1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>

      2. 外研版五年級英語下冊教案

        時間:2021-09-15 14:21:29 教案 我要投稿






          ()1. A. better B. big C. heavy

          ()2. A. mine B. yours C. them

          ()3. A. ate B. find D. learnt

          ()4. A. Maths B. English C. television

          ()5. A. hamburger B. sandwich C. traditional


          1、在機場_______ 2、講英語_______ 3、在三周時間內(nèi)_______

          4、在晚上_______ 5、在辦公室_______ 6、在中國的北部_______

          7、試穿這一個______ 8、對、、、很容易_______ 9、在書架C上______



          ( )1.—_____ did you come back? —We came back last Sunday

          . A. Where B. When C. Why

          ( )2. —Whose dress is this? —It’s ____.

          A. my B. mine C. he

          ( )3. Do you want to be_____ our football team?

          A. at B. in C. on

          ( )4. —Can you control the ball? —________________.

          A. Thank you B. Very badly, sorry C. You are welcome

          ( )5. She didn’t _____ an ice cream yesterday .

          A. bought B. buy C. buys

          ( )6. I can’t swim _____.

          A. at B. at all C. good

          ( )7. —______ does school start? —At nine o’clock .

          A. What B. What time C. Where

          ( )8. These chicks can’t______.

          A. eat B. eating C. ate

          ( )9. This girl is deaf. She can’t _______.

          A. see B. hear C. walk

          ( )10. Lingling is very good ___ basketball.

          A. at B. in C. of


          ( )1.Did you learn music? A.It’me .

          ( )2.Who is going to go to the airport? B.She had hamburgers.

          ( )3.How did you go ? C.At ten o’clock.

          ( )4.What did she have for lunch? D.By bus .

          ( )5.When are you going to go there ? E.Yes,I,did.


          1. you for trip Are ready your (?)


          2. Are feeling you hungry (?)


          3.be right will It all (.)


          4. you are go going to Where (?)


          5. you, thinking about, what, are, ( ? )




          This morning my father bought some milk for us . My sister doesn’t likemilk , and she gave her milk to me . I didn’t drink them . I will drink themtonight .

          My sister is a very good girl . We are good friends . She studies very hard. And all of us like her very much . She wants to be a teacher .

          ( )1.Father bought us some milk .

          ( )2.I gave my milk to my sister .

          ( )3.I drank my milk .

          ( )4.My sister studies very hard .

          ( )5.My sister wants to be a doctor .


          Ms Smart and Amy went to a department store last week. Ms Smart wanted tobuy a coat for Amy. They looked at a blue coat. Blue is Amy’s favorite colour.The coat was nice. But it was too big for Amy. The sales assistant took a smallone. But it was white. Amy tried it. That was lovely. Amy liked it very much. Sothey took it.

          ( ) 1. Where did Ms Smart and Amy go last week?

          A. A department store. B. A supermarket. C. Amy’s school.

          ( ) 2. Ms Smart wanted to buy a ____ for Amy.

          A. coat B. T-shirt C. dress

          ( ) 3. What is Amy’s favorite colour?

          A. Black. B. White. C. Blue.

          ( ) 4. The blue coat was too ___ for Amy.

          A. small B. big C. nice

          ( ) 5. Ms Smart and Amy took the ____ coat.

          A. black B. white C. blue




          What are you doing ?


          教學目標句型“What are you doing? I am ….”。


          教學重點句型“What are you doing? I am ….”,并能在情景中進行應用。















          1、Warm up (熱身)



          教師播放歌曲What Are You Doing?的錄音,師生共同演唱。


          教學參考時間:1-- 2分鐘


          A: My English name is …. What's your English name?

          B: M y English name is …. How do you do?

          A: How do you do? Where are you from?

          B: Australia.

          A: What are you doing?

          B: I'm waiting for my mom.

          A: Nice to meet you. Good-bye.

          B: Bye.

          2、Review (復習)








          drawing the dishes

          doing the phone

          answering a book

          cooking pictures

          reading dinner

          3、Presentation (呈現(xiàn)新知)



          讓一名學生抽取一張單詞卡片,然后躲在講臺后面。教師帶領其他學生問:What are you doing?,抽取卡片的學生站起來邊做相應的動作邊回答I am…請五至六名學生輪流上臺抽卡片,直到全班學生都初步會說句型What are you doing?再進行下面的活動。

          學生同桌之間背對背,一邊做動作一邊用主要句型問答:What are you doing? I am ….


          教學參考時間:1-- 2分鐘

          學生五人一組。教師問各組的'第一名學生Hello. What are you doing?每組的第一名學生回答后轉身問后面的學生:What areyou doing?,依此類推,每名學生的回答不能與同組前面學生的回答重復,看哪個小組最先完成游戲。



          教師播放Let's try部分的錄音,讓學生完成聽錄音選圖的練習。錄音內(nèi)容如下:

          (The phone rings.)


