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      2. 戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)與和平英文讀后感

        時(shí)間:2022-08-19 12:25:25 讀后感 我要投稿




          戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)與和平英文讀后感 篇1

          If we say that when I was holding "War and Peace" This book is, with respect mood , then, when I read "War and Peace" this book, I heart it can not be quiet for a long time. Because, before that, on the Russian writer Lev? Tolstoy "War and Peace", I have heard a lot of that today, when I complete the study of "War and Peace" after the novel of the novel and its author had a deeper understand .

          Russian writer Lev Tolstoy is one of the world no one can almost anywhere else in the a great writer. He literary creation, not only numerous, but the rich genre known as the 19th century social life of Russia encyclopedia as a mirror reflection of the real Russian social life during that period all the contradictions and the great social change.

          "War and Peace" by Paul, Bezuhov, Rostov, Huaxi in the four noble family in the years of war and peace life for plot clues, vividly demonstrated from 1805 to 1820 inter - Russia Austrian coalition with the French army in Austerlitz battle, the French invasion of Russia, Moscow fire rout the army of Napoleon and a series of important historical events, showing the soldiers patriotism and heroism spirit, extolling the spirit of the Russian people and the people of enemy forces a great victory. Spectacular scenes, structural clarity, with a strong sense of the times. Experience the deepest is that the novel is very vivid characters, rich character.

          Andrew personality as introverted, strong-willed, strong social activities; Pierreemotional, lack of practical activities, more emphasis on moral ideals pursuit; heroine Natasha is Emotion is a rich, vibrant, loving nature, closer to the people, with national temperament a woman. They defend the homeland, war has been tempered and the growth of the main characters in the image of these have a higher recognize the value and aesthetic value. By Kula payments on behalf of court nobles greed, hypocrisy and degradation personality, has been portrayed by the naked, and carried out a ruthless whipping.

          I think, "War and Peace" This novels, for me, though a bit esoteric but fresh, but through this study, I do the world's masterpiece of the initial understanding and the desire to learn.

          戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)與和平英文讀后感 篇2

          War and Peace is a novel about Napoleon, the famous French emperor and the number one general in Europe, who led a 76,000 strong French army to attack Czarist Russia. Russia was in a corrupt period at that time, because of the incompetence of the upper leaders, the Russian army was losing ground. In a short time, the Russian army of more than one hundred thousand troops was suddenly broken, and the French army under the leadership of Napoleon pressed the Russian capital Moscow step by step, and stretched the front to more than 70 kilometers.

          As Napoleon's army drew nearer to Moscow, Nikolay and Andrey, both duke, threw themselves into the army to defend Moscow, in spite of the objections of their parents and relatives.

          In one battle, when confusion arose among the Russian army, the French suddenly attacked. At this moment, as a battalion commander, Andrey saw his motherland's army retreating, and his patriotic heart suddenly rose. He grabbed the flag from the hands of the flag bearer, rode his horse, and ran forward as fast as he could, Shouting loudly: "Hurrah, hurrah!" I did not know what he meant, but it roused the army to fight, and strengthened the idea of encircling the capital. Later, he himself was unfortunately wounded by the cannon, but he is always in the fight, for the honor and disgrace of his motherland and bravely struggle, regardless of his own life, even if it is to give his young and precious life is also willing to.

          In the past five thousand years, the Chinese nation has not also produced many people for the sake of national dignity and rise and fall.

          When opium was rampant in China, Lin Zexu boldly requested the Guangxu Emperor to destroy opium. When the British came to retaliate, Lin Zexu led his army to defend Fuzhou, leaving the British with no way out. During the battle with Britain, Guan Tianpei personally led his soldiers to attack the British fleet with cannons on Humen. When the British army mounted the fort, Guan Tianpei drew his broadsword and rushed to the British army. Finally, he was stabbed several times and died unyielding.

