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      2. 承德避暑山莊導游詞英語

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          承德避暑山莊導游詞英語 1

          Hello, tourist friends, Im your tour guide. My name is Lin, shuangmulin. You can call me Xiao Lin or director Lin. I hope I can have a happy day with you.

          Chengde summer resort is located in the north of Chengde city. It is the largest existing classical Royal Garden in China and a symbol of the flourishing age of the Qing Dynasty. During the construction of this villa, the style of Chinese north and south gardens was integrated to make the summer resort a summary of Chinese classical garden art.

          We are now in Dehui gate of Chengde summer resort. Along this road, we will arrive at the famous Shuixin Pavilion. Shuixin Pavilion is a three Ying double eaves pavilion with stone bridge on the lake as the bottom. The three pavilions are two small and one large. Walking up the stone bridge, you can see beautiful murals on the wooden frame at the top of the three pavilions. You can also see Luohan mountain and sengguan peak in the distance. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi, parties were often held here on the 15th day of July. There were some pavilions and pavilions nearby. You can enjoy them freely.

          Next, we go north to the island called "Moonlight River sound", which is an oval island. The architectural layout of the island adopts the northern courtyard style, and the halls are connected by corridors. It seems that the pillars outside the gate and hall are inclined, but actually they are firm. This is one of the three unique features of the villa architecture. It is said that this design was inspired by Kangxi, implying that "the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked" to warn the officials. You can go to the island to play, take photos and pay attention to safety. We will gather here in 40 minutes.

          Well, all the friends are here. Lets continue to play. Now the scenic spot we are going to is Lengxiang Pavilion. Some poets use "Pavilion pillow lotus pond to play with water fragrance. Its very cool with flowers." To describe lengxiangting. Sitting in the pavilion, you can enjoy the fragrance of lotus and the water color.

          Because time is limited, todays visit has come to an end. I hope you will have a chance to come to Chengde. Ill accompany you to enjoy it. See you next time!

          承德避暑山莊導游詞英語 2

          Hello, Im Pang ziyue, the gold medal tour guide of sunshine travel agency. Today, let me introduce Chengdes summer resort to you. Please follow me to enter the villa. You must keep up with me, or you will be sorry if you dont hear my explanation.

          Chengde summer resort is a world cultural heritage, a national key cultural relic protection unit, and one of the four famous gardens in China. It was a place for the emperors of Qing Dynasty to spend summer and deal with government affairs. The summer resort was built in 1703. It took 89 years to complete after the reign of Emperor Kangxi, Emperor Yongzheng and Emperor Qianlong. The summer resort is mainly divided into palace area and garden area. Now lets focus on the palace area.

          The palace area is located on the South Bank of the lake, covering an area of 100000 square meters. The terrain is flat. It is the place where the emperor deals with government affairs, holds celebrations and lives. It is rich in scenery, surrounded by mountains, green grass and flowers. Compared with other gardens, it has its unique style. The architecture of the palace is very imposing.

          After visiting the palace area, the scenic spot on our right is the garden scenic spot, which can be divided into three parts: Lake area, plain area and mountain area. There are several big temples, eight lakes and eight small islands in the villa. This garden is also my favorite scenic spot. With mountains and water, the scenery is very beautiful. It is suitable for the elderly and children to play slowly in the scenic area.

          After listening to my explanation, you must feel how smart and hardworking the working people of our country were at that time. You must also have your favorite scenic spots. Next, you can move freely and play more in your favorite scenic spots. My explanation ends here. I hope that through my explanation, you will have a new understanding and insight of Chengde summer resort. Thank you!

          承德避暑山莊導游詞英語 3

          Good morning, beautiful ladies, handsome gentlemen and lovely children. Welcome to the summer resort in Moli. Im the guide of Fengcai travel agency, Xiao Mingyu. You can call me Xiaoyu. I am honored to be able to enjoy this beautiful scenic spot with you. Next, I will lead you to enjoy this beautiful royal garden.

