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      2. 龍巖永定土樓英語導(dǎo)游詞

        時(shí)間:2021-09-13 17:40:45 導(dǎo)游詞 我要投稿





          This time, let's witness the so-called "living world heritage" - YongdingTulou! See the Hakka culture in Tulou. Now we are going to the Hakka Tulou.During this time, I will briefly introduce the Hakka Tulou to you. Hakka Tulouis located in the Yongding boundary of Longyan, Fujian Province. It is a uniquemagical mountain residential building in the world and a wonderful flower ofancient architecture in China. It has a long history, unique style, large scale,exquisite structure, warm in winter and cool in summer. It is a very uniquebuilding.

          Look at the earth buildings. The most conspicuous ones are round ones. Theyare like ancient official hats. They are welcoming tourists from all over theworld. It seems that they want us to have some official luck. Round earthbuildings are Hakka dwellings. The round building is generally composed of twoor three circles, from the inside to the outside, with rings covering eachother. Tulou is a precious heritage of Chinese civilization, reflecting thewisdom of the nation and a long culture. In the mountains of Yongding, there arethousands of Tulou, which is known as "a pearl of Oriental civilization". From adistance, we can't help sighing at the circular enclosure - "flying saucersfalling from the sky, mushrooms emerging from the ground". It is said that inthe 1960s and 1970s, US spy satellites took photos of China and were surprisedto find that there were many unidentified large-scale buildings, either round orsquare, distributed in the mountainous areas of Fujian Province. After analysis,they were considered as "missile launch bases", and China's military strengthcan not be underestimated. Only after the establishment of diplomatic relationsbetween China and the United States did the United States know that theso-called "missile launch base" was actually a typical Hakka residentialbuilding, Tulou!

          I hopped forward and introduced as I walked - the magnificent earthbuilding Prince "Zhencheng building" was displayed in front of us! The roundearth building is like a dish, a castle and an iron ring Approaching Zhenchengbuilding, you can see that it is a civil structure building made of clay andstone. Although there is no reinforced concrete, it is as strong as stone. Thethickest wall is more than one meter. Years have left cracks on the wall, makingthe earth building more simple. Standing at the gate of Zhencheng building,there are mountains in the back, flower beds, bamboo groves and streams in thefront. The flowers and plants match each other, and the flowing water murmurs.Under the blue sky, in the chirp of robins, and in the natural air conditioningwith gentle breeze, looking around, it is like a beautiful picture offairyland!

          Zhencheng building is mainly composed of two round buildings inside andoutside, forming a building with buildings inside and outside, which is veryspectacular. The outer building has four floors, with many rooms on each floor.In addition to ventilation, the upper floor has windows, which can also be usedto defend the enemy in ancient times. The bottom floor is the kitchen and diningroom, as well as the bath room and livestock pen. The most amazing thing is thatthere are two wells on the bottom floor, which are clear on one side and muddyon the other. Therefore, they are called "Yin Yang wells"; the second floor isthe grain warehouse, and the third and fourth floors are bedrooms. The floor ofthe corridor on each floor is paved with green bricks to achieve soundinsulation and fire prevention. The whole floor is composed of eight units. Eachunit is equipped with a staircase, and there are doors between the units. Thewonderful thing is that there is a fire wall between the units, and a fire willnot affect the whole building. The door of the building is made of wood about 10cm thick and nailed with iron plate, which can defend the enemy When attacking,even if the enemy attacks with fire, he will have nothing to do. Once the thiefenters the house, he can close the unit door with a bang, and then he will beable to catch a turtle in a jar. Earth buildings with the function of fireprevention, enemy prevention and earthquake prevention are not earth at all!

          Tulou village has beautiful mountains and waters, without the hustle andbustle of a big city. The winding ancient stone path, teahouses and shops on thestreet, and cooking smoke in Hakka houses all show a picture of the folk customsof Yongding town, giving people a simple and novel feeling. In addition, thereare the king of Tulou - Chengqi building, Tulou Princess - Zhenfu building, thesmallest Tulou - such as shenglou!

