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      2. BEC二級(jí)模擬考試題

        時(shí)間:2022-09-24 13:10:05 試題 我要投稿
        • 相關(guān)推薦




          PART ONE

          Questions 1-7

          . Read these sentences and the following new reports.

          . Which country does each sentence describe?

          . For each sentence mark one letter (A ,B ,C or D) on your Answer Sheet.


          The head of state went to China to treat his disease.

          Answer: B

          1. The government didn t want to cancel a meeting in its capital.

          2. This country did something that went against the international agreements.

          3. The king declared that he was unable to stop the civil war.

          4. A fierce quarrel broke out between this country and its neighbour.

          5. A national budget is going to be approved by the parliament some time in July.

          6. An opposition .party plans to turn down its enemy who now controlls the government.

          7. A nuclear reactor aroused the suspicion of the United Nations which sent inspectors there to investigate.

          A . North Korea announced that it had begun to change the fuel at a nuclear reactor at Youngbyon without the presence of international inspectors, a move that is contrary to international agreements.

          B. The Khmers Rouges claimed to have captured the town of Mongkol Borei, in north-western Cambodia. As King Sihanouk prepared to leave for China to resume cancer treatment ,he said he had lost hope of resolving the Cambodian conflict.

          C. Japan s main opposition party, the Liberal Democrats, said it would try to bring down the minority government of Tsutiomu Hata once the budget is passed by parliament in mid-July.

          D. The Philippines refused a demand by Indonesia to ban a conference in Manila on East Timor, provoking the worst dispute between the countries for several years.

          PART TWO

          Questions 8-12

          . Read this memorandum.

          . Choose the lest sentence from the list A-I to fill each of the blanks.

          . For each blank (8-12) mark one letter (A-I) on your Answer Sheet.

          . De not mark any letter twice.

          . One answer has teen given as an example.


          To: Filma Williams ,school of Architecture

          From : Ram S. Johnson ,Physical Plant Operations

          Subject : Air-conditioning Installation Costs for East Hall.

          Date : 4.4.94

          As you requested in your memo of March 15, we have studied the costs of installing air conditioning for the seven offices and two studio classrooms in Eest Hall ... ...example....`. .

          Office and Classroom installation

          Estimates were obtained from three contractors on the costs of covering the offices and classrooms ... ... 8... ... The work would take about three weeks.

          Because the central unit would be installed on the roof, some noise problems might occur during a four-or five-day period......9...... Sheet metal work to build out lest in the classes could be done on weekends , and the overtime labour costs of about $1,500 have been included in the estimates.

          Arrangements were not made to do the office space installation on weekends `.. ... 10... ..

          Additional Installation

          Because a larger installation, including a more powerful central unit, would be necessary to handle the halls and stairways ,an additional $6 , 000 would be required for the equipment. .....11 ...... If this additional work were delayed until a later time, a new central unit would be required along with changes in the pipe way ......12......


          The total job for the building would be about $ 35, 000 if done at one time. A two-stage installation would cost about $55 ,000. I can get official bids at your request.

          Example: A

          A As you suggested, we also sought information on the additional cost of air

          conditioning in the entrance halls and stairways.

          B All these three were in the $ 20,000 to $25,000 range.

          C This later installation would cost about $20,000.

          D However, class interruption should be minimal.

          E In the same way, each of these three would take at least one month.

          F Therefore ,the total cost was this $6 ,000 plus another $5,000.

          G Labour costs would be an additional S 5 ,000,bringing the total cost of the addition to $11 ,000.

          H Each faculty member could expect to have workers in the office for about one day.

          I So faculty members can continue their office work as usual.

          PART THREE

          Questions 13-20.

          . Read this letter alert explanation of business problems , and answer the questions that follow.

          Williams and Co.

          54 Jermyn Street

          London SW 1Y 6LX

          July, 1993

          Manager of Export Sales

          Hilton Motorcycles Ltd.

          Fenley Works

          Dear Sir or Madam :

          We received your letter dated 2nd July, expressing your dissatisfaction with the present level of your sales in Nigeria. We shall try to explain as briefly as possible how it is that your competitors are doing so well so that you may see why it is that we are not. We shall also suggest ways of improving the present situation. Our difficulties may be summarized as follows :

          1. Your competitors pay for

          extensive advertising in newspapers and magazines that reach every corner of Nigeria. We receive no financial help for advertising and do not receive sufficient commission to pay for it ourselves.

          2. The company referred to in your letter sent a two-man team on a tour of six provinces in a specially equipped lorry containing the models they wished to publicize. Their agent had arranged displays in the towns they were due to visit and had announced them in the local press. With such backing from the manufacturer ,high sales are inevitable !

          3. What sells well in Europe does not necessarily sell well elsewhere. Your competitors know this and plan accordingly. They give maximum publicity to three or four models that are sure to sell well here. We would suggest that you do the same and concentrate on the 98cc Speedy, the 250cc Hunter and the 350cc Hawk.