          Over time, the change of history, every dynasty from prosperity to decline, whenever a dynasty decline, there will be a new dynasty instead of the decline of dynasties, the new dynasty are made by those concerns for the national rise and fall of people, they do not want to see their country because of the inability of rulers and failure ruined this beautiful home, They are going to save this home with their actions. They did not hesitate to use their lives to overthrow those corrupt court, to establish a self-strengthening, strong and vigorous country to defend the territorial integrity of the motherland and not by foreign forces of aggression, so that the Chinese nation 5,000 years of excellent culture can be preserved.

          Premier Zhou at the age of 12, on the rise of China and set up the heroic language of reading, Dr. Sun Yat-sen also in his teens set up lofty ideals. What about us now? Many people are addicted to the online virtual world and neglect their studies. How does that work? We should learn from Zhou Enlai, Dr. Sun Yat-sen patriotic spirit, the construction of the motherland more prosperous!

          戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)與和平英文讀后感 篇3

          War and Peace is one of the masterpieces of Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. Tolstoy spent more than a decade writing his landmark book, published between 1865 and 1869, about events in Napoleonic Russia (now Russia) in Europe. War and Peace has been regarded as one of the world's greatest novels ever since it was published.

          The story centers on the Great Patriotic War of 1812 and reflects the major events from 1805 to 1820, including the Battle of Austerlitz, the Battle of Borodino, the Fire of Moscow, and the retreat of Napoleon. Through the description of the thoughts and actions of the four big families and Andrei, Pierre and Natasha in the environment of war and peace, it shows the style of Russian society at that time. In "War and Peace," there are as many as 559 characters, each of them flesh and blood, each with its own unique personality, and full of the throb of life, human joy, pain, all kinds of inner thoughts -- in this painting everything. Only Homer can match its epic rhythm and broad horizons.

          Some people say that Tolstoy wrote War and Peace as an opportunity to find a way out of Russian society, but I have always found this view too one-sided. A really great novel, I think, should be all-encompassing, not just limited to a small purpose. From War and Peace, we can learn a lot of things, including philosophy, history, political science, economics, military science and even religion, etc., all of which, taken together, constitute a huge ideological system. This system is subjective and objective at the same time. It is subjective, because he Tolstoy's thinking and summary, many places are marked with the "Tortolian brand"; It is objective, because it does not impose on people, but has a subtle influence on people, so that people in the "support" and gradually highlight their own personality.

          On the other hand, I also think that Tolstoy's vision is so high and far-sighted that he may not have paid much attention to the so-called politics of mankind. Ultimately, Tolstoy's concern should have been with the broader spiritual and timeless. More than once in "War and Peace" Tolstoy uses the brains of Pierre and Andrei to explore this question, and the end result of the discussion, he does not tell us, which is the objective point. He seems to want us to think for ourselves and figure it out. However, people's thoughts are different, everyone has their own views and opinions, so, all read "War and peace" people, are in the heart to construct a belong to their own "War and Peace".

          It should be said that the greatest achievement of "War and Peace" is its intellectual quality, which is unparalleled. But in other ways, its achievements are just as remarkable.

          In terms of structure, it would have been very difficult to handle such a vast work, but Tolstoy was able to weave his artistic genius between war and peace in an orderly manner. Moreover, Tolstoy seems to be particularly adept at portrayals of big, difficult scenes -- wars, balls, banquets -- in which he can tell everyone's personality and psychology in a few words, without giving a sense of confusion that no other writer can match.

          "War and Peace" has given me many things, including the theory of the universe, the inspiration of life and spiritual comfort. I have always liked the character of Pierre, and have treated him as a bosom friend in spirit. He is easy-going, kind, uninhibited, greedy for enjoyment but not aristocratic lordliness. He is often immersed in the spiritual world and seems to be out of his mind. All these characteristics make me feel kind. Natasha was lovely, but a little flirtatious, and was tempted by Anatole to give up her love for Andrey. Natasha was much calmer and more mature after the war, but at the same time she had lost her former liveliness and cheerfulness. Andrea, on the other hand, was cold, clever, kind, sensitive, but often lacking Pierre's forbearance, and often regretting it. It's a shame Andre died, but we couldn't have asked for a better ending for him, because he came to his senses when he died.

