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      2. 五年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)期末試題

        時(shí)間:2021-04-11 15:38:32 試題 我要投稿


          聽(tīng)力部分 (30分)



          ( ) 1. A. floor B. food C. four

          ( ) 2. A. tired B. afraid C. friend

          ( ) 3. A. can’t B. come C. country

          ( ) 4. A. pretty B. pudding C. present

          ( ) 5. A. find B. finally C. food

          ( ) 6. A. Christmas tree B. Christmas cards C. Christmas party

          ( ) 7. A. They’re B. There are C. These are

          ( ) 8. A. music room B. art room C. Music teacher


          1. 2. 3.


          ( ) 1. A. They play football with friends.

          B. They sing birthday songs.

          C. They have a big dinner with their family.

          ( ) 2. A. A dog. B. A parrot. C. A rabbit.

          ( ) 3. A. She can dance. B. She likes dancing. C. Yes, she does.

          ( ) 4. A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, they like.

          ( ) 5. A. In Canada. B. In the UK. C. In China.

          ( ) 6. A. Yes, there are. B. There is only one. C. We have one.

          ( ) 7. A. Wait a minute. B. You are right. C. Yes, I do.

          ( ) 8. A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A worker.

          四、聽(tīng)短文,判斷下列句子是否與錄音內(nèi)容相符,相符的寫(xiě) “T”,不相符的寫(xiě) “F” 。(聽(tīng)兩遍) (4分)

          ( ) 1. There are forty students in my class.

          ( ) 2. Mike is a Chinese boy.

          ( ) 3. Lucy likes playing basketball.

          ( ) 4. Lucy often watches TV on Sundays.


          A: What do you do at _______________?

          B: I ____________ visit my _______________. They ____________ on the farm.

          A: Are there any ____________ on it?

          B: Yes. I like ____________ with them very much. What____________ you?

          A: I sometimes go to the ____________ with my family.

          B: That’s great.



          ( ) 1. A. under B. beside C. behind D. for

          ( ) 2. A. duck B. cow C. children D. rabbit

          ( ) 3. A. Australia B. China C. Canada D. English

          ( ) 4. A. pretty B. short C. beautiful D. nice

          ( ) 5. A. factory B. shop C. kitchen D. library


          1. 一個(gè)動(dòng)物朋友______________ ______________ friend

          2. 在房子前面 in ______________ of the ______________

          3. 讀故事 ______________ ______________

          4. 喜歡游泳 like ______________

          5. 許多工人 a ______________ of ______________

          6. 坐在河邊 ______________ ______________ the river

          7. 在椅子中間______________ the two ______________

          8. 擅長(zhǎng)跳舞be ______________ at ______________

          9. 早早地醒來(lái) ______________ up ______________

          10. 沒(méi)手沒(méi)腳 ______________ no ______________ or ______________

          11. 給她發(fā)份郵件 send an ______________ ______________ her

          12. 和我兄弟看電影 ______________ ______________with my brother

          13. carry an umbrella _________________

          14. grow some roses __________________

          15. Western countries _________________

          16. fold a card _______________________


          ( ) 1. My bedroom is on _________ floor.

          A. two B. second C. the second

          ( ) 2. My mother is a _________. She has a lot of students.

          A. worker B. teacher C. nurse

          ( ) 3. My mother usually _________ on the Internet.

          A. chatting B. chats C. chat

          ( ) 4. — What _________ Yang Ling like?

          — She likes _________ stories.

          A. do, write B. does, write C. does, writing

          ( ) 5. He swims _________.

          A. very good B. very well C. very much

          ( ) 6. — What _________ your grandparents do?

          — They are farmers.

          A. do B. does C. are

          ( ) 7. Helen likes blue. I _________ like it, but my sister _________.

          A. also, either B. don’t, don’t C. also, doesn’t

          ( ) 8. — How many desks _________?

          —There are two.

          A. are there B. do we have C. are they

          ( ) 9. Can you _________ some sweets _________ me?

          A. buy, for B. send, for C. buy, to

          ( ) 10. _________ is very popular in the UK.

