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      2. 九華山導(dǎo)游詞英文

        時(shí)間:2021-07-21 13:21:09 導(dǎo)游詞 我要投稿





          Welcome to Jiuhua Mountain. I'm Xiaoyu, the tour guide. I'm very glad that we are here. I hope we can have a perfect tour together. There are 99 peaks in Jiuhua Mountain, which is the holy land of Buddhism. Therefore, in order to ensure safety, people will come to Jiuhua Mountain to worship Buddha and visit the magnificent scenery of Jiuhua Mountain.

          From the foot of Jiuhua Mountain, you can see that there are clouds and all kinds of strange pines and rocks. Isn't it beautiful. Now we go to the top of the mountain by car. There are two tall ginkgo trees on the top of the mountain. One is a male tree and the other is a mother tree. It is said that these two ancient trees were planted by Li Bai, the "immortal poet". Now we are going to Daxiong hall, the oldest palace in Jiuhua Mountain. There is a semicircular releasing pool in front of the door of Daxiong hall. Why? Because the front door of the palace is facing a mountain peak like a climbing tiger. A feng shui master said that this is a bad omen, so he asked the little monks to build a pond in front of the palace A semicircular releasing pool is used as a bow, and the stone elephant beside it is used as a bow and arrow to guard the palace. You can worship in the hall. The Bodhisattva in the hall is kind-hearted and looks like the real one.

          Now we come to the most famous scenic spot of Jiuhua Mountain - Tiantai. Standing on the rooftop, looking up, the rooftop is shrouded in clouds, the mountain path is rolling, like a ribbon falling from the clouds. You can see the tourists up the mountain like little white dots scattered on the ribbon.

          Well, now we are ready to go down the mountain. We can come back when we have a chance. If we have a chance, Xiaoyu will be our guide again.


          The tourists who are sleeping can wake up. I understand that we are all tired. After several hours of long-distance bumps, now we finally arrive at our destination today - Jiuhua Mountain. Let's get out of the car and start our journey to Jiuhua Mountain. Let's follow me and don't fall behind. At this moment, we are going up the winding mountain road and the mountain steps to reach Fenghuang pine, the oldest ancient pine in the world. You can have a look at it, it's like a flying phoenix, it seems to welcome us. Along the way of phase II, I believe that when you hear the chirping of birds and the gurgling of mountain springs, together with the laughter of our tourist friends, you will not really answer the old saying "there is no one in an empty mountain, but you can hear people's voices".

          Now we are halfway up the mountain. In front of us is Guanyin peak. You can see that the stone is very lifelike, wearing a big red robe. When the mountain wind blows, the red robe flutters slightly, just like the arrival of Guanyin. Further up, you can see the broad ancient Sutra worship platform. You can see the footprints left on the granite by the Bodhisattva of Tibetans during his meditation. It is 2 times larger than the footprints of normal people. 9 times! Friends who are interested can take off their shoes and stand in the footprints of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet to see if our feet are only one third of that!

          Well, now we finally arrive at the terminal, Tiantai temple. Tiantai temple, also known as dizang temple, is located at the top of Tiantai peak at an altitude of 1306 meters. It is said that there are traces of "Jinxian cave" left in the holy residence of senior monks in the Tang Dynasty. Standing at the top of the peak, I just feel that the depression in my heart suddenly disappeared, and I feel very comfortable. Although Jiuhua Mountain is not as grand as Mount Tai or as dangerous as Mount Huangshan, it is famous both at home and abroad for its beauty!


          Hello everyone! The journey is hard. First of all, welcome to Jiuhua Mountain, Lingshan Buddha land. My name is wan. I'm a tour guide of Taibai travel agency of Jiuhua Mountain. On behalf of our travel agency, myself and the driver, please allow me to extend my sincere greetings to you. May the Tibetan king Bodhisattva of Jiuhua Mountain bless your family and everything goes well!

          Now we come to the body palace of Jiuhua Mountain. When we talk about the body palace of Jiuhua Mountain, we have to mention one person. His name is Jin qiaojue. He is a foreigner. He comes from ancient Silla, which is the southeast of the Korean Peninsula today. According to historical records, Jin qiaojue was a prince of Silla. At the age of 24, he cut his hair to become a monk and sailed from Silla to China. He traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers in China, and finally settled down in Jiuhua Mountain to practice. And in accordance with the vow of Bodhisattva dizang: "hell is not empty, vow not to become a Buddha.". During his practice in Jiuhua Mountain, Jin qiaojue subdued the beasts and collected herbs. While he was treating the people on the mountain, he preached sutras and widely practiced Buddhism, which was deeply loved by the people. Jin qiaojue gradually became famous and received many disciples. Even local officials went up to the mountain to listen to Buddhism and recite his deeds to the imperial court. As a result, more and more people follow Jin qiaojue. Because of the high mountains, dense forests and little land, the monks could not support themselves with food, so they had to eat guanyintu. Because of long-term malnutrition, people at that time called Jin qiaojue "haggard monk" and his disciples "haggard people". However, the more difficult it was, the more firm Jin qiaojue's faith was and the more respected he was. Even the monks of Silla came to follow him one after another. After ninety-nine years old as like as two peas, Jin Qiaojue died, and the body had not rotted for three years. His face was just like before his death. These supernatural phenomena are similar to those of the Tibetan king Bodhisattva recorded in the Buddhist scriptures. It happened that jinqiaojue was named jindizang, so Buddhism confirmed him as the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva king of dizang. People built pagodas and tombs to worship him. Since then, Jiuhua Mountain has become a well-known Taoist Center for the king of Tibetans.

