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      2. 最新四級晨讀美文Fall from University Grace

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        最新四級晨讀美文Fall from University Grace(精選10篇)

          在日常生活或是工作學(xué)習(xí)中,大家或多或少都接觸過美文吧?隨著時(shí)代的發(fā)展,讀者對美文的要求也在不斷變化,因此人們對美文的要求也在不斷變化,為了幫助大家更好的了解美文,下面是小編為大家整理的最新四級晨讀美文Fall from University Grace,供大家參考借鑒,希望可以幫助到有需要的朋友。

        最新四級晨讀美文Fall from University Grace(精選10篇)

          最新四級晨讀美文Fall from University Grace 1

          Just as Adam was cast out of Eden I was kicked out of university; but while his transgression was eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge, my sin was ignoring the tree. After my dismal performance in my first year of university, I contemplated the reasons for my failure. Now, I understand the two factors that contributed to my downfall: the lack of a career goal and premature independence.

          Without a career goal, I lacked direction and motivation. About halfway through my final year of high school, I was hounded by my parents to enroll in university, but until that time I had not given any thought to what career I wanted to pursue. To silence their nagging, I told them I wanted to be an engineer. Though I got high marks in math, physics, and chemistry, I was bored with them, and my dislike of the sciences became apparent in the first four months of university. I failed all my science courses.

          Snow fell in mid-December—final exam time—but I didnt notice either event, because I had become a creature of the night preying on full beer mugs in smoke-filled bars. my exams had been returned and I had failed all my courses. I didnt care; neither did my friends, whose marks were equally bad. We bragged of our freedom from our parents, not realizing that their influence was more beneficial than the influence we had on each other.

          When Christmas day arrived, I found a "withdrawal from university" notice in my stocking. Unearned independence was the fruit from the tree of knowledge that tempted me and caused my downfall. Because I was not mature enough to accept the responsibility for my own future and because I abused my privileges of independence, I failed my first year of university. The causes of my downfall have taught me maturity and responsibility, and in the future I will not ignore the tree of knowledge again. Falling from Eden was enough to teach Adam; the same is true for me.

          最新四級晨讀美文Fall from University Grace 2

          My aspiration after graduating from the University

          There are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. But different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This is because everyone has his own interest.

          As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do so mainly for three reasons. First, I want to teach because I like the pace of academic calendar. Two long vacations offer me an opportunity for reflection, research and writing. Secondly, I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lesson, to stimulate myself and my students. And I can have the opportunity to keep on learning. Finally, I want to teach because, being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I will grow and change with them too.

          But teaching is no easy job at all. I must study cleverly to obtain more knowledge. And, at the same time, I will make every effort to purify my soul so that I can become an architect of man's soul.

          最新四級晨讀美文Fall from University Grace 3

          Getting to Know the World outside the Campus

          It is necessary for college students to know the world outside the campus. This is because the society is developing so fast that if we don't keep an eye on what is happening outside the campus, we will have no idea what to learn to keep pace with the development. As a result, it will be difficult for us to secure an ideal job after graduation; it will be impossible for us to contribute to the development of the society.

          There are many ways for us to get to know the world outside the campus. First of all, we should be well informed about the happenings both at home and abroad with the help of mass media such as radio, television, newspapers, and the Internet. Moreover, we should do more practical social services so as to cultivate our social skills, widen our insight and enrich our social experience.

          As for me, I intend to participate in as many social practices as possible and at the same time, hold a part time job in my spare time to get to know more about the world outside the campus.

          最新四級晨讀美文Fall from University Grace 4

          This semester, I spent the last semester in primary school, and then five days, we will leave this beautiful school, and we must leave the morning and evening to get along with the students, I really reluctant to leave. Because, here are the students and I learn together, together with the game, to share the fun of learning ... ...

          The thought of I was about to graduate, I think six years of time flies, I have not been tempered. I especially nostalgia and my classmates with the game scene.

          remember once. One day at noon, I and Cao Yifei go to the gym to play football. The two of us walked into the gymnasium, the people here have long been packed, crowded. We also joined their ranks. "Bang" bang, a ball flying from my head in the past, I immediately picked up the ball, to the sky a still, to a "Beckham shot. The ball flew far away.

          Cao Yifei also can not stand, and picked up the two balls, up a throw, "two-legged chain shot", two "shells" so sprayed out.

          We played the duo. I and Cao Yifei a team. See how we cooperate wih understanding. The other shot, Cao Yifei head up with the top, the ball flew up, I kicked a "whirlwind ball", the power of unstoppable. The second ball, we serve, I jumped three feet high, I pretended to shoot the ball, the other side was fooled me, Cao Yifei took the opportunity to Nushe, the ball into the ... ... We play sweating profusely, , Know how to cooperate.

          Time is running out, I will cherish every minute, spend the rest of the good times.

          最新四級晨讀美文Fall from University Grace 5

          Want to be a small fish in a big pond or the other way round? Every graduate faces this question when he starts his career. A large number of college graduates prefer to stay in the big cities.

          To them, big cities mean more experiences, more opportunities to see the big world and more space for career development.

          At the same time, higher salary is another temptation.

          But some other graduates want to start in small towns.

          Even though there may not be many big companies, they can have a quieter and less competitive life. Another reason is that they can be a big fish in a small pond. They can easily get the management’s attention and may win promotion earlier.

