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      2. 流行美語句子對話

        時間:2021-06-11 08:18:38 優(yōu)美句子 我要投稿


          Larry和李華準備到銀行去,李華要開一個帳戶,而Larry需要取一些現(xiàn)金。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:to be hard up和to pick on someone.


          LH: Larry,我要去銀行開個戶頭,你去銀行做什么?

          LL: Well, my friend is a little hard up for cash right now, so I''m going to withdraw some money and let him borrow it.

          LH: 原來你是要提現(xiàn)金借給朋友啊!你的朋友怎么啦?你說他hard up for cash。 Cash是現(xiàn)金。這個我懂,但hard up是什么意思?

          LL: To be "hard up" for something means that you don''t have enough of it.

          LH: Hard up for something就是什么東西不夠,所以你那朋友hard up for cash, 就是錢不夠啦!對不對?

          LL: Exactly. He''s helped me when I was hard up before, so I feel that I should help him out now.

          LH: 嗯,你朋友以前也借錢給你,幫過你,所以現(xiàn)在你幫他。這也是應該的。對了,Larry, 這個hard up除了指缺錢,還可以用在什么地方?

          LL: Well, one is usually hard up for money. However, you can be hard up for time or for work, too.

          LH: 如果我說I am hard up for time, 那就表示我很忙,時間不夠,對不對?

          LL: Right. I''m usually hard up for time during exams. I have so much studying to do that I hardly even sleep.

          LH: 我也是,只要到了期中考,期末考的季節(jié),我就覺得時間不夠用,書都念不完。那hard up for work不能說工作不夠,只能說找不到工作嘍?

          LL: I''m hard up for work means that I really need a job, but I''m having a hard time finding one.

          LH: 嗯,那種需要工作卻找不到工作的滋味一定很不好受。希望我畢業(yè)后不會經(jīng)歷hard up for work.

          LL: So do I. I don''t think anyone enjoys being hard up for time, money, or work.



          LL: Did you see those two children in the bank? The little boy was awful; he kept picking on his sister.

          LH: 就是,那個小男孩真不聽話,吵吵鬧鬧的。你說他picking on his sister,那是什么意思?

          LL: Oh, to pick on someone is to annoy or to be mean to that person. The little boy kept picking on his sister by calling her ugly and pulling her hair.

          LH: Pick on someone就是欺負,招惹別人,或者老是批評別人的意思。那個小男孩不斷拉他姐姐的頭發(fā),還說她丑,真是很讓人討厭。我小時候我哥哥也喜歡捉弄我。他總是踩我的'腳,卻說是我踩他!

          LL: Well, at least your brother stopped doing that when he got older. My parents still pick on each other.

          LH: 你說什么,你的爸媽也老是互相指責?

          LL: They just criticize each other over stupid things. For example, my dad likes to pick on my mom about her cooking. He thinks she''s a terrible cook.

          LH: 你媽媽幫全家人做飯已經(jīng)夠辛苦了,你爸爸居然還批評她做飯做得不好。你爸爸也真是的!

          LL: I know, but they have been picking on each other for thirty years and old habits are hard to break. To be honest, I think they enjoy it.

          LH: 那倒是,30多年都是這樣,要改恐怕也難?墒,你說他們喜歡這樣做,這不太可能吧!

          LL: Sometimes, they are joking. When my mom picks on my dad about the kind of music he listens to, I know she''s just joking. Other times, I think they are just being grouchy.

          LH: 我想他們有時是開玩笑。你爸聽什么音樂,你媽還要管吶?肯定是開玩笑。當然,有的時候互相鬧別扭也是可能的。人都有情緒不好的時候嘛!

          今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是to be hard up for something, 就是缺乏某樣東西,通常用來指缺錢或沒時間。另一個常用語是pick on someone, 意思是批評別人,或者是欺負別人。











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