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      2. 四級口語試題

        時間:2023-10-20 10:55:58 劍鋒 試題 我要投稿





          PartⅠ Writing(30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a campaign speech in support of your election to the post of chairman of the student union. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

          1. 你認為自己具備了什么條件(能力、性格、愛好等)可以勝任學生會主席的工作

          2. 如果當選,你將為本校同學做些什么

          Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)

          Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.

          For questions 1-7, mark

          Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;

          N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;

          NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.

          For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.


          You have just finished your meal at a fast food restaurant and you throw your uneaten food, food wrappers, drink cups, utensils and napkins into the trash can. You dont think about that waste again. On trash pickup day in your neighborhood, you push your can out to the curb, and workers dump the contents into a big truck and haul it away. You dont have to think about that waste again, either. But maybe you have wondered, as you watch the trash truck pull away, just where that garbage ends up.

          Americans generate trash at an Astonishing rate of four pounds per day per person; which translates to 600,000 tons per day or 210 million tons per year! This is almost twice as much trash per person as most other major countries. What happens to this trash? Some gets recycled (回收利用) or recovered and some is burned, but the majority is buried in landfills.

          How Much Trash Is Generated?

          Of the 210 million tons of trash, or solid waste, generated in the United States annually, about 56 million tons, or 27 percent, is either recycled (glass, paper products, plastic, metals) or composted (做成堆肥) (yard waste). The remaining trash, which is mostly unrecyclable, is discarded.

          How Is Trash Disposed of ?

          The trash production in the United States has almost tripled since 1960. This trash is handled in various ways. About 27 percent of the trash is recycled or composted, 16 percent is burned and 57 percent is buried in landfills. The amount of trash buried in landfills has doubled since 1960. The United States ranks somewhere in the middle of the major countries (United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, France and Japan) in landfill disposal. The United Kingdom ranks highest, burying about 90 percent of its solid waste in landfills.

          What Is a Landfill?

          There are two ways to bury trash:

          n Dump-an open hole in the ground where trash is buried and that is full of various animals (rats, mice, birds). (This is most peoples idea of a landfill!)

          n Landfill-carefully designed structure built into or on top of the ground in which trash is isolated from the surrounding environment (groundwater, air, rain). This isolation is accomplished with a bottom liner and daily covering of soil.

          ¨ Sanitary landfill-land fill that uses a clay liner to isolate the trash from the environment

          ¨ Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill-landfill that uses a synthetic (plastic) liner to isolate the trash from the environment

          The purpose of a landfill is to bury the trash in such a way that it will be isolated from groundwater, will be kept dry and will not be in contact with air. Under these conditions, trash will not decompose (腐爛) much. A landfill is not like a compost pile, where the purpose is to bury trash in such a way that it will decompose quickly.

          Proposing the Landfill

          For a landfill to be built, the operators have to make sure that they follow certain steps. In most parts of the world, there are regulations that govern where a landfill can be placed and how it can operate. The whole process begins with someone proposing the landfill.

          In the United States, taking care of trash and building landfills are local government responsibilities. Before a city or other authority can build a landfill, an environment impact

          study must be done on the proposed site to determine:

          n the area of land necessary for the landfill

          n the composition of the underlying soil and bedrock

          n the flow of surface water over the site

          n the impact of the proposed landfill on the local environment and wildlife

          n the historical value of the proposed site

          Building the Landfill

          Once the environmental impact study is complete, the permits are granted and the funds have been raised, then construction begins. First, access roads to the landfill site must be built if they do not already exist. There roads will be used by construction equipment, sanitation (環衛) services and the general public. After roads have been built, digging can begin. In the North Wake Country Landfill, the landfill began 10 feet below the road surface.

          What Happens to Trash in a Landfill?

          Trash put in a landfill will stay there for a very long time. Inside a landfill, there is little oxygen and little moisture. Under these conditions, trash does not break down very rapidly. In fact, when old landfills have been dug up or sampled, 40-year-old newspapers have been found with easily readable print. Landfills are not designed to break down trash, merely to bury it. When a landfill closes, the site, especially the groundwater, must be monitored and maintained for up to 30 years!

          How Is a Landfill Operated?

          A landfill, such as the North Wake County Landfill, must be open and available every day. Customers are typically municipalities and construction companies, although residents may also use the landfill.

