1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>

      2. 實(shí)用文檔>高二英語第一單元導(dǎo)學(xué)案設(shè)計(jì)


        時(shí)間:2022-07-04 03:29:02




          課 題Unit 1 living

          4。 I shw sincere cngratulatins n ur g______ fr Beiing Universit。

          5。 M e______ daughter is at universit nw but the ther ne is at schl。

          6。 I _____________(祝賀)u n ur electin。

          7。 Sunshine is _____________(有益)t plants。

          8。 He frwns when he is ______________。(頗為生氣)

          9。 hn and Mie are twins, but the l_______ is taller than the frer。

          10。 Mne __________ nthing t her。

          11。 Ever ne f us shuld tr ur best t help peple with ____________。(傷殘)

          12。 The newcers wh aren’t failiar with their b need advice and __________(幫助)。

          13。 Li Hua was nl Chinese _________ (同伴)during sta in Austria。 14。 He was __________ (傷殘) in the car accident。

          15He supprted that cuntr's____(進(jìn)入)int the Eurpean Cn Maret。

          16 .________(同伴的)wrers helped e rush her t the hspital。

          1 7.The teacher punished the________(吵鬧的)children b aing the sta after schl。

          18.When ne falls in value, there is n________(鼓勵(lì))t save。 19.His________(無能)prevents hi fr hlding a b。

          20.I thin I a rather ______。 I en wring with thers。

          21.I wrte an excuse fr a________fr schl。

          22.Her a________was t bece a fil star。 9.His teper's been changeable this wee, s dn't a______hi。

          23.u are c________! u've nced ver cup f cffee!

          25.After g________, she becae a teacher。

          26.Last but nt least, there is the questin f a________funding。

          27.Mst f the windws here are pen ________。

          28.There are fur eergenc e____in the departent stre。

          29.The real d________f a an lies in what he is, nt in what he has。 30.There is ver little________(利潤)in selling newspapers at present。 31.I will d se vluntar wr fr ur________(社區(qū))this suer。

          32.On the lng urne, he prved hiself t be an ausing


          33.We________(祝賀)hi n his birthda tg

          II.Discuss and list se persns with disabilities wh live well ,then tell wh u thin s 。

          1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>