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      2. 小升初英語模擬試題的總結

        時間:2021-06-11 12:37:24 試題 我要投稿
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          1. The bus tickets are much _____ than before.




          D.the cheapest

          2. Look, it ____ be Lao Wang.

          No, it ____ be him. He has gone abroad.

          A.may; mustn‘t

          B.must; may not

          C.must; can’t

          D.can; may not

          3. ____ role she played in the film!

          A. How interesting

          B.How an interesting

          C.What interesting

          D. What an interesting

          4. Is this the shop ____ sells children‘s clothing?



          C.in which

          D.from which

          5. This book is ____ for a seven-year-old child to read.

          A. too much difficult

          B.too more difficult

          C.much too difficult

          D.more too difficult


          Mr. Ma, a famous mental (精神的') doctor from Beijing once said at an important meeting, Now many young students can have problems with their minds (思想). Some students become worried because they have to study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people around them, like their parents and classmates. Parents and teachers should care more about this problem.

          Then Mr. Ma gave some examples. A middle school student from Xi’an was doing badly in his lessons. He thought his teachers and friends often laughed at him, and he became so nervous and worried that one night he left his home without telling his parents. Another student, a 14-year-old schoolgirl from Shanghai, was very afraid of exams. While she was reading the exam paper, she couldn‘t think of anything to write.

          A recent report says about 18% of the young students in Shanghai have mental problems. They often feel worried and very unhappy. But many of them won’t go and ask for help. Some think they will look stupid if they go to see a doctor. Others won‘t talk about their secrets.

          At the end of the meeting, Mr. Ma gave some good ideas to young people:

          Talk to your parents or teacher often.

          Take part in group activities.

          Tee to get on well with the people around you.

          Go to see a doctor if you often feel unhappy.

          41. The students may have _____ if they often become worried or have trouble getting on with others.

          A. no parents

          B. no secrets

          C. no memories

          D. mental problems

          42. The schoolgirl’s problem happened when she _____.

          A. studied hard

          B. had exams

          C. talked with her parents

          D. went to see a doctor

          43. Some of those with mental problems won‘t ask for help because _____.

          A. they don’t want to tell their secrets to others

          B. their parents are too busy to look after them

          C. doctors can‘t help them with the problems

          D. they can do with problems themselves

          44. The underlined word stupid means _____.

          A. pretty

          B. happy

          C. not clever

          D. not friendly

          45. According to (根據) the last part, which of the following is a good idea?

          _____ .

          A. It’s important for children to live with their parents.

          B. It‘s helpful for people to see doctors every day.

          C. It’s useful for students to keep quiet in class.

          D. It‘s necessary for young people to have group activities.



          1. B 解析:從后文的than可以看出,本題應該選擇比較級。

          2.C 解析:本題考查情態動詞表推測的用法。Must表示比較肯定的推測,在否定句中,表示推測常見的有can’t和may not。本題中從答句的后半句可以看出,應該是不可能是他,用can‘t.

          3.D 解析:本題考查感嘆句用法,做法,把主語謂語去掉,剩名詞,應該用what加上role是可數名詞,應該加上不定冠詞an.

          4.A 解析:本題考查定語從句關系代詞用法,本題選擇的關系代詞代物在從句中做主語,只能用which。

          5.C 解析:本題考查too-to用法,意思是太-而不能---,much修飾的是too.如果是too much的話意思是太多。


          1.D 解析:本題從第二行可以得到答案。

          2. B 解析:本題從第二段第三行可以得到答案。

          3. A 解析:本題從第三段最后一行可以得到答案。

          4.C 解析:stupid是愚蠢的意思,也可以通過上下文推測得出答案。

          5.D 解析:從建議的第二條可以得到答案。

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