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      2. 新課標高一英語教案

        時間:2021-08-05 16:18:05 教案 我要投稿







          1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in thispart.

          2. Get students to read the play.

          3. Let students learn the expressions of ordering food.


          1. Develop students’ reading skills and enable them to learn how to usedifferent reading strategies to read different reading materials.

          2. Enable students to understand and act out the play.

          3. Have students learn how to use the expressions to order food.


          1. Stimulate students’ interests of learning English by reading and actingthis play.

          2. Develop students’ sense of group cooperation and teamwork.


          1. Develop students’ reading and speaking skills.

          2. Let students read and act the play.

          3. Have students learn to use the expressions to order food.


          1. Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming,scanning, and so on.

          2. Get students to act the play.

          3. Have students make a dialogue at the restaurant.


          →Step 1 Revision

          1. Check the homework exercises.

          2. Ask two students to retell the content of Act I, Scene 3.in their ownwords.

          →Step 2 Warming up

          We have learned that Henry got a letter from the two old brothers ,soplease predict what will happen next.

          →Step 3 Reading

          1. Read the play fast to understand the gist and decide whether thefollowing statements are true or false.

          1)The owner looked down upon Henry when he noticed Henry’s appearance.

          2)Henry asked for more of the same food because he is an American who liketo eat a lot.

          3)When Henry saw the million pound bank note, he was happy and proud ofit.

          4)The owner didn’t believe that the bank note was real and he asked Henryto get out of the restaurant.

          2. Read the play carefully and do the following:

          1)Answer these questions in small groups.

          (1)Whose behavior changes the most during this scene? Give examples.

          (2)What kind of person is the owner of the restaurant?

          (3)Why do you think the owner of the restaurant gave Henry a free meal?

          2)Pay much attention to the different attitudes towards Henry.

          Before Henry shows his million pound bank note:

          Owner Hostess Waiter

          That one’s reserved.

          Well, we will have to take a chance.

          . . . if you pay the bill. . . My goodness! He eats like a wolf.

          It’ll cost a tiny bit.

          Again, everything?

          What’s there to wait for?

          After Henry shows his million pound bank note:

          Owner Hostess Waiter

          I’m so sorry, sir, so sorry.

          Oh, please, don’t worry, sir. Doesn’t matter at all.

          Just having you sit here is a great honor! . . . bow. . . Screams

          And you put him in the back of the restaurant!


          . . . bow. . .

          3. Retell the story:

          With the envelope in hand, Henry decided to enter a restaurant for a meal.He ordered some ham and eggs and a nice big steak together with a tall glass ofbeer. The waiter told him the meal would cost him a tiny bit. After eating hisfirst order, Henry asked for more of the same.

          When Henry opened the letter, he found it was a million pound bank note. Hewas surprised but the owner and the waiter were shocked. The owner was not sureif it was genuine or fake. They couldn’t believe Henry who was in rags could beso rich. At last, the note was proved to be real.

          After knowing that the bill is genuine, the owner thanked Henry again andagain for his coming to his little eating place and even asked Henry to forgetthe bill . The owner, hostess and waiter all bowed together as Henry left.

          →Step 4 Language points

          1.order n.要(叫)的菜eg. May I take your order?

          n.順序,次序eg. The books are arranged in order of size.

          n.命令eg. Soldiers must obey orders

          v.命令eg. The officer ordered his soldiers to march

          v.預定,預購eg. I have ordered a steak.

          2.take a chance碰運氣

          Eg. As for whether he will win the game or not ,we must take a chance .

          Maybe true love is a decision, a decision to take a chance withsomebody.


          3. genuine adj 1)真正的,真實的,名副其實的;非人造的,非偽造的

          Eg. Her wedding ring is made of genuine diamond.



          My genuine friend is not such right?


          3. Well, I did hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in thisamount. . . Anyway, I don’t think it can be a fake.


          助動詞do或其他形式does, did在肯定句中用于謂語動詞前,表示強調(diào)。例如:

          I did tell him what I thought of.



          It can’t be Jim. I know him too well.


          5. But he’s in rags!但是他穿得破破爛爛的。


          The girl in green is a good friend of mine.


          in rags衣衫襤褸

          The old man in rags used to be very rich.


          6. As for the bill, sir, please forget it.


          as for: with regard to至于;關(guān)于

          As for you, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.


          As for the hotel, it was very uncomfortable and miles from the sea.


          →Step 5 Acting

          1. Ask students to listen to the tape and role play the text. Remind themto remember that Henry has an American accent while the owner, the hostess andthe waiters all have British accents. Let them pay more attention to correctpronunciation and intonation.

          2. Have as many groups as possible to act out the play in front of theclass.

          →Step 6 Speaking

          1. Ask students to read Act Ⅰ, Scene 4 again and underline all theexpressions used to order food. Read them aloud.

          2. Show the following form on the screen. Let students read the expressionsaloud, and make sure they understand their Chinese meanings.


