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      2. 公共事業(yè)管理英文簡歷

        時間:2022-09-17 08:34:05 海發(fā) 英文簡歷模板 我要投稿
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          Personal information


          Gender: female

          Ethnic composition: the han nationality

          Age: 25

          Marital status: single

          Professional name: public utilities management

          Major: management class

          Political landscape: the league members

          School: east fujian agriculture and forestry university college

          Graduation time: in July 2015

          Highest degree: bachelor

          Computer level: master

          Work experience: within a year

          Height: 160 cm

          49 kg weight:

          Home now: xinluo district household register: shanghang county


          Hope is engaged in the occupation: hr specialist, hr specialist

          Expected salary: 3000-4000

          Expect work areas: xinluo district

          Expect nature of work: full-time

          Fastest arrive time: within 1 week

          Must provide housing: no need


          Education background:

          School name: hang on a medium (September 2008 - July 2011)

          Professional title: science education: high school

          School name: fujian agriculture and forestry university institute of Oriental (September 2011 - July 2015)

          Professional title: public utilities management education: bachelor degree

          Location: certificate: three levels of enterprise human resources management division, accounting practitioner's qualification certificate

          Description: the course are: overview of public utilities management, human resource management, administrative management, etc

          Trained experience:

          Training institutions: the ministry of human resources and social security professional skill center (April 2014 - May 2014)

          Course name: human resources certificate: three levels of enterprise human resources management division

          Work experience

          Company name: xiamen drunk product network technology co., LTD. (December 2014 - April 2015)

          Industry: nature of Internet, e-commerce company: private. Private enterprises

          Company size: 200 ~ 200 people working location: xiamen

          Job title: hr and administrative assistant

          Job description: the personnel: 1. The recruitment work. Responsible for hiring information, search resumes, and conduct a preliminary screening, telephone interview are invited, doing well the preparation work of candidates before the interview. 2. Employee compensation calculation. Responsible for staff attendance, paid leave, leave, overtime management and statistics, as stipulated in the assessment of specific approval of the department staff monthly, quarterly, annual bonus, and benefits. 3. Training work. Cooperate with supervisor to implement the internal trainer training organization and arrangement work, and is responsible for the internal trainer training effect evaluation of the information collected. 4. Superior account of other matters. Company altered in accordance with administrative work: 1. 2. The branch's business license, organization code and tax registration, event planning, including quarterly birthday party, annual teeth etc. 4. Responsible for the company's internal affairs, including office supplies procurement, storage, distribution, etc.; Business card printing, receive and send letters; The daily management of public places

          Leaving reason: an internship

          Company name: xiamen JiHe software technology co., LTD. (April 2015 - January 2017)

          Industry: a computer software company nature: sino-foreign joint venture (joint venture, cooperation)

          Company size: 50-200 people working location: xiamen

          Job title: hr specialist

          Job description: 1. Assists in establishing perfect, organize the implementation of company human resource management rules and regulations and process. 2. Responsible for recruitment, through various channels for the company to seek the right talent 3. Responsible for the entry/exit formalities, establish and update the personnel files and custody, 4. The labor contract signed for the probation employee appraisal, according to the assessment results to establish department hired 5. Responsible for checking and according to the examination and approval of duty staff promotion, salary, reward and disciplinary action and internal distribution, dismissal procedures such as call, v, 6. Responsible for employees' attendance, paid leave, leave, overtime management and statistics, as stipulated in the assessment of specific approval of the department staff monthly, quarterly, annual bonus and allowance of 7. Responsible for the company's employee benefits, five social insurance and one housing fund

          Leaving reason: want to back to the development of longyan

          Self assessment

          Self-evaluation: can I use five words describe yourself: self-confidence, to do every thing is confident; Hang on, regardless of the outcome, must stand in the end; Efforts, success is 70% perspiration plus 30% of talent, diligence is very important; Ready to, is to have the opportunity to prepare the people; A smile, every smile told me, love to laugh of girl is very lucky.