          Hi, Sarah. It's John.

          Hi, John. What are you doing?

          I am reading a book. What are you doing?

          I'm doing the dishes.

          ----What is John doing?

          ----What is Sarah doing?



          教師播放Let's talk部分的錄音,學生跟讀。


          教師出示Let's talk中的圖片和道具電話,指導學生進行代換練習。


          做小雙簧的游戲:學生2人一組,一名學生在前面表演動作,如:畫畫,另一名學生藏在他的身后為前面的學生配音,如:I am drawingpictures.讓學生兩人一組操練后,請幾組學生上臺表演。

          4、Let's play (趣味操練)



          做Pair Work部分的活動。學生2人一組,每人在一張紙條上面寫一個動詞短語的ing形式,如:drawingpictures,然后2人交換紙條,分別將紙條卷起來做道具,根據(jù)各自手中紙條上的內(nèi)容模擬打電話。




          做Let's play的活動。請一名學生上來,背對其他學生站好。臺下任意一名學生問:What are you doing?,站在前面的學生邊做動作邊回答Iam….,其他學生根據(jù)聽到的回答在自己課本的表格里做好記錄。然后換另一名學生上臺,繼續(xù)做游戲。示范幾次后,讓學生分小組做游戲。注意:教師里學生的活動范圍受限制,所以如果條件允許,此活動可在室外完成5、Consolidationand extension (擴展活動)



          教師問:What do you usually do at 9:00 p.m.?指導學生根據(jù)實際情況回答。

          讓學生展示Story time部分的掛圖,手指掛圖說“Look! Zip is calling Zoom. Who is he? Is thatZoom?,簡單表述掛圖內(nèi)容。


          教師根據(jù)故事內(nèi)容向學生提問:What is Zip doing? What is Zoom doing? Is Zoom answering thephone? Is his father playing computer games?引導學生做回答。





          做本單元A Let's learn部分的活動手冊P34配套練習。

          教師指導學生理解題目要求,指導操作方法.。Listen and number是按所聽內(nèi)容表明序號,Ask and write是在同學問答的基礎上填寫單詞和動詞短語。

          教師播放活動手冊第34頁的錄音,學生完成Listen and number部分的練習。


          板書設計Module 4 Unit 1

          Whatare you doing ?

          I’m ...



          What did you eat for your lunch?


          ( ) 1. A. life B library C learnt

          ( ) 2. A different B delicious C. drank

          ( ) 3. A. these B timetable C. tonight

          ( )4. A find B hard C card

          ( )5. A learnt B ate C gave


          ( ) 1. A. What did you have for breakfast?

          B. What did you have for dinner?

          C. What did you have for lunch?

          ( ) 2. A. She had fish and chips.

          B. She had eggs and sausages.

          C. Sam ate six hamburgers

          ( ) 3. A. Where are the book about computer, please?

          B. Where can you find out about animals?

          C. Where can you find out about food?

          ( ) 4. A. Mum bought some apples yesterday.

          B. I gave one apple to my dog.

          C. I ate three apples last night.

          ( ) 5. A Let’s go to the library.

          B. Let’s go to the park.

          C. Let’s go to school.


          ( ) 1.A.Yes, she does. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he did.

          ( ) 2.A. No, you can’t. B. Yes, here you are. C. Yes, she did.

          ( ) 3.A.No, he didn’t. B. Yes, he didn’t. C. We visited Beijing.

          ( ) 4.A.Yes,I did. B. She had sandwiches C. She went to school..

          ( ) 5.A.They’re on shelf C. B. Under the tree.. C. Last Sunday.



          1.be good at (翻譯) 2.make an e-card(翻譯)

          3. library card (翻譯) 4. sandwich(復數(shù))

          5. (過去式)learn eat study dance

          give drink


          ( )1. A. have B. gave C. drank

          ( )2. A. hamburger B. sandwich C. newspaper

          ( )3. A. find B. bring C. delicious

          ( )4. A. lunch B. eggs C. breakfast

          ( )5. A. email B. e-card C. chips


          ( )1、Yesterday she _____a cake for lunch .

          A. make B. made C. making

          ( ) 2、What did you ___ for dinner yesterday ?

          A. having B. have C. had

          ( ) 3、I’ve got email from Lingling.

          A. an B. a C. the

          ( ) 4、Sam ________a new book yesterday.

          A. buy B. buys C. bought

          ( ) 5、I want to make an e-card Mum.

          A. to B. for C. in

          ( ) 6、Did Lingling like it? ________________.

          A. Yes, she did. B. She liked it. C. No, she doesn’t.

          ( ) 7、Please bring back the book two weeks’ time.

          A. on B. of C. in

          ( )8、It’s easy a computer.

