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      2. 新西蘭個(gè)人入學(xué)留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書(shū)

        時(shí)間:2022-06-04 19:34:38 申請(qǐng)書(shū) 我要投稿
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        Dear x,

          For example, you may choose to write on a social issue

          about which you are passionate, an experience that has greatly influencedyour life or taught you a valuable lesson, or about a challenge you haveovercome. These are only suggestions, however; the choice of topic is yours.

          "Saudi Arabia? That''s a country Daddy? Where is it? Is it going to be likeit is here? Are there going to be playgrounds and ice cream?"

          Those were just a few of the thoughts that began circulating through myseven- year old mind. I was born in upstate New York and raised in Maryland, yetof Lebanese origin. Out of nowhere, I learned that I would soon have to leave myfriends and the only place I had ever known existed; it turned my world upsidedown. I was just like any other seven-year old girl; obsessed with Barbies,playing dress-up with my mother''s clothes and jauntily leading a carefree life.I was a very curious young child, always feeling the need to know somethingabout everything. I was outgoing and sometimes a bit obnoxious, but then againwho wasn''t at the age of seven? Soon after I learned of our move to SaudiArabia, everything changed.

          I arrived in Saudi Arabia and experienced extreme culture shock. I learnedthat in public, women have to be covered from head to toe by wearing what theSaudis call an "abaya", which is a black cloak or gown that completely coversthe female body. Women are not allowed to drive, work, or closely interact withmen, and the weather is unbearably hot 11 months a year. The people spoke alanguage unfathomable to me and I was on the verge of a breakdown. In thisstrange, new country, I felt like a completely different person. I knewabsolutely no one. I went from being a happy, outgoing little girl to a girlwith no friends and no knowledge of anything around her, which of course was acompletely alien experience for me. What could Saudi Arabia possibly offer me?Was I ever going to learn to tolerate the vastly contrasting culture andlifestyle? The moment I saw the endless cascading mounds of sand and barrenearth, I was convinced that there was no way I was ever going to make friendswith people who were at home in this desolate and backwards country, whononetheless spoke a language completely foreign to me. I remember cryingeveryday, begging my parents to take me back home; a place where I was perfectlyhappy with everything and never complained. Soon enough however, I was placed inan American school in the middle of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Over the years, I metpeople who had also just moved from their countries and we all turned to eachother to share our thoughts and experiences in our new "home." Up until theninth grade, I remained a shy and reserved individual, as there wasn''t much fora young girl to do in a strict and religious country like Saudi Arabia; or so Ithought. It was not until my freshman year that I broke out of my tiny,introverted bubble and began taking an active role in my school surroundings. Ibegan getting myself involved in competitive school team sports such asbasketball and soccer; went on an international study trip with the school toSwitzerland and traveled around the kingdom as a member of Saudi Arabia''sAll-Kingdom Band playing the trombone with proud fluency. I even managed toacquire the country''s native language, Arabic, and began to learn more about myreligion - Islam. I soon established friendships with individuals from variouscountries such as Canada, Egypt, Jordan, United States of America, South Africa,Brazil and Pakistan, just to name a few. The people helped me adjust to thecountry, despite its desert-like climate and strict rules. Over time, we sharedaspects of our cultures and traditions, in addition to realizing that we allhave our similarities and differences. We developed a profound tolerance andrespect for the country we were currently living in. I soon realized that therelationships I had developed in this country were the friendships that I wouldvalue and cherish the most in the future. All of us being foreigners in SaudiArabia led us to come closer together and to confide in one another. I wasslowly becoming my younger self again; outgoing, active and most importantly,happy. Looking back at my experience in Saudi Arabia, I have become aware ofwhat the country has offered me and I find myself taking back the feelings ofresentment that I had towards my parents for moving to this country, as well asthe harsh feelings I first developed towards the country itself.

          After living in Saudi Arabia for approximately eleven years, I am happy tosay that I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience in the country, and haverealized that during my years in Saudi Arabia, I have had a unique opportunityto live overseas and meet people from different backgrounds, religions, andcultures. As a guest in the country, I have learned that Saudi Arabia hasoffered me the opportunity to experience a culture that is different from my ownin many ways, and this opportunity has allowed me to be open and to accept andtolerate different perspectives, traditions and beliefs. My exposure to thesedifferent nationalities in Saudi Arabia has built on my foundations of culturalawareness, rather than laying the cornerstone for it. I now see Saudi Arabia ina completely different light than when I had first moved to the country. I nolonger see it as a country that is part of the world, but a country that hasbrought the world to me.

          Yours sincerely,











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