          Did you know that Chengde summer resort is the imperial palace of ancient China, located in Chengde City, Hebei Province. In December 1994, it was listed in the world cultural heritage list. There are Rehe spring, plain area and other beautiful scenic spots. But I want to remind you not to litter.

          Attention, we are going to see the lake area. This is the beautiful lake area, with a total area of 496000 square meters and eight different lakes. That is, West Lake, Chenghu, Ruyi swimming, Shanghu, etc. There is an island in the lake called "Moonlight River sound". Every night when the moon goes to Dongshan, the bright moonlight shines on the lake, which is very beautiful. There are so many lakes and so beautiful islands that you might as well enjoy their beauty by yourself. But beauty is beauty. We must pay attention to safety and gather on time!

          After 30 minutes, everyone pay attention to the assembly.

          Next, we are going to another scenic spot, which is very famous! This is the largest palace of Chengde Summer Resort - Wanhe SONGFENG hall. Emperor Kangxi met officials here, read memorials, read and write. Emperor Kangxi once bestowed "Wanhe SONGFENG" lying on the side of the summer resort to Emperor Qianlong, the fourth son of the emperor and the fourth son of Prince shuoyong, Hongli. Later Hongli succeeded to the throne and nominated this hall as jien hall.

          Dear friends, this tour is over. Thank you for your cooperation and support. I wish you all the best in your work. Welcome to come again next time.

          承德避暑山莊導游詞英語 4

          Hello! Im your little guide: Li Xinyu. Welcome to Chengde summer resort. Located in the north of Chengde City, the summer resort is the largest classical Royal Garden in China.

          The summer resort is a symbol of the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong in Qing Dynasty. As the founders of the villa, Kangxi and Qianlong visited the south of the Yangtze River for six times, traversing the beauty of the scenery in the world. In the construction of the summer resort, the advantages of many families were learned, and the style of Chinese north and south gardens was integrated, so that the summer resort became the summary and sublimation of Chinese classical garden art. Chinese garden experts say that the whole summer resort is the epitome of the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland. Why do experts say that? I think ladies and gentlemen will answer this question after visiting the summer resort. However, I would like to remind you that the reason is related to the topography of the summer resort. Ladies and gentlemen, the summer resort is here. Please get out of the car. Now Ill show you her style.

          The antique door in front of us is the main door of the summer resort, which is called the Li main door. It is the entrance of the Qing emperor. Today, I invite you to be the "emperor" and experience the emperors life.

          People who come to Chengde usually go to the mountain to touch Bangchui mountain, because there is a popular saying in Chengde: "if you touch Bangchui mountain, you can live one hundred and three years." If you are interested, you may as well go up the mountain and have a look.

          This is the Chengde summer resort Ill show you.

          承德避暑山莊導游詞英語 5

          Hello everyone, my name is Ying Langlang. You can call me Ying guide. Im very glad to take you to Chengde summer resort. Lets know its history first. Chengde summer resort is an ancient imperial palace in China and one of the world cultural heritages. Together with the summer palace, Humble Administrators garden and Liuyuan garden, it is known as Chinas four famous gardens. Now please join me to appreciate its charm.

          Please go around the corridor and have a look! Now in front of you is the Sizhi bookstore, which sounds like the Sanwei bookstore in Shaoxing. Emperor Qianlong liked the four knowledge library very much. Before and after he went to court, he changed clothes here, and sometimes called in princes, ministers and minority leaders here. And long live photo room and accessory room are also full of rare treasures, you see, will feast your eyes.

          Now, we are going to cross the Wanhe SONGFENG bridge to Ruyi island. Please take care of your children and pay attention to safety. You can see that is Ruyi island. There are many buildings on the island, but the area is not large. The palace, water Pavilion, clear spring, pavilion and corridor are cleverly organized together and become a landscape painting. Do you feel the breeze blowing from the lake?

          There are many scenery in Chengde summer resort, now please visit freely, wish you a happy journey!