          Let's introduce it here! Of course, there are many places of interest inHaixi. Standing in a tall, strong and magical earth building, standing in themajestic mountains of the majestic mountains, before the solemn and sacredGutian site, aren't you proud of _ Haixi?

          Welcome to Haixi tourism again. I'll introduce you one by one!


          Come with me. The Yongding Tulou we are visiting today is located inLongyan City, Fujian Province. It is a unique magical mountain residentialbuilding in the world and a wonderful flower of ancient architecture in China.It has a long history, unique style, large scale and exquisite structure. It canbe divided into square and round. There are 360 round buildings and more than4000 square buildings. Because most of them were built by Hakka in Fujian, theyare also called hakka earth buildings.

          You see, the earth building in front of us is the most magnificent roundbuilding Zhencheng tower. It is built on the mountain and covers an area of 3000square meters. Let's touch the walls of this earth building. Is it very hard? Itcan be made of raw soil, glutinous rice and other materials through repeatedkneading and pressing. Tulou also has extraordinary functions: it has a largeand thick iron door, which can prevent fire, it also prevents smoke, becausethere is a long water channel above the door, if there is smoke, the water canpurify the air; it also has the function of earthquake resistance, because thewall of the Tulou is inclined inward, which produces a natural centripetal pull.If the Tulou is shaken out during an earthquake, it will be damaged If there isa big gap, then the cracks will slowly compound. Look at the small houses onboth sides. They are private schools and cigarette factories, which are used forteaching and making cigarettes. It seems that the ancient people were veryclever. They knew that they should pay attention to education and economy on onehand. You see, at the front door of Zhencheng building, there is a pair offamous couplets: when you are young, when you are strong, when you are old, youhave to work hard all the time. It is not easy to become famous. Family affairs,state affairs, world affairs, everything should be concerned. This is the originof Zhencheng. Now, let's have a free activity.

          That's all for today's tour of Yongding Tulou. I wish you a pleasantjourney!


          Hello, tourists. I'm the tour guide of your trip to West Fujian. My name isLi. You can call me Xiao Li. Here, on behalf of our happy travel agency, Iwelcome you to visit West Fujian. Today, I'll serve you with Master Zhang, whohas been driving for more than ten years. You can rest assured. Master Zhang andI are all Hakkas. We all know that we Hakkas are the most hospitable. So todaywe especially hope that you can have a good time in Minxi, eat at ease and liveat ease,! Believe in our beautiful scenery of West Fujian

          It will leave you an unforgettable impression.

          Today we are going to visit the world cultural heritage Fujian Tulou. OnJuly 7, 20xx, Fujian Tulou successfully applied for world heritage. Fujian Tulouis mainly divided into Yongding Tulou group, Nanjing Tulou group and Hua'anTulou group. Today we are visiting Yongding Tulou. In Yongding County, there aremore than 30 kinds of earth buildings, more than 20000 of which are mainlysquare, round and mansion style. They are well-known as "the hometown of earthbuildings". Some people say Yongding Tulou looks like a full stop, but it leadsto innumerable question marks and exclamation marks. Now let's take a look athow this building, which looks like a full stop, makes people issue countlessquestion marks and exclamation marks.

          Dear tourists, due to the time constraint, Yongding Tulou can not bevisited one by one. Today, I will show you the "Prince of Tulou" - Zhenchengbuilding. Please follow me. Zhencheng building was built in 1912, which tookfive years to complete. It cost 80000 Guangyang at that time and covers an areaof more than 5000 square meters. Now Zhencheng building is standing in front ofus. You can see that Zhencheng building faces south from the north and is closeto mountains and rivers. It is completely in line with the geomantic omen theoryof "green dragon on the left, white tiger on the right, rosefinch in front andXuanwu behind". It is considered to be a place of wealth and auspiciousness. Itlooks like a fortress from a distance. With its left and right wing rooms, doesit look like an ancient official hat? The wing room on the right is the placefor teaching and educating people in the past, while the wing room on the leftis the workshop for "making tobacco knives" in the past. Tobacco knives are thetools for cutting tobacco, which can be described as two aspects of educationeconomy.