          4. In spite of the excellent containership service between England and West Africa we are still having to wait for too long for orders to be shipped. Once they have placed an order, customers are impatient to receive it. Our present commission of 10/00 does not allow us to undertake sales tours in other regions. Nigeria covers an area of over 350 , 000 square miles and our present commission will not stand the expense of such trips.

          If you are prepared to increase our commissions ,contribute to our travel expenses on the longer journeys and back us with advertising. We are convinced that we can do as well as your competitors. We look forward to your comments.

          Yours faithfully ,

          Williams and Co.

          Questions 13-16

          . For questions 13 -16 ,choose the correct title for each paragraph from the box below.

          . For each paragraph (1-4) mark one letter (AG) on your Answer Sheet.

          . Do not mark any letter twice.

          13. Paragraph 1..........

          14. Paragraph 2..........

          15. Paragraph 3..........

          16. Paragraph 4..........

          A Deliveries and commission

          B A two-man team

          C Proper models.

          D More advertisements

          E Your competitorssuccessful methods

          F Expenses for trips

          G Sales promotions

          Questions 17-20

          17. We are going to give a brief explanation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

          18. Your competitorsadvertisements often appear in popular publications

          19. Hear is our suggestion that you follow their example and. . . . . . . . .

          20. If you give us more financial assistance ,we believe., - . . . . . . . . -

          A. Why your competitors are doing better than us.

          B. that they wished to publicize.

          C. that we can catch up with your competitors.

          D. that you concentrate on three models.

          E. that are sure to sell well.

          F. which they would certainly visit.

          G. that reach every corner of Nigeria.

          PART FOUR

          Questions 21-35

          . Read this text about a British business.

          . Choose the best word to fill each gap.

          . For each question (21-35) mark one letter (A ,B ,C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

          . One answer has been given as an example.

          Jack Cohen and his wife Tessa began their small grocery business on London s High Street in the early 1950s. Since that. . . . . . example. . . . . . . the company , TESCO , has grown to become .the UK s leading food retailer with annual sales of 6.4pounds billion and has . . . . . . 21. . . . . . a new reputation for quality and service. Its 384 stores in England, Scotland and Wales . . . . . .22. . `.` . . more than nine million customers per week.

          In the 34 year old Colin Smith we can see TESCO s . . . . . . 23. . . . . . on value plus quality and service. Upon. . . . . . 24. . . . . . TESCO s management team in 1987 as trading director for fresh meats ,he immediately focused . . . . . . 25. . . . . . improving supply and distribution systems. He set up a supplier certification program with strict specifications for processing facilities and livestock quality, plus . . . .. . 26. . . . . . quality checks at each TESCO distribution center and store.

          One of Smith s priorities has been an. . . . . . 27. . . . . . lamb program. TESCO could not obtain enough fresh lamb to .. . . . 28. . . , . . deman4 and was . . . . . . 29. . . . . . to fill in with frozen product. Smith turned to Cryovac specialists who . . . . . .30. . . . . . with TESCO and its meat suppliers to . . . . . . 31. . . . . . the Problem.

          The . . . . . . 32. . . . . . was a new packaging system from Cryovac featuring a harder Cryovac Barrier Bag which dramatically. . . . . . 33. . . . . . package damages. Vacuum packaged fresh lamb now arrives at TESCO stores in the best condition year-round and sales have. . . . . . 34. . . . . . to more than than 60 million pounds . . . . . . 35. . . . . .


          A. period B. time C. year . D. day

          Answer: B

          21. A. had B. done C. made D. established

          22. A. sell B. serve C. meet D. hold

          23. A. emphasis B. idea C. name D. import3nce

          24. A. becoming B. being C. entering D. joining

          25. A. on B. in C. at D. with

          26. A. nearby B. far C. further D. farther

          27. A. old B. improved C. impossible D able

          28. A. ask B. answer C. satisfy D. question

          29. A. tried B. forced C. led D. set

          30. A. cooperate B. link C. study D. sit

          31. A. attack B. answer C. ask D. demand

          32. A. next B. first C. result D. beginning

          33. A. prevented B. stopped C. reduced D. increased

          34. A. enriched B. reached C. arrived D. grown

          35. A. daily B. annually C. usually D. particularly

          PART FIVE

          Section A

          Questions 36-40

          . Read this letter to the editor of a magazine.

          . In most of the lines (36-40) there is one extra word which does not fit in. One or two lines, however, are correct.

          . If the line is correct ,put a tick (√) in the space on your .4nswer Sheet.

          . If there is an extra word in the line ,write that word in the space on your Answer Sheet.

          Example :

          New Mexico s mineral industries make up for about one third of. . . for

          the state s 1.9 billion general-fund income in fiscal year 1991. . . √ . .


          Sir-you say that New Mexico has "few natural resources".

          36. However ,the mineral industry in New Mexico is one of the

          37. state s most strongest economic forces. In 1991 New Mexico

          38. ranked fourth one in the United States in production of natural gas.

          39. Ten combined value of those oil and gas production was S 2. 8 billion dollars.

          40. New Mexico came through the recent recession in much better shape than most other


          PART FIVE

          Section B

          Questions 41 45

          . The following is an English translation of the description of a Japanese product.