          Near the entrance of the landfill is a recycling center where residents can drop off recyclable materials (aluminum cans, glass bottles, newspapers and paper products). This helps to reduce the amount of material in the landfill. Some of these materials are banned from landfills by law because they can be recycled.

          As customers enter the site, their trucks are weighed at the scale house. Customers are charged tipping fees for using the site. The tipping fees vary from $10 to $40 per ton. These fees are used to pay for operation costs. The North Wake County Landfill has an operating budget of approximately $4.5 million, and part of that comes from tipping fees.

          Along the site, there are drop-off stations for materials that are not wanted or legally banned by the landfill. A multi-material drop-off station is used for tires, motor oil, lead-acid batteries. Some of these materials can be recycled.

          In addition, there is a household hazardous waste drop-off station for chemicals (paints, pesticides, other chemicals) that are banned from the landfill. These chemicals are disposed of by private companies. Some paints can be recycled and some organic chemicals can be burned in furnaces or power plants.

          Other structures alongside the landfill are the borrowed area that supplies the soil for the landfill, the runoff collection pond and methane (甲烷) station.

          Landfills are complicated structures that, when properly designed and managed, serve an important purpose. In the future, new technologies called bioreactors will be used to speed the breakdown of trash in landfills and produce more methane.


          1. The passage gives a general description of the structure and use of a landfill.

          2. Most of the trash that Americans generate ends up in landfills.

          3. Compared with other major Industrialized countries, America buries a much higher percentage of its solid waste in landfills.

          4. Landfills are like compost piles in that they speed up decomposition of the buried trash.

          5. In most countries the selection of a landfill site is governed by rules and regulations.

          6. In the United States the building of landfills is the job of both federal and local governments.

          7. Hazardous wastes have to be treated before being dumped into landfills.

          Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

          Section A

          Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.

          11. A) The man hates to lend his tools to other people.

          B) The man hasnt finished working on the bookshelf.

          C) The tools have already been returned to the woman.

          D) The tools the man borrowed from the woman are missing.

          12. A) Save time by using a computer. C) Borrow Marthas computer.

          B) Buy her own computer. D) Stay home and complete her paper.

          13. A) He has been to Seattle many times.

          B) He has chaired a lot of conferences.

          C) He holds a high position in his company.

          D) He lived in Seattle for many years.

          14. A) Teacher and student. C) Manager and office worker.

          B) Doctor and patient. D) Travel agent and customer.

          15. A) She knows the guy who will give the lecture.

          B) She thinks the lecture might be informative.

          C) She wants to add something to her lecture.

          D) Shell finish her report this weekend.

          16. A) An art museum. C) A college campus.

          B) A beautiful park. D) An architectural exhibition.

          17. A) The houses for sale are of poor quality.

          B) The houses are too expensive for the couple to buy.

          C) The housing developers provide free trips for potential buyers.

          D) The man is unwilling to take a look at the houses for sale.

          18. A) Talking about sports. C) Reading newspapers.

          B) Writing up local news. D) Putting up advertisements.

          Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

          19. A) The benefits of strong business competition.

          B) A proposal to lower the cost of production.

          C) Complaints about the expense of modernization.

          D) Suggestions concerning new business strategies.

          20. A) It cost much more than its worth.

          B) It should be brought up-to-date.

          C) It calls for immediate repairs.

          D) It can still be used for a long time.

          21. A) The personnel manager should be fired for inefficiency.

          B) A few engineers should be employed to modernize the factory.

          C) The entire staff should be retrained.

          D) Better-educated employees should be promoted.

          22. A) Their competitors have long been advertising on TV.

          B) TV commercials are less expensive.

          C) Advertising in newspapers alone is not sufficient.

          D) TV commercials attract more investments.

          Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

          23. A) Searching for reference material.

          B) Watching a film of the 1930s.

          C) Writing a course book.

          D) Looking for a job in a movie studio.

          24. A) Its too broad to cope with. C) Its controversial.

          B) Its a bit outdated. D) Its of little practical value.

          25. A) At the end of the online catalogue.

          B) At the Reference Desk.

          C) In The New York Times.

          D) In the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature.

          Section B

          Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage,

          you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken

          only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the

          four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on

          Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.

          Passage One

          Questions 26 to 28 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

          26. A) Synthetic fuel. C) Alcohol.

          B) Solar energy. D) Electricity.

          27. A) Air traffic conditions. C) Road conditions.

          B) Traffic jams on highways. D) New traffic rules.

