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      2. 07-08學年度高二英語閱讀-寫作競賽

        發布時間:2016-1-2 編輯:互聯網 手機版


        說明:本試卷共8頁, 共7大題,全卷共100分。





        2.考生務必用黑色鋼筆(圓珠筆),將答案寫在答題卷相應的位置上, 答在試題卷上無效。


        根據下列句子中所給出的首字母或漢語提示, 寫出以下單詞,并將答案填寫在答題卷上相應的位置。(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)

        1. He thinks (收集) stamps is fun and very interesting.

        2. They have given each other advice and s many happy moments of their experiences.

        3. When telephone became c , they often phoned each other.

        4. His inability to speak English puts him at a (不利的條件) when he

        attends international conferences.

        5. Nowadays more and more people have enough money to live a c life.

        6. I’m not f__________ with the city, for this is my first visit here.

        7.Once you are in the lab, you must follow your teacher’s __________ (指導).

        8. As teenagers, you shouldn’t get into the h__________ of sleeping in.

        9.If you want to sell your sofa, why not put an ___________ (廣告) in the local paper?

        10. History, as well as biology, can tell us the o__________ of life on earth.



        Maria and Paul were making their favorite dinner, macaroni and cheese. The pot of water

        (11) (begin) to boil on the stove when She reached for the salt, with her eyes were on the recipe.

        “Ow!” she shrieked (尖叫). Her hand had hit the edge of the pot. She started to run for the first-aid cream. “Wait!” Paul shouted. “Use this (12) .” He reached for a plant on the window sill. He quickly tore off a little piece. He squeezed the juice onto Maria’s (13)


        In a few seconds, the pain stopped . There was no blister. There was only a little red spot. The “magic” plant was an aloe. Paul remembered (14) his grandmother had told him about this instant cure for burns. Grandmother had told him about (15) plants from Mexico, too. There were plants to use for sores and bites and coughs and fevers. Growing certain plants could be like having a special medicine chest!

        By (16) 1750s, the Native Americans’ way of life had been changed by Europeans. Some things (17) were brought to America, such as deadly diseases, were not good. Other changes helped improve life for the Native Americans.

        The Native Americans started to use iron kettles and steel knives, rather than use tools of stones and bones. They had before used only dogs (18) work animals. Now they had horses. They learned to raise horses as well as chickens and sheep. From sheep’s wool, some tribes wove beautiful rugs with special designs.

        The Native Americans began to need their new neighbours. They wanted to trade furs to get better tools. Most of them stopped (19) their own pottery and tools. These arts were no longer passed on from parents to (20) . Soon the young workers had forgotten the old ways.

        Many Native Americans did not want the settlers moving father into their lands. But they had learned to want the settlers’ supplies.

        三、閱讀理解: (共12小題;每小題2分,滿分24分)



        Agricultural scientists in the United States have put a copy of a human gene into pigs, sheep and rabbits. They report that the gene seems to be working in some of the animals. The gene that the scientists are using controls the production of human growth hormone (荷爾蒙),a chemical necessary for growth.

        They are using the human gene because it has been more closely studied than any other growth gene. The scientists hope their work will someday result in food animals that grow faster and larger or produce more milk or eggs. The research is being done by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Washington and the United States Department of agriculture. The scientists put copies of human growth hormone into the fertilized eggs of the female animals. When baby animals were born from the eggs, the scientists looked for evidence that the human gene had become part of the animal’s genetic material. They examined almost 200 baby pigs and found the gene in 20 of them. They found it in 28 of more than 200 rabbits, but it was in only one of 73 baby sheep. The scientists said they found the human growth chemical produced by the gene in some of the animals.

        It is too soon to know if the animals will pass the transplanted human growth gene to their young, proving that the gene has become permanent (永久的) part of their genetic material. Similar research with mice two years ago produced a new kind of mouse that is two times larger than normal. The scientists hope the same thing will happen with farm animals. They say their research will permit other gene transplants that can give animals defense against diseases, or let them live in very hot or very cold places. American farmers already use chemical hormones to increase the size of cattle and the amount of milk they produce. But they have to put the hormones into the cows. If the gene transplants are fully successful, the cow’s body will produce growth hormone.

        21. Where did the scientists put copies of human growth hormone into?

        A. All kinds of animals.

        B. Pigs, sheep and dogs.

        C. Both male and female animals.

        D. The fertilized eggs of the pigs, sheep and rabbits.

        22. What did the scientists expect from their research?

        A. The growth gene will make the new farm animals look like their parents and the animals will produce

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