1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>

      2. 高二英語期末考試試題

        時間:2021-04-13 10:20:36 試題 我要投稿





          1. Where does the woman want to go?

          A. To the farm. B. To the factory. C. To the hospital.

          2. What time is it now?

          A. 8:00 B. 9:15 C: 8:45

          3. When will Mary go out with David for a meal?

          A. Tonight B. This Aftenoon C. Tomorrow

          4. How did Mrs Brown get the sweater?

          A.He husband bought it for her.

          B.She made it herself.

          C.She bought it in a shop.

          5. What’s Tony’s phone number?

          A.021—63535171 B.021—63535261 C.021—63536261




          6.Where did the woman leave her hanbag?

          A. In a shop. B.In the police office. C. In a taxi.

          7.What’s in her handbag?

          A. 5,000 dollars. B. Her ID card. C.5,000 dollars and her ID card

          8.Who found her handbag?

          A. The officer B.The taxi driver C. The policeman


          9.How long will it take them to get there?

          A. Eight hours. B.Half an hour. C.Two hours

          10.What does the woman want about the reserve(自然保護區)?

          A. It’s an area that proects many different kinds of animals.

          B.It’s an area that potects many kinds of plants.

          C.It’s a beautiful place.

          11.What clothes is the man going to wear?

          A. Camera. B.Strong shoes and raincoat. C.He hasn’t decided.


          12.What subject do English people always talk about?

          A. The club. B. The family. C.The weather.

          13.Why doesn’t Peter get enouh practice in English?

          A. English people hate to speak to boys.

          B. Peter’s English is too poor.

          C.Peter never speaks to English people first.


          14.When is the birthday party going to be held?

          A. On the Wednsday. B. On Friday. C. On the weekend.

          15.How old the boy?

          A. Sixteen. B. Thirteen. C.Fourteen.

          16.Where is the birthday party going to be held?

          A. On Shindy Street. B.At the London hotel. C. At home.


          17. What can we learn from the pasage?

          A. Some social customs in Britain. B. Some social customs in Canada.

          C. The weather in Britain.

          18. What do the British hardly talk about?

          A. the weather B.Dogs C.Money.

          19.What should a man do when he is walking with a woman?

          A. Ask her age. B.Follow me. C. Hold a door open and let her in first.

          20. What’s the meaning of the sentence: “A woman who tells you her age will tell you anything.”?

          A. The woman will tell you nothing. B. The woman will pass her secrets to you.

          C. The woman is very honest.

          第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節,滿分45分)

          第一節 單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)


          21. ---Jane wasn’t in when Jack came, was she?

          ---________, but she left a few miutes later.

          A. No, she was B. Yes, she was C. Yes, she wasn’t D. No, she wasn’t

          22. There are only ___________ natural resources as there were thirty years ago.

          A. as half much B. as half many C. half as much D. half as many

          23. The best way to learn a foreign language is to go to the country and learn it from ____ speakers.

          A. mother B. excellent C. real D. native

          24. ---Did you write to Grace last summr?

          ---No, but I ______ her over winter vacation.

          A. will be seen B. will be seeing C. will have seen D. will have been seen

          25. There was a lot of fun at last night’s party. You ____ have come, but why didn’t you?

          A. must B. might C. need D. should

          26. Every time she tried to argue with her bother, she would ______by crying her eyes out.

          A. keep on B. stay up C. end up D. benefit from

          27. I’d like to know the way you think of _____ your handwriting.

          A. to improve B. improving C. how to improve D. improve

          28. ---How soon will he leave for South Korea?


          A. Every three weeks B. For three weeks.

          C. Three weeks later D. In three weeks’ time

          29. I _______ you for sixteen years and I still don’t know what goes on in your mind.

          A. have married B. have got married to

          C. have married with D. have been married to

          30. He sat quietly in the room, listening to the rain _________ against the window.

          A. beating B. hitting C. striking D. knocking

          31. She often helps the students _____ she thinks are not good at English.

          A. whom B. which C. who D. when

          32. Francis Presto Blair, Jr ______ born in Kentucky, lived and worked in Missouri.

          A. was B. he was C although D. which was

          33. ---What else did you do _______ sending e-mails?

          ---I watched a TV series on CCTV-1.

          A. besides B. except C. except for D. except that

          34. ---I didn’t mean ___________ her.

          ---But talking like that means _______ her.

          A. to hurt; to hurt B. hurting; hurting C. to hurt; urting D. hurting; to hurt

          35. I wonder how she _____like that to her parents.

          A. dare to speak B. dare speaking C. dared speak D. dares speak












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