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      2. 小學(xué)生的英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)及答案參考

        時(shí)間:2024-02-23 08:20:25 偲穎 謎語(yǔ)大全 我要投稿
        • 相關(guān)推薦







          1.What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?

          2.What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long?

          3.What is big and bright during the day and we can’t see it at night?

          4.I am small.I can fly.I like singing in the sky.What am I?

          5.Which letter is a drink?

          6.Which letter is around an island?

          7.Which letter is an animal?

          8.Which letter is a kind of vegetable?

          9.Which is the longest English word? Why?

          10.Which letter is a question?

          11.Which letter is a part of your face?

          12.I am very big and heavy.I have a long nose and big ears.What am I ?

          13.I am the tallest animal in the world.What am I ?

          14.I live in the sea.I am the biggest animal in the sea.What am I ?

          15.What do you call your father’s father’s only son?

          16.What is the biggest ant in the world?

          17.What is in the middle of the world?

          18.What do you call your father-in-laws only childs mother-in-law?

          19.What is the smallest room in the world?

          20.Teachers write on me with chalk.I can’t talk.What am I ?

          21.You have it.You read it.There are some words and pictures on it.What is it?

          22.Sometimes it looks like a boat.Sometimes it looks like a small white sun.What is it?

          23.You throw away the outside and cook the inside.Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside.What did you eat?

          24.What goes around the world but stays in a corner?

          25.Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die.What am I?

          26.What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?

          27.I fly, but I have no wings.I cry, but I have no eyes.

          28.How many letters are in the alphabet?

          29.I am always with you.Sometimes behind you, sometimes before you, sometimes by your side, but you can’t see me in the dark.

          30.What table is in the field?

          31.What table can tell you what to do?

          32.What changes a p()ear into a pearl?

          33.What letter makes a road broad?

          34.When do 2 and 2 make more than 4?

          35.I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water.What am I?

          36.What kind of dog doesnt bite or bark?

          37.I am everywhere in the earth.Without me, you have to die.What am I ?

          38.I can’t walk.I can’t fly.I can swim.What am I ?

          39.I am green in spring and yellow in autumn.Birds like me and people like me.What am I ?

          40.Chicken grows from it.What is it?

          41.It’s very small in the sky, but it’s actually very big.What is it?

          42.It’s a colourful bridge in the sky.What is it?

          43.Why do lions eat raw meat(生肉)?

          44.Why is six afraid of seven?

          45.A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys.

          How can this be possible?

          46.I am white.You can drink me.I am in the dairy group.What am I ?

          47.I am green or red.I am spicy and hot.I am in the vegetable group.What am I ?

          48.I am a kind of fruit, green outside and red inside.What am I ?

          49.I am a kind of fruit, yellow outside and white inside with small black seeds.What am I ?

          50.I am orange.I am thin and long.Rabbits like me very much.What am I ?

          51.David was out for a walk when it started to rain.He did not have an umbrella and he wasnt wearing a hat.His clothes were soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet.How could this happen?


          1.blackboard 2.a clock 3.the sun 4.a bird 5.T(tea) 6.C(sea) 7.B(bee) 8.P(pea) 9.smiles(There’s a mile between the first and the last letter.) 10.Y(why) 11.I(eye) 12.an elephant13.a giraffe

          14.the whale 15.father/daddy 16.an elephant 17.the letter “r”

          18.mom 19.mushroom 20.a blackboard 21.a book 22.the moon

          23.chicken 24.stamp 25.fire 26.river 27.cloud 28.eight

          29.shadow 30.vegetable 31.timetable 32.“L” 33.“b” 34.(22)

          35.a map36.hot dog 37.air 38.fish 39.a tree 40.an egg

          41.a star/ the sun/ the moon 42.a rainbow 43.Because they can’t cook.

          44.Because seven eight(ate) nine.

          45.Because all of her children are boys.

          46.milk 47.pepper 48.a watermelon 49.a banana 50.a carrot

          51.Because he’s bald.


          1、Why dont you advertise for your lost dog?——謎底:He cant read.

          2、Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in New York Harbor?——謎底:Because it cant sit down.

          3、Why does time fly?——謎底:To get away from all the people who are trying to kill it.

          4、Why did Mickey Mouse go to outer space?——謎底:To find Pluto


          6、阿匹婆(打一英文名詞)——謎底:a people

          7、Which horses have six legs?——謎底:All horses have forelegs

          8、What does the man who just had his face shaved resemble?(剛剛修過(guò)胡須的男人像什么?)——謎底:A bear(像熊)


          10、What never asks any questions but always gets answers?——謎底:A doorbell



          13、On which side does a bird have the most feathers?——謎底:The outside.

          14、What band cant play music?(什么樂(lè)隊(duì)不會(huì)演奏音樂(lè)?)——謎底:Rubber band.橡皮筋

          15、Why don’t babies need glasses?——謎底:Because they like bottles better.



          18、How does the sun affect weight?(太陽(yáng)如何影響重量?)——謎底:It makes the daylight.


          20、What is an astronomer?(天文學(xué)家)?——謎底:A night watchman with a college education.

          21、What two words have thousands of letters in them?——謎底:Post office

          22、What has four eyes but cannot see?——謎底:密西西比州

          23、What month do soldiers hate?當(dāng)兵的不喜歡幾月份?——謎底:March,三月

          24、What is black when its clean and white when its dirty?——謎底:a blackboard



          27、What clothing is always sad?(什么衣服總是傷感的?)——謎底:Blue Jeans.藍(lán)色牛仔服。blue adj.藍(lán)色的;傷感的


          1.what will you break once you say it? key:silence

          什么東西你說(shuō)出來(lái)就打破了它? 答案:沉默

          2.why is the libray the highest building? key:it has the most stories?

