1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>

      2. 英文的情書

        時間:2023-02-22 17:05:57 興亮 情書 我要投稿




          英文的情書 篇1

        Dear margarita,

          I am just lying here, looking at your pictures, ent.

          Margarita, I knoise you,I will not question your intentions any more. You have proven to me your love for me is stronger and greater than distances never reached.

          margarita, i love you. i am in love with you; i open my heart to you. i ask that you take my heart and treat it as if it is your own.

          all my love,


          英文的情書 篇2

        Dear Leann,

          I plish a plete. If I hadnt met you. I knoent ent, my mind, but still everyday I e people call it crazy, some call it insane, but I call it true love. I really love you, Baby Bear.

          Love Always,


          英文的情書 篇3

        dear annan,

          never did i imagine that i would ever meet you,especially not in the form of a chat friend. a year later i am leading my life with you as your fiance which i could never thought of this very time last year.

          god has got his own reasons for us to meet and come this far. but i hope our love will flourish beyond what it is right now. distance maybe just a part of the reason why sometimes we think we can't handle this whole relationship,but i am sure our love for each other is way far stronger then any oceans can come across.

          i am writting you this letter to tell you that my love for you is so real that i can't find any words to describe my feelings for you. at the same time i would like to thank you for all your patience while our relationship had to go through high waves and hard rocks. my love for you has grown so strong that i can never imagine a life without you now.

          i will always be yours no matter what the world turns out to be. my heart will always yearning for your love and care forever. i love you always.

          missing you,


          英文的情書 篇4

        dear margarita,

          i am just lying here,looking at your pictures,wishing for the day you and i meet,hoping and praying to god that our lord brings us together expediently.

          i sit here pondering what life will be with you beside me. sharing our thoughts and ideas towards what the future holds. you and i are hundreds of miles apart. yet i feel as if you are here right beside me watching me as i write this letter. your passion spans distances unforeseen by the naked eye,reaching me in ways i never thought possible. your spirit soars above me,watching over me like a protective angel. your heart beats in unison with mine growing stronger and with fuller life with each passing moment.

          margarita,i know i have made the right choice in proclaiming my love for you. i have no fears and no regrets and i live for the day we are together for the first time. i owe you an apology also for questioning you. i promise you,i will not question your intentions any more. you have proven to me your love for me is stronger and greater than distances never reached.

          margarita,i love you. i am in love with you;i open my heart to you. i ask that you take my heart and treat it as if it is your own.

          all my love,


          英文的情書 篇5

        dear mitch,

          hey!i’ve noticed that you have been flirting with me. you make it pretty obvious that you like me. i really like you. i want to know if you like me as much. if you do,please tell me. i wish that you would be mine and that i would be yours. if you think this is love,please tell me. i want you to be mine so badly,baby.

          every time i’m around you,you make my face melt and my mind turn into jell—o. my heart beats faster than a hummingbird’s. i love you more than chocolate. you’ve got the best smile in the world,and i love you so much!i hear your voice when someone talks to me.

          i love you and will forever. i hope you love me,and i’ll be waiting for a response. bye,baby.

          love always,


          英文的情書 篇6

        dear mikey,

          it’s the middle of the day and i was thinking about you,as usual. i want you to know how much i sincerely love the countless hours we spend talking. it means so much to me. it truly seems like i’ve known you forever and i honestly can’t imagine life without you now. there will be no looking back,no second thoughts and no regrets. i love you and only you . and that love will only grow stronger. sometimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you totally by surprise. all i can say is you’re the best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love,caring,and understanding never ceases to amaze me. i’ve truly been blessed by finding you and i’ll never let you go.

          love always,


          英文的情書 篇7

        dear dinesh,

          it has not been but a short time of getting to know one another and we are totally crazy about the other. i asked you if you believed in soul mates and you said that you believed that god does make a special someone from every man. whether that man finds that someone he was created for or not,i know i was created for you.

          here i am,heart and soul,confessing to the world how i feel about you. i would walk to the ends of the earth to meet you,and yet the funny thing is,looks as if i will have to do that since we haven’t yet met. funny how love works in people’s lives. i sure never expected to neither meet nor find someone as amazing as you. you have touched my heart in so many ways and words couldn’t even begin to explain to you the love i feel for you. without further making it harder on the two of us to be together,i need to tell you that i love you and i am here waiting and when the time is right,will accept you as my husband and spend forever and eternity in your arms. dreaming of you always . i love you.

          love always,


          英文的情書 篇8

        Dear Jarmar,

          You just don't knoe type of comfort, you are there for me. It is you you drives me crazy and makes me ething like this in my life. Everything happened in the middle of my exams and I tried so hard to cope. You e your e the drunken stupor I ent I believed I e doposition. Your skin is softer than the finest satin and gloulgating the exotic beauty from forter to me, the only one ents natural to supernatural. You are my angel and forever you will be. The one whose memories I will treasure forever till the day I turn into an angel like you.

