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      2. 人生絮語英語名言名句

        時(shí)間:2021-06-11 12:21:05 名言格言 我要投稿


          who loved the pain is to forgive, black is the darkest despair. 最疼的疼是原諒,最黑的黑是絕望。


          you got a dream... you gotta protect it. people can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. if you want somethin', go get it. period. 有夢想,就要捍衛(wèi)它。人們和你說不可能,只是因?yàn)樗麄冏约恨k不到。想追求什么,就去努力吧,就這樣。

          love is a long wait, and even if you can't, even if you there, i will also at home silently waiting for, waiting for "hand, and son xielao. 愛情是漫長的等待,即使你遠(yuǎn)在天邊,即使你杳無音訊,我也會在家里靜靜的等待,等待“執(zhí)子之手,與子偕老.

          it’s true that we don’t know what we’ve got until we lose it, but it’s also true that we don’t know what we’ve been missing out on until it arrives. —— 的確只有當(dāng)我們失去時(shí)才知道曾擁有的是什么,同樣,只有當(dāng)我們擁有了才知道曾經(jīng)失去了什么

          sometimes, don't read the world too lonly, as you always miss someone, there will always be some people in have been missing you. ——— 有時(shí)候,不要把世界看得太孤單了,正如你總在想念某些人,也總會有某些人在一直想念你!

          pain makes you stronger, tears makes you braver, heartbreak makes you wiser, so thank the past for a better future.傷痛使你更堅(jiān)強(qiáng),眼淚使你更勇敢,心碎使你更明智,所以,我們都應(yīng)該感謝過去,它給我們帶來了一個(gè)更好的未來。


          【給力佳句】miracles sometimes occur, but you have to work terribly for them——奇跡有時(shí)候是會發(fā)生的,但是你得為之拼命的努力。

          immature love says: “i love you because i need you.” mature love says: “i need you because i love you .”——不成熟的愛說:"我愛你因?yàn)槲倚枰恪?quot; 而成熟的愛說:"我需要你因?yàn)槲覑勰恪?/p>

          back to the endwas not back,into two of the celebration. 回憶走到盡頭卻不是回憶,便成了兩個(gè)人的慶典。

          without respect, love lost.without caring, love boring. without honesty, love unhappy. without trust, love unstable. - 沒有尊重,愛會走掉。沒有在乎,愛會無聊。沒有誠實(shí),愛會不爽。沒有信任,愛會不牢。

          【智言慧語】when you know your limits, you can always make better decisions——只要你能清醒的認(rèn)識到自己的不足,就能做出更明智的決定。

          love her, but with actions, not words and the love will last a whole lot longer——愛她,就用大量的行動來證明,而不是甜言蜜語,這樣的愛情才能更加長久。

          to the noisy crowd, sad and lonely is very warm words. 比起喧鬧的人群來,悲傷和孤獨(dú)也是很溫暖的詞語。

          from the moment it leaves the nest it searchs for a thorn tree,and does not rest until it has found one 從離開巢窩的那一刻起,她就在尋找荊棘樹,直到如愿以償。

          我認(rèn)為最美麗的女人不是她自身,而是她營造的美麗氛圍。i think the most beautiful woman is not her own, but she create beautiful atmosphere。

          give up a love you of person is not painful, abandon a you love the people are suffering. 放棄一個(gè)很愛你的人并不痛苦,放棄一個(gè)你很愛的人才是痛苦。

          [在“i”和“you”中添一個(gè)詞,哪個(gè)能讓你感動?]--i love you:我愛你;i miss you:我想你;i wait you:我等你;i want you:我要你;i carry you:我陪你;i need you:我需要你;i follow you:我跟你。


          we are only too impetuous, hopes to pay runs counter actually 我們只是太浮躁,希望的付出卻是背道而馳。

          all is but let us at tapering off, i'd like to tell you how willingly himself fall 所有的回頭是岸不過是讓我們漸行漸遠(yuǎn),我愿意為你淪陷述說自己如何心甘情愿

          so lucky, cause you can choose to love me or not, but myself only have to choose from loving you or loving you more. 你是幸運(yùn)的,因?yàn)槟憧梢赃x擇愛我或不愛我,而我只能選擇愛你還是更愛你。

          one who thinks he can live without others is mistaken. one who thinks others cannot live without him is more mistaken. 如果認(rèn)為自己不需要任何人也可以生活,你錯(cuò)了。如果認(rèn)為別人沒有你不能生活,你更是錯(cuò)了。

          some people are doomed to wait for others,some people are doomed by the human and so on. 有些人注定是等待別人的,有些人是注定被人等的。

          but actually really has loves you, does not only want to search again. 倒不是真的有多愛你,只是不想再尋尋覓覓。

          what if something had happened to you? what if i couldn't get to you? what would i have done without you? you're my family. you're all i've got. --sleepless in seattle?要是你出了事怎么辦?要是我找不到你怎么辦?如果沒有你我該怎么辦?你是我的家人,你是我的一切。--《西雅圖不眠夜》

          never forget what someone says to you when they're angry, because that's when the cover-up truth comes out——不要忘掉別人生氣時(shí)候說的話,因?yàn)橥遣攀钦嫦啵?/p>

          if one day the whole world betrayed you , i will stand beside you to betray the whole world. 如果哪一天全世界都背叛了你、我會站在你身旁去背叛全世界。

          【做事要學(xué)會把握的分寸】勇敢過了頭,就成了魯莽; 誠信過了頭,就成了迂腐; 機(jī)敏過了頭,就成了圓滑; 施舍過了頭,就成了乞丐; 貪婪過了頭,就成了腐; 執(zhí)著過了頭,就缺少心眼; 善良過了頭,就成了軟弱; 專橫過了頭,就成了霸道; 做事過了頭,就走上絕路;刷屏過了頭,就失去聽眾。

          love is a kind of integrity is a price to pay, if not love, or can not afford, then do not easily open your heart.temptation and loneliness, this is not love, reasons.愛是一種誠信,是需要付出代價(jià)的.,如果不愛,或無法承受,那么就別輕易地將自己的心打開。誘惑和寂寞,本不是愛的理由。

          faith is to believe what you do not yet see;the reward for this faith is to see what you believe。---saint augustine。信念就是相信還看不到的東西,而其回報(bào)則是看到你所相信的東西。這是對人的主觀能動性的肯定,很多時(shí)候,往往是人的意志在塑造這個(gè)世 界

          success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get. 成功意味著你得到你想要的,幸福則是你享受你得到的。


          what you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.

          has 1000 taste only to be able lonely to have one kind of experience actually. 寂寞有一千種滋味,卻只能有一種體會。

          課堂上問英語老師“山寨”怎么說,老師沉默不語…過了一會兒,幽幽的轉(zhuǎn)過頭來,一頓一頓的說道:“made in china”,我聽了,內(nèi)流滿面啊

          crumbling the boundaries of chaos, to make a number of errors to mature 搖搖欲墜混亂的界限、要做出多少錯(cuò)誤的選擇才能成熟

          【心靈物語】the best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer somebody else up.讓自己振作起來的最好辦法是先讓別人振作起來。(mark twain)

          love is giving someone the ability to destroy you and trusting them not to. 愛就是賦予某人摧毀你的力量,卻堅(jiān)信他/她不會傷害你。

          don`t use time or words carelessly . neither can be retrieved .不要漫不經(jīng)心地打發(fā)時(shí)間或口無遮攔地說話,失去的時(shí)間和說出去的話都無法挽回

          know a love oneself person, we will know love others; if a man can love even that wouldn't love others. 懂得愛自己的人,才會懂得愛別人;如果一個(gè)人連自己都不愛,那就不可能會愛別人。

          don' t be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. it is this fragile thread that binds us each together. -------正因?yàn)槲覀兌疾煌昝,我們才會彼此需要?/p>

          don't let the noise of others' opinions drowns out your own inner voice, and most important,have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.別讓別人的觀念埋沒了自己內(nèi)在的聲音,要有勇氣跟隨自己的心與直覺,這才是最最重要的。

          a land of broken promises, do not put together back yesterday. 碎了一地的諾言,拼湊不回的昨天。

          "when i thought i couldn't go on, i forced myself to keep going. my success is based on persistence, not luck. " ————當(dāng)我以為我無法繼續(xù)走下去時(shí),我強(qiáng)迫自己要繼續(xù)前進(jìn)。我的成功是基于我的堅(jiān)持,并非運(yùn)氣。

          people cry, not because they're weak. it's because they've been strong for too long. 哭泣,不代表脆弱,只因堅(jiān)強(qiáng)了太久

          we are only from each other's life was not careful, could not forget.. 我們只是從對方生命中不小心經(jīng)過,留下了無法忘懷的氣味..

          what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger. / 那些殺不死我的東西,只會讓我變更強(qiáng)。(感謝那些帶給我們磨難的人和事)

          【感悟人生】don’t be afraid of change, you may lose out on something good, but you might gain something even better! ——不要害怕改變,盡管你可能會因此失去一些好的東西,但你也可能會得到一些更好的東西。

          твои глаза меня смущают, когда ты смотришь на меня. как будто ты влюбиться хочешь. а я давно люблю тебя...當(dāng)你望著我的時(shí)候,你的眼睛讓我羞澀。好象你要愛上我,而我卻愛你很久了......

          have you told me i was you. now who are you all. 曾經(jīng)你說我是你的一切。那現(xiàn)在誰又是你的一切。











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