          為什么圖書(shū)館是最高的建筑? 答案:因?yàn)樗兴械臉菍?(story有兩層意思,一個(gè)是故事,一個(gè)是樓層)

          3.what do every couple have in common? key: theyre married on the same day

          每一對(duì)夫妻都有的共同點(diǎn)是什么? 答案:他們都在同一天結(jié)婚

          4.what is pronounced like one letter,written with three letters,and belongs to all animals? key:eye

          什么東西讀起來(lái)像是一個(gè)字母,寫(xiě)起來(lái)是三個(gè)字母,并且所有動(dòng)畫(huà)都有它呢? 答案:eye(眼睛)

          5.what bird lifts heavy things? key:crane

          什么鳥(niǎo)可以舉起來(lái)很重的東西? 答案:crane(鶴,另外一個(gè)意思是舉重機(jī))

          6.what always goes up and never goes down? key:your age

          什么東西永遠(yuǎn)只升不降 答案:你的年齡

          7.what word is pronounced wrong,even by the best of scholars? key:wrong

          哪個(gè)單詞即使是最好的學(xué)者來(lái)念都念錯(cuò)? 答案:wrong(錯(cuò))

          8.what animal is taller sitting down than standing up? key:A dog

          什么動(dòng)物坐著比站著高? 答案:狗

          9.what is black when its clean and white when its dirty? key:a blackboard

          什么東西干凈的時(shí)候是黑色的,臟的時(shí)候是白色的。 答案:黑板

          10.what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? key:sixth


          11.A big Indian and a little Indian are walking down the street ,the little Indian is the son of the big Indian ,but the big Indian is not the father of the little Indian ,how is this possible?

          key:the big Indian is the mother of the little Indian


          12.What has four eyes but cannot see?什么有四個(gè)眼睛,但是看不見(jiàn)?

          13.Whats the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space; the beginning of end, and the end of every place? key:The letter.

          什么是永恒的開(kāi)始,是時(shí)間的結(jié)束,是結(jié)局的開(kāi)始,是每一個(gè)地方的結(jié)束? 答案:字母e,看這四個(gè)單詞的結(jié)尾就明白了。

          14.What can you catch but cannot throw? key :a cold

          什么東西你能抓住但是不能扔掉? 答案:感冒(catch a cold),英文中感冒為catch a cold

          15.What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth? key:mirror

          什么是聾啞的,但是卻總是告訴我們真相? 答案:鏡子


          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what letter is an animal? key --B(Bee)



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:What letter stands forthe ocean? key:C(sea)



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what letter is a question? key:Y



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what letter is your eye? key:I



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what letter is a vegetable? key:P



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what stays hot even if put it in a fridge? key:pepper


          【答案】pepper(胡椒粉) 謎語(yǔ)解析:hot也有辣的意思

          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what fruit is never found singly? key:pear


          【答案】:pear(梨) 謎語(yǔ)解析:pear和pair(一雙)讀音相同

          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:With which hand do you write? key:neither,i use a pen!



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what man cannot live in a house?



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?


          【答案】dictionary (字典)

          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目: What question can you never answer "Yes" to?


          【答案】Are you dead?(你死了嗎?)Are you asleep?(你睡著了嗎)

          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:You have it.You read it.Therere some pictures in it?



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目: A mouse has a large pocket. What is it?


          【答案】a kangaroo(袋鼠)

          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:It has a head ,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.NO feet,but can travel?


          【答案】a car(汽車)

          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what will you break once you say it? key:silence



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:why is the libray the highest building? key:it has the most stories?



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what do every couple have in common? key: theyre married on the same day



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what word is pronounced wrong,even by the best of scholars? key:wrong



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what animal is taller sitting down than standing up? key:A dog



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what is black when its clean and white when its dirty? key:a blackboard



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? key:sixth



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:What has four eyes but cannot see?


          【答案】Mississippi 謎語(yǔ)解析:有4個(gè)i,但是因?yàn)槭堑孛,所以看不?jiàn)。

          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:Whats the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space; the beginning of end, and the end of every place?key:The letter "e"



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:What can you catch but cannot throw? key :a cold


          【答案】感冒(catch a cold),英文中感冒為catch a cold

          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth? key:mirror



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:What has a tongue but cannot talk? key: a shoe



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:What has teeth but cannot eat? key:corn



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself? key:your name



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:What goes through a door but never comes in or goes out? key:keyhole



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:What gets larger,the more you take away?



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon?


          【答案】A bird that knocks on the door when delivering messages.


          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?


          【答案】In the dictionary.在字典里。

          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:What do you know about the kings of France?


          【答案】They are all dead.他們都死了。

          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what tree is always very sad? key:weeping willow


          【答案】垂柳。謎語(yǔ)解析:weeping willow的意思是垂柳,weeping是哭,willow是柳樹(shù)

          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what is full when its used and empty when its at rest? key:a shoe



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:when can you get water with a net? key:when water is turned into ice



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:why are people tired on April Fools Day? key:Because they have just had a long March.



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:whats the poorest bank in the world? key:the river bank



          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目:what is heavier in summer than in winter? key:Traffic to the beach


          【答案】去海灘的車流 解釋:heavy除了重的意思,還有交通量大的,繁忙的意思。

          英語(yǔ)謎語(yǔ)題目: what can pierce ones ears without a hole? key:Noise,voice













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