          Love always,

          Dee Vynn

          英文的情書 篇9

        You Warm My Heart

          Dear Splete me, you are everything my heart desire. Loving You Al: Tricia

          Dear Andy,

          Noe this far. but i hope our love etimes e across.

          i am orroes over me like a strong ents I have enjoyed e croetimes been. But, oh Sarah! If the dead can come back to this earth and flit unseen around those they love, I shall alething in your eyes,  God, I felt dizzy. We pany your flight. Gone etime someday, I ehoise of the  hell came the laughing of Satan at my brain. Tearful smile, swallowed by the darkness. How could I trace your hair to wipe your tears? My hands reached out, catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.

          Snowflakes have melted into water, we are no more together.

          英文的情書 篇10

        Dear Annan,

          Never did I imagine that I e this far. But I hope our love etimes e across.

          I am  a dream of us together, I thank God I found you! What have I ever done to deserve such a loving, caring, e!! I feel so loved! I need only to think of you to have all my troubles melt ae up posed, the best song ever played, the best picture ever painted. I never thought and expected that someone like me could get so lucky by finding you. Hofort and the security of kno each other for now, but you have my heart and my love. And I know that I have yours, too. It just feels so wonderful knowing and believing that. Aren't we lucky? I love you... more and more each day.

          Forever Yours,


          英文的情書 篇11

          my wonderful girl: (darling, sweetheart, beloved, honey darling, my precious, my angel, my adored, my dearest darling, my morning star, my lovely wife, my own dear girl, my dearest creature. …… )

          i cannot tell you how much your letter has delighted me. from this i can know that you had accept my apologies. i can't tell you how much your letter relieved me. thank you, dear, for writing so promptly! in reply, i express my hearty thanks. because of not called you those days, i have been suffering agonies of remove ever since. i hope that my unforgivable stupidly hasn't ruined our friendship for all time.

          i have so many things to tell you that i hardly know where to begin. there is nothing more difficult for a matter-of-fact-engineer like me than to write a letter that will tell how much you mean to me. let's not let a little misunderstanding come between us. you are still young and beautiful in my calendar, and the extra year that seems indeed to have improved you looks. may you happy every day and always keep that loveliness and charm which god gave you. you are the dearest thing in the world. you 're wonderful, terrific and tops. i know a lot of logarithms and axioms, but not the language of love. i want this letter to be beautiful and poetic, but all i can say, and what comes from the bottom of my heart is not i love you, but you are the only one i want.

          my love, i love you ever since receive your first letter. and i would never have had the courage to write you if our talks and our wonderful times during these past few months hadn't held the promise that you care for me as deeply as i for you.

          your letter fills my days with sunshine and happiness. right now having just reread your letters, i feel as if you were here. if you only knew how happy your letters make me! this last one is especially interesting—just the kind of letter i love to get from you--all about your work at school, and your friends. what a treat to receive your letter! you always write such interesting news! it's a wonderful letter, almost like having you here in the room with me for a little while!

          how i love you! each hour i am away from you seems an eternity. rising in the morning, my first thought is of you, and all day i'm conscious that you are near. your presence seems to in habit all the air around, and your nearness is a never-ending delight. i've thought of you so many, many times during these busy months. i think of you always and have a thousand things to say to you, but they can all be summed up in a few heartfelt words--i love you to distraction.

          i am waiting for learn that you have successfully passed the national entrance examination for colleges and universities this year.

          英文的情書 篇12

        dear malyce,

          you make me feel special, like i'm your one and only. you make me feel like i'm a star in the sky lighting up your life. you make me feel safe when i'm near you, wrapped up in your arms. you make me feel like an angel from heaven because you never stop telling me how much you love me. you're always lighting up my heart with the things you do and say. i feel so happy just being with you this way. you're my baby, and will forever be my baby. you'll will always be the love of my life.

          love always,


          英文的情書 篇13

         Dear Jerry,

          I want to start off by telling you how madly, truly and deeply I am in love with you. I love you so very much, with all my heart and soul, always, forever and ever! Having you in my life is truly a blessing. You bring so much happiness into my life and so much love into my heart! I do not know if I tell you this enough but I want you to know it each and every day. And with every moment, my love for you grows stronger and deeper.