          28. A) Go through a health check. C) Arrive early for boarding.

          B) Take little luggage with them. D) Undergo security checks.

          Passage Two

          Questions 29 to 31 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

          29. A) Beauty. C) Luck.

          B) Loyalty. D) Durability.

          30. A) He wanted to follow the tradition of his country.

          B) He believed that it symbolized an everlasting marriage.

          C) It was through that a blood vessel in that finger led directly to the heart.

          D) It was supposed that the diamond on that finger would bring good luck.

          31. A) The two people can learn about each others likes and dislikes.

          B) The two people can have time to decide if they are a good match.

          C) The two people can have time to shop for their new home.

          D) The two people can earn enough money for their wedding.

          Passage Three

          Questions 32 to 35 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

          32. A) Because there are no signs to direct them.

          B) Because no tour guides are available.

          C) Because all the buildings in the city look alike.

          D) Because the university is everywhere in the city.

          33. A) They set their own exams.

          B) They select their own students.

          C) They award their own degrees.

          D) They organize their own laboratory work.

          34. A) Most of them have a long history.

          B) Many of them are specialized libraries.

          C) They house more books than any other university library.

          D) They each have a copy of every book published in Britain.

          35. A) Very few of them are engaged in research.

          B) They were not awarded degree until 1948.

          C) They have outnumbered male students.

          D) They were not treated equally until 1881. Section C

          Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 t0 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks ,you can either use the exact words you hove just heard or write down the main points in your own words . Finally, when the passage is read for the third time ,you should check what you have written.

          Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)(25 minutes)

          Section A

          Directions: In this section ,there is a passage with ten blanks .You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of ch0ices given in a word bank following the passage .Read the passage through carefully before making your choices .Each choice in bank is identified by a letter .Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center .You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

          Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

          When Roberto Feliz came to the USA from the Dominican Republic, he knew only a few words of English .Education soon became a 47. "I couldnt understand anything," he said. He 48 from his teachers, came home in tears , and thought about dropping out.

          Then Mrs. Malave , a bilingual educator, began to work with him while teaching him math and science in his 49 Spanish."She helped me stay smart while teaching me English ,"he said .Given the chance to demonstrate his ability, he 50 confidence and began to succeed in school.

          Today, he is a 51 doctor, runs his own clinic ,and works with several hospitals .Every day ,he uses the language and academic skills he 52 through bilingual education to treat his patients.

          Robertos story is just one of 53 success stories. Research has shown that bilingual education is the most 54 way both to teach children English and ensure that they succeed academically. In Arizona and Texas, bilingual students 55 outperform their peers in monolingual programs. Calexico, Calif. , implemented bilingual education, and now has dropout rates that are less than half the state average and college 56 rates of more than 90%.In E1 Paso ,bilingual education programs have helped raise student scores from the lowest in Texas to among the highest in the nation.

          A) wonder I)hid

          B) acquired J)prominent

          C) consistently K)decent

          D) regained L)countless

          E) nightmare M)recalled

          F) native N)breakthrough

          G) acceptance O)automatically

          H) effective

          Section B

          Directions :There are 2passages in this section .Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statement. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C),D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.

          Passage One

          Question 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

          "Tear em apart!" "Kill the fool!" "Murder the referee(裁判) !"

          These are common remarks one may hear at various sporting events. At the time they are made ,they may seem innocent enough. But lets not kid ourselves .They have been known to influence behavior in such a way as to lead to real bloodshed. Volumes have been written about the way word affect us. It has been shown that words having certain connotations (含義) may cause us to react in ways quite foreign to what we consider to be our usual humanistic behavior. I see the term "opponent" as one of those words .Perhaps the time has come to it from sports terms.

          The dictionary meaning of the term "opponent" is "adversary"; "enemy" "one who opposes your interests. "Thus, when a player meets an opponent ,he or she may tend to every action no matter how gross ,may be considered justifiable. I recall an incident in a handball game when a referee refused a players request for a time out for a glove change because he did not consider them wet enough .The player proceeded to rub his gloves across his wet T-shirt and then exclaimed, "Are they wet enough now?"

          In the heat of battle, players have been observed to throw themselves across the court without considering the consequences the such a move might have on anyone in their way. I have also witnessed a player reacting to his opponents intentional and illegal blocking by deliberately hitting him with the ball as hard as he could during the course of play. Off the court, they are good friends. Does that make any sense? It certainly gives proof of a court attitude which departs from normal behavior.

