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      2. 黃果樹瀑布的導(dǎo)游詞英語作文

        時(shí)間:2021-07-21 20:20:26 導(dǎo)游詞 我要投稿





        Dear tourist friends:

          Hello, I'm Xiao Yu, today's tour guide. Please callme Yu Dao. "In the hot summer, Guiyang is the best summer resort." How can wemiss Huangguoshu waterfall when we come to Guiyang? Today we will take a bus toHuangguoshu waterfall, which is 150 kilometers away from Guiyang.

          Huangguoshu waterfall, located on the Baishui River in Zhenning Buyi andMiao Autonomous County, Anshun City, Guizhou Province, is the largest waterfallin China. Xu Xiake, a famous Traveler of the Ming Dynasty, traveled all over theworld and found this treasure land: "when you dig out pearls and collapse jade,the droplets are surging back like smoke and mist, which is very powerful." Wecan see how magnificent Huangguoshu waterfall is.

          Ladies and gentlemen, please follow me when you get off. Now we can't seethe waterfall across the forest, but we have heard the sound of "Hua Hua". Doesit sound like thunder rolling? As we get closer, the sound of the waterfall isgetting louder and louder. Do you feel that the land under your feet is shakingslightly?

          This is the best place to see the panoramic view of Huangguoshu waterfall.You can see from the direction of sound, Huangguoshu waterfall is in front. Thewhole waterfall is 77.8 meters high and 101 meters wide. Look, the waterfallfalls down into the pool, hits the big rocks, splashes snow-white water, we canfeel the thin water mist floating in the air, everything around seems to becomefaint.

          Down the stone ladder, we came to the bottom of Huangguoshu waterfall.Looking up, Huangguoshu waterfall looks like a natural white curtain. Thefalling water quickly flows to the rhinoceros beach below. Look, there is arainbow on rhinoceros beach, which is enveloping the waterfall and giving it acolorful halo. The sunlight refracts on the rainbow again, making rhinocerosbeach colorful and dazzling.

          There is a hole behind the waterfall, which is the shooting site ofshuilian cave in the famous movie journey to the West. The cave is narrow andcan only accommodate one person. Be careful of the pillars on the ceiling. Don'tlet him kiss your head. There are six windows in the water curtain cave. Throughthese natural "skylights", you can see the waterfall from the inside, which isanother scene: the waterfalls are like water curtains, shielding the externalthings without leaving any gaps. Don't stick your head out of the hole. Becareful that the water above will make you cool.

          Huangguoshu waterfall is a masterpiece of nature. It is also the onlywaterfall in the world that can be viewed from up, down, front, back, left andright. "Xitan water waterfall hanging cliff Yang, snow high water hundredsearch." What's your impression of the beautiful Huangguoshu waterfall? Welcometo leave a message for Xiaoyu. Well, today's trip to Huangguoshu Falls is over.I wish you a happy journey!


          Hello, I'm director Yang. Today, I want to let you enjoy the beautifulscenery of Huangguoshu waterfall.

          Please follow me. The waterfall in front of us is Huangguoshu waterfall.Look, it's like a transparent silk. It's really "flying down 3000 feet. It'ssuspected that the Milky way is falling nine days"!

          Now, you can take a deep breath. It's called "natural oxygen bar", and youdon't have to spend money. Enjoy it, tourists.

          Please follow me to the waterfall. Look, Huangguoshu waterfall is 101meters wide and 77 meters high. 8 meters, the water of the waterfall firstenters rhinoceros pond, then successively passes through sandaotan, horseshoebeach, zhulongtan, youyujing, guodihan, Wantang and maoshuitang. It is said thatthe water curtain cave of Monkey King is inside.

          There is another legend about Huangguoshu waterfall: Once upon a time,there was an old couple who were all over 70 years old and had no children. Oneday, the old woman had a dream. An immortal said, "there is a yellow fruit treeoutside your door. As long as you keep the fruit on the highest branch for 100days, you can have children if you eat it.". After listening, grandma sat up andtold her grandfather. So they took turns guarding the trees. After 99 days,unexpectedly, the fruit fell to the ground, and the earth immediately split acrack. There was a stream of water flowing down the mountain, formingHuangguoshu waterfall.

          This is the end of my explanation. Thank you for your listening. You canvisit the rest of the time by yourself. Be careful not to damage publicproperty.


          Hello everyone! I'm wang Ruxin, today's tour guide. Next, I'll show youaround Huangguoshu waterfall. It's a place where even Xu Xiake, the "eternalwonder", is intoxicated. How charming is it? Are you excited? It's better tomove than to move. Let's go and visit it together!

          OK, everyone, please stop your noble feet. Listen carefully, do you hearits small call? I heard it. Let's go and have a look! We're at its door. It'svery loud. It's welcoming us!

          Looking through the gap, it's a wide waterfall. He is the famousHuangguoshu waterfall. Folded above, like a natural silk quilt, gently slidingdown from the hanger, very comfortable, seems to want to sleep, do you have abit of sleepiness? Ha ha! Don't fall asleep, there are more wonderful thingsbehind!

          When you come here, you will stop. Have you ever seen silver water dropssprinkle on the resplendent street like rain? Now, please close your eyes. WhenI say open your eyes, you will see this spectacle! Well, the time to witness thespectacle is coming. Please open your eyes. I'm sure that the sentence you wantto say most is "Wow ”As the saying goes, "this scene should only be seen in thesky. How many times can we hear it in the world"?

          OK, after we enjoy the wonderful scenery, we go on. The waterfall falls atthe bottom of the valley surrounded by mountains. Does it feel like rain? Onlyno one takes an umbrella. Next, let's wash our faces heartily and wash away allour recent troubles.

          Although Huangguoshu waterfall is not as long as Lushan waterfall, it iswider than Lushan waterfall, so do you think it looks like a burly general withawe inspiring and extraordinary momentum.

          I would like to ask if you like to listen to music here? If you like,please close your eyes and enjoy the wonderful natural music to experience thehighest realm. If you don't like it, please calm down and listen carefully. Ibelieve you will like music.

          Now let's go to see the statue of Xu Xiake, the "eternal wonder" I said. Doyou think he is in your body? After listening to the beautiful Huangguoshu'snatural song, have you just realized it? No, please listen carefully

          OK, today's one-day tour of Huangguoshu waterfall is over. I hope you canremember the beautiful scenery. Thank you!


          Hello, everyone! I'm your guide. You can call me Xiao Ye. Today we aregoing to visit the beautiful Huangguoshu scenic area. We should pay attention tobe a civilized tourist during the tour. OK, let's start our tour.

          Now we have entered the Huangguoshu scenic area. Listen carefully. Is therea "Hua Hua" sound coming from a distance? That's the sound of the waterfall. Weare going to the waterfall soon. Did you hear the sound of the waterfall so loudthat it almost covered our voice.

          Now we are in front of the waterfall. The waterfall has stirred up a lot ofwater. Like rain and fog, it soars up to several kilometers in the wind andfalls on the small town on the right side of the waterfall. In this way, it hasformed the famous spectacle of "silver rain sprinkling on Golden Street". Nowplease follow me down the Western stone steps. Now we have reached the bottom ofthe valley. You can see that we are very close to the waterfall. There is only asmall green pool in the middle. Do you feel that the water drops spilled fromthe bottom of the waterfall onto our faces are very cool and comfortable.

          OK, next, I'll give you one hour to visit Huangguoshu scenic area freely.When the time comes, we'll gather here and disband. Ah, time flies. Our tour isover. I'll say goodbye to you again. If we are lucky, I hope I can be your guidenext time.












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