          . In each line there is one wrong word.

          . For each numbered line (41-45) write the correct word in the space on your Answer Sheet.

          Example :

          In despite of the price we ll import this product. . . . . .spite. . . . . .

          The Sharp FO-9000 works in three steps. First ,you tell the machine

          41. the size of the photo to be sent out ,and the FO-9000 scans it onto their

          42. hard disk. Then, the fax sends the data though the phone lines

          43. to the fax in other office, Finally ,the second fax recreates the image.

          44. The machine measures 16 inches height by 18 wide by 17 deep

          45. and weights88 pounds. The price is high: $ 63,990 a pair,

          since what use is only one?

          二. WRITING

          PART ONE

          Question 46

          The staff in your office decided to spend holidays together this year. While reading the new you are attracted by the advertisement of the Grand Palazzo Hotel in Italy. No one in your office has ever been to Italy. So you want your secratary to contact the hotel through telephone.

          . Write a short message to Ms. Emily Malan ,your secretary.

          . Suggest the Visit to Italy.

          . Give the hotel telephone number to her.

          . Ask her to contact with that hotel.

          . write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.

          PART TWO

          Question 47

          You work for Global institute inc. , which produces softwares. You are responsible for Quality Management System.

          Study the following graph which shows the effort taken by your company and IBI Inc , your main competitor. In the graph ,the Quality Management is divided into five parts.

          . Use the information in the graph to write a short report (about 100 120 wards) suggesting ways of improving the quality management of your company.

          . Write on your Answer Sheet.


          PART ONE

          Questions 1-12

          . You will hear three face to face conversations.

          . Write down one word or number in the numbered spaces on the forms below.

          Message One. Questions 1-4

          Ordering List

          Table No : 3

          Name of Customer : Mr.

          Dishes : Drink 2 bottles of beer.

          Main Dishes : Chicken with red (3 ). . . . . .

          (4 ) . . . beef. . .

          stewardess No. 10 Service Time : 6 : 30pm

          Message Two. Questions 5-8


          Name : Lilian . (5). . . Open Date : 3rd ,Feb.

          . Account Type : (6). . . account

          Deposit Amount : (7) . . . . . .

          Message Three. Questions 9- 1 2

          Immigration Registration

          Flight No : JH21 2

          Arrival Time : 11:40

          Name : Helen Robbinson

          Passport No : 72931831

          Purpose of Visit : (9) . . . . . .

          Temporary Staying Place : mainly with (10) . . . . . .

          Staying Period : about (11) . . . months

          Leaving Date : 15th ,(1 2 ) . . . . . .

          PART TWO

          Questions 13-22

          Section One

          Questions 13-17

          . You will hear five short pieces.

          . For each piece decide what the speaker is talking about.

          . Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the piece.

          . You will hear the five pieces twice.

          1 3. . . . . . .

          1 4. . . . . . .

          1 5. . . . . . .

          1 6. . . . . . .

          l 7. . . . . . .


          A catalogues

          B boxes

          C books

          D greeting cards

          E radio programmes

          F weather

          G TV programmes

          H cars

          Section Two

          Questions 18-22

          . You will hear another five short pieces.

          . For each piece decide who is talking.

          . Write one letter (AH) next to the number of the piece.

          . You will hear the five pieces twice.

          18. . . . . . . . .

          19. . . . . . . . .

          20. . . . . . . . .

          21. . . . . . . . .

          22 . . . . . . . . .


          A a librarian

          B a stewardess

          C a taxi-driver

          D a waitress

          E an investment counselor

          F a news broadcaster

          G an electrician

          H a pilot

          PART THREE .

          Questions 23-30

          . You will hear a talk given by a senior economist of Germany. He talks about the German economic

          policy-M3 and its real effect on German economy.

          . You have to complete the sentences (23-30) by choosing the correct ending.

          . Mark one letter (A ,B or C).

          23. M3 means

          A limiting money supply.

          B Wide-ranged money supply.

          C exporting government bonds.

          24. The Bundesbank is going to

          A increase the money supply.

          B abandon the strong money supply.

          C raise the interest rates.

          25. Kiel institute of World Economics has found the evidence for

          A short-term fluctuation of demand for money following German unification.

          B long-run relationship between money supply growth and inflation.

          C stable long-run demand for money.

          26. Money supply growth will .

          A help increasing the government bonds.

          B increase the public debt.

          C help financing of government debt.

          27. Explanation of excessive money supply from the Bundesbank representatives is based on

          A the fact that monetary capital grew at a lower rate.

          B the shifts between money and money capital. .

          C the expansion of credit which has been driving money supply growth.

          28. The speaker worries about the money supply because

          A it is used in productive capacity.

          B it is used mainly in machinery and equipment.

          C it is used in bousing constriction and consumption.

          29. Bank credit rising is mainly caused by

          A money supply.

          B public debt.

          C German domestic savers.

          30. Internal liabilities are increased in mainly by

          A big investment.

          B office consumption.

          C finance transfers to East Germany.












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