          Honey, I never knew I would be this happy. But you know what... it is the greatest feeling in the world to be content and might I say, I am very, very content with you and only you. No one else can make me feel the way you make me feel. Your caress, your kiss, your touch, your words, your understanding ways, your everything means the world to me and it can not and will not be replaced.

          Sometimes I truly feel like I get on your last nerve but despite it all, we are still together. And that is what is most important. And we will always be together because we will always have this amazing love for each other. I promise that to you. We have been through the good and the bad but the good times definitely makes up for the bad times. And I know I am speaking for both of us when I say that. So babe, let's make some real good times and enjoy each and every moment we have together.

          And from what I said, I truly know that you are my one and only, my partner for life, my best friend, my lover, my soulmate, and I will love you forever and ever!

          Love always,


          英文的情書 篇14

        Dear Kyle,

          You are here and we are together. We have plans, we have dreams, and we have love. Do you really want to leave - to let this go away? We have something special, something I almost messed up once, but would never mess up again. What we have is special; many wish to have what we have, so why give up on something so real?

          Baby, I may be leaving for college, but I will never leave you. I may not be around physically, but in my heart you are there. Do not compare yourself to the guys in my past, because they would never amount to anything you have, and that's why they were so easy to forget. You are not so easy to forget; you are in every song, every movie, and in my every dream.

          When we are done with this little break, we can finally be together and make our dreams come true. Let's not destroy them before we give them a chance .... I love you baby, so don't run because of what you're scared of, just give us a chance, and you will see the love I have for you.

          Love always,


          英文的情書 篇15

        Dear Hubby,

          Ever since you walked into my life, I have been smiling. There hasn't been a day when I have gone to sleep with a frown on my face, and it's all because of you. Honey, I am glad that you came into my life. I have always wanted the love of my life to be understanding, loving, caring, faithful and most of all someone who would accept me for who I am. Now I have found the person I was looking for. My heart told me that my Prince Charming was there when you first said hello to me over the phone. I didn't have to think twice when you asked me to be your wife. I knew that you were Mr. Perfect. I don't think that there is, or there could be, anyone better than you out there for me.

          I love you with my whole heart. I have never trusted anyone the way I trust you. Sometime I even doubt myself, but I know I will never doubt you because you are my true love. I know deep down inside that you will never break my heart or never let me down in anyway.

          Thank you honey for everything. I pray to god everyday to bless you with everything you deserve. I will love you until the end of time.

          Always and Forever Yours,


          英文的情書 篇16

        dear nadine,

          you have overcome many obstacles within your life which have made you the wonderful person you are today. you should be very proud that you have persevered all your experiences and with it you have lived, acknowledged, and learned and you have never intentionally done on to others as it has been done unto you for you know what it feels like and you have the strength to rise above it all. you are attractive, generous, honest, humorous, intelligent, kind, loveable, loving, passionate and a wonderful mother.

          the person who will obtain the key within your heart in the future will be blessed to have the love in which you are cable of giving to someone. may god bless you and always give you the strength for you to continue to grow and love. love always.

          英文的情書 篇17

        Dear Daisy,

          It's the end of the day and I was thinking about you, as usual. I want you to know how much I sincerely love the times we've spent talking. It means so much to me. It truly seems like I've known you forever and I honestly can't imagine life without you now. There will be no looking back, no second thoughts and no regrets. I want you and need only you ... and that love will only grow stronger. Do not be scared my love. Sometimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you totally by surprise. All I can say is you're the best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me. I've truly been blessed by finding you and I'll never let you go even if I have to bring you back to Florida myself!

          Your darling,


          英文的情書 篇18

        dear chelloh,

          things are hard right now, and they seem to just be a big blurry mess. but i don’t blame you for any of it. i know this is both of our faults so i don’t expect you to say or do anything. i know that we are trying to fix all the screwed up things in our lives right now, and i hope we do get to make everything all better again.

          i am only truly happy when i am with you. your presence just lights up my world. everything i am and everything i have is dependant upon you.

          i am sorry for the way i have mistreated you in the past and i know you are sorry for mistreating me. we can be happy together if we work everything out, which i think we will.

          you are everything to me and i love you with all my heart. i hope i can learn to open up to you and let you know how i feel. i also hope that you will be able to recognize when something is wrong. but no matter what we do or where we go, i will love you. i will always love you, baby. you mean the world to me, and i hope that things will go back to normal.

          love always,













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