          There are many wonderful scenes in "War and Peace" that are worth pondering, such as Natasha's farewell to Pierre when the Rostovs move out of Moscow because of the war. Natasha, putting her head out of the window, saw Pierre hurrying past in his dirty clothes, and greeted him. They talked briefly, and Pierre, careless with his love for Natasha and his consideration of his situation, waved goodbye to Natasha: "Tomorrow, no! Good-bye, good-bye." Then he stopped and fell behind the carriage. Natasha, for a moment, put her head out of the window and smiled kindly and cheerfully at Pierre as he went away.

          I was particularly moved by this paragraph. Although their conversation was very flat and there was hardly anything surprising, I could still feel the love between people under the shadow of war. Especially Pierre's words: "Tomorrow, no! Good-bye, good-bye." More valuable. He seemed to feel that the parting, that Natasha would never see him again, that the war was drawing near, that the morrow was uncertain, and that he had spoken so carelessly and so painfully. It is hard to say how much is achieved by setting too many goals in one's life, for even one's life sometimes does not go according to one's plan. It is like when two armies go to war, the arrangements are very careful, the drawings are very detailed, and then the troops somehow get confused. Read the diary of the Chinese boy fighting in Iraq, the air force promised to blow up a sugar factory, give the order, the countdown

          At the beginning, we spread out 500 meters, the young man left a mind, back a kilometer. Sure enough, a few bombs down, smoky, all around the building fell, sugar mill grain silk did not move.

          Tolstoy's message is, don't fight it, the world is a big place, and you have to learn to go with the flow. What will be will be.

          戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)與和平英文讀后感 篇4

          Recently, I read a book called War and Peace.

          Since its publication, War and Peace has been called "the greatest novel in the world".

          This volumous work vividly describes the major historical events and various life fields of Russian society from 1805 to 1820 with epic breadth and vigor. War and Peace shocked the world literary circle with its grand conception and excellent artistic description, and became a world-famous literary masterpiece and a precious spiritual wealth of mankind. British writer Somerset Maugham and Nobel laureate Romain Rolland hailed it as "one of the two greatest novels ever written" and "the greatest epic of our time, the Iliad of modern times". In the whole history of Russian literature, War and Peace is the first novel of all-European significance. When it was first published, readers in Europe and around the world were surprised and shocked. People are not only interested in the people and things in the novel, but also the huge artistic expression reflected by the novel. War and Peace constitutes a benchmark for the rise of Russian fiction and Russian literature as a whole. Nearly thousand people, countless scenes, all possible field of national and private life, history, war, all the tragedies, all kinds of lust, all phases of life, from the crying of the babies born to respired old feelings finally burst, people can feel all the joy and pain, a variety of possible inner thoughts, From the feeling of a thief who steals his fellow's money, to the noblest impulses of heroism, to the profoundest contemplations -- it has it all. In one day's work, Tolstoy navigated between war and peace, psychology and society, history and philosophy, marriage and religion, with distinct priorities and originality. In fact, one's life does not have to read too many books, there are seven or eight books is enough; But two or three thousand books must be read in order to find the seven or eight that are most worth reading.

          Among the thousands of literary masterpieces, War and Peace, a great work by a great writer, is undoubtedly one of the few books we should read most.

          Gorky once said: "You can't know Russia if you don't know Tolstoy."

          戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)與和平英文讀后感 篇5

          Read the "Tolstoy biography" after reading "Leo Tolstoy biography" feel a great soul, a hundred years ago in Russia on the earth issued a flame, the most pure luster shining on our hearts. In the dark twilight of the late nineteenth century, it was a soothing giant whose gaze was enough to sound the heart and soothe the hearts of our youth.

