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      2. 英語(yǔ)高考萬(wàn)能句子

        時(shí)間:2023-06-05 12:45:06 經(jīng)典句子 我要投稿




          1、consistent a.堅(jiān)固定;一致的,始終如一的 ntinuous a.繼續(xù)的,連續(xù)(不斷)的 ntinual a.不斷地,頻繁的 160.explode v.爆炸;爆發(fā);激增 161.exploit v.剝削;利用,開(kāi)采 162.explore v.勘探

          2、on occasion(s)有時(shí),間或 401.on one's guard 警惕,提防 402.on one's own 獨(dú)立,獨(dú)自 403.on purpose 故意地 404.on sale 出售,廉價(jià)出售 405.on schedule 按時(shí)間表,準(zhǔn)時(shí) 406.on second thoughts 經(jīng)重新考慮 407.on the contrary 正相反

          3、on board 在船(車/飛機(jī))上 391.on business 因公

          4、popular with受...喜愛(ài),愛(ài)戴 448.prior to 在...之前

          5、just now 眼下;剛才 343.keep one's eyes on關(guān)注 344.keep on愛(ài)好,很喜歡 345.keep track of 留心

          6、talent n.才能,天資;人才 233.insurance n.保險(xiǎn),保險(xiǎn)費(fèi) 234.insure vt.給...保險(xiǎn),保證,確保 235.nevertheless ad.仍然,然而,不過(guò) 236.neutral a.中立的,中性的

          7、decline/rose (quickly) from...to...

          8、set another date改期 make on saturday / lock it 474.set one's mind on doing 決定

          9、mad about/on狂熱迷戀 358.mad at/with sb.生氣,憤怒 359.mad with因...發(fā)狂

          10、all right 令人滿意的;可以 21.all the same 仍然,照樣的 22.all the time 一直,始終

          11、focus v.(使)聚集 n.焦點(diǎn),中心,聚焦 186.forbid vt.不許,禁止 187.debate n./v.辯論,爭(zhēng)論 188.debt n.欠債 189.decade n.十年

          12、I an writing to thank you for...

          13、somewhere around 大約 484.sooner or later 遲早,早晚 485.sore throat / foot 嗓子啞/腿酸 486.stay up late 熬夜 487.step by step 逐步地 488.subject to受制于,易于 489.such as 例如,諸如 490.sufficient for足夠的 491.suitable for/to適合于 492.superior to優(yōu)于,級(jí)別高于 493.sure of /about對(duì)...有信心,確信 494.suspicious of懷疑 495.take a leave請(qǐng)假 496.take a seat / be seated 497.take one's place 取代 498.take one's time慢慢來(lái)

          14、be under the weather 身體不好 99.beat around the bush 拐彎沒(méi)角 100.beat the crowd 避開(kāi)人群 101.before long 不久以后 102.behind schedule 誤點(diǎn)

          15、in the world 究竟,到底 330.in time 及時(shí)

          16、not……。聯(lián)利特派團(tuán)……。it is happy/glad/sad……。to do sth

          17、necessity n.必需品;必要性 221.previous a.先,前,以前的

          18、over and over(again)一再地,再三地 441.parallel to與...平等,類似 442.particular about挑剔,講究 443.patient with有耐心

          19、We cannot attach too much importance to the problem (越重視越好)

          20、more or less 或多或少,有點(diǎn) 371.my treat我請(qǐng)客 372.narrow escape九死一生 373.necessary to /for必要的 374.next door 隔壁的,在隔壁 375.next to下一個(gè),其次 376.no doubt 無(wú)疑地

          21、bargain n.便宜貨 vi.討價(jià)還價(jià) arse a.粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的 ach n.教練;長(zhǎng)途公共汽車 de n.準(zhǔn)則,法規(guī),密碼 il n.線圈 v.卷,盤(pán)繞 181.adult n.成年人

          22、As for me/Personally speaking, …在我看來(lái),......

          23、in accordance with 與...一致,按照 268.in addition to 除...之外(還)269.in addition 另外,加之 270.in advance 預(yù)先,事先 271.in all 總共,合計(jì)

          24、there is an increase of in total this year.

          25、on the side 作為兼職/副 業(yè) 413.on the spot 在場(chǎng);馬上

          26、explosion n.爆炸;爆發(fā);激增

          27、see: see to it that-make sure that確保 471.sensible of覺(jué)查到 472.sensitive to對(duì)...敏感

          28、around the clock夜以繼日 35.as a matter of fact 實(shí)際上 36.as a result(of)因此,由于 37.as a rule 通常,照例

          29、Let's take…to illustrate this.2.let's take the above chart as an example to illustrate this.3. Here is one more example. 4.Take … for example. 5.The same is true of…6.This offers a typical instance of…7.We may quote a common example of…8.Just think of…


          31、resistant a.(to)抵抗的,抗...的,耐...的 174.resolve vt.解決;決定,決意 175.barrel n.桶

          32、explosive a.爆炸的;極易引起爭(zhēng)論的 165.remote a.遙遠(yuǎn)的,偏僻的 166.removal n.除去,消除 der vt.使得,致使

          33、teach sb to do fill a with b decide to do sth like doing sth

          34、medium a.中等的,適中的 n.媒介物,新聞媒介 240.media n.新聞傳媒

          35、valid a.有效的,有根據(jù)的;正當(dāng)?shù)?156.valley n.山谷,峽谷

          36、adequate a.適當(dāng)?shù);足?/p>

          37、it has increased by times as compared with that of...