          Can I help you?

          I’ll take your order in a minute.

          Are you ready to order, sir/madam?

          What would you like. . . ?

          Enjoy your meal!

          Here’s your bill.

          Here you are. CUSTOMER

          I’d like. . .

          I’ll have. . .

          Do you have. . . ?

          What do you suggest?

          I’ll have that.

          The bill, please.

          Can I have the check, please?

          2. Suppose the situation: Now imagine you are having a good meal in arestaurant. Make a dialogue with your partner, who acts as awaiter/waitress.

          3. Give several minutes for the students to prepare their dialogues inpairs.

          4. Ask as many pairs as possible to present their dialogues to theclass.

          →Step 7 Extension

          Many people are crazy about buying lottery tickets (彩票). What do you thinkof it?

          ● What kind of role do you think money plays in our daily life?

          ● Is money everything?

          Suggested Answers:

          Money is not everything.

          Money can buy a house, but not a home.

          Money can buy a bed, but not sleep.

          Money can buy a clock, but not time.

          Money can buy a book, but not knowledge.

          Money can buy you a position, but not respect.

          Money can buy you medicine, but not health.

          Money can buy a friend, but not love.

          Money can buy you blood, but not life.

          →Step 8 Homework

          1. Learn the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart.

          2. Act out the play.





          Key points and difficulties:



          Teaching procedures:

          Step 1 Lead-in

          Let students do a puzzle ---------the earth

          A puzzle

          It looks like a ball but you can’t play,

          It is our home but so big,

          It is round but we usually think it is flat.

          It moves anytime but no one feels.


          Step 2 Pre-reading

          A. Let students enjoy the beauty of the earth.

          B. Questions:

          1, How did the earth come into being?

          2, In China, there are some stories about the beginning of life.

          Do you know?


          Step 3 Fast-reading

          1, Let students read the text quickly and then answer the followingquestions.

          (1) According to the text, how did the universe begin?

          (2) What is the fundamental to the development of life?

          (3) Where did life first begin, on the land or in the sea?

          (4) Which kind of animal has become the most important animals on theplanet today?


          2, Let the students read the text again and then finish the followingexercise

          Para1 a, the development of life

          Para2 b, the important of water

          Para3 c, the most important animals on the planet

          Para4 d, the formation of the Earth

          Para5 e, the “Big Bang”


          Step 4 Careful-reading

          1, Analyzing read the text and fill in the blanks

          How life began on the earth


          2, Reading and answer the following questions.

          1. Why was the earth different from other planets?

          2. Why did the plants grow before the animals came?

          3. Why is it wrong in films and stories to show dinosaurs and peopletogether?

          4. What problem is caused by human beings?

          Step5 Consolidation

          Retell how life began on the earth according to key words




          Seeing is believing. Helping her is my duty. Talking mends no holes.


          Working with you is a pleasure.和你一起工作是一種樂趣。


          It's rather tiring walking around in a city.


          It's no use crying over spilt milk.覆水難收。

          He realized that to go on like this was wrong.


          1.有些動詞或短語動詞后常用動名詞作賓語。如admit, appreciate, avoid,can't stand(不能忍受),consider,delay, devote … to, dislike enjoy,escape, excuse, feel like, finish,forgive, get down to, give up,

          imagine. insist on, keep (on), look forward to, mention, mind, miss(錯過),pay attention to, practice, put off, stick to, suggest等等。

          Doing morning exercises is good for your health.做早操對你的健康有好處。

          Her shoes wants mending.她的鞋該修理了。

          注意:當need, want, require, worth后面接doing也可以表示被動。

          Your hair wants cutting.你的頭發(fā)該理了。

          The floor requires washing.地板需要沖洗。

          I have finished writing this book.我已經(jīng)寫完這本書了。

          2.在allow, advise, forbid,permit后直接跟動名詞作賓語,如果有名詞或代詞作賓語,則構(gòu)成“allow/advise/forbid/permit+名詞/代詞+不定式(賓語補足語)”之形式。如:

          We don't allow smoking here. We don't allow anybody to smoke here.

          3.動詞need, require, want意為“需要”時,后跟動名詞的主動式或不定式的被動式作賓語,意義沒有區(qū)別。如:

          The window needs/requires/wants cleaning/to be cleaned.

          4.在begin, continue, love, like, hate, prefer, intend, start后用動名詞和


          5.動詞forget, go on, mean, regret, remember, stop, try, be used to, can'thelp后跟動名詞和跟不定式區(qū)別較大,須注意。

          forget, regret, remember后跟動名詞,動名詞表示已經(jīng)發(fā)生的動作;后跟不定式表示將要發(fā)生的動作。

          Period9-10 writing and checking the answers of the exercises












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