          How many people in France think of him not just as a beloved artist, but as a friend, a friend, a true friend in all Europa art -- Lev? Tolstoy's rough face was long and heavy, with short hair on his forehead, small eyes, broad nose, big protruding lips and broad ears. He felt miserable in his childhood because he could not change his ugly appearance. He went to school at a place called Kazan. His grades were mediocre. He was lonely. In his family's memory, several of Tolstoy's most distinctive characters in War and Peace were: his maternal grandfather, Prince Volkonsky the elder, a representative of the autocratic nobility of Catherine II's time; His mother, Princess Maria, a sweet, ugly woman with beautiful eyes, illumines War and Peace with the light of her kindness. Although he did not know his parents very well, he could at least retain some memories of his father. A kind, witty man, with melancholy eyes, who led an independent, unambitious life in his towns; Tolstoy was nine years old when his father died. This death made him understand for the first time the reality of misery, and his heart was filled with despair. Unconsciously, however, he was driven by youthful enthusiasm, intense emotion and exaggerated pride, so that this belief in the pursuit of perfection lost its utilitarian nature and became practical and material. Slowly he learned to indulge himself. In the end, one thing saved him: absolute sincerity, candor and kindness.

          Eventually he became a Russian writer in his own right. It is not circumstances, or encounters, that affect our success. It's whether we can keep a strong heart, an unyielding faith.

          戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)與和平英文讀后感 篇6

          The story of War and Peace takes place in the early 19th century. The novel takes the war between Russia and France as the background, restoring the history of Russia at that time and the whole picture of the life of all social strata. Leo Tolstoy writes powerfully about the life of all classes in Russia, based on the lives of four great families. This reminds me of Cao Xueqin's "A Dream of Red Mansions", which also reflects the social landscape at that time with four big families as the background. The difference is that Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is set during the Russo-French war. Although the novel after a hundred years, but is still one of the world's favorite classic reading, it crosses the boundaries of time and space, let us read is still shocking.

          The war theme also comes from his life, because Tolstoy himself was a soldier. He had fought in real battles, and the war scenes in his novels were his own experiences, so he was at home in the war genre. The characters described in the novel have distinct personalities and are very accurate in characterization. Natasha was a passionate woman who loved life and loved and hated; Andre has a strong will and is a brave soldier. He has a calm personality and is good at social communication, which makes me see the shadow of Tolstoy. In reality, Tolstoy is also keen on social communication. Pierre, on the other hand, is unsociable, straightforward and emotional. The author also depicts the patriotism of the soldiers through the cruel war, which forms a strong contrast with the hypocrisy and vanity of the officers of the court and nobility, and is Tolstoy's naked criticism of them.

          Tolstoy, whom Lenin had called a genius artist, expressed his compassion for the toiling masses in his own way. He was the most soulful writer, a genius who had studied the inner world thoroughly, and only such a man could write such a magnificent work.

          戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)與和平英文讀后感 篇7

          Leo Tolstoy is generally regarded as the greatest Russian writer. His long works War and Peace, Anna Karenina and Resurrection are three milestones in Tolstoy's literature and art. War and Peace, a great book by a great writer, is undoubtedly one of the few books we should read. Gorky once said: "You can't know Russia if you don't know Tolstoy."

          Since its publication, War and Peace has been called "the greatest novel in the world". This unitv magnum opus in the epic, broad and powerful momentum, vividly describes the major historical events in Russian society from 1805 to 1820, the big four nobles in the war still enjoy peace and quiet life, they want to look for opportunities to build their own exploits in the war, and glory, but at the bottom of the Russian people's lives with hot water, Not only Russia, but also France, which launched the war, suffered from the bottom of the people. Tolstoy used the different living conditions of war and peace to express the deep sympathy of the people who suffered in the war, and let us cherish the peaceful life more!

          Napoleon had outstanding political and military talents, but the wars he launched also brought disasters to human beings. In a word, a great politician can reflect talent and evil. In 1805, Napoleon started the war, and Russia also started the war. When the war came, the Russian aristocrats and the lower people rose up against it, but most of the aristocrats were for honor and war achievements, while the common people were to protect the country. After the war, regardless of the outcome, the upper class still live a life of luxury and dance happily. But in this Great Patriotic War, the young men of the Russian aristocracy also had a different idea, and they were exposed to the capitalist system and way of life of European civilization, and ideas were changing.