          As far as I am concerned, I prefer to start in a metropolis like Shanghai. A good begin is half the battle, and in Shanghai I can find a job in a big company where I can meet people from different places and cultures. I will learn from them what I can not get from textbooks.

          最新四級晨讀美文Fall from University Grace 6

          Currently,the frequent job-hopping of graduates has aroused wide concern among the public. Does anyone hold the same attitude toward this phenomenon? Definitely not. As to this issue, opinions vary from person to person.

          Those who hold the opinion that job-hopping is beneficial to graduates claim that by doing so, the youngsters are more likely to have a better knowledge of (更了解)other fields and then to expand their horizons(開闊視野). Moreover,changing jobs frequently offers workers a chance to move up to a better position(到更好的工作崗位).

          However, others take a totally different view that job-hopping is detrimental to ones career development. For one thing, as the common saying goes,a rolling stone gathers no moss. (滾石不生苔)The more frequent you change your job, the less likely you are to be an expert in a particular area.(在某個(gè)特定的領(lǐng)域) Secondly, this behavior will leave on the employers an impression of (給雇主留下印象)instability and immaturity(不穩(wěn)定和不成熟).

          It is no wonder that ,when interviewing a candidate, a employer will raise a question (提問) likeyouve changed jobs quite frequently. How do we know youll stay if we hire you?

          最新四級晨讀美文Fall from University Grace 7

          That day, we graduated, that day we left his alma mater, that day will always bear in our hearts.

          Less than three months, it is necessary to leave this warm and warm alma mater, the former always thought there was a long time to leave his alma mater, but an instant, he would leave. Cherish the time of day, keep every happy moment, cherish every opportunity to get along, always do not understand the friendship between the students cherish, and now quickly graduated to know how to grasp, hoping to the last semester, to all Classmates and teachers have left a good impression.

          Previously, to see a lot of school elder brother and sister school, a group after the departure of a number of my heart always thought not to us, can not forgive, blink of an eye we became the school Big Brother Big Sister. After a period of test, waiting for our will be a graduation exam, facing the alma mater, we have a burst of bursts of ripples, but had to leave, if time can turn back, that the good.

          I want to tell you that I love you, you are the gardener of the motherland, you cultivate a batch after batch of students, how many students grow up in your culture. How many students you shelter for the number of students in silence to pay, on this way, how many students you have been angry, as many students took heart. These years, you have no regrets to help us to become, from our school out, admitted to university students, it also has your credit, because you taught him, we express our deepest blessing to you, hope your students More and more.

          最新四級晨讀美文Fall from University Grace 8

          Today’s college students face choices unheard of years ago. Terms like two way selection, self-employment are not new to them. Many students swarm (蜂擁) into job market or look every talent fair (人才交流會) for potential employers. The concept of selling (推銷) oneself rather than hiding oneself is well accepted by students.

          Hunting a job is no small matter. Instead, it is probably one of the most, if not the most, important decisions any of would-be graduates can make in a lifetime. Therefore, they are very serious and cautious when that time comes. It is something that the society has taught them.Now more and more students lose their jobs when they graduate from school. Its easy for some students to find work. But the fact is that some students think the salary is so low that they dont want to do the job, they except to find a easy work with a higher salary.

          Like the reason above,some jobs have nobody to do it ,but somebody is free with no job.

          As the job market gets shrinking, it has also become a must for undergraduates (在校本科生)to work harder than before to keep their competitive edge (保持競爭地位). More students are engaged in their studies with no distractions (分心,干擾). They are investing today for a promising (大有希望的,前途無量的) tomorrowAs far as Im concerned, those students who want to find a higher salary but have no better job to do should be do a easy work from basic.Work hard on ,I believe through their hardwork theyll get a better job soon.

          最新四級晨讀美文Fall from University Grace 9

          Want to be a small fish in a big pond or the other way round? Every graduate faces this question when he starts his career. A large number of college graduates prefer to stay in the big cities. To them, big cities mean more experiences, more opportunities to see the big world and more space for career development. At the same time, higher salary is another temptation.

          But some other graduates want to start in small towns. Even though there may not be many big companies, they can have a quieter and less competitive life. Another reason is that they can be a big fish in a small pond. They can easily get the management’s attention and may win promotion earlier.

          As far as I am concerned, I prefer to start in a metropolis like Shanghai. A good begin is half the battle, and in Shanghai I can find a job in a big company where I can meet people from different places and cultures. I will learn from them what I can not get from textbooks.

          最新四級晨讀美文Fall from University Grace 10

          Should a College Graduate Rent or Purchase a House?

          With the soaring of the house price, the dream of having a house becomes unattainable for most of the new graduates. They face a dilemma of dwelling narrowly or renting a room.

          People holding the idea of purchasing a house think that the advantages of owning a house of their own outweigh another choice. On the one hand, house price is expected to rise in the future. The possession of a house is expected to make profits in the long run. On the other hand, a house belonging to yourself makes you feel safety and comfort. Nevertheless, dissenters do not agree with the idea. In their view, the house price is too high to afford for graduates. If graduates decide to buy a house, they are certain to increase the burden of their family.

          In my opinion, it is more advisable to rent a house during the first years than to buy a house because it is unwise to buy a house at such a high price. Surely, graduates can decide when to buy a house in accordance with their family condition. (180 words)

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