          承德避暑山莊導游詞英語 6

          Hello everyone!

          I am your tour guide Xiaoyu. Now our place is Chengde Mountain Resort. Let me show you around.

          Chengde Mountain Resort is an ancient imperial palace in China, where emperors in the Qing Dynasty spent their summers and handled government affairs. Also known as "Chengde Palace" or "Rehe Palace".

          Many palaces and intricate large garden scenic spots have been built in the villa. Our current location is a set of eight courtyard buildings built by Emperor Qianlong in 1749. Named Songhe Zhai, it was used for the residence of the Empress Dowager. That year, inside Songhe Zhai, "green pine trees were commonly seen outside, and white cranes danced in front of the courtyard. There are deer training leisurely in the courtyard. After the Shoucheng Hall, there are fifteen photo rooms, three gate halls, and seven main halls, named Le Shou Hall. Later renamed Yue Xingju, it is the sleeping palace of the Empress Dowager. The Shoucheng Hall, fifteen photo rooms, and the gate hall building no longer exist. Le Shou Tang only has its foundation site left, which was rebuilt in 1998.

          We are now at the location of the East Palace. The main buildings on the central axis here originally included seven gate halls, eleven king halls, Qingyin Pavilion, Fushou Pavilion, Qinzheng Hall, and Juana Shengjing Hall. In 1945, the Japanese army invaded Chengde and burned down the East Palace to celebrate their victory. So now all we see is the base address. The original Qingxiang Pavilion is also commonly known as the Grand Theater. Similar to the existing Changyin Pavilion in the Forbidden City and the Deheyuan Grand Theater in the Summer Palace. The pavilion has three floors and a magnificent appearance.

          Now we come to this stone bridge. This stone bridge is located in the center of the river. There are many beautiful weeping willows on both sides of the river. In the center of the bridge, we can see a green object, which is lotus and lotus leaves. This bridge is estimated to have a history of thousands of years, and it is still like this, unchanged, which shows that the architecture of ancient people is very great. You can take photos on the bridge, but you are not allowed to write, draw, or throw garbage into the river.

          Dear tourists, the tour of Chengde Mountain Resort has come to an end. Thank you for your cooperation. We welcome you to come back next time. Goodbye!

          承德避暑山莊導游詞英語 7

          Hello everyone! I am Xiao Zhang, the tour guide of the Summer Resort. Today, I will lead everyone to visit the Summer Resort.

          The Summer Resort is a world-renowned summer resort and the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty. This is not far from Beijing, only 230 kilometers away. In the hot summer, the emperor comes here to escape the heat. It consists of a palace, royal gardens, and a magnificent temple complex, with 72 scenic spots and over 100 buildings including halls, halls, buildings, pavilions, pavilions, pavilions, pavilions, pavilions, halls, study halls, and temples. Its biggest feature is that there are gardens in the mountains, and there are mountains in the gardens. It is listed on the World Heritage List.

          Entering through Dehui Gate, rows and columns of temples and halls are displayed before my eyes. Entering the main hall, there are magnificent pillars inlaid with gold, gilded incense burners, and cigarettes swirling around. Stepping out of the main hall, one is greeted by a sea of green water, almost like the ocean, with no end in sight. The water surface of Jinghu Lake is clean, clear to the bottom, like a mirror, hence its name. The water surface of Shanghu Lake is vast, with no wind and three feet of waves. The big waves rush up to the shore, making people tremble with fear... The mountains here are not high, but they are very beautiful; The water is not deep, but very clear. Walking along the winding path, the further west the visitors become rarer, but the number of temples has not decreased at all, and the scenery is still beautiful. At the scenic spot of Chui Feng Luo Zhao, one can clearly see Bangchui Mountain. It is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, just like a hammer. It may have been eroded by wind and rain all year round to form this big stone like this! At the Wanglu Pavilion, cute little deer leisurely stroll in the garden and look at you with curious eyes... At the Summer Resort, the mountains and waters are beautiful, and the trees are shaded. Walking in is like entering a natural oxygen bar.

