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      2. 高一英語第十九單元教學設計

        時間:2021-06-12 10:10:58 教學設計 我要投稿




          掌握本單元出現(xiàn)的單詞和詞組, officer, fair, army, handtruck, careless, carelessly, remove, refuse, cross promise, support, engineer, design, pretend, boss, department, designer, gently, pick up, to one’s surprise, call at, look down upon, make a decision, agree with…等等,高一英語第十九單元。


          It seems that…, I believe …, I (don’t) think…, I (don’t) think so, I (don’t) agree, That’s right, That’s unfair, I’m (not) sure, You are right, I guess… , I can believe that … , In my poinion, …等等。



          man student──men students男學生

          woman doctor──women doctors女醫(yī)生

          如本單元women police officers女警官,women teachers女教師,women engineers女工程師

          ⒉It seems that it’s more difficult for women to get to the top of a company.


          It seems that…是一個常用句型,作“似乎”、“好象”、“看來”解,例如:

          It seems that he is interested in collecting stamps very much.


          It seems that your father knows this city very well.


          It seemed that the students were reading English when the teacher came in.



          He seems to be interested in collecting stamps very much.

          Your father seems to know this city very well.

          The students seemed to be reading English when the teacher came in .

          ⒊Companies that make telephones and computers and so on preper to employ women.



          ⑵(would) preper to…作“寧愿”,“更喜歡”解,例如:

          I would preper to go there by bike. 我寧愿騎自行車去那里。

          I would preper to stay at home alone than go out to play with you.


          ⒋His job was to design new machines. 他的工作是設計新的機器。

          此句中“to design new machines”是動詞不定式,作表語。動詞不定式在句中可作主語,表語,賓語,賓語補語,定語和狀語。例如:

          To answer this question is not easy. (It is not easy to answer this question)(作主語)回答這個問題并不容易。

          His with is to become a scientist in the future.(作表語)他的愿望是將來當一名科學家。

          She has forgotten to telephone them. (作賓語)她忘記給他們打電話了。

          I think it impossible to work out this math problem in so short a time. (作賓語,it是形式賓語)我認為在這么短的時間里算出這道數(shù)學難題是不可能的。

          The headmaster warned the students not to be late. (作賓語補足語)校長警告學生們不要遲到。

          He was the first to come to school that morning. (作定語)那天早上,他是第一個到校的。

          She went to the train station to meet her uncle.(作目地狀語)她到火車站去接她的叔叔了。

          She is too young to go to school. (作結(jié)果狀語)她太小了,不能上學。

          ⒌Mr. King, whose legs were badly hurt, was quickly taken to hospital.



          The engineer whose legs were badly hurt was quickly taken to hospital. (限定性定語從句)腿部受傷的那位工程師很快就被送到了醫(yī)院。

          Last week I happened to meet Li Li in the street , who seemed to be very busy. (非限定性定語從句)上星期我碰巧在街上遇到了李立,他似乎很忙。

          I’d like to take care of the child whose mother died recently.(限定性定語從句)我想照顧最近母親去世了的那個孩子。

          The child, whose mother died recently, is taken good care of by his teachers. (非限定性定語從句)那個孩子的母親去世了,他受到了老師們很好的照顧。

          ⒍To everyone’s surprise, Mr. King refused. 使每個人感到驚奇的是,金先生拒絕了。

          to one’s surprise / to the surprise of sb.意思是“使某人驚奇的是”,例如:

          To their surprise, they saw not locusts this time, but seagulls. 令他們吃驚的是,他們這次看到的`不是蝗蟲,而是海鷗。

          To the surprise of the young couple, they found the necklace missing. 使這對年青夫婦吃驚的是,他們發(fā)現(xiàn)項鏈不見了,高中英語教案《高一英語第十九單元》。

          類似的表達方式還有:to one’s job / to the joy of sb.使某人高興的是

          to one’s delight / to the delight of sb. 使某人高興的是,to one’s sorrow / to the sorrow of sb.使某人悲傷的是,例如:

          To the sorrow of the family, the house was completely destroyed by the fire. 使全家人傷心的是,房子被大火全部燒毀了。

          ⒎Unless you tell me, I shall not be able to help you. 如果你不告訴我,我就不會幫助你。


          Don’t come in unless I call you. 如果我不叫你,你就不要進來。

          You will fail in French unless you work harder. 你要是不再加把勁兒,法語考試就不及格了。

          One cannot learn English well unless he works hard. 除非下苦功夫,否則英語是學不好的。/ 如果不下苦功夫,英語是學不好的。

          ⒏But I had to lie to the company and pretend to be a man in order to get a job. 但是,為了得到一份工作,我不得不向公司撒謊并裝成一個男人。

