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      2. 打籃球英語日記帶翻譯優(yōu)秀

        時間:2023-09-04 09:50:28 海潔 日記 我要投稿
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          打籃球英語日記帶翻譯優(yōu)秀 1


          Today, I played basketball with my brother. We had a good time.


          As soon as we got to the court, we went straight to the theme and started the basketball competition between the two of us. At first it was my brother with the ball. I defended. I saw my elder brother step forward with an arrow. When I just stretched out my upper arm to block him, he hit the East and hit the West and ran away from the other side. I didnt expect that my brother, a little fat man, could reach out his hand so quickly. He could run faster with the ball than me. I cant help but admire my brother.


          We were fighting so hard that we didnt know when it started to drizzle. Although the coat is wet, it doesnt affect our enthusiasm for playing at all. My brother and I shoot at fixed points, and my brothers hit rate is much higher than me. My brothers posture is standard. Although he has a small fat belly, his cool posture is no worse than that of NBA players. Ha ha! My brothers hit rate has reached 80%, while I only have about 30%. Im really ashamed. It seems that I need more practice.


          Although my brother beat me to pieces today, there is no chance to fight back, but I believe that through my unremitting efforts, I will continue to surpass myself and my brother!

          打籃球英語日記帶翻譯優(yōu)秀 2


          After dinner today, my father and I decided to have another fight. We picked up the basketball and started playing in the yard.


          I took the basketball and ran to the basketball rack. Just as I was about to throw the ball to the basketball rack, Dad suddenly put out his two big hands from behind me and grabbed the ball. I felt very unconvinced, so I ran to dad and tried to get the ball back. However, no matter how hard I try, the ball always moves up and down in my fathers hands. I just cant get it. All of a sudden, I got an idea and pretended to say to my father, "Dad, look, theres a plane in the sky!" Dad listened, looked up and went to see the plane. When I saw that my father had been cheated, I grabbed the basketball quickly. Of course, dad didnt see anything. When he found out that he was on, I quickly threw the ball to the basket. Yeah! The ball is in. Im 1-0 ahead for the time being.


          In this way, we competed nervously and happily in the yard. When our score was 15-15, we were sweating and panting. Dad said, "son, this is the end of todays game. Lets play next time!"


          Its a happy contest!

          打籃球英語日記帶翻譯優(yōu)秀 3


          One day, my father said to me, "Cunxi, Ill teach you how to play basketball, so that you can grow and exercise." Playing basketball is my favorite sport. Im very happy.

          我來到體育場上,那里都是打籃球的。爸爸說:“兒子,我教你打籃吧。”說時遲,那時快只見爸爸忽然跳了起來,同時球也被爸爸投了出去,只聽“砰”的一聲,球被爸爸投中了,我豎起了大 拇指對爸爸說:“爸爸真棒!”爸爸把球交給了我,讓我來試一試,本以為很好打籃球的我遇到了想不到的困難,有時球砸到了我的頭上,把我的頭震的'“嗡嗡”直響;有時從我的眼前落地了,把我嚇 了一大跳;還有時沒有瞄準,球打到了籃板上,球被彈了回來,“砰”的一聲嚇了我一跳。

          I came to the stadium, where I played basketball. Dad said, "son, let me teach you how to play basketball." Later, I saw my father jump up suddenly. At the same time, the ball was thrown out by my father. I only heard "bang". The ball was thrown by my father, and I made a big stand Thumb said to Dad, "Dad is great!" Dad gave the ball to me and asked me to try it. I thought it was very good to play basketball. I met with unexpected difficulties. Sometimes the ball hit my head and made my head buzzing. Sometimes it landed in front of my eyes and scared me; When I didnt aim, the ball hit the backboard, the ball was bounced back, and the "bang" scared me.

          爸爸走了過來,對我說:“兒子,投籃時首先要抱住球,使勁一蹦,然后瞄準籃筐一投,就有百分之九十的希望投中了。”我按照爸爸的方法,果然十個中有六個進了,我高興極了!于是我再接 再厲,終于在爸爸苦口婆心的教導(dǎo)下,我漸漸的會帶球快跑了。

          Dad came up to me and said, "son, when you shoot, you have to hold the ball, jump hard, and then aim at the basket, and you have 90 percent of the hope to hit." According to my fathers method, six out of ten got in, and I was very happy! So I continued to work hard, and finally, under my fathers painstaking instruction, I would gradually run fast with the ball.


          Later, I learned three step hurdle and other basketball skills. What a fulfilling day!

