫在他們教室的墻上。

          A.The picture is on wall of their classroom.

          B.The picture are on the wall their classroom.

          C.The picture is on the wall of their classroom.

          D.The picture is their classroom on the wall.

          ( )2.讓我們看黑板吧。

          A.Let us look the blackboard.

          B.Let we look at the blackboard.

          C.Let’ s see at the blackboard.

          D.Let’ s look at the blackboard.

          ( )3.它們?cè)诶蠋煹恼n桌上。

          A.They are on the teacher’ s desk.

          B.They are on the teachers’ desk.

          C.They are in the teacher’ s desk.

          D.They are in the teachers’ desk.

          ( )4.請(qǐng)把它們放在那邊。

          A.Please put they over there.

          B.Please put them over there.

          C.Please put them there.

          D.Please put to them over there.

          ( )5.他們的鉛筆盒在哪里?

          A.Their pencil-boxes is where?

          B.Where their is penciles-box?

          C.Where are their pencil-boxes?

          D.Where is their pencil-boxes?

          ( )6.我和李雷是好朋友。

          A.Li Lei and I am good friends.

          B.I and Li Lei are good friend.

          C.Li Lei and I are good friends.

          D.Li Lei and I are good friend.


          1.grade, we, in, are, three


          2.coats, put, on, your, the, table


          3.today, are, they, school, at


          4.you, I, are, think, right


          5.is, a, pen, it, or, pencil


          6.Han Meimei, good, a, girl, is


          八、回答下列問題,英語試題《Unit 9—Unit 12練習(xí)》。

          1.—Where is your pencil?

          —____________________________ _________________

          2.—What row are you in?

          —_____________________________ _________________

          3.—Is your coat new or old?

          —_____________________________ _________________

          4.—Is your mother a teacher?

          —_____________________________ _________________

          5.—Can you see a picture in the classroom?

          —____________________________ __________________



          Li Hua:___________ _____________?

          Lucy: He’ s my father.

          Li Hua:____________ ____________?

          Lucy: She’ s my mother.

          Li Hua:And is that your brother?

          Lucy:___________, that’ s right.

          Li Hua:_____________ ____________ ____________?


          Li HuA:______________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ?

          Lucy: He’ s ten.


          Wu Dong:__________________, Li Lei.

          Li Lei: Hello, Wu Dong.

          Wu Dong: Mum,_____________ _____________ Li Lei. Li Lei,this is my mother.

          Mother:Good afternoon! How do you do?

          Li Lei:____________!__________ _____________ ___________ ___________?

          Mother: Please____________down.

          Li Lei:____________ _______________.


          This is the twins’ bedroom. It is a nice room. The two beds look the same. This bed is Lily’ s and that one is Lucy’ s. The twins have one desk and two chairs. Their pencil-boxes are on the desk and their schoolbags are behind the chair. There are(有)some flowers on the desk. There are some pictures on the wall. Their bedroom is big and nice.

          ( )1.This bedroom is Lily and Lucy’ s.

          ( )2.Lily’ s bed looks like Lucy’ s bed.

          ( )3.Their pencil-boxes are on the chair.

          ( )4.There is a desk and three chairs.

          ( )5.The twins’ bags are behind the chair.

          ( )6.There are flowers and pictures in the bedroom.

          ( )7.The twins like(喜歡) their bedroom.


          二、1.over there 2.under the tree 3.a(chǎn) new student

          4.sit down 5.come in 6.let us

          7.behind the door 8.look at 9.看起來很像

          10.照顧 11.值日 12.請(qǐng)走這邊。

          三、1.a(chǎn)n,An,The 2.a(chǎn),The,the 3 the,a 4.the 5.the,the 6.a(chǎn)n,a

          四、1.orange boat coat door school know morning window

          2.teacher bird please three under see afternoon girl

          3.they English chair father shoe teacher

          五、1.I can’ t see a bed in the picture.

          Can you see a bed in the picture?

          2.He can’ t find his pencil.

          Can he find his pencil?

          3.This isn’ t the twins’ bedroom.

          Is this the twins’ bedroom?

          4.I am not in Row5.

          Are you in Row 5?

          5.He isn’ t Li Lei’ s good friend.

          Is he Li Lei’ s good friend?

          6.These aren’ t Wei Fang’ s skirts.

          Are these Wei Fang’ s skirts?

          六、1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C

          七、1.We are in Grade Three.

          2.Put your coats on the table.

          3.They are at school today.

          4.I think you are right.

          5.Is it a pen or a pencil?

          6.Han Meimei is a good girl.

          八、1.It’ s in the pencil-box.

          2.I’ m in Row One/Two/Three.

          3.It’ s new/old.

          4.Yes,she is./No,she isn’ t.

          5.Yes,I can./No,I can’ t.

          九、A:Who’ s that,Who’ s that,Yes,What’ s his name,How old is he

          B:Hello,this is my friend,Good afternoon,How do you do,sit,Thank you

          十、1. 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.√ 6.√ 7.√

          Unit 9—Unit 12練習(xí)題2

          Unit 9練習(xí)題


          1、What do you want to _______? (A. be B. do C. have)

          2、I want to be a _______ when I grow up. (A. doctor B. cook C. driver)

          3、What does your father do? He is a _______. (A. teacher B. student C. police)


          1、My brother wants to be a s_______ when he grows up.

          2、My mother is a t_______. She teaches English in a school.


          A: What does your uncle do?

          B: He is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

          A: _______ does he go to work?

          B: He goes to work by car.

          Unit 10練習(xí)題


          1、Can you play _______ guitar? (A. the B. a C. an)

          2、I like to play _______ basketball after school. (A. a B. the C. /)

          3、She can speak _______ English and _______ Chinese. (A. well, good B. good, well C. well, well)


          1、My sister _______ (can) play the piano very well.

          2、Can you _______ (speak) English? Yes, I _______.



          Unit 11練習(xí)題


          1、How many _______ are there in your class? (A. girls B. girl C. boy)

          2、My friend _______ a big family. (A. have B. has C. is)

          3、There _______ three people in my family. (A. are B. is C. am)


          1、There _______ (is/are) four bedrooms in my house.

          2、My family _______ (has/have) a pet dog.



          My family has four members: my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father is a teacher. He teaches math in a high school. My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. My sister and I are students. We go to the same school. My family is very happy.

          1、How many members are there in the writers family?

          2、What does the writers father do?

          3、Is the writers sister a student?

          Unit 12練習(xí)題


          1、_______ your birthday in March? (A. Is B. Are C. Am)

          2、My birthday is on the _______ of October. (A. tenth B. two C. two-th)

          3、Do you have a party on your birthday? _______ (A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I dont.)



          I want to be a singer when I _______ _______.


          My birthday is _______ _______.



        【Unit 9—Unit 12練習(xí)題】相關(guān)文章:



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