         、舕ie是不及物動詞,意思是“說謊”,是規(guī)則動詞,它與lie(躺)是同形而不同意,后者是不規(guī)則動詞。要注意它們之間的區(qū)別,如:lie(說謊)過去式,過去分詞和現(xiàn)在分詞分別是lied, lied, lying;lie(躺)過去式,過去分詞和現(xiàn)在分詞,分別是lay, lain, lying。另外,還有一個動詞,lay(置放)過去式,過去分詞和現(xiàn)在分詞是laid, laid, laying。


          She pretended that she was not at home when we rang the doorbell. (=She pretended not to be at home when we rang the doorbell.)我們按門鈴時,她假裝不在家。

          When the teacher came in, they pretended that they were reading English. (=When the teacher came in, they pretended to be reading English.)當老師進來的時候,他們假裝正在讀英語。

          He pretended to be ill yesterday and did not go to school. 昨天,他裝病,沒有去上學。

          ⒐He called at the hospital after work to find out whether Mr. King was better. 下班后,他就來醫(yī)院探望,看看金先生是否好些了。

          ⑴call at…意思是“訪問(某家,某地)”,call on sb.意思是“訪問,拜訪某人”,例如:

          I really don’t want her to call at your house. 我真的不想讓她到你家去拜訪。

          Yesterday afternoon I went to call on an old friend of mine. 昨天下午,我去拜訪了我的一位老朋友。

          I’ll call at your office next Monday. 下周一,我要到你辦公室去看你。

         、苀ind out作“搞清楚”,“弄明白”,“了解”,“打聽”解,表示通過研究,調(diào)查,觀察找出原因或秘密等。而find則表示“找到”,“發(fā)現(xiàn)”的意思。例如:

          You’d better go and find out when the meeting will begin.


          Can you find out his telephone number for me?你能幫我打聽一下他的電話號碼嗎?

          I’ll try my best to find out the truth of it. 我會盡力弄清楚事實真相的。

          He work up and found himself in hospital. 他醒來發(fā)覺自己在醫(yī)院里。

          When we came back ,we found her asleep on the sofa. 我們回來時,發(fā)現(xiàn)她在沙發(fā)上睡著了。

          Have you found the bike that you lost last month? 你已經(jīng)找到上個月丟的那輛自行車了嗎?

          ⒑I don’t agree with your decision. 我不同意你的決定。

          ⑴agree with… 作“同意”,“贊同”解,通常后邊接人或表示某人的意見,想法,看法,觀點,決定等詞。例如:

          I really hope you will agree with me on / about this matter.


          Do you agree with me / my views on this problem?


          I do not agree with what you said at the meeting yesterday.


         、芶gree to sth.作“同意”,“贊成”解,后面通常接表示,“計劃”,“安排”,“建議”等詞,例如:

          I completely agree to your proposal. 我完全同意你的建議。

          I don’t think he will agree to this arrangement. 我認為,他不會贊成這個安排的。

          ⑶agree on sth.意思是“對…取得一致意見”或“達成共識”,例如:

          We all agree on an early start tomorrow morning. 我們一致贊成明天早上早些動身。

          They agreed on the date for the next meeting. 他們對下次會議的日期達成一致意見。

          ⒒She lied to us because she had to in order to get a job.


          句中“…because she had to”的后面省略了“l(fā)ie to us”,以避免重復。英語中常用不定式符號to來代替整個動詞不定式短語,以避免重復。例如:

          ─Do you want to listen to the concert with me? 你想和我一起去聽音樂會嗎?

          ─Yes, I’ll be glad to. 是的,我很樂意。(和你一起去聽音樂會)

          ─Would you like to go and visit the History Museum?你愿意去參觀歷史博物館嗎?

          ─Yes, I’d like to. 是的,我很愿意去。

          ⒓But we have never had women working in this part of our company before.


          have sb. doing的意思是“使某人作某事”,have是使役性動詞,作“使”,“讓”解,這一結(jié)構通常表示,“讓某人或等物持續(xù)進行的動作或狀態(tài)”,例如:

          Don’t have the water running all day long. 不要讓自來水老花花地流。

          The two cheats had their lights burning all day and all night. 兩個騙子讓燈白天黑夜都亮著。

          Don’t have him waiting for me at the school gate all morning. 不要讓他整個上午都在學校校門口等著我。

          In the busiest season, the farmers had the tractors working in the fields day and night. 在繁忙季節(jié),農(nóng)民讓拖拉機在地里日夜工作著。










        高一第一單元單元說明(教師中心稿) 教案教學設計12-07

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