          Therefore, I believe it is time we elevated (提升) the game to the level where it belongs, thereby setting an example to the rest of the sporting world. Replacing the term "opponent" with "associate" could be an ideal way to start.

          The dictionary meaning of the term "associate" is "colleague" ;"friend" ;"companion." Reflect a moment! You may soon see and possibly feel the difference in your reaction to the term "associate" rather than "opponent".

          57. Which of the following statements best expresses the authors view?

          A) The words people use can influence their behavior.

          B) Unpleasant words in sports are often used by foreign athletes.

          C) Aggressive behavior in sports can have serious consequences.

          D) Unfair judgments by referees will lead to violence on the sports field.

          58. Harsh words are spoken during games because the players_______.

          A) are too eager to win

          B) treat their rivals as enemies

          C) are usually short-tempered and easily offended

          D) cannot afford to be polite in fierce competitions

          59. What did the handball player do when he was not allowed a time out to change his gloves?

          A) He angrily hit the referee with a ball.

          B) He refused to continue the game.

          C) He claimed that referee was unfair.

          D) He wet his gloves by rubbing them across his T-shirt.

          60. According to the passage, players in a game may______.

          A) kick the ball across the court with force

          B) lie down on the ground as an act of protest

          C) deliberately throw the ball at anyone illegally blocking their way

          D) keep on screaming and shouting throughout the game

          61. The author hopes to have the current situation un sports improved by ________.

          A) regulating the relationship between players and referees

          B) calling on players to use clean language in the court

          C) raising the referees sense of responsibility

          D) changing the attitude of players on the sports field

          Passage Two

          Questions 62 to 66 are based in the following passage.

          Is there enough oil beneath the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (保護區) (ANWR) to help secure Americas energy future? President Bush certainly thinks so. He has argued that tapping ANWR s oil would help ease Californias electricity crisis and provide a major boost to the countrys energy independence. But no one knows for sure how much crude oil lies buried beneath the frozen earth, with the last government survey, conducted in1998, projecting output anywhere from 3 billion to 16 billion barrels.

          The oil industry goes with the high end of the range, which could equal as much as 10% of U.S. consumption for as long as six years. By pumping more than 1 million barrels a day from the reserve for the next two to three decades, lobbyists claim, the nation could cut back on imports equivalent to all shipments to the U.S. from Saudi Arabia. Sounds good. An oil boom would also mean a multibillion-dollar windfall (意外之財) in tax revenues, royalties (開采權使用費) and leasing fees for Alaska and the Federal Government. Best of all, advocates of drilling say, damage to the environment Would be insignificant. "Weve never had a documented case of an oil rig chasing deer out onto the pack ice," say Alaska State Representative Scott Ogan.

          Not so fast, say environmentalists. Sticking to the low end of government estimates the National Resources Defends Council says there may be no more than 3.2 billion barrels of economically recoverable oil in the coastal plain of ANWR, a drop in the bucket that would do virtually nothing to ease Americas energy problems. And consumers would wait up to a decade to gain any benefits, because drilling could begin only after mush bargaining over leases, environmental permits and regulatory review.As for ANWRs impact on the California power crisis, environmentalists point out that oil is responsible for only 1% of the Golden States electricity output ---and just 3% of the nations.

          62. What does President Bush think of tapping oil in ANWR?

          A) It will increase Americas energy consumption.

          B) It will exhaust the nations oil reserves.

          C) It will help reduce the nations oil imports.

          D) It will help secure the future of ANWR.

          63. We learn from the second paragraph that the American oil industry _________.

          A) shows little interest tapping oil in ANWR

          B) expect to stop oil imports from Saudi Arabia

          C) tend to exaggerate Americas reliance on foreign oil

          D) believes that drilling for ANWR will produce high yields

          64. Those against oil drilling ANWR argue that ________.

          A) it will drain the oil reserves in the Alaskan region

          B) it can do little to solve U.S. energy problem

          C) it can cause serious damage to the environment

          D) it will not have much commercial value

          65. What do the environmentalists mean by saying "Not so fast" (Line1, Psra.3)?

          A) Dont be too optimistic.

          B) Dont expect fast returns.

          C) The oil drilling should be delayed.

          D) Oil exploitation takes a long time.

