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      2. 每日雙語版美文:想象的力量

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          每日雙語版美文:想象的力量 1

          Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the senses. It is the ability of the mind to built mental scenes, objects or events that do not exist, are not present or have happened in the past. Memory is actually a manifestation of imagi- nation. Everyone possesses some imagi- nation ability. In some it may be highly developed and in others it may manifest in a weaker form. It manifests in various degrees in various people.

          Imagination makes it possible to experience a whole world inside the mind. It gives the ability to look at any situation from a different point of view, and enables one to mentally explore the past and the future.

          It manifests in various forms, one of which is daydreaming. Though too much idle daydreaming may make one impractical, some daydreaming, when not being en- gaged in something that requires attention, provides some temporary happiness, calm- ness and relief from stress.

          In your imagination you can travel anywhere in the speed of light without any obstacles. It can make you feel free, though temporarily, and only in the mind, from tasks, difficulties and unpleasant circum- stances.

          Imagination is not limited only to seeing pictures in the mind. It includes all the five senses and the feelings. One can imagine a sound, taste, smell, a physical sensation or a feeling or emotion. For some people it is easier to see mental pictures, others find it easier to imagine a feeling, and some are more comfortable imagining the sensation of one of the five senses. Training of the imagination gives the ability to combine all the senses.

          A developed and strong imagination does not make you a daydreamer and impractical. On the contrary, it strengthens your creative abilities, and is a great tool for recreating and remodeling your world and life.

          This is a great power that can change your whole life. It is used extensively in magic, creative visualization and affirmations. It is the creator of circumstances and events. When you know how to work with it, you can make your hearts’ desires come true.

          Imagination has a great role and value in each one’s life. It is much more than just idle daydreaming. We all use it, whether consciously or unconsciously, in most of our daily affairs. We use our imagination when-ever we plan a party, a trip, our work or a meeting. We use it when we describe an event, explain how to arrive to a certain street, write, tell a story or cook a cake.

          Imagination is a crea- tive power that is necessary for inventing an instrument, designing a dress or a build- ing, painting a picture or writing a book. The creative power of imagination has an im- portant role in the achievement of success in any field. What we imagine with faith and feelings comes into being. It is the power beyond creative visualization, positive think- ing and affirmations.

          Visualizing an object or a situation, and repeating often this mental image, attracts the object or situation into our lives. This opens for us new, vast and fascinating opportunities.

          This means that we should think only in a positive manner about our desires, other- wise we may create and attract into our lives,events, situations and people that we don’t really want. This is actually what most of us do, because we don’t use the power of imagination correctly.

          If you do not recognize the importance of the power of the imagination, and let it run riot, your life may not be as happy and successful as you would have wanted it to be.

          Lack of understanding of the power of the imagination is responsible for the suffering, incompetence, difficulties, failures and unhappiness people experience. For some reason, most people are inclined to think in a negative way. They do not expect success. They expect the worst, and when they fail, they believe that fate is against them. This attitude can be changed, and then life will improve accordingly.

          Understanding how to use your imagination correctly, and putting this knowledge into practice, for your own and others’ benefit, will put you on the golden path to success, satisfaction and happiness.















          每日雙語版美文:想象的力量 2

          How many inventions and creations have been imagined by humans themselves since ancient times?

          When it comes to invention, we have to mention the Wright brothers. They have always fantasized about one day being able to fly freely in the sky like birds since they were young... years later, the first self flying plane was created in their endless imagination like a spring of water.

          Undoubtedly, the power of imagination has brought many unexpected surprises to humanity; In my small world of activities, scientific imagination also helped me win the war!

          One day, my cousin and I had a mini war at home. Firstly, we each build a "giant" sand castle as our own territory, and then make our own weapons to attack each other. The production of "weapons" is being carried out intensively, and the little cousin used the law of inertia to make a gravity equipment - which is actually a stone tied to a tree branch with a rope. With a strong swing, the stone will cause "killing power"; I used Archimedes lever principle to make a catapult.

          The war began, and my cousins stone could hit my fortress as long as he aimed it well. My fortress was repeatedly hit by his weapon, while my catapult was repeatedly defeated. My cousin watched as my territory was gradually being conquered and laughed heartily from the side. Just as my heart was burning with anxiety, I turned around and saw a few bicycle parts. My mind suddenly flashed with inspiration, and I immediately imagined a rotating catapult. So, taking advantage of its unpreparedness, I quickly made a "rotating catapult". Ah。 Haha, its really useful! With my skillful operation, it spun freely and kept hitting my cousins fortress. In no time, it reversed the battle and my cousins fortress fell.

          The power of imagination is really great! As the great scientist Newton once said, "Without bold speculation, there can be no great discoveries.".

          每日雙語版美文:想象的力量 3

          In a dense forest, there is a millennium old banyan tree with lush branches and leaves. Because it is kind and amiable, everyone respectfully calls it Grandpa Banyan Tree.

          Grandpa Banyan lives a very leisurely life, carefree every day, but also very boring. When Grandpa Banyan was extremely anxious, Sister Shangxi ran here happily and kindly said to Grandpa Banyan, "Hello, Grandpa Banyan, let me live here. Ill give you water, and you can help me cover the hot sun." "Okay." Grandpa Banyans eyebrows spread out.

          In no time, a lively and clever magpie flew over, dressed neatly. It flew around Grandpa Banyan a few times and landed on a small branch with blooming flowers and fragrant fresh fruits. Excited and excited, it said to Grandpa Banyan, "Dear Grandpa Banyan, please let me make a beautiful new home here. I will catch those annoying insects for you." "Oh, really, thats great!" Grandpa Banyan said happily.