          Zhencheng building is composed of two ring buildings, the outer ring iscivil structure, the inner ring is brick and wood structure. Its outer wall is16 meters high and has four floors. The first floor is the kitchen and dininghall, the second floor is the warehouse, and the third and fourth floors are thebedrooms. OK, everyone, here comes my question. Who knows why there are nowindows on the first and second floors of Tulou? In fact, when the Hakkas firstmoved here, they often met with foreign invasion. As long as the gate and twoside gates were closed, it would be very difficult for the enemy to invade. Thisis the anti-theft and self-defense function of Tulou.

          The biggest design feature of Tulou is its shockproof function. In 20xx,our country was hit by the Wenchuan earthquake, and the shockproof function ofhouses has been paid more and more attention. However, the ancestors of Tulouhave considered this important function as early as a hundred years ago. Pleasesee that the wall of the outer ring building gradually inclines inward with theincrease of height, forming a large downward and small upward centripetal forceIn addition, bamboo and fir strips are put into the wall, which increases thepulling force of the wall, greatly improves the anti-seismic ability, and theanti-seismic effect is obvious.

          OK, now let's take a group photo for half an hour. In half an hour, we'llgather here. Xiao Li will show you around the earth building. Let's uncover themystery of the earth building.


          Yongding Tulou

          Today, our destination is Fujian Tulou (Yongding Xiayang) tourist scenicspot, passing through seven towns, including Hongfang Town, Gaopi Town, kanshiTown, Fushi Town, Chendong Township, Qiling Township and Xiayang Town, with atotal distance of about 80 km. Now I use Hakka dialect to say "welcome toYongding Hakka Earth Building".

          According to incomplete statistics, there are 23018 Tulou in YongdingCounty, including 362 round Tulou. Yongding Tulou was first built in the TangDynasty and has a history of more than 1200 years.

          It should be said that the round earth building in Yongding is the mostmagical and charming, because in ancient China, people believed that the sky wasround and the earth was square. The ancients worshiped the sky and the earthwith round and square. In particular, it is believed that "round" has infinitedivine power, which brings harmony to all things and the reunion of futuregenerations. The largest round earth building in Yongding has four floors andmore than 400 rooms. It can accommodate 60 or 70 families and about 500 or 600people. There are well, bathroom, toilet, mill, pigsty, garden, school and otherfacilities in yuantulou, with a construction area of more than 5000 squaremeters. It is no exaggeration to say that yuantulou is like a small city. It issaid that two new daughters-in-law in the same building met one day at theirmother's home, and they were red faced with the topic that "the building theylive in is the biggest earthen building". As a result, when they went hometogether, they found out that they live in the same earthen building. Accordingto some statistics, if you stay in a Tulou, it takes more than two months foryou to have a meal in each family; it takes more than a year for you to live ineach room for one night; it takes nearly two years to get to know a person inthe building every day. In the meantime, a new daughter-in-law is married and anew little life is born, so you will never know the whole building.

          If you encounter the invasion and attack of foreign forces, as long as youclose the door and keep the main entrance, the whole building will be safe andsound. Because the door of the earth building is made of 20-30 cm thickmiscellaneous wood which is not easy to catch fire. Some of the doors are nailedwith iron plates, and the floor door is equipped with a fireproof sink. Thereare no windows on the first and second floors of the outer circle of the tower,so the enemy can do nothing when they attack the building. Even after a year anda half of siege, the firewood and rice in the building are still exhausted, andlife is still normal. Experts concluded that the round earth building has sixfunctions

          1. They live together;

          2. Education and entertainment;

          3. Wind proof and earthquake resistant;

          4. Fire and damp proof;

          5. Security defense;

          6. It's warm in winter and cool in summer.

          Now, I am honored to tell you a piece of good news: Fujian Tulou has beenlisted in the world heritage list by the world cultural heritage center, whichmeans that Fujian Tulou will become the cultural heritage of the whole world andmankind.