          A. Table tennis B. Basketball C. Football


          Ⅰ Ⅱ

          ( ) 1. What do you like doing? A. He has some milk.

          ( ) 2. What does he have? B. Sorry, I can’t.

          ( ) 3. What do you do at weekends? C. I like fishing.

          ( ) 4. Can you make cakes? D. Sometimes I go to the park.

          ( ) 5. What’s in your bedroom? E. Yes, he does.

          ( ) 6. Does he jump high? F. There is a soft bed.

          ( ) 7. What does your aunt do? G. I’ve got a bad cold.

          ( ) 8. What’s the matter? H. She’s a taxi driver.


          1. How many ____________ (library) are there in your school ?

          2. ____________(有) any soup on the table?

          3. I ____________(有) some books in the bag.

          4. Billy is really good at ____________. He ____________ very well (skate).

          5. —Where’s your computer room?

          —Look, it’s on the ____________ (three) floor.

          6. _____________ in the classroom. (not shout)

          7. She ____________ (have) a lovely cat, but he ____________.(do)

          8. _________ (Tim) cousin is _________ (I) friend. We go _________ (climb) at weekends.

          9. —What ____________ Nancy like____________? (do)

          —She ____________ (like) ____________ (run).

          10.—Can you ____________ (show) ____________ (I) around?


          11. My uncle ____________ (live) in the UK. He and his friends ____________ (work) in the hospital.


          Teachers’ Day is coming. Helen wants to m___________ a card for h___________ teacher –– Miss Gao. F___________, she d___________ some trees and flowers on the card. N___________, she colours them. T___________, she w___________ some wishes on it . F___________, she g___________ the card to Miss Gao and says, “ H___________ Teachers’ Day!”

          七、閱讀理解 (8分)


          Mrs Black has a son and a daughter, Sam and Ann. Sam goes to school, but Ann doesn’t. Sam often plays with Ann at home. On Saturday morning, they play in the garden and their mother cooks. Today, Ann doesn’t play for a long time. She cries (哭) and runs to her mother. Mrs Black says,” What’s the matter, Ann?” “Sam broke (弄壞) my toy tiger.” “How?” her mother asks. “ I hit (打) on his head with my toy tiger.”

          ( ) 1. Ann and Sam are both students.

          ( ) 2. Ann and Sam often play together at home.

          ( ) 3. Sam often cooks with his mother.

          ( ) 4. In fact (事實(shí)上),Ann broke the toy tiger by herself.

          B. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,完整回答下列問(wèn)題(答句完整)。(4分)

          Snow White (白雪公主) has seven good friends——seven little men. They are very hardworking(勤勞).

          The first little man waters the flowers and vegetables every day. The second little man likes cleaning the house. The third little man always feeds (喂) the ducks in the morning. The fourth little man likes washing the clothes. The fifth little man is good at making dresses. The sixth little man is good at cooking. The seventh little man sings and dances well. She often plays with Snow White.

          The seven little men like Snow White very much. They live a happy life in a beautiful forest..

          1. How many good friends does Snow White have?


          2. What does the third little man do?


          3. Does Snow White often play with the first little man?


          4. Where do they live?


          八、根據(jù)下面提供的`內(nèi)容,完成一篇英語(yǔ)短文。 (8分)

          Mary居住在英國(guó),她今年11歲。她有一個(gè)雙胞胎姐姐Kate. Mary喜愛(ài)繪畫(huà),但是Kate卻不喜歡,Kate擅長(zhǎng)打籃球,她經(jīng)常與Mary一起打球。他們的父親是一位醫(yī)生,給病人看病。他們的母親是一位老師,教英語(yǔ)。他們通常在周日去公園野餐。多么幸福的一家啊!

          Mary ____________ in the UK. She is ____________ years old. She ____________ a twin sister, Kate. Mary likes ____________, but Kate ____________. Kate is good at ____________ ____________. She ____________ ____________ it with Mary. Their father is a ____________. He ____________ sick people. Her mother is a ____________. She____________ ____________ . They ____________ have a ____________ in the park on Sundays. What a happy family!












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