          打籃球英語日記帶翻譯優(yōu)秀 4


          Today is a day that can make me happy. Thats because I want to play basketball today. This one makes me too excited and happy. I got up early, and Im very excited in my dream. Because this is my first time to play basketball. I managed to get through the morning. After dinner, I waited at home. In the afternoon, my little partner came to me to play basketball. I put on my shoes and join them I went to play.


          When I play basketball, I have little chance to shoot because I am not tall. I can play when I grow up. I seem to grow up faster and can play basketball like other people. I just thought about half of it. The lad said, "catch the ball quickly". I caught the ball quickly, but I didnt catch it, so I almost got it. It really made me regret. They said, "its OK. Ill catch up with the ball next time." OK, Im playing basketball very seriously now. Its not easy to catch up. Our team has won 10-9. Next time, Ill break this score.


          Im looking forward to the next game.

          打籃球英語日記帶翻譯優(yōu)秀 5


          When I was in the first grade, I always envied other senior brothers for playing basketball well, and I also hoped that I would play as well as my senior brothers.

          終于有一天,我從房間里拿出一個籃球興奮地對爸爸說:“爸爸,我要學(xué)打籃球!蔽覄傉f完,就高高興興地跑到客廳換好運動鞋。爸爸見我那么喜歡打籃球,也換好運動鞋,帶我去到小區(qū)的籃球場 教我打籃球。

          Finally one day, I took out a basketball from my room and excitedly said to my father, "Dad, I want to learn to play basketball." As soon as I finished, I ran happily to the living room to change my sneakers. Dad saw that I like playing basketball so much. He also changed his sneakers and took me to the basketball court in the community to teach me how to play basketball.

          首先,爸爸教我拍球,拍著拍著,就練熟了,爸爸認真地對我說:“拍球不可以只用一只手拍,兩只手的拍球都要練熟,這樣別人搶不到你的球,你就勝利了!蔽衣牭桨职值脑,就練起拍球來。接 著,爸爸教我投籃,他對我說:“投籃時要先練拍一下球再投籃,記住不要在胸前投籃,要在頭部上往前投籃,一定有要用手腕的力來投!蔽矣涀×税职值'話,練起投籃來。練著練著,我的投籃技術(shù) 越來越高了,一個又一個地投進了籃板,我高興地說:“真的可以啊!太好了!”爸爸看到我那么高興,對我說:“其實你做的動作越標準,你的投籃技術(shù)就會越來越高!

          First of all, my father taught me to shoot the ball, clap and clap, and then practice. My father seriously said to me: "you cant only use one hand to clap the ball, and you should practice both hands, so that others cant grab your ball, and you will win." When I heard Dads words, I began to practice shooting. Then, my father taught me to shoot, he said to me: "when shooting, first practice shooting the ball and then shooting, remember not to shoot in front of the chest, to shoot forward on the head, there must be a wrist force to shoot." I remember my fathers words and Ill practice shooting. Practice, my shooting skills are getting higher and higher, one after another into the rebounds, I am happy to say: "really can! Great!" dad saw me so happy, said to me: "in fact, the more standard you do, the higher your shooting skills will be."


          This day, I learned to play basketball, and also realized that the action must be done in place, including gymnastics, so as to strengthen the body.

          打籃球英語日記帶翻譯優(yōu)秀 6


          My extracurricular life is rich and colorful. Usually in school, I like playing basketball, football, skipping rope and table tennis with my classmates. I like playing basketball best. This weekend, I had a wonderful basketball match with my cousin.

          我姨家樓下有一個小籃球場,我和表弟就是在那兒比賽的。比賽前我們約定了3局2勝的規(guī)則,我讓弟弟先發(fā)球,弟弟拍著球就往球籃那邊跑,我就攔住他,把球給搶了回來,我奮力一投,把球投到了球 籃里,比分是1比0,我心里高興萬分,打得更起勁了。

          There is a basketball court downstairs of my aunts house, where my cousin and I play. Before the game, we agreed on the rule of two wins in three games. I asked my brother to serve first, and he ran to the basket with the ball. I stopped him and grabbed the ball back. I threw the ball into the basket as soon as I could. The score was 1-0. I was very happy and played harder.