          Language ability

          Language name master degree

          Good English

          Good mandarin




          性別: 女

          民族: 漢族

          年齡: 25

          婚姻狀況: 未婚

          專業(yè)名稱: 公共事業(yè)管理

          主修專業(yè): 管理類

          政治面貌: 團員

          畢業(yè)院校: 福建農林大學東方學院

          畢業(yè)時間: 2015年7月

          最高學歷: 本科

          電腦水平: 精通

          工作經驗: 一年以內

          身高: 160cm


          現所在地: 新羅區(qū) 戶籍: 上杭縣


          期望從事職業(yè): 人事專員,人事行政專員

          期望薪水: 3000-4000

          期望工作地區(qū): 新羅區(qū)

          期望工作性質: 全職

          最快到崗時間: 1周以內

          需提供住房: 不需要



          學校名稱: 上杭一中(2008年9月-2011年7月)

          專業(yè)名稱: 理科 學歷: 高中

          學校名稱: 福建農林大學東方學院(2011年9月-2015年7月)

          專業(yè)名稱: 公共事業(yè)管理 學歷: 本科

          所在地: 證書: 三級企業(yè)人力資源管理師,會計從業(yè)資格證書

          專業(yè)描述: 課程有:公共事業(yè)管理概論、人力資源管理、行政管理等


          培訓機構: 人力資源和社會保障部職業(yè)技能中心(2014年4月-2014年5月)

          課程名稱: 人力資源 證書: 三級企業(yè)人力資源管理師


          公司名稱: 廈門醉品網絡科技有限公司(2014年12月-2015年4月)

          所屬行業(yè): 互聯(lián)網·電子商務 公司性質: 私營.民營企業(yè)

          公司規(guī)模: 200~500人 工作地點: 廈門

          職位名稱: 人事行政助理

          工作描述: 人事:1.招聘工作。負責發(fā)布招聘崗位信息,搜索求職者簡歷并進行初步篩選,電話邀約面試,做好應聘者面試前的準備工作。2.員工薪酬核算。負責員工考勤、調休、請假、加班管理與統(tǒng)計,按考核規(guī)定具體審定各部門職工月工資、季度、年度獎金和津貼的發(fā)放。3.培訓工作。配合上級主管做好內部培訓師培訓組織和安排工作,并負責內部培訓師培訓效果評價的信息收集整理工作。4.上級交代的其它事項。行政工作:1.辦理公司股權變更2.分公司營業(yè)執(zhí)照的申請,組織機構代碼及稅務登記3.公司活動策劃,包括季度生日會,年終尾牙等4.負責公司內部事務,包括辦公用品的采購、保管、分發(fā)等;名片印刷、收發(fā)信件;公共場所的日常管理

          離職原因: 實習

          公司名稱: 廈門季河軟件科技有限公司(2015年4月-2017年1月)

          所屬行業(yè): 計算機軟件 公司性質: 中外合營(合資.合作)

          公司規(guī)模: 50~200人 工作地點: 廈門

          職位名稱: 人事專員

          工作描述: 1.協(xié)助制訂完善,組織實施公司人力資源管理有關規(guī)章制度和流程2.負責人員招聘,通過多種渠道為公司尋求合適的`人才3.負責辦理入職/離職手續(xù),建立并及時更新人事檔案并保管、勞動合同的簽訂4.對試用期員工進行考核,根據考核結果建立部門錄用5.負責審核并按職責報批員工升職、加薪、獎勵及紀律處分及內部調配、調入、調出、辭退等手續(xù)6.負責員工考勤、調休、請假、加班管理與統(tǒng)計,按考核規(guī)定具體審定各部門職工月工資、季度、年度獎金和津貼的發(fā)放7.負責公司員工福利、五險一金的辦理

          離職原因: 想回龍巖發(fā)展


          自我評價: 我可以用五句話評價自己:自信,做每一件事都是信心滿滿的;堅持,不管結果如何,一定站到最后;努力,成功是70%的汗水+30%的天賦,勤奮很重要;時刻準備,機會是留給有準備的人的;微笑,每一個微笑都告訴我,愛笑的女生很幸運。


          語種名稱 掌握程度

          英語 良好

          普通話 良好










        軟件開發(fā) 英文簡歷(英文簡歷制作軟件)08-04


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