          Fujian writer Xu Huaizhong said: "Yongding Tulou is a full stop, but itleads to countless question marks and exclamation marks.". "Yongding Tulou islike a huge mushroom coming out of the ground and a black flying saucer comingdown from the sky," said Kiichiro MaoMu, a professor at Tokyo University ofArts. "Yongding Earth Building is a bold and unique masterpiece of Hakka people.It twinkles with the wisdom of Hakka people and often makes me excited," saidClaude, an architect of Harvard University.


          Some people love the beautiful landscape of Guilin, some people love thebeautiful West Lake of Hangzhou, some people love the wonderful gardenarchitecture of Suzhou, and I love my beautiful and rich home, my dear motherYongding. Why? Because there are many places of interest in Yongding, especiallythe Hakka Earth Buildings in Yongding.

          The ancients said, "there is heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below.".However, I feel that Yongding is not inferior to "Suzhou and Hangzhou" becauseof its outstanding people. In Yongding County, Longyan County, West FujianProvince, there are groups of "monsters" with different shapes. When people lookdown from the plane, these strange buildings are like giant mushrooms emergingfrom the ground and flying saucers falling from the sky. This is the YongdingHakka Earth Building Group, which is praised by foreign experts as "the world'sfirst-class earth building" and "the world's unique mythical mountain building".Yongding County is listed in the world heritage: Chuxi Tulou group, hongkengTulou group, Gaobei Tulou group, Yanxiang building and Zhenfu building.

          There are nearly one thousand earth buildings in Yongding County. They areall over Gaobei, hongkeng, Xiayang and other towns. Known as the "hometown ofearth buildings", there are more than 920 earth buildings in total.

          The earth buildings of Yongding Hakka are built on the basis of mountains.They are well arranged and have peculiar shapes. The earth buildings of YongdingHakka shine with the wisdom of Hakka people. They have many functions such asearthquake prevention, fire prevention and defense. They have good ventilationand lighting, and are warm in winter and cool in summer. Its structure alsoreflects the Hakka tradition of unity and fraternity handed down from generationto generation. Imagine that hundreds of people live in the same big house dayand night. It's very important to live in harmony. The simple and honest natureof Hakka people can also be seen here. As soon as you enter the earth building,you can immediately feel the deep sense of history and the warm atmosphere.

          From the outside, the Tulou has different shapes, such as square,fan-shaped and square shaped. However, their internal structure is roughly thesame. Tulou is generally four storey, with an open patio in the middle. Thefirst floor is the kitchen, the second floor is the room for storing grain(granary), and the third floor is the bedroom.

          The earth building was built by the Hakka people. More than 1000 years ago,the ancestors of the Hakka people moved from the Yellow River basin to theremote mountainous areas in the south. In order to prevent the invasion of thewild animals and bandits, they built this castle style earth building which canbe concentrated and easy to defend.

          In recent years, tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign experts andtourists have come to visit Yongding Tulou. They all praise Hakka EarthBuildings as "the wonderful flower of ancient Chinese architecture" and "thetreasure of World Architecture". And I, at the same time, was deeply intoxicatedby the earth buildings in my hometown.

          Beautiful! Beautiful! Qili Tulou in Yongding, you are the symbol of thediligence and wisdom of our people in Yongding, and also the pride of Longyanpeople. We are very proud and honored to have you!

          Yes, yes, Longyan's scenic spots, wonderful mountains and beautiful waters,and many more. I hope you have the opportunity to come to the beautiful and richLongyan and taste those scenic spots carefully! However, in any case, the firststop to enjoy the scenery of Longyan is to visit the Hakka Tulou group inYongding!

          I love the mother who gave birth to me and raised me, but I love mybeautiful and rich home Longyan Yongding more!












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