          第二局開始了!現(xiàn)在輪到我發(fā)球,我也學(xué)弟弟一樣拍著球向球籃那邊跑,弟弟擋我的'路想搶球,我左躲右閃,閃開了他,對準球籃一投,球穩(wěn)穩(wěn)的落在了球籃里,耶!我又進了一球,比分是2比0,這場 球賽我贏得輕輕松松,真是大快人心啊!表弟愁眉目苦臉但很不服氣的說:“下次我一定贏你!”呵呵,我笑著說:“那可不一定哦!”。

          The second game started! Now its my turn to serve. Im playing the ball to the basket like my younger brother. My younger brother is trying to grab the ball in my way. I dodged left and right, dodged him, and shot at the basket. The ball landed steadily in the basket. Yeah! I scored another goal. The score is 2-0. This game I won the ball game easily and easily. Its so delightful! My cousin said with worried eyes and bitter faces: "Ill win you next time!" ha ha, I said with a smile: "thats not necessarily!".


          Listen to the teacher, playing basketball can not only strengthen our body, but also enhance our physique and endurance. Therefore, in the future, I must often play basketball, make my body work out well, and become a world basketball star like Yao Mings brother. How glorious!

          打籃球英語日記帶翻譯優(yōu)秀 7


          This morning, as soon as I entered the basketball court of the gymnasium, I began to dribble the ball. Unexpectedly, there was a player whose speed was like the wind. He jumped up from behind and snatched my ball. However, I reacted immediately and ran to him to snatch the ball.

          可球總是不到我這兒來;很快,我就已經(jīng)滿頭大汗了,正在我累得直喘氣時,球員不小心把我推了一下,我便一下坐在地上,他見我跌倒了,便趕忙跑來,問我傷到?jīng)]有;我見他將球丟下時,便站起 來把球搶了過來,他愣了愣才反應(yīng)過來。接下來,我拍著球沖到了欄下,正準備投球時,突然,那個球員跑到了我的面前準備要搶我的球;我也學(xué)著他的樣式運球,忽然一躍而起,將球投上了籃框,球 進了!

          But the ball always doesnt come to me; soon, Im sweating all over my head. When Im tired and gasping, the player accidentally pushes me, and I sit on the ground. When he saw that I fell, he rushed to ask if I was hurt. When I saw that he dropped the ball, he stood up and grabbed the ball. He was stunned and then reacted. Next, I hit the ball and rushed to the bar. When I was ready to throw, all of a sudden, the player ran to me and was ready to grab my ball. I also learned his style of dribbling, and suddenly jumped up, threw the ball into the basket, and the ball entered!


          This is my first time to fight with a master and win, some excitement, some pride. In the future, I will work harder to make my basketball technology to a higher level.

          打籃球英語日記帶翻譯優(yōu)秀 8

          A 300 word diary of playing basketball.


          Today, in the second half of the second class, I went downstairs to play basketball after I corrected the wrong questions. This basketball game is absolutely exciting and intense. I am full of expectation.

          我們分好班后,準備血拼.第一步商議戰(zhàn)術(shù),各有分工.我、黃文昶、王明輝一組.敵方由呂子健、王楷迪、張方澤組成.我們的戰(zhàn)術(shù)是這樣的:黃文昶投球和搶籃板,王明輝斷球,我嘛,是專門防 止別人把球投進籃筐的,也就是俗稱的“蓋帽”!好比賽正式開始,張方澤首先把球傳給呂子健,隨后,呂子健拉三一計三分球,我跑上前去準備蓋帽,但由于我起跳太晚,呂子健把球投了出來,結(jié)果 沒投中,該搶籃了,王楷迪可謂是搶籃板的高手,就這樣,他擁有一個“板神”的'稱號,這次,他又搶著了,一個補投沒進,王明輝也在板下,正好,王明輝也在籃板,他搶著了球了,王明輝,也有一 稱號“內(nèi)奸”,這回他傳給了黃文昶,黃文昶投進了球,經(jīng)過20分鐘的角逐我們大獲全勝.今天太開心了。

          After we have divided the classes, we are ready to fight. The first step is to discuss tactics, each with its own division of labor. I, Huang Wenchang and Wang Minghui. The enemy consists of LV Zijian, Wang Kaidi and Zhang Fangze. Our tactics are as follows: Huang Wenchang pitches and grabs rebounds, Wang Minghui breaks the ball, and I am specialized in defense No one else throws the ball into the basket, which is also known as "blocking"! Good game officially starts, Zhang Fangze first passes the ball to LV Zijian, and then LV Zijian pulls a three one three—point goal, I run to prepare for blocking, but because I jump too late, LV Zijian throws the ball out, and the result is No shooting, its time to grab the basketball. Wang Kaidi is a good rebounder. In this way, he has the title of "board God". This time, he grabbed another shot. He missed a make—up shot. Wang Minghui is also under the board. Just in time, Wang Minghui is also in the backboard. He grabbed the ball. Wang Minghui, there is also one The title "traitor", this time he passed it to Huang, who scored the goal, and after 20 minutes of competition we won. Today is so happy.