          In the historical background of war and peace, Russia was still a slave country. When the capitalism of Western civilization infiltrated in, they suffered a heavy blow. A big country still had to be impacted and oppressed by a powerful small country, which of course also brought opportunities for Russia's social progress.

          After reading the whole book, if the spark in my heart bursts and burns the whole heart, not only the fluency of the novel and the scene is full of charm, but also the description of truth, goodness and beauty, the waves of love, people's patriotic feelings and so on, the kind of life and war. This kind of scene permeates every section, and its expression of historical view, the relationship between the role of human in history and historical thrust contains multi-level philosophy.

          戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)與和平英文讀后感 篇8

          "With human love to love, we can turn from love to hate; But divine love cannot change. Neither death nor anything can destroy it. It is the essence of the mind."

          If I held the book "War and Peace" with reverence, then, when I finished the book "War and peace", my heart is not calm for a long time. Because, prior to this, the great Russian writer Lev? Tolstoy's war and peace ", I have heard many, today, when I learn completely "war and peace" after the novel of the novel and its author had a deeper understanding. "war and peace" by Paul Christian okonsky, don't ZuHuoFu, rostov, four noble family in west China in the war and peace s life for plot clues, Vividly shows from 1805 to 1820, the Russian President allied with the French army at the battle of austerlitz, napoleon's army, the French army invaded Russia, Moscow fire rout, and a series of major historical events, the soldiers' spirit of patriotism and heroism, sing praises to the russians the uniting spirit and the great victory of the people's power. The scene is spectacular, the structure is clear and has a strong sense of The Times. What I feel most is that the characters in this novel are very distinct and full of personality. For example, Andrew was introverted, determined and had strong social activities. Piel was outspoken and emotional, lacking in practical activity, and focused more on the pursuit of moral ideals. The heroine Natasha is an emotional, vibrant, love nature, close to the people, with national temperament of the woman.

          They have been trained and grown up in the war of defending the motherland, and these main characters have high cognitive value and aesthetic value. The greedy, hypocritical and depraved personalities of the court aristocrats represented by Kuragin were also starkly depicted and mercilessly whipped. Centering on the Great Patriotic War of 1812, it reflects a series of major events at that time. What's more, we can learn a lot of things, including philosophy, history, politics, economics, military science and even religion, etc., all of which, taken together, form a huge system of thought.

          I had a habit of closing my eyes throughout the book, with only a few characters so real and vivid in my mind that I couldn't get out of my head. These characters run through the plot of the whole book. They have different ideas and personalities. In their different life trajectories, they have experienced a baptism of physical and mental war and peace.

          I can't help but think about Pierre, he gave me the impression is too deep just returned from abroad, in high society does chaos of food on the life of Pierre again in his life road real play a role too: nobles, bastard, super rich, officialdom poor political tool, public welfare, the prisoner of war, the aggressors friend, a good husband.

          After reading this book, I came up with a lot of feelings, such as: when I was young, I always feel that the war is not a bad thing, because the war can not only plunder the territory of other countries, but also can increase prestige, really kill two birds with one stone! After reading "War and Peace," every time I turn to the pages of the brutal war,

          Read "War and peace", you really will understand, associate with a lot of very I think, "War and peace" such a novel, for me, although a little esoteric and fresh, but through this study, I have a preliminary understanding of such world classics and desire to learn.

          Read this book, my feelings are very deep, before, I was very naive to think, how good war! War can not only plunder the country, but also increase prestige, really kill two birds with one stone! "War and Peace" made me understand the cruelty of war, the beauty of peace, peace is the most valuable, when the smoke curling up on the land of peace, it means the beginning of war -- people have to leave their homes,

          There was a look of terror in the children's eyes, and no food, no water, no food, everything was so shocking, terrible, peace, what a holy word!