          A. of B. with C .to

          ( )9、Let’s the library.

          A. goes to B. go to C. go

          ( )10、Mum is going to _______ Chinese food.

          A.cooks B. cooking C. cook


          ( )1、What did she have for breakfast? A. I’m going to drink milktonight.

          ( )2、Does Lingling like English food? B. They’re on Shelf C.

          ( )3、What are you going to drink tonight? C. Yes. Here you are.

          ( )4、Where are the books about food? D. Yes, she does.

          ( )5、Can I have your library card, please? E. She had eggs and milk.


          1. can,Where,about,find out,you,animals ?

          2. and,She,eggs,had,sausages

          3. are, books, where, the, about, please, computers

          4. bring, in, please, back, weeks’, book, the, two, time

          5.got, I’ve, Linging, email, an, from


          Dear Lingling,

          Last Sunday,it was September 9 th. I had a good time. I had a picnic withmy father, my mother, Aunt Li and Uncle Wang. We went to Xi Mount by car. Therewere lots of fruits on the trees. How beautiful they were! They were sweet andfresh. We helped the farmer pick the fruits. We came back at half past five.

          Love from,


          ( ) 1.When did John have a picnic?

          A.yesterday B.last Saturday C.last Sunday

          ( ) 2.Who wrote this letter?

          A.Lingling B.John C.John’s father

          ( ) 3.How did they go to Xi Mount?

          A.On foot B.By car C.By bus

          ( ) 4.When were they back?

          A.At 4:30 B.At 6:30 C.At 5:30

          ( ) 5.Did they help the farmer?

          A.Yes, they did. B.No, they didn’t. C.No, he didn’t.



          一、聽音,選擇你聽到的詞或詞組,將其序號填在( )里。(10分)

          ( ) 1、A. because B. best C. birthday

          ( ) 2、A. climb mountains B. cook dinner C. clean the room

          ( ) 3、A. sunny B. Sunday C. funny

          ( ) 4.、A. date B. today C. day

          ( ) 5、.A. first B. third C. fourth

          ( ) 6、A. plant trees B. play sports C. play the piano

          ( ) 7、A. spring B. summer C. swim

          ( ) 8、A. 8.15 B. 8.50 C. 8.05

          ( ) 9、A. window B. winter C. windy

          ( )10、A. May 11th B. May 1st C Mar. 1st


          1 2 3


          ( ) 1、A. At 3:30 B. fall C. July

          ( ) 2、A. I often watch TV . B. I like P.E.

          C. I have a new English teacher

          ( ) 3、A. Spring B. fish C. Monday

          ( ) 4. A. It’s March 8th. B. It’s June 1st. C. It’s October 1st

          ( ) 5 A. Because I can skate. B. Because I can plant trees

          C. Because I can swim.


          1.I___________ ____________ at 6:30.

          2.I often _________ _________ on Sundays.

          3.I like ________, because I can ________.

          4.My birthday is in ________.My mother’s birthday is in __________.

          5.We can _______ _________ together next Sunday.



          ( ) 1. A. pear B. ear C. near

          ( ) 2. A. wait B. curtain C. play

          ( ) 3.A.bear B. swear C. hear

          ( ) 4. A. green B. glue C. glass

          ( ) 5. cheap B. sheep C. chair


          ( )1、I often do my homework ___ 9:00 in the evening

          A、in B、 at C、 on

          ( )2、What do you do _______ the weekend?

          A、in B、to C 、on

          ( )3、What's the date today? It's November _____

          A、21th B、21st C 、21nd

          ( )4、My birthday is December .

          A、in B、 at C、 on

          ( )5、 season do you like best ? ——Spring .

          A、Why B、Which C 、Where

          ( )6、----_______ Why do you like winter ?

          ---- Because I can skte.

          A、What B、When C 、Why

          ( )7、When your birthday ?

          A、is B、am C 、are

          ( )8、______ she have a book?.

          A、Is B、Does C 、Do

          ( )9、 spring we can fly a kite in the sky .

          A、On B、At C 、In

          ( )10、February is the month of a year .

          A、first B、second C 、third


          ( )1、What do you do on the weekend? A. No,it’s in July

          ( )2、What’s the date today? B. I usually do homework

          ( )3、Which season do you like best? C. Because I can play with snow

          ( )4、Why do you like winter? D. I like winter.

          ( )5、Is your birthday in June? E It’s January 6th


          Hello. I’m a student. I get up at 6:30.I go to school at 7:30.

          I ______ _______ _______ at 9:30.I have _________

          _________ at 10:00.After school I ________ ________ at 4:30.

          In the evening I _________ ________ . I often ______ ______ ______

          at 9:00 p.m..


          My name is Jack. I’m 15 years old, my birthday is in November. Usually I goto school at 7:10 and have four classes in the morning. In the afternoon ,I havetwo classes. I like playing football ,I often play football after school. On myweekend, I often read books, do my homework and watch TV. My favourite season issummer ,because I can swim .