          Now I'd like to explain to you the meaning of the "body" offered by the "body Palace". Flesh body, originally meant to be the flesh and blood of parents. The so-called "body" of Buddhism refers to the body of the eminent monk after his death. Although his body has gone through a long period of time, it has not been rotten and festering, and adheres to its original shape and is lifelike. Only monks and nuns who have reached a very high level of practice can form the body. The body is different from the "Mummy" in Egypt. In ancient Egypt, the funeral ceremony was very simple, just digging a shallow pit in the desert to bury. Due to the dry desert climate, the body quickly dehydrated when it came into contact with hot sand, and the bacteria were killed, forming a mummy by natural action. After the mummy is in the human death, the viscera, brain and other tissues will be removed, and then the body with drug treatment and preservation. Mummies have also been unearthed in Xinjiang, China. Jiuhua Mountain is located on the South Bank of the Yangtze River. It is humid all the year round, and the climate is humid. There is no natural condition to produce mummies, and the body has not been treated with any medicine. So far, this peculiar physical phenomenon has not been scientifically explained.

          There are many precious cultural relics in the body hall and its cultural relics exhibition room. Some of them are gifts for the royal family. It is very rare and can be called a treasure house of Buddhist cultural relics. Every year, on the birthday of the king of Tibetans on July 30 of the lunar calendar, it is a traditional temple fair in Jiuhua Mountain. Monks, nuns and pilgrims from all over the country hold Buddhist activities there and gather around the body pagoda to watch the night for the king of Tibetans. Nearby urban and rural residents also go to the mountain for folk cultural entertainment activities. Thousands of tourists and pilgrims, chanting Buddha's name day and night, surrounded by cigarettes and drumming, present a grand ceremony.


          Welcome to Jiuhua Mountain. I'm Niu Niu, today's tour guide. Li Bai, an ancient poet, once said, "once upon a time, on the Jiujiang River, you could see Jiuhua peak from afar. The river is covered with green water, showing nine hibiscus. " It's a famous poem. Today, I'd like to lead you to have a good experience of the unique beauty of Jiuhua Mountain

          Two days ago, a heavy rain just passed, arousing the clouds and fog of Jiuhua Mountain. So, we can walk up the mountain path through the clouds and fog. You can see the forest of fir and bamboo on both sides of the mountain road, and the spring is gurgling. From a distance, Tiantai peak is like a silver sword standing in the clouds. Looking up at the rooftop, the peak is shrouded in clouds, and the mountain path is winding, like a ribbon falling from the clouds.

          We are still halfway up the mountain. It seems that many tourists are very tired. Let's stop and have a rest. If you can take photos, it's also very beautiful. Is there a place where the holy mountain lives? If we have enough rest, we will continue, because the panoramic inspiration of Jiuhua Mountain is more beautiful, but if you want to see the panoramic view of Jiuhua Mountain, you must climb the mountain, So in order to make the trip worthwhile, let's go together and refuel together.

          After a lot of hard work, we finally reached the top of the mountain. Take a deep breath. Do you think the air is very fresh? And you can listen to the pines and springs there and look around. But you can see the boundless sky. The peaks of Jiuhua Mountain are like lotus flowers looming in the sea of clouds. It's beautiful to see the distant view and the great river!

          Standing there, you still feel like an immortal. It's rare to have such fresh air. You have to take a few deep breaths. Let's enjoy the beauty of Jiuhua Mountain now.


          Hello, tourists! My name is Wang Xiangyu. I'm your tour guide. Just call me Xiao Wang. Welcome to Jiuhua Mountain. Let's first introduce the general situation of Jiuhua Mountain. Jiuhua Mountain is located in Chizhou City, Anhui Province. It is the main scenic spot of the "two mountains and one lake" golden tourist area in Anhui Province. It has beautiful scenery and numerous ancient temples. It is also known as the four famous Buddhist mountains in China with Mount Emei in Sichuan, Mount Wutai in Shanxi and Mount Putuo in Zhejiang.

          Jiuhua Mountain was not originally called Jiuhua Mountain, but Jiuzi mountain in the Tang Dynasty. Because of its beautiful peaks, there are nine peaks above the clouds, so there are nine Jiuzi mountains. During the reign of Tang Tianbao, Li Bai, an immortal poet, had been there twice

          Next, we first enter the Jiuhua Street scenic spot, and the first thing we see is a stone gate square. It is carved out of marble, 9 meters high, and is an imitation of the Hui style architecture of the Qing Dynasty. The banner is engraved with the four characters "Jiuhua Shengjing" written by Emperor Kangxi. There are stone lions carved under the two pillars of the middle gate. The gate is dignified and elegant. After passing the gate, you can see Yingxian bridge. This bridge was built during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. It is a single hole stone arch bridge. Please follow me to this ancient bridge and step into the fairyland!

          Well, after visiting Zhiyuan temple, we are now at the center of Jiuhua street. What you can see is Huacheng temple, the kaishanzu Temple of Jiuhua Mountain. Under the stone steps of Huacheng temple, there are a pair of stone lions in Song Dynasty, one female and one male, which are ancient and clumsy. Huacheng Temple gradually rises according to the terrain, with rigorous structure, simple and elegant, basically preserving the original style of kaishanzu temple.

          Well, our tour of Jiuhua Mountain has come to an end. Thank you for your support and cooperation in Xiao Wang's work. I hope we will continue to serve you in the future. Have a good trip! Thank you!












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