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      2. 英語邀請函

        時間:2023-02-01 08:15:22 邀請函 我要投稿





        Noble x x brand x market agents, suppliers and partners:

          x x x x Yan 'an Baxter Advertising Celebration Co., Ltd. will usher in its 10th year of brilliant development. Over the past ten years, we have grown up with x x together. Over the past ten years, Ai Bao household appliances have developed from a small workshop to the world's largest manufacturer of electric heating faucets. Over the past decade, Ai Bao has spent countless days full of wind, rain and heat, with laughter and laughter, as well as bitterness and tears, which come from the hardships of starting a business, and from the respect and praise of guests from all directions. We are excited because Ai Bao has a successful career and a bright future. We were moved by Ai Bao's " ten years of wind and rain, warmth and you"! Over the past decade, you and the title of " Most Respected" have jointly advocated social responsibility, which has made Ai Bao's enterprises warmer today and tomorrow. You are the " Warmer Messenger" of Ai Bao's brand.

          On the 10th anniversary of Ai Bao's home appliances, we sincerely invite you as a representative to attend the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong Huishi Ai Bao's home appliances and the " Star of Ai Bao" award ceremony with a grateful heart. The event is scheduled to be held in Hong Kong and Thailand on the x day of the x 21st x - the x day. Please refer to the detailed rules of the event for details of the event.

          I hereby invite you!

          x x x x x x x Manufacturing Company

          x x x x Organizing Committee for the 10th Anniversary Celebration

          x x x x Year x x Month x x Day


          Dear Professor Smith,

          I am Li Hua, chair of the Students’ Union of Xinhua Middle School. Our school will have the Second Culture Festival next weekend and I am writing to invite you to give us a lecture about the cultural differences betweenAmericaandChina, which will begin at 9 o’clock and end at 11 o’clock on Nov. 28th in Classroom 201 of the third teaching building.

          As an expert in international culture, you must have a good knowledge of the cultural differences betweenAmericaandChina, so we hope you could help us increase our knowledge and clear some cultural confusion.

          Could you please contact us in advance at Englishtec@163.com if you could come to our culture festival? We are looking forward to your reply.




        Dear Alice,

         、賅e are inviting a few friends for dinner Saturday night, June the fourth, and

         、贗 think it would be a good idea if you can join us.

          I know you are interested in Chinese calligraphy, and I think you'll

         、踒e happy to meet Mr. Gao Lu, a well-known calligrapher who is coming to dinner as well.

          Mr.Gao is bringing ④a collection of his own works and has promised to

         、輌ive us an on-the-spot demonstration of his skills.

          ⑥ I'm sure you'll thoroughly enjoy the evening.

          We plan to serve supper at 6:00 so as to have a nice long evening to talk.

         、 I do hope that you can make it.

          Yours ever,

          Wu Hua


        Dear Dr,

          It is my pleasure to invite you to join my research group in the Department of at University for the purpose of carrying out your research as a visiting scholar supported by the China Scholarship Council (CSC). You will perform research in the field of , under my

          supervision. I would like to have you join us starting inxxfor a period of X months. We will provide you with the necessary office, lab space, lab equipment and access, and supplies for your research during your stay.

          From our initial communications, I attest that you meet our English language requirements for the research work. You will be conducting research of . As a group member, you will work alongside pre‐ and post‐doctoral researchers who are developing .

          This offer is based on the condition that you have obtained a CSC scholarship

          (covering international airfare and your stipend to cover living expenses and health insurance) for the time of your studies with us. Apart from that, you will be exempt from any other school fees for all your time here.

          If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email.



          dear x,

          its three years since we left no. 1 high school. have you ever thought of seeing all of your old classmates again some day? heres a chance for you to meet them. the address is no. xx taiping street. take bus no. xx and get off at taiping street. you cant miss it. please note: if you cant come, write to this address or call me up(tel: xx)and leave a message. any good suggestion should be sent to us by next weekend.

          yours, x


          Would you like to go swimming with me next Sunday?


          I should be very glad if you would come to my birthday party at my house at 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 12. 如果你在12月12號星期天晚上8點到我家參加我的.生日晚會,我會非常高興的。

          We hope you can come, and look forward to seeing you by then.


          Be sure to come.


          If you can't come, tell me.



          Dear Rose,

          I'm going to the cinema next Saturday evening to see “Pacific Rim” , and I have two tickets. Would you like tocome?

          The film starts at 19:00. Maybe we can meet at the gateway of the department store and have dinner before the film starts.

          Please give me a call if you can come.

          Looking forward to seeing you by then.




        Inviting someone to address a meeting

          Dear :

          would like to extend to you an invitation to be our guest speaker at the to be held at the at o’clock, .

          As you know, the department is interested in Since you are familiar with the field, we know your views will be extremely interesting to us.

          You will receive further details later, but we would appreciate having your acceptance soon so we may complete our agenda.



          An Invitation

          May 10, 20xx

          Dear Blake,

          Mrs. White will soon leave for the United States and we will held a farewell party for her which takes place from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Friday, May 20, 20xx at the School Club. I am very pleased to invite you toparticipatein the farewell party. Another two foreign teachers you know, Mr. Frazer and Miss Gree are also invited. Please join us to say goodbye to Mrs. White. You are hoped to arrive at 5:50 p.m. I look forward to see you on May 20.

          Yours sincerely,

          Yan Yang




          懷特夫人將很快動身去美國,我們將于20xx年5月20日星期五下午6 : 00至7 : 30在學校俱樂部為她舉行告別聚會。我很高興邀請你參加歡送會。另外兩位外籍教師,弗雷澤先生和格力小姐也被邀請。請和我們一起向懷特夫人告別。希望你下午5 : 50到達。我期待5月20日見到你。




          October 9, 200xx

          尊敬的. :

          本人欣喜地通知閣下 ,xxxx大酒店已于20xxx年10月6日開始試業(yè),本人誠意邀請 閣下 于即日起至20xxx年10月31日期間蒞臨本酒店參觀指導。

          本人并誠邀 閣下 于蒞臨當天在本酒店之xxx餐廳享用國際美食自助晚餐,率先體驗全城至IN至豪的HIP HOP潮流餐廳之飲食潮流。

          熱忱期待 閣下光臨!


          確認回復:請與本酒店公關(guān)銷售部 xx 小姐聯(lián)系,電話:8888 8888轉(zhuǎn)8888。


          Dear ,

          We take pleasure in informing you that xxxxxxx Hotel has commenced business on October 6, 20xxx, and welcome you to visit us during our “open house” days from October 9 to 31, 20xxx, an opportunity for you to examine the professional finishing and efficiency of a present day business hotel.

          I would be most honored if you can be my guest at dinner at the xxxxx Café on the day of your visit, and experience our international cuisine and the superb dinning ambience of modern day Guangzhou.

          Looking forward to your presence,

          Yours truly,

          General Manager

          R.S.V.P.: Please contact Ms. xxxxxx, Public Relations at 8888 88888 ext. 88889.


        Dear Jay ,

          How are you

          Are you available this weekend Welcom you come my home for dinner .We will cheer for our victory for last project .You know I am a good cooker ,I will cook many many good dishes .

          I will wait for your fast reply .

          Best wishes ,



          Dear parents, have you heard the Dragon Boat Festival songs sung by the children in your ears? Have you started to prepare colorful ropes for children and make festival costumes? Your heart still remembers the beautiful scene of last year's festival and begins to look forward to this year's Dragon Boat Festival. Is your step a training step for dragon dancers? Here we warmly invite everyone to come together, let's follow the footsteps of the ancients and enjoy the joy and holiness of the festival with our children.

          Time: 8: 30 a.m. – 11: 30 a.m. on May 30, 201 X.

          Venues: Tong Xin Park, Heichi Dam Park

          Participants: Dandelion Class, Sunflower Class and Parent Class

          Activity flow:



          This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating party for me. I am glad to invite you to come to the party. Blair, Emma and Roan will also be invited. I am sure we will have a good time. We will have dinner at 18:30 so that you are wished to come at 18:15. My mother is a good cook and you will enjoy the dishes. After the dinner, we will play some small games and then eat the cake. My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and hope to see you then.

          True yours,






        Annual Dinner Invitation Letter By | March 17, 20xx 0 Comment

          Below there is a sample of business dinner invitation letter. One of such dinner is annual dinner. This occasion is very important and professional written invitation is necessary.The shown sample can be used as atemplate.


          Brian Vagner,

          Jeversky Jewelry INC,

          15262, Verinks Lane,

          London, UK


        Dear parents and friends:


          Another year , the childrens long-ae at that time.

          The invitation letter for Childrens Day is Fan Wen.

          Each parent is invited to bring a cold meal from home and share it ing, our happiest festival, the 6th, 1st International Childrens Day, is coming. In order to celebrate this happy day, we will hold a rich literary and artistic activity, and we hereby invite uncles and aunts to participate in our literary and artistic activity. We are full of joy and hope that uncles and aunts can share the joy of the festival with us!

          with the best wishes


          The specific arrangements are as follows:

          Activity time: June 1: 9: 30 a.m.

          Venue: xx Central Primary School Playground

          Activity content: Young Pioneers New Team Entry Ceremony, Arts Show

          xx Central Primary School


























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