          ( ) 1.Jack’s birthday is in November。

          ( ) 2. Jack has 4 classes in a day.

          ( ) 3. Jack often plays football on the weekend.

          ( ) 4. Jack’s favourite season is summer

          ( ) 5.On the weekend, Jack often plays football, does homework and readsbooks.


          同學們,你在周末經(jīng)常做些什么事情呢?是待在家,幫父母做家務,還是出去游玩?請以“My Weekend“為題,寫一寫自己的周末活動,至少五句話。

          My Weekend




          This lesson is about Module 7 Unit 1 “This dog can help him.” of NewStandard English, Book 9. This lesson is for the students of Grade Five.


          1、Knowledge aims:

          a. To enable students to master and use these new words : blind ,special.

          b. To enable students to master the usage of “can” .

          c. To enable students to use the target sentences correctly : This dog canhelp him . Can Fifi help the blind people ? No , he can’t . He only wants toplay .

          2、Ability aims:

          a. Talking about abilities with “can” , “can’t ” and know the objectivecase.

          b. To improve students’ language ability.

          3、Emotion aims:

          a. To encourage students to cooperate with the others , help each other andlearn from each other.

          b. To educate students to protect animals and help disabled people .


          To master and use the new words , sentence pattern and the usage of“can”。


          To use the sentence patterns to talk about ability.


          cards , CD-ROM, CAI, task-paper, tape—recorder.


          Step1. Warming up


          2、Please sing a song and do the actions.

          3、Look and say some phrases more .

          4、Free talk. What can you do ? Or what can’t you do?

          Step 2. Presentation

          Dear boys and girls, Do you love animals?

          We can see some dogs and cats in our life. What can they do ?

          Today we’ll learn Module 7 Unit 1. ( Write on the blackboard)

          Step 3. Practice

          1、Listen to the text and try to answer the questions:

          Q1: How many dogs are there in the text? Answer the question------2dogs.

          2、Show Ss by PPT:Look at this dog. Is this dog lovely? It’s a pet dog. Itsname is Fifi. Look at the other one.

          Is it lovely? It is very special. Learn special(Pay attention to thepronunciation of “e”)

          3、Show Ss a picture of blind people by PPT and ask “What’s the matter withthis man ?”Learn blind

          4、Who can help him? Look! This dog can help him. (Write on the blackboard.)Learn the target sentence. (Read in the different ways. ) Pay attention to “him”。

          Learn the usage of objective case . Then do a practice .

          a. My mum is ill. I will help__. (she her)

          b. Who can help __? ( I me)

          c. The boy is cute. Dad bought a pen for___. (him he)

          d. These are blind people. But Fifi can’t help_____. (they them)

          5、Listen again and circle “can, can’t” . Answer the question:

          Q2:Can Fifi help the blind people?

          6、Learn the sentences: Can Fifi help the blind people? No, he can’t. / Yes,he can. (read in pairs )

          Fifi is a pet dog. So he only wants to play. Read this sentence.

          Pay attention to “wants”。 (Learn the third person singular of the simplepresent tense.)

          Read the target sentences on the blackboard. Let’s sum up the usage of “can ”。

          7、Development activities : read these sentences and feel the usage of theoriginal form of verbs.

          a. Let’s see.

          b. I will go to school tomorrow.

          c. He is going to swim.

          d. I want to drink water.

          8、Listen to the text and repeat.

          9、Read in roles. Learn TV presenter.(畢福劍) Who wants to be Lingling/ Amy/ TVpresenter?

          Step 4. Production

          1、Dogs are very clever. What about the other animals? Let’s see. Try tosay“ This… can/ can’t…”

          2、Guessing game. Try to say “ This…can/can’t…” Guess “ Can...?”

          3、Do some practice. (Task paper)

          4、Reading practice : There is a TV show.

          This is the TV presenter---- little pig. Please read and complete.

          5、Talk about your pet . What’s your favourite animals ?

          Please talk about your pet.

          Step 5. Summary and homework

          1、Sum up:What have we learned today?


          Copy the key words and the target sentences for 3 times.

          Write a passage about your pet.

          3、There are many disabled people in our life. Let’s have a look. Show themsome pictures of disabled people who named TaiLihua, Yangguang, LiuWei andPingYali etc.

          They are broken in health but not in spirit .

          4、Learn English proverbs:

          a. Broken in health but not in spirit.

          b. Be the useful to the society.


          Module 7 Unit 1 This dog can help him.

          special Can Fifi help the blind people?

          blind No, he can’t. Yes, he can.

          He only wants to play.






        外研版高中英語必修3說課稿 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia11-08

        外研版高中英語必修1知識點課件:consist of05-14





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