1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>

      2. Understandingeachother教案

        時間:2021-02-21 10:37:47 教案 我要投稿


          Understanding each ther教案


          5. Read the guidelines in Part C t nw what u will d in this part. Listen t the recrding t

          Sills building 3: writing a letter f aplg

          In this pa rt, u will read abut hw t write a letter f aplg t explain isunderstandings.

          1. There are differences between writing letters in Chinese and writing letters in English. In a fral English letter, u shuld first write ur address and the date. Here is the frat f a letter as an exaple. Sun Ting fr Beiing Sunshine Secndar Schl wants t write a letter t her friend Tan i in Sunsh ine Twn:

          Beiing Sunshine

          Secndar Schl

          Sunshine Twn

          Beiing 100000

          Date 10 une

          Tan i

          88 Sunn Street

          Sunshine Twn

          Beiing 100000

          Dear Tan i,

          ( Cntent f the letter)

          urs sincerel,

          Su n Ting

          2. If u want t ae an aplg, what d u usuall sa? (I aplg fr…; I want t aplg fr…)

          What d we d if we want t write a letter f aplg?

          Shuld we give se explanatins?

          Step 3: explaining isunderstandings

          In this part, u will use the infratin abut tabs in different cultures in Steps 1 and 2, and use the sills u have learnt in Sills building 3 t write a letter t explain hw the isunderstandings arse when u shwed the three freigners arund Beiing.

          1. Read the diar entr and the article in Step 1 again and then discuss in pairs what shuld be included in the letter. Chse ne f the three visitrs t write ur letter f aplg t.

          2. Chse a recipient and write the letter f aplg. Read ur letter t the whle class and tr t iprve it.











          1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>