          Our world has a law, is competition, some people use the word bad nature to describe our nature, but we should realize that if we do not have this "bad nature". Then our world is stuck in ancient times. Had it not been for the Qin Dynasty's brutal war to unify China. Our China would not exist, maybe we are still living in primitive tribal times. What about now, do you think the situation will always be the same in 200 countries around the world? I think human beings may be patient to maintain this slightly peaceful situation, but war is bound to break out in the foreseeable future. If there is no war for human beings forever, let's look at the history first. Our ancestors may think that there will still be the sea on the other side of the sea, without people, it is an endless sea. But? We now know that there are not only "Chinese" people in the world, there are countless nationalities and races. Such diversity allows us to strive to build our country in the complex psychology of envy, envy and rejection in order to live better than others. Will the world not be unified according to the law of history? At that time, just like the period after the ancient Chinese people's reunification, we thought that "the world was at peace", but what about outside China? Other places are developing, too. They're not empty. That our earth, we must recognize that in the universe is not only the earth with fertile soil a straw, not to mention the universe is a nearly infinite space, which is the probability of life will be very big, the universe by far not change his rule - to grow in the competition, growth after the war, after the war is unified, unified face to or after the competition, and growth.

          "Did I fall... All I know is, I don't have to run with a flag anymore

          Run.. No more war to worry about..." Prince Andrey lay still on the ground. This is a war, a war for the sake of faith, perhaps the emperor thought that this is only a war about honor and disgrace as a house, then is wrong. If the struggle is not a war, it is not a war. Others are bleeding on the battlefield, and the emperor is shameless enough to say, "I will prepare meat and wine. You prepare for war." This is most deplorable. Emperors are slaves of history. So, is it? People are dying. He can say things like that.

          "Did the bridge blow up?" "Asked the officer. "Of course." "Said another officer complacently. "At what cost? Not worth mentioning. Two wounded and one dead."

          The officer gave a nonchalant shrug. See here, involuntarily clenched fists, there is such as life as a child's play? But then I thought, isn't that what war is? Death and injury are certain to have, but, this kind of life as a joke, indifferent to the lives of others, is not only the officer class of people can do it? Today, on the battlefield, you charge, tomorrow at this time, you may sleep in the full of blood of the monastery.

          War is the most barbaric act that dehumanizes people. Why should we think of love, poetry, philosophy and other things that are the most civilized of human beings? I don't think there's anything wrong with that. The war that is already formed for the faith is not the battle, and then talking about the good thing, it is the conflict. But again, I think there is nothing wrong with talking about these wonderful things at this time. To tell you the truth, I admire Pierre very much. In any case, gentle but not cowardly. He seemed like a good match. In the most difficult time, think of not despair, but beautiful afterglow. His life as the Duke of Bekhosff was full of drama.

          This novel interspersed in the upper society, not limited to a corner of the novel, the scene is magnificent, is the reason why he became a classic. The characters are so distinctive that they are hard to forget. Pierre, Andrei, Nikolay, and so on, seemed to be able to touch, if only through time and space, the blood, the real sorrow, the hope for the future, which was thus laid out before one's eyes. Born,

          People's various desires, the ugly side of the display. Lust, lust, more. Kuturav, too, did not care to be told that he was a one-eyed man, and that he had served his country with great military devotion. In the end, however, because of the dissatisfaction of others, the military handed over control. "My time has finally passed?" he muttered. . Perhaps, as Leo Tolstoy said in War and Peace: Everyone has flaws, just like an apple bitten by God, and some people have bigger flaws, just because God loves his fragrance. Perhaps he is the apple that is bitten by God especially much, therefore, he is the most loved by God that person.

          The prelude to peace always requires bloodshed and sacrifice. Whether the sun will rise tomorrow, no one knows. In the small workshop Natasha and Andrei exchanged human forgiveness. When the war was over, Napoleon's time was over, and the Austrians had won, everyone knew that the real dawn had come at last. Yes, it is coming, after the baptism of war, when the tune of peace is played, the melody is particularly happy and moving.

          Weddings, children, it's human nature, it's a time of true peace. The last sentence, let a person feel a lot: I can do, but is to make the people who love me feel happy. Those were the sentiments of little Nikolay, the words of that thin boy of fifteen. Yes, now that there is peace, all we can do is make those who love me happy.