          .66. It can be learned from the passage that oil exploitation beneath ANWRs frozen earth


          A) involves a lot of technological problems

          B) remains a controversial issue

          C) is expected to get under way soon

          D)will enable the U.S. to be oil independent

          Part V Cloze(15 minutes)

          Directions :There are 20 blanks in the following passage .For each blank there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center

          Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The 67 you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually 68 you money or can add 69 the cost.

          Take the 70 example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer ,you might 71 that you are making the 72 buy if you choose one 73 look you like and which is also the cheapest 74 price. But when you get it home you may find that it 75 twice as long as a more expensive 76 to dry your hair .The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well 77 your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.

          So what principles should you 78 when you go out shopping?

          If you 79 your home ,your car or any valuable 80 in excellent condition, youll be saving money in the long 81.

          Before you buy a new 82, talk to someone who owns one .If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular 83.

          Before you buy an expensive 84, or a service, do check the price and 85 is on offer. If possible, choose 86 three items or three estimates.

          67.A)form C)way

          B)fashion D)method

          68.A)save C)raise

          B)preserve D)retain

          69.A)up C)in

          B)to D)on

          70.A)easy C)simple

          B)single D)similar

          71.A)convince C)examine

          B)accept D)think

          72.A)proper C)reasonable

          B)best D)most

          73.A)its C)whose

          B)which D)what

          74.A)for C)in

          B)with D)on

          75.A)spends C)lasts

          B)takes D)consumes

          76.A)mode C)sample

          B)copy D)model

          77.A)cause C)leave

          B)make D)bring

          78.A)adopt C)stick

          B)lay D)adapt

          79.A)reserve C)store

          B)decorate D)keep

          80.A)products C)material

          B)possession D)ownership

          81.A)run C)period

          B)interval D)time

          82.A)appliance C)utility

          B)machinery D)facility

          83.A)function C)target

          B)purpose D)task

          84.A)component C)item

          B)element D)particle

          85.A)what C)that

          B)which D)this

          86.A)of C)by

          B)in D)from

          Part VI Translation (5 minutes)

          Directions: Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. 87.The substance does not dissolve in water ____________________________ (不管是否加熱).88.Not only ____________________________ (他向我收費太高),but he didnt do a good repair job either.89. Your losses in trade this year are nothing ____________________________ (與我的相比).90.On average,it is said,visitors spend only ____________________________ (一半的錢)in a day in Leeds as in London.91.By contrast,American mothers were more likely ____________________________ (把孩子的成功歸因于)natural talent.


          Tape Script of Listening Comprehension

          Section A

          Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

          11. W: Simon, could you return the tools I lent you for building the bookshelf last month?

          M: Uh, well, I hate to tell you this... but I cant seem to find them.

          Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

          12. W: Im going to Marthas house. I have a paper to complete, and I need to use her computer.

          M:Why dont you buy one yourself? Think how much time you could save.

          Q: What does the man suggest the woman.do?

          13. W: Bob said that Seattle is a great place for conferences.

          M: Hes certainly in a position to make that comment. Hes been there so often.

          Q: What does the man say about Bob?

          14. W: Mr. Watson, I wonder whether its possible for me to take a vacation early next month.

          M: Did you fill out a request form?

          Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

          15. M: Do you want to go to the lecture this weekend? I hear the guy whos going to deliver the lecture spent a year living in the rain forest.

          W: Great! Im doing a report on the rain forest. Maybe I can get some new information to add to it.

          Q: What does the woman mean?

          16. W: Wow! I do like this campus: all the big trees, the green lawns, and the old buildings with tall columns. Its really beautiful.

          M: It sure is. The architecture of these buildings is in the Greek style. It was popular in the eighteenth century here.

          Q: What are the speakers talking about?

          17. M: This article is nothing but advertising for housing developers. I dont think the houses for sale are half that good.

          W: Come on, David. Why so negative? Were thinking of buying a home, arent we? Just a trip to look at the place wont cost us much.

          Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?

          18. M: Would you pass me the sports section, please?

          W: Sure, if you give me the classified ads local news section.

          Q: What are the speakers doing?

          Now youll hear two long conversations.

          Conversation One

          W: Hello, Gary. Howre you?

          M: Fine! And yourself?

          W: Cant complain. Did you have time to look at my proposal?

          M: No, not really. Can we go over it now?

          W: Sure. Ive been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to modernize our factory. New equipment shouldve been installed long ago.

          M: How much will that cost?

          W: We have several options ranging from one hundred thousand dollars all the way up to half a million.

          M: OK. Well have to discuss these costs with finance.

