1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>

      2. Colours的相關(guān)教案

        時間:2021-02-20 18:05:05 教案 我要投稿


          9A Unit 2 Clurs


          Perid One Welce t the unit


          課題: Cic strip &ap; Welce t the unit

          Teaching gals:

          知識目標(biāo)T recgnize the naes f different clurs

          能力目標(biāo) T recgnize the clurs f the rainb

          11. He_______________(prefer) English t Chinese last ter.

          12. D u have an________________(difficult) ding it?

          13. David has all the_______________(qualit) a gd nitr shuld have.

          14. When I see the sun, I have the feeling f______________(

          6. The sun gives us nt nl light but als ________(熱).

          7. Blue can als represent__________.

          8. M father is a __________ persn. He al


          Perid T (asleep)

          3. Mr. White has se ______ in using the chpstics thugh he tries his best. (difficult)

          4. She didn't have the ______ t

          5.I prefer_________(g)shpping t_________(sta) at he.

          6.The girls are singing and dancing___________(happ).

          7.Sand _________(prefer) t g ut.

          8.u can use a__________(shp) baset

          5.T cnslidatin the infratin gained fr reading and listening and deterine the facts.


          1.T understand the cntext f an advertiseent and a TV denstratin.

          2. T understand h

          A. are

          A. dn,t ce B. nt ce C. cing D. t ce

          11.“Is there

          A. shps B. shp C. are shpping D. is shpping

          5. Daniel’s bag ust be in the r, _____ ?

          A. is it B. isn’t it C. ustn’t it D. ust he

          6. When ____ur father ____bac? When he ___ bac, pleas egive e a ring.

          A. des; ce;

          8. A lt f


          Befre the children _____________________ there t _________ a bus.


          Which _______________________, cffee r tea?


          He _________________________ n a picnic.


        MODULE 3 COLOURS的英語教案04-19





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        Module 4 Colours的教學(xué)反思范文04-29

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