          Say goodbye to deformed absolute values. To love, to integrate, to forgive, to understand; Not to ruthless, to divide, to antagonize, to bring down. This is probably the greatest novel in the world.

          戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)與和平英文讀后感 篇9

          I had heard of Lev. Tolstoy wrote this great book "War and Peace", so I read this book with reverence, after reading this book my mind is full of thoughts, this book really reflects all the contradictions and changes of 19th century Russian society.

          Paul Christian okonsky book mainly introduces to us, don't ZuHuoFu, rostov, four noble family in west China and of life in peacetime to plot clues, fully show the 1805 ~ 1820, the Russian President allied with France to resist touching story, the French army invaded Russia, Moscow fire, all the Russian people are very angry, No longer for the sake of the French army invaded his homeland, the national people's unite together, work together, all the soldiers on the battlefield to kill, while many people died in the battlefield, but they don't have a complaint, because they loved their country, to the country's reputation, they are willing to sacrifice, from here, I experienced the patriotism of the soldiers, Praising the great spirit of Russian heroism, it is the spirit of the wise Napoleon against the Russian army, the Russian army was unstoppable, Napoleon had to lead his army, fled in a panic.

          Some of the protagonists in this book also left a deep impression on me: Prince Andrey, introverted and determined, sacrificed his young and precious life for the war; Pierre was frank. He was not beguiled by his father's fortune, but decided to join the army; Kutuzov was an excellent commander, and led his men to victory; The heroine Natasha is an emotional person who loves nature.

          After reading this book, I know how important peace is, we don't let war destroy our happiness, let the harmony over this happy world.

          戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)與和平英文讀后感 篇10

          The story of War and Peace is centered on the Great Patriotic Campaign of 1812 and reflects the serious events from 1805 to 1820, including the Battle of Austerlitz, the Battle of Borodino, the Great Fire of Moscow, and Napoleon's retreat. Through the description of the four big families and Andrey, Pierre, Natasha's thinking and behavior in the battle and peace environment, it shows the face of Russian society at that time. There are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand readers, reading has not the same feeling, today Xiaobian to bring us a "war and peace" after reading the model essay, take a look at the different feelings.

          The Russian writer Lev? Tolstoy is an infinite writer whose beauty can hardly be equalled in the world. His literary creation is not only numerous, but also rich in genre. It is known as the encyclopaedia of Russian social life in the 19th century. It is like a mirror that truly reflects all the antagonism and endless social changes of Russian social life in that period.

          If when I hold "War and peace" this book, is with respect, then, when I read "war and peace" this book, my heart can not be calm for a long time. Because, prior to this, the great Russian writer Lev? I have heard a lot about Tolstoy's "War and Peace". Today, when I have thoroughly studied the novel "War and Peace", I have a deeper understanding of the novel and its author.

          What is most appreciated is that the characters in this novel are very obvious and full of personality. For example, Andrew was introverted, determined and had strong social activities. Pierre was outspoken, emotive, lacking in practical activity, and focused more on the pursuit of moral aspirations; The heroine Natasha is an emotional, lively, love nature, close to the citizens, with the national temperament of the female. They have been trained and grown in the battle of defending the motherland, and these principal figures have high understanding value and aesthetic value. And the greed, hypocrisy and degenerate personality of the court aristocrats represented by Kuragin were also described naked and mercilessly lashed out.

          "War and peace" by Paul Christian okonsky, don't ZuHuoFu, rostov, four noble family in west China in the day of battle and peace time to plot clue, vividly shows from 1805 to 1820, the Russian President allied with the French army at the battle of austerlitz, the French invasion of Russia, Moscow, fire, severe napoleon military retreat and a series of historical events, It embodies the patriotic and heroic energy of the soldiers, and eulogizes the infinite triumph of Russian energy and civic strength against the enemy. Magnificent scene, clear structure, with a strong sense of The Times.

          I think, "War and peace" such a novel, for me, although a little difficult and fresh, but after this study, I have the beginning of such a world famous understanding and learning desire.











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