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      2. 初一英語測試題及答案參閱

        時(shí)間:2021-06-12 12:32:00 試題 我要投稿


          Unit 1 Meeting People 測試題



          I. 根據(jù)提示寫出相應(yīng)的英語:

          1. The man, whose job is driving taxi. ________.

          2. the room where students study ________

          3. A kind of sports team, which has eleven players________

          4. an activity (活動(dòng)) that you want others know your friends ________

          5. the man who does business ________

          II. 根據(jù)上下文填空:

          1. A: Hi, Lily. How is everything?

          B: Hi, Dan. I’m ____________. I have got 100 in the exam.

          2. A: See you tomorrow.

          B: _______________.

          3. A: What is ___________?

          B: My mother is a singer.

          4. A: How are you?

          B: ____________. I broke my legs.

          5. Good _________, my baby. Have a sweet dream.

          III. 選擇最佳答案:

          1. A:Is this a knife?

          B:______________ .

          A. Yes,it's B. No,it's not C. Yes,it is D. B and C

          2. A:Who can read Lesson Nine?

          B: ______________.

          A. Yes,I can B. Yes,I am C. I can D. Me too

          3. A:How is your Mum?

          B:She is _______.

          A. at home B. in bed C. OK D. sorry

          4. Excuse me. ________ your name Sandy?

          A. Are B. Is C. What’s D. Tell

          5. Do you often say “________” to your parents before you go to bed?

          A. Good evening. B. Goodbye.

          C. Going to bed. D. Good night.

          IV. 完形填空:

          Mrs. White __1__ in a school. It is Sunday. She has __2__ classes. At eight in the morning, she __3__ to a shop and buys a nice dress. She puts it in her bag and then buys __4__ cakes for her children. At eleven she __5__ home. She wants to put on her new dress, but she __6__ find her bag. She calls the shop assistant (售貨員), “Hello, Mrs. Black. This is Mrs. White. Can you help __7__ find my bag? __8__ in your shop.”

          “Of course, Mrs. White,” says the assistant. “We found three bags here. But which one is __9__?”

          “I’m __10__,” says Mrs. White, “I can tell you which one is mine.”

          1. A. work B. works C. working D. study

          2. A. not B. any C. some D. no

          3. A. walks B. go C. walking D. walk

          4. A. a piece of B. a little C. some D. much

          5. A. gets to B. gets C. get D. get to

          6. A. can B. don’t C. can’t D. isn’t

          7. A. I B. my C. mine D. me

          8. A. It’s B. Its C. They’re D. He’s

          9. A. you B. your C. mine D. yours

          10. A. go B. come C. coming D. going

          V. 閱讀理解:

          Hello! My name is Yang Li. I’m a Chinese girl. I’m twelve. I’m a middle school student. I’m in Row Six. I have many friends in my class. Lucy and Lily are my best(最好的)friends. Lucy is in Row Three, her number is 7, and Lily is in Row Six, Number 5. They are American girls. They are twins. They are eleven. Their mother is a teacher,and their father is a worker.


          1. Yang Li is a girl,and she is American.

          2. Lucy and Lily are in the same class.

          3. Lucy’s father is an English teacher.

          4. Yang Li and Lily are in the same row.

          5. Lily is eleven and Lucy is twelve.

          VI. 書面表達(dá):

          Write a short passage about what kind of job you want to do in the future. (30個(gè)單詞左右)





          The Peasant and the Devil

          Once upon a time there was a far-sighted, crafty peasant. He once got hold of the devil, and made a fool of him.

          The peasant had one day been working in his field. When he was making ready for the journey home, he saw a heap of burning coals in the middle of his field. Full of astonishment, he went up to it. A little black devil was sitting on the live coals.

          “Are you sitting upon a treasure?” said the peasant.

          “Yes, in truth,” replied the devil, “on a treasure which contains more gold and silver than you have ever seen in your life.”

          “The treasure lies in my field and belongs to me,” said the peasant.

          “It is yours,” answered the devil, “if you will for two years give me one half of everything your field produces.”

          The peasant agreed to the bargain. “In order, however, that no dispute may arise about the division,” said he, “everything that is above ground shall belong to you, and what is under the earth to me.”

          The devil was quite satisfied with that, but the cunning peasant had sown turnips. Now when the time for harvest came, the devil appeared and wanted to take away his crop. But he found nothing but the yellow withered leaves. While the peasant, full of delight, was digging up his turnips.

          “You have had the best of it for once,” said the devil, “but the next time that won’t do. What grows above ground shall be yours, and what is under it, mine.”

          “I am willing,” replied the peasant. But when the time came to sow, he did not again sow turnips, but wheat. The grain became ripe, and the peasant went into the field and cut the full stalks down to the ground. When the devil came, he found nothing but the stubble, and went away in a fury down into a cleft in the rocks.

          “That is the way to cheat the devil.” Said the peasant. And he went and fetched away the treasure.


          I. 1. taxi driver 2. classroom 3. football team 4. introduce 5. business man

          II. 1. pretty well 2. See you 3. your mother’s job 4. Terrible 5. night

          III. 1—5 DCCBD

          IV. 1—5 BDACB 6—10 CDADC

          V. 1—5 FTFTF

          VI. 略。






          “是的,千真萬確,” 魔鬼回答說,“這堆財(cái)寶多過你這輩子所見到過的`金子和銀子。”


          “它們是歸你所有,” 魔鬼說道,“條件是你要連續(xù)兩年把土地的收成分一半給我!




          “這一次最好的全歸了你,” 魔鬼說,“但是下一次就不成了。下一次長在地面以上的歸你,長在地面以下的都得歸我!







        In the Past初一英語測試題及答案03-20


        初一英語測試題目:In the Past的答案05-22




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