          There are also the Eight Outer Temples around the Summer Resort, which were built to allow leaders of various ethnic groups to visit and buy peoples hearts here, hoping that they will never rebel. The Outer Eight Temples are a symbol of ethnic unity.

          If you want to enjoy more beautiful scenery, please personally accompany me on the trip!

          承德避暑山莊導游詞英語 8

          Hello everyone! My name is Tan Kexin. Just call me Director Tan. Today, my destination is Chengde Mountain Resort.

          Chengde Mountain Resort is the place where Emperor Qianlong visited. It is also the imperial palace in ancient China and the place where emperors in the Qing Dynasty spent their summers and dealt with government affairs. Located in the northern part of Chengde City, Hebei Province. Founded in 1702, it went through the reigns of Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty and took 89 years to complete. Along with the national key cultural relics protection units of the Summer Palace, Humble Administrators Garden, and Lingering Garden, it is known as one of the four famous gardens in China. In December 1994, the Summer Resort and surrounding temples were listed on the World Cultural Heritage List. On May 8, 2007, Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples were officially approved by the National Tourism Administration as national five a tourist attractions.

          Its biggest feature is that there is a garden in the mountains, and there are mountains in the garden. The mountainous area accounts for four fifths of the entire garden area. From the peaks in the northwest to the lakes, swamps, and plains in the southeast, with a relative difference of 180 meters, a landscape is formed with peaks surrounding and colorful valleys crisscrossing. Clear springs flow in the valleys, and dense forests are deep. In the past, multiple gardens and temples were built using terrain such as mountain peaks, cliffs, foothills, and ravines. The most striking of these were pavilions on two opposing mountain peaks, one called "Nanshan Snow" and the other called "Four Faced Cloud Mountain". From the pavilion, one can overlook the various scenic spots of the villa, several large temples outside the villa, as well as the city of Chengde and the strange peaks and rocks on the surrounding mountains. On another mountain peak, there is a pavilion called "Hammer Peak Falling Light". Here, Qingchui Peak first catches the eye. Whenever the sunset shines westward, Qingchui Peak is illuminated by the red glow, making it golden and blue, hence the name "Hammer Peak Falling Light".

          Now, we can see the statue temple. The statue temple is located in the north of the summer resort, east of the temple of Putuo Zongsheng. It was built in the 39th year of Qianlongs reign. The lamas in the statue temple imitating Mount Wutai in Shanxi are all the Manchus of Emperor Qianlong, and the main god of support is Manjusri Bodhisattva. At that time, people believed that Emperor Qianlong was the reincarnation of Manjusri Bodhisattva, so the temple was also called "Qianlong Family Temple".

          Now, I wish everyone a happy visit to this scenic spot. Please do not litter and respect the fruits of ancient peoples labor. Wishing everyone a pleasant trip.

          承德避暑山莊導游詞英語 9

          Welcome to Chengde, friends from all over the world! I am the tour guide for this station. Please call me Xiao Feng. Now, we are in the car to Chengde Mountain Resort. Before it arrives, Xiaofeng, let me introduce you to the beautiful scenery.

          Everyone seems to know when it was built! Let me tell you something: Chengde Mountain Resort was built in 1720, the 42nd year of Kangxi. After enduring the reigns of Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong for 89 years, it was finally completed in 1792, the 57th year of Qianlongs reign. You may wonder: why build it? Oh, thats because in 1681, in order to strengthen the management of Mongolia, the Qing government asked the emperor to lead tens of thousands of people to train the army on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia every autumn. In order to ensure the emperors diet and sleep, Chengde Mountain Resort was built. Travelers and friends, lets enjoy the beautiful scenery together now.

