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      2. 實(shí)用文檔>Will people have robots 教案

        Will people have robots 教案

        時(shí)間:2022-05-05 21:45:49

        Will people have robots 教案

        Will people have robots 教案

        Will people have robots 教案

          unit 1 will people have robots ?

          i.programmes for the unit

          1.teaching goals

          (1)learn to make predictions.

          (2)learn the future indefinite

          (3)talk about past present and future.

          2.target language

          (1)what do you think sally will be in five years?

          (2)i think every home will have a robot.

          (3)will kids go to school .they ’ll study at home on computers.

          (4)there will be fewer trees.

          3. a diagram for topic words

          quantities more ,less,fewer…..

          future life

          robot, paper, money, free time, pollution


          astronaut, rocket, space, station, moon

          4.a diagram for topic thingking and task-based activity

          task one : life in the future

          future life

          task two: dream in the future

          task three: future predictions

          ii.teaching time :seven periods


         、.teaching aims

          1.knowledge aims:

         、.words: robot, paper, use , less, fewer, tree, building, space, fly, moon…

         、 conversation:

          a: will people use money in 100 years?

          b: no, they won’t. everything will be free. will people live to be 200 years old?

          a: yes, they will.

          2.ability aims:

          ⑴ learn to talk about the future using will.

         、 learn to make predictions.

          3. emotion aims: learn to study hard.

          ii. main points

          1.what do you think life will be like in 100 years?

          2.every home will have a robot.

          3. will kids go to school? no, they won’t. they’ll study at home.

          4.there will be fewer trees.

          iii. difficult points

          there will be …

          iv.teaching method

          task-based teaching method

          v. teaching aids: radio, pictures.


          instructional designmodification and remarks


          warming up


          2).free talk.: arouse the ss’ interesting of learning and make a comfortable situation for the students.



          learn the key words.enable the ss learn to share the information in their groups. lead in

          1)ask students to think about the life in the future , they may talk about it in chinese when necessary.

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