          W: We should also consider human resources. Ive been talking to personnel as well as our staff at the factory.

          M: And whats the picture?

          W: Well probably have to hire a couple of engineers to help us modernize the factory.

          M: What about advertising?

          W: Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials.

          M: TV? Isnt that a bit too expensive for us? Whats wrong with advertising in the papers, as usual?

          W: Quite frankly, its just not enough anymore. We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors.

          M: Will we be able to afford all this?

          W: Ill look into it , but I think higher costs will be justified. These investments will result in higher profits for our company.

          M: Well have to look at the figures more closely. Have finance draw up a budget for these investments.

          W: All right. Ill see to it.

          Questions 19 to 20 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

          19.What are the two speakers talking about?

          20.What does the woman say about the equipment of their factory?

          21.What does the woman suggest about human resources?

          22. Why does the woman suggest advertising on TV?

          Conversation Two

          W: Sir, youve been using the online catalogue for quite a while , Is there anything I can do to help you?

          M: Well, Ive got to write a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s, and Im really struggling. There are hundreds of books, and I just dont know where to begin.

          W:Your topic sounds pretty big. Why dont you narrow it down to something like...uh... the history of the studios during that time?

          M: You know, I was thinking about doing that, but more that 30 books came up when I typed in "movie studios."

          W: You could cut that down even further by listing the specific years you want . Try adding "1930s" or "1940s" or maybe "Golden Age."

          M: "Golden Age" is a good idea. Let me type that in ... Hey, look, just 6 books this time. Thats a lot better.

          W: Oh... another thin you might consider... have you tried looking for any magaxine or newspaper articles?

          M: No, Ive only been searching for books.

          W: Well, you can look up magazine articles in the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature. And we do have the Los Angeles.Times available over there. You might go through their indexes to see if theres anything you want.

          M: Okay, I think Ill get started with these books and then Ill go over the magazines.

          W: If you need any help, Ill be over at the Reference Desk.

          M: Great, thanks a lot.

          Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

          23. What is the man doing?

          24. What does the librarian think of the topic the man is working on ?

          25. Where can the man find the relevant magazine articles?

          Section B

          Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of EACH PASSAGE, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B*, C) and D), Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

          Passage One

          In the next few decades people are going to travel very differently from the way they do today. Everyone is going to drive electrically powered cars. So in a few years people wont worry about running out of gas.

          Some of the large automobile companies are really moving ahead with this new technology. F & C Motors, a major auto company, for example, is holding a press conference next week. At the press conference the company will present its new, electronically operated models.

          Transportation in the future wont be limited to the ground. Many people predict that traffic will quickly move to the sky. In the coming years, instead of radio reports about road conditions and highway traffic, news reports will talk about traffic jams in the sky.

          But the sky isnt the limit. In the future, youll probably even be able to take a trip to the moon, Instead of listening to regular airplane announcements, youll hear someone say, "The spacecraft to the moon leaves in ten minutes. Please check your equipment. And remember, no more than ten ounces of carry-on baggage are allowed."

          Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

          26. What will be used to power cars in the next few decades?

          27. What will future news reports focus on when talking about transportation?

          28. What is the special requirement for passengers traveling to the moon?Passage Two

          The period of engagement is the time between the marriage proposal and the wedding ceremony. Two people agree to marry when they decide to spend their lives together.

          The man usually gives the woman a diamond engagement ring? That tradition is said to have started when an Austrian man gave a diamond ring to the woman he wanted to marry. The diamond represented beauty. He placed it on the third finger of her left hand. He chose that finger because it was thought that a blood vessel in that finger went directly to the heart. Today, we know that this is not true. Yet the tradition continues.

          Americans generally are engaged for a period of about one year if they are planning a wedding ceremony and party. During the time, friends of the bride may hold a party at which women friends and family members give the bride gifts that she will need as a wife. These could include cooking equipment or new clothing.

          Friends of the man who is getting married may have a bachelor party for him. This usually takes place the night before the wedding. Only men are invited to the bachelor party.

          During the marriage ceremony, the bride and her would-be husband usually exchange gold rings that represent the idea that their union will continue forever. The wife often wears both the wedding ring and engagement ring on the same finger. The husband wears hi ring on the third finger of his left hand.

          Many people say the purpose of the engagement period is to permit enough time to plan the wedding .But the main purpose is to let enough time pass so the two people are sure they want to marry each other. Either person may decide to break the engagement. If this happens, the woman usually returns the ring to the man; they also return any wedding gifts they have received.

          Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

          29. What was the diamond ring said to represent?

          30. Why did the Austrian man place the diamond ring on the third finger of the left hand of his would-be wife?

          31. What is the chief advantage of having the engagement period?

          Passage Three

          "Where is the university?" is a question many visitors to Cambridge ask, but no one could point them in any one direction because there is no campus. The university consists of thirty-one self-governing colleges. It has lecture halls, libraries, laboratories, museums and offices throughout the city.

          Individual colleges choose their own students, who have to meet the minimum entrance requirements set by the university. Undergraduates usually live and study in their colleges, where they are taught in very small groups. Lectures, and laboratory and practical work are organized by the university and held in university buildings.

          The university has a huge number of buildings for teaching and research. It has more than sixty specialist subject libraries, as well as the University Library, which, as a copyright library, is entitled to a copy of every book published in Britain.

          Examinations are set and degrees are awarded by the university. It allowed women to take the university exams in 1881, but it was not until 1948 that they ,were a warded degrees.

          Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

          32. Why is it difficult for visitors to locate Cambridge University?

          33. What does the passge tell us about the colleges of Cambridge University?

          34. What can be learned from the passage about the libraries in Cambridge University?

          35. What does the passage say about women students in Cambridge University?

          Section C

          Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three . when the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally ,when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

          Russia is the largest economic power that is not a member of the World Trade Organization. But that may change. Last Friday, the European Union said it would support Russias (36) effort to become a W.T.O. member.

          Representatives of the European Union met with Russian(37) officials in Moscow. They signed a trade agreement that took six years to (38) negotiate.

          Russia called the trade agreement (39) balanced. It agreed to slowly increase fuel prices within the country. It also agreed to permit (40) competition.in its communications industry and to remove some barriers to trade.

          In (41) exchange for European support to join the W.T.O>, Russian President Putin said that Russia would speed up the (42) process to approve the Kyoto Protocol, an international (43) environmental agreement to reduce the production of harmful industrial gases. (44) These "greenhouse gases" trap heat in the atmosphere and are blamed for changing the worlds climate.

          Russia had signed the Kyoto Protocol, but has not yet approved it. The agreement takes effect when it has been approved by nations that produce at least 55 percent of the worlds greenhouse gases. (45)But currently, nations producing only 44 percent have approved the Protocol. Russia produces about 17 percent of the worlds green-house gases.. The United States, the worlds biggest producer, withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol after President Bush took office in 2001. So, Russias approval is required to put the Kyoto Protocol into effect.

          (46) To join the W.T.O., a country must reach trade agreements with major trading countries that are also W.T.O. members. Russia must still reach agreements with China, Japan, South Korea and the United States.



          Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

          1. Y 2.Y 3.N 4.N 5.Y 6.N 7.NG

          8.municipalities and construction companies

          9.$10 to $40

          10. drop-off stations

          Part III Listening Comprehension

          Section A

          11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B

          16.C 17.D 18.C 19.D 20.B

          21.B 22.C 23.A 24.A 25.D

          Section B

          26.D 27.A 28.B 29.A 30.C

          31.B 32.D 33.B 34.B 35.B

          Section C

          36.effort 37.officials 38.negotiate 39. balanced

          40. competition 41. exchange 42. process 43. environmental

          44. These "greenhouse gases" trap heat in the atmosphere and are blamed for changing the worlds climate.

          45. But currently, nations producing only 44 percent have approved the Protocol. Russia produces about 17 percent of the worlds greenhouse gases.

          46. To join the W.T.O., a country must reach trade agreements with major trading countries that are also W.T.O. members.

          Part I V Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

          Section A

          47. E 48. I 49. F 50. D 51. J

          52. B 53.L 54. H 55. C 56. G

          Section B

          57. A 58. B 59. D 60. C 61. D

          62. C 63. D 64. B 65. A 66. B

          Part V Cloze

          67.C 68. A 69. B 70. C 71. D

          72. B 73. C 74. C 75. B 76. D

          77. B 78. A 79. D 80. B 81. A

          82.A 83. B 84. C 85. A 86. D

          Part VI Translation

          87. whether ( it is ) heated or not

          88. did he charge me too much / did he overcharge me

          89. compared with mine / in comparison with min

          90. half as much (money)

          91. to attribute their childrens success to












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