          打籃球英語日記帶翻譯優(yōu)秀 9

          那是在一個鳥語花香的早晨。我正在晨跑,小明向我跑過來,說:“我們一起打籃球吧!”我一聽是打籃球,就二話不說的答應(yīng)了。接著我們就去找人。分成了兩隊:藍隊:我,小明,小白,小李 ;紅隊:小剛,小環(huán),小杰,小歐。

          It was a morning of singing birds and fragrant flowers. I was running in the morning. Xiaoming came to me and said, "lets play basketball together!" when I heard that I was playing basketball, I agreed without saying anything. Then well find someone. Divided into two teams: blue team: me, Xiao Ming, Xiao Bai, Xiao Li; red team: Xiao Gang, Xiao Huan, Xiao Jie, Xiao ou.

          比賽開始啦!由紅隊先發(fā)球,紅隊一馬當先,給我們一個下馬威。接著,紅隊的小歐盯了我們一下,像是在挑釁。我們隊的小明火冒三丈,連續(xù)投進了五個球,可不幸的是,他跑得太猛了,腿受傷 了。我們真是賠了夫人又折兵啊!他們呢,像只剛睡醒的獅子,只要大吼一聲,就把我們震暈。

          The game begins! The red team serves first, the red team takes the lead, and gives us a lower horse power. Then, the red teams little Ou stared at us for a moment, as if in a provocation. Our teams Xiao Ming was furious and threw five goals in a row. Unfortunately, he ran too hard and hurt his leg. We lost our wives and lost our soldiers. They are like a lion just waking up. If they roar loudly, we will be stunned.


          In the first half, the red team held us down 50-69. If it goes on like this, we will I dare not think about it any more. Xiaoming said to me, "dont be afraid, even without me, you will win if you unite!" yes! Unity is victory!


          In the second half, we were very aggressive and beat the red team to pieces. Win them 125-119! Look, theyre like a defeated rooster. Theyre all downcast


          This time not only felt the fun of basketball, but also learned a truth: unity is strength!

          打籃球英語日記帶翻譯優(yōu)秀 10


          Today is March 20. I have a PE class.


          Todays PE class is to play basketball, everyone has a good time, today, Ill introduce our group to play it!


          Our group: Tang Chen, Wu Zihou, Bao Siyuan, I and Hu Yiyang play together. The final score is 2-2. At the beginning, everyone didnt throw in. But after a while, they scored a goal and scored a point.


          Next, our team is not willing to fall behind. Later, I used the useless ball to pass the ball. Soon, Tang Chen of our team broke out his potential and let our team quickly win a goal and draw 1-1 with them!


          Their team also found that my sports difficult life has become stronger (a little boastful), so they also raised and let me go, and every time they free throw, when we serve, they also started to raise and let me go, but they still didnt stop me (maybe I became stronger!), but because of our poor throwing skills, they won a goal.


          In the end, our teams ability broke out, from the original 1 combat power to 1000 combat power, and our tacit understanding value changed from 1 to 100! Finally, we won a goal, so class ended.


          Whats up? Is this basketball game fun?

          打籃球英語日記帶翻譯優(yōu)秀 11

          There are so many sports we can play these days, but among them, I like to play basketball best. I learnt to play it when I was 11 years old.

          Playing basketball can bring me some good friends, they have something in common with me, they always ask me to play it with them; And we can always share our skills together. We learnt what teamwork is from playing basketball. Sometimes we watch NBA games together, my favourite NBA star is Yao Ming, he is very modest, too.

          We usually play basketball after school and on the weekends as well. I feel very happy when I pass my ball to my pals. We always cheer when we win the games.

          I hope I can play basketball as well as Yao Ming someday in the future.





          打籃球英語日記帶翻譯優(yōu)秀 12


          On Monday afternoon, we had a PE class. Many people in the class brought basketball, and so did the teacher.


          When we got off the playground, the teacher told us in a loud voice: "practice shooting today, boys and girls are divided into four teams, ready to practice shooting! Unit


          We divided the team, began to shoot: I cant shoot, just throw it casually, and Im afraid of hitting people, I seriously miss it. I was surprised and frightened.


          When I came to me again, I saw the skills of all the pitchers and began to be serious. I thought about it for a while and was ready to throw the ball - Yap! Yes!


          Ive hit seven of these innumerable loops! I applaud myself!












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