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      2. 小升初英語模擬試題題目

        時間:2022-09-24 12:57:22 試題 我要投稿
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          一、 單項選擇


          1. ---What _____your mum______last night?

          ---She was doing some housework.

          A.did;do B.does;do C.was;doing D.were;doing

          2. The children were_____ and____in the garden yesterday afternoo n.

          A.singing;danced B.sang;danced

          C.singing;dancing D.sing;dancing

          3. That white rabbit was_______ in a tree and it was _______.

          A. sitting; smiling B. sat; smiled

          C. siting; smiling D. sit; smile

          4. He likes to play _______the guitar ______the piano.

          A.not; or B.not only; but also C.both; or D.either; and

          5. Mr Green has never been to Japan, _______?

          A. hasn‘ t he B. doesn’t he C. have they D. has he

          6. This piece of music is _______popular than that old one.

          A. much more B. much C. a little D. many more

          7. Xian Xinghai is_______ the song The Yellow River.

          A.proud for B. famous of C. famous for D. famous at

          8. --How long have you _______the dictionary?

          --For two years.

          A. buy B .bought C. had D. keep

          9.--_______may I keep this book?

          --For two weeks.

          A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far

          10. --Have you reached the moon__________?

          A. yet B. also C. already D. too


          A. I‘ve never heard it.

          B. It’s my favourite book.

          C. These two books are famous novels all over the world.

          D. Is it by Mark Twain?

          E. What kind of book do your parents like?

          F. When did you buy it?

          G. Is it a lovely day?

          W: Hi, Jack. Have you ever read the story, Alice‘s Adventures in Wonderland?

          M: Yes. ____1____ I have read it several times. What about you? Do you like it, Jenny?

          W: No, I don’t like it. I like the book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

          M: ____2_____

          W: Yes, it is.

          M: ___3______

          W: My mother likes Jane Eyre. And my father likes Romeo and Juliet.

          M: ___4_____

          W: Yeah. As for my brother, he likes Treasure Island。

          M: Sorry. _____5_____



          1. C 解析:本題應該根據答句反推出答案,問句中使用了過去完成時,答句應該也用過去完成時。

          2. C 解析:本題為過去進行時,兩個都用想在分詞,選擇C。

          3. A 解析:注意sit的現在分詞應該是雙寫輔音加-ing的。

          4. B 解析:本題中只有B是正確的連詞

          5. D 解析:本題中has是助動詞,變反義疑問句時助詞直接用has,由于前面有否定詞never根據前否后肯,應該是has he.

          6. A 解析:popular的比較級應該是more popular,同時,能修飾比較級的有much, a little, far等

          7. C 解析:be famous for因-而出名

          8.C 解析:How long表示多長時間,后面動詞應該用延續性動詞,所以用C而不用bought.

          9. C 解析:how long表示時間長度,how often表頻率,how soon表示多快,how long表示多長時間,how far表示多遠。

          10. A 解析:already常用于肯定句中,yet可用于否定句和疑問句中。


          1. B

          2. D

          3. E

          4. C

          5. A












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