          38、be concerned with 關(guān)心?,涉足? 91.be dying to渴望

          39、In view of the present station?紤]到目前的情況。

          40、decline v.拒絕,謝絕;下降 205.illusion n.錯(cuò)覺(jué)

          41、根據(jù)圖表/數(shù)字/統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)字/表格中的百分比/圖表/條形圖/成形圖可以看出……很顯然……,但是為什么呢?According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ whileObviously,______,but why?

          42、many reasons contribute to the phenomenon.

          43、Im looking forward to your reply

          44、make the best / most of充分利用 364.many a 許多

          45、關(guān)于……人們的觀點(diǎn)各不相同,一些人認(rèn)為(說(shuō))……,在他們看來(lái),……People's opinions about ______ vary from person to personSome people say that ______To them,_____

          46、virtual a.實(shí)際上的,事實(shí)上的

          47、in a moment 立刻,一會(huì)兒 264.in a sense 從某種意義上說(shuō) 265.in a way 在某種程度上 266.in a word 簡(jiǎn)言之,總之

          48、Using bicycle contributes greatly to people's physical fitness as mon that 這是常有的事兒。

          49、quite a few 相當(dāng)多,不少 453.rain cats and dogs瓢潑大雨 454.rather than 不是...(而是)455.reach agreement 達(dá)成協(xié)議 456.reach an agreement達(dá)成一致 457.regardless of 不顧,不惜 458.relative to與...有關(guān) 459.remove from 從?除去 460.representative of代表...的 461.resign one's post 辭職

          50、hold water站得住腳 254.how about...怎么樣 255.how come怎么會(huì) 256.hungry for渴望 257.ignorant of不知道 258.impatient at sth.不耐煩 259.impatient for急切,渴望 260.impatient of無(wú)法容忍 261.in(the)light of 鑒于,由于 262.in a hurry 匆忙,急于

          51、during the period from ...to...,52、mark the papers 批改考卷 366.mayor / minor in 367.meet one's needs滿足要求 368.might as well不妨 369.mistake a for b 認(rèn)錯(cuò)

          53、competent a.有能力的,能勝任的 petition n.競(jìng)爭(zhēng),比賽 246.distribute vt.分發(fā) 247.disturb vt.打攪,妨礙 248.infer v.推論,推斷

          54、be available to sb.可用,可供 88.be bound to一定

          55、at length 最終,終于 70.at most 至多,不超過(guò) 71.at no time 從不,決不

          56、The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that….通過(guò)數(shù)據(jù)我們得到的結(jié)論是,....7.It can be concluded from the discussion that...從中我們可以得出這樣的結(jié)論

          57、Not outstanding and talkative as I am, I hold the firm belief that I have the ability to introduce the exhibition to the visitors. 雖然我不出色,也不健談,但我堅(jiān)信我有能力向參觀者介紹展覽。

          58、bent on sth.下定決心做? 104.beside point 離題的,不相干的


          60、responsible for負(fù)責(zé),是...原因 463.result from 由于 464.rich in富于

          61、soadj/adv……。that句子it takes sb some time to do sth

          62、one's cup of tea喜歡的人/物 424.open to不限制,開(kāi)放的 425.opposite to在對(duì)面 426.or else 否則,要不然 427.or so 大約,左右 428.other than 非;除了

          63、I am greatly convinced (that)…我深信…...

          64、little by little 逐漸地 353.look for / hunt for 找工作 354.lost the point弄錯(cuò) 355.lots of 許多 356.loyal to忠于

          65、come in contact with 與?取得聯(lián)系 e out of sth.alive大難不死 e up(with)提出,拿出 parable to/with比作/比較 nscious of察覺(jué)到,意識(shí)到 nsequent on隨之而來(lái)

          66、advertise v.為...做廣告 183.advertisement n.廣告 184.agency n.代理商,經(jīng)銷商

          67、pull one's leg拿某人開(kāi)玩笑 put someone on 450.put someone up給某人提供住宿 451.put up with忍受

          68、pose a great threat to 對(duì)。造成了一大威脅

          69、likelihood n.可能,可能性 207.stripe n.條紋

          70、Not everyone likes dumplings. 并不是每個(gè)人都喜歡餃子。

          71、The more (you read), the more(you learn)

          72、As far as Im concerned (在我看來(lái))

          73、all over again 再一次,重新 19.all over 遍及












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