          Now, we meet us in the beautiful lake area at the gate of Chengde Mountain Resort. Although the lake area is not as large as Beijings Summer Palace or Kunming Lake, it is still 49.6 square meters! Guess how many lakes there are in the lake area. Not five, its six! They are West Lake, Hu Cheng Lake, Ruyi River, Shanghu Lake, Hu Xia Lake, Yin Su Lake, Jing Lake, and Half Moon Lake, collectively known as Hu Sai Lake. Look, are there six places? Perhaps observant friends will notice that there are many buildings in the center of the lake, all of which are landscape architecture. Yanyu Tower is on the lake, and the tower on Half Moon Lake is Jinshan. There are many buildings for you to see! Dont forget to take a photo!

          Alright, everyone has fun in the lake area. We are now heading north to another scenic spot: the plain. Look, my friends, the grassland and trees in front of us are symbols of the plain. The plain area covers 60.7 square meters, mainly consisting of flowers, plants, and trees. Do you know what bare face means? Yes, everyone is very smart. It is used for training and horse racing. The largest yurt in the forest was used as a temporary palace, specifically for the emperor to summon guests. Everyone should know that the emperors of the Qing Dynasty were all Mongolians! Come on, you can go horseback riding now, or you can visit the yurts, but dont treat them like toilets everywhere! (Urinating anywhere)

          Everyone has been exercising for a while. Do you feel good? Lets continue on to the magnificent temple. Can you guess where we are? No, no, no, our current location is in a mountainous area of 445000 square meters! At that time, the working people built one magnificent temple after another, with the characteristics of mountains, cliffs, and foothills: there were a total of 12 temples of different sizes, including Beiren Temple, Boshan Temple, and Pule Temple, each with a garden in front of it. pretty

          We are now passing through the mountains, and the last attraction is the palace. You may be a little surprised: arent there palaces on the plain? Why is there a palace here? Let me tell you, the palaces on the plain are used to summon guests, while the palaces here are for the emperor to handle political affairs and for the empress to reside. Although the palace is quaint and elegant, it still retains the majesty of the imperial palace. In the palace, many ancient items such as daily necessities and ancient books used by the ancients were discovered. Everyone can go in and visit, but its better to just keep your eyes still and not roast about destroying the museum.

          At this time, our trip to Chengde Mountain Resort. Thats how it ended. Do you find it funny? Is it interesting? Do you have any objections to me? Thank you all for your trust and support. I will give you more surprises next time!

          承德避暑山莊導游詞英語 10

          Hello, I am your tour guide. You can call me Director Lin.

          Look, this is Chengde Mountain Resort. Have you ever seen the four sparkling words on the house number? Alright, lets go in and take a look now!

          Dear tourists, Chengde Mountain Resort was built in 1720 and lasted 89 years after Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty. It was the place where the Qing emperors spent their summer vacations and handled political affairs, and was a famous ancient palace in China. It was not until December 1994 that Chengde Mountain Resort was included in the World Cultural Heritage List. On May 8th, 20xx, it and its surrounding attractions were officially approved by the National Tourism Administration as national 5A level tourist attractions.

          Chengde Mountain Resort is divided into palace area, lake area, plain area and mountain area.

          The palace area is mainly composed of four groups of buildings: Gongzheng, Songhezhai, Wanhe Songfeng, and Donggong. It is the place where the emperor handles government affairs, holds celebrations, and lives.

          There are 8 small islands in the lake area, which divide the lake into different regions with distinct layers, scattered islands, and rippling blue waves. Everyone looked at the jade plate on the green lake, like lotus leaves holding up one lotus flower after another. Do lotus flowers, as white as snow and as pink as rosy clouds, look like slender girls?

          Everyone, we have now arrived at the plain area of the Summer Resort. Look, there is green grass and a Mongolian grassland here; Look at this ancient tree, it has a vast forest in the Greater Khingan Range.

          This is a mountainous area with undulating mountains and crisscrossing ravines, adorned with countless buildings, halls, pavilions, towers, and temples. It feels like one side of the ridge is a mountain peak.

          Time flies. When its time to say goodbye, I hope everyone can understand Chengde Mountain Resort from my explanation. look forward to seeing you next time.












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