          At this moment, a mischievous and clever rabbit rolled over like a big fluffy ball and said excitedly to Grandpa Banyan, "Grandpa Banyan, oh dear Grandpa Banyan, let me sleep beautifully in that tree hole. I will dig up those troublesome weeds for you." "Welcome," Grandpa Banyan felt so comfortable in his heart.

          Grandpa Banyan Tree danced with his eyebrows as he told them legendary stories, and they listened with great interest. Suddenly, a rustling sound gradually came. The magpie immediately knew it was the creepy chainsaw of the logging team. They hurriedly discussed countermeasures.

          They acted according to their plan: Little Creek Sister transformed into a high water wall, protecting Grandpa Banyan Tree; Magpies and rabbits went to steal the tools of the logging team At the end of the day, the logging team was finally driven away.

          If you give to others, they will help you, and the power of friendship is infinite.

          每日雙語版美文:想象的力量 4

          Spring has arrived, everywhere is full of vitality and vitality.

          On this day, the weather is clear and sunny. Xiaoying ran out of the house happily, and just as she was turning, she saw a little swallow fall from the birds nest under the eaves. It looks like it fell heavily, and the little swallow kept barking. The cry alarmed the sleeping little flower cat. The little flower cat came upon hearing the sound and saw that it was a little swallow. It couldnt help but shout "meow meow" as if saying, "Haha! We can have a delicious meal today! Its really hard to find a place to come without any effort!" The little flower cat approached the little swallow step by step, and the little swallow trembled all over when she saw this huge creature.

          Just as the little flower cat was about to swallow the little swallow in one gulp, a black shadow flew straight down from the air and pecked the little flower cat. The little flower cat was so scared that it took a few steps back. It turned out that it was Yans mother who had come back from foraging. It used its small body to block the little swallow, attempting to scare away the enemy with its momentum. However, the little flower cat was not scared away and instead attacked again. Yans mother pecked the little flower cat a few more times with her pointed mouth, and the little flower cat was angered! It jumped vigorously, bit on Yans mothers wings, swung it, and threw her to the side. Yans mother couldnt move, but it still screamed sadly, as if saying, "Please dont hurt my child!"

          Xiao Yings eyes moistened and she quickly drove the little flower cat away with a willow stick. She held Yan Mama and Little Swallow in her palm and brought them home, applying red potion to their wounds. Then, Xiaoying went to the eaves, climbed the ladder, and took them back home.

          Yans mother and her baby live happily together again.

          每日雙語版美文:想象的力量 5

          A mother chicken gave birth to a chick. As soon as the chick was born, it made friends with the neighbors duck. They played and frolicked every day, and they had such fun!

          Day by day, the little chicken has grown into a big rooster and become a chef; And the little duck also grew into a big duck and became the manager of a company, but the rooster and duck are still good friends. The big rooster brings back a few delicious little worms to his mother every day when he comes home.

          One day, the little white rabbit ran over and told the chicken mother, "Auntie chicken, its not good. Big rooster brother has an accident, go and take a look!" The chicken mother quickly ran out of the house and saw the doctor rescuing her child in the hospital ward. The duck was anxiously waiting outside the door, and the chicken mother asked the duck, "Whats wrong with my child?" The duck said, "Dont worry, Auntie Chicken. The big rooster was injured because of me. On the way to work, a thug suddenly appeared and took my handbag. The big rooster happened to pass by and chased after me without saying a word. However, the thug held a dagger in his hand and stabbed the big rooster while he wasnt paying attention." The doctor came out, and the chicken mother asked the doctor, "Can my child survive?" The doctor said regretfully, "Im sorry, weve done our best." The nurse pushed the big rooster. Coming out, the mother chicken picked up the big rooster and walked home. Halfway through, the mother chicken felt tired and sat down on a big stone. A few tears fell on the wound of the big rooster. At this moment, a miracle appeared. The big rooster woke up, and as soon as she saw the child come back to life, the mother chicken said, "Child, you have made my mother anxious." The big rooster said, "I was already dead. It was your tears that moved God and gave me a new life." At this moment, the big rooster reached out his hand, and the mother chicken saw that it was a few delicious little insects

          From then on, they lived their happy life of the past again.

          每日雙語版美文:想象的力量 6

          One day, Teacher Huang led us to play a game called The Power of Applause. Before starting the game, I thought to myself, how could applause have power? So with a curious mood, we started the game together with our classmates.

          The rules of the game are: invite a classmate to play the game. First, ask him to go outside the classroom. After hiding the red star in the classroom, let him in and find the red star according to the degree of applause. Liang Tianyi will play this game this time. Teacher Huang called Liang Tianyi out and hid the red star under the backpack in the backpack cabinet, and then Liang Tianyi came in. Because the backpack cabinet was very close to the door, Liang Tianyi entered the classroom and received enthusiastic applause. Liang Tianyi then walked towards the blackboard, and the applause quickly decreased. Liang Tianyi suddenly felt something was wrong, so he stepped back and the applause grew louder. As I clapped my hands, I thought to myself, "Liang, come on! You must be able to do it!" Liang Tianyi walked towards the other side of the backpack cabinet, and the applause became even more intense. Liang Tianyi thought that Red Star was under the accordion on the backpack cabinet, so he moved it away but couldnt find it. He said, "Oh, its strange!" When he crouched down to look at his backpack, the applause grew louder, and I was so happy that my heart was like eating candy. He said, "Yes, it must be here, it must be!" So he moved his backpack and finally found it. He smiled and his classmates cheered for him

          The game is over, and I suddenly realized that applause really has power! When we get lost, applause is our compass. On our way to success, we encountered difficulties, and applause was once again the ladder to success. When we are alone, applause is our good friend... How powerful the applause is!







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