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      2. 英語中的5種經(jīng)典開場白

        時間:2021-06-14 12:11:26 開場白 我要投稿


          英式開場白:天氣不錯,對吧?  British: 'Beautiful day, isn't it ?'



          The weather in Britain is unpredictable. So, it's one of the topics the British care most about. And there's a simple rule governing weather-speak: Say, "Yes" whether you agree with the person's comment on the weather or not. That's because the British start a conversation using the weather so that they can find common ground and move on to something else.

          法式開場白:你假期去哪了?  French: Where'd you go on holiday ?


          To approach a French person, the safest bet is to ask about his or her last holiday. French students enjoy a 10-to-15-day holiday every two months. French employees get more than six weeks of holidays per year. And the French are famous for their sense of conversing over a cup of coffee. All you need to do is keep your ears open.

          美式開場白:你來自哪里?  American: So, where are you from ?


          The US is so big and people move so frequently that location is always a source of talk. You can try to find a connection with the place they're from. For example, if someone's from Los Angeles, you could say: "Oh, I have a friend who studied there. He says he saw Brad Pitt several times on the street." And you'll likely get an enthusiastic reply from your new friend.

          如何在聊天網(wǎng)站打開話題  Conversation starters on Internet chat sites

          “嗨,我在網(wǎng)上遭遇了各種各樣的奇人! "Man, I've met some pretty weird characters online."(八卦一下你在網(wǎng)上遭遇的奇人,不僅是開心的談資,同時也打消對方的'顧慮:你不是怪人。不過并不是所有人都喜歡評價別人,如果你覺得這個話題并不是你想聊的,也不要緊,你只需順勢轉(zhuǎn)換話題,比如 "It takes all kinds to make a world. What are your hobbies?"這個轉(zhuǎn)移話題的方法可以以此類推用到其他時候。)

          “稍等一下,有些工作要做! "Brb, gotta get some work done."(Brb= be right back,稍等。這一招兒是用來搪塞讓你討厭的網(wǎng)友的。說完后你可以把狀態(tài)設(shè)置為"離開"。類似的借口還有"brb, need to go pick up a friend",理由越空越好,空得讓他插不上話。如果太"實在",比如 "get a phone call or go to an event",會成為對方搭訕的入口,臉皮厚的人也許會借機跟你要電話號碼或者申請加入你的活動,那就事與愿違了。)

          “謝謝你傾聽我的故事。和你聊天真的很開心。” "Thanks for listening, I really felt at ease talking to you."(如果你聊得開心,直白地表達吧,特別是對偶然遇見的網(wǎng)友。如果對方跟你這么說,你可能會有點不好意思,即使你感覺不好也不必拒絕,你可以說 "Hey, no problem. Feel free to look me up whenever you need to talk.")

          如何在俱樂部搭訕  Conversation starters at clubs

          “和朋友一起來的么?” "So who're you here with?"(通常是男生問女生,這么問其實是打探對方是不是來約會的;卮疬@個問題十分微妙,同樣是說"我跟異性朋友一起來的",可能會有相反的結(jié)果。如果搭訕的男生讓你不感興趣,你可以說:"Oh, I'm here with a friend. He's back there. See him?"知趣的男生就會知難而退了。如果你確實是被異性約來的,但是不太情愿,而對眼前這位還頗有感覺,你可以說"Oh, I shared a cab with a friend who's still dancing. Would you like to get a drink?")

          “這里的酒保手藝不錯。” "The bartenders here make some pretty good mojitos."(如果你不好意思主動邀請對方喝酒,你可以這樣委婉地試探,如果對方有意思,他要么讓你買酒給他,或者請你喝一杯。如果你不想跟對方浪費時間,你可以用非常友好的語氣說:"Cool, I'll tell my friends, thanks!")

          “這通常人都這么多么?” "Is it usually this crowded?"(這實際是在試探對方是不是老出來玩兒。如果你不想讓別人知道你的情況,你可以說:"Oh, I can still hear you/there are enough people."接下來自我介紹吧。











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