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      2. 大四赴日留學(xué)簡潔申請書

        時間:2022-07-01 06:33:48 申請書 我要投稿
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        Dear xx,

          I have been fascinated by the human mind and how it works since my earlyteenage years. My interest in understanding the mind and behaviour has beenenhanced through studying psychology at A level. Although I have only studiedthis subject for a relatively short period of time, I have enjoyed the subjectthoroughly and have been engaged in intriguing topics such as memory and infantattachment. I was pleased to receive the AS subject prize for psychology thisyear and in carrying on psychology at degree level, I will endeavour to graspfurther the theories and schools of thought introduced by psychologists over thepast few centuries, advancing my current knowledge and interest in such aprofound field. I am enthusiast for research, finding the various conceptsfascinating and have taken great satisfaction in planning and applying similarpsychological research as part of my A2 coursework on factors affectingmemory.

          I have found many parallels between psychology and my other A levelsubjects, particularly Philosophy. I was principally interested in Freud'sphilosophical theory that God is a concept created by the superego to make senseof its experiences, and that religion in a neurotic illness stemming from sexualtrauma.

          I enjoy various novels and works by psychologists to expand my knowledge ofthe subject such as 'The Interpretation of Dreams,' which was an excellentextension to my previous knowledge of Freud. 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest'was particularly inspiring as it gave me a fictional insight into the lives ofpeople in an asylum, principally concerned with the ways in which societyapplies pressure on an individual to conform to what is considered as the 'norm'in terms of attitude and behaviour.

          I find psychological case studies and accounts absorbing such as 'Malignantsadness' by Lewis Wolpert and television documentaries including Channel 4's'Mindshock' and ' Robert Winston's 'Child of our time.' Additionally, theentertainment programme 'Big Brother,' hosted on Channel 4, which the BritishPsychological Society labelled a "public concern," regarding its "deliberatecreation of tension and conflict," gave me an insight into psychologicaldisorders such as Tourettes Syndrome, anorexia and Body Dysmorphic Disorder, andincreased my awareness of the ethical guidelines concerned with research.

          On the British Psychological Society's website research had shown thatpeople who have been identified as bullies believe that their bullying behaviourcauses them to be perceived as admirable. Being a member of our Anti-Bullyingand senior prefect team, I have to take into consideration the social andemotional factors that explain why bullies, victims, and bystanders act the waythey do.

          I play an active role in school life. The Community Sports Leadership Awardwas a valuable experience in which I attended various primary schools, createdand hosted sports lessons and principally progressed my skills in confidence,team building and leadership. I have taken part in work experience in Francethis year working as a primary school assistant, which was truly worthwhile as Iwas presented with the challenging pursuit of presenting my social skills in aforeign language.

          In other areas outside of school I have taken on voluntary work withprimary schools and the Elderly, which has been a personal benefit, gainingconfidence in communication and an overall great satisfaction from my work. Ihave also taken part in fund raising for charities such as Marie Curie Cancercare. I am a keen artist and additionally have an enjoyment in singing, oftentaking part in school music competitions and choral singing.

          Along with my conscientious attitude to work and my approachable character,I would be an ideal